If Trump fired the special prosecutor, how would Trumpsters react?

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Clearly, there's still the possibility there was collusion otherwise they would have wrapped up the investigation. Instead, they're expanding it.

THAT IS WHAT I AM SAYING -- The only one who can 'wrap up' the investigation is the US Attorney General.

The FBI works for the US AG, not the other way around.

Based on the FACT that the former director of the FBI testified under oath before Congress TWICE and stated:

- The incidental collections of communications found, which 'concerned' CIA Chief Brennan, were deemed to be LEGAL and to have NO INTEL VALUE (NO CRIME FOUND - NEVER WAS)


- Trump never obstruction of Justice.

- Trump was NEVER under investigation

...again, based on these points, the US AG should immediately shut down Mueller because there is no longer anything for him to investigate.

Considering Mueller and Comey are as thick as thieves with a history and Mueller bringing in DONORS on top of all of that, to prevent this politically growing circus from growing, the US AG should shut it down.

Jeff Sessions, US Attorney General, was caught lying to Congress about his own contacts with Russians and has since RECUSED HIMSELF FROM ALL ELECTION RELATED INVESTIGATIONS.

Him firing Special Council would be a direct breach of the recuse.

Deputy AG Rosenstein would have to do it.

The guy who appointed Mueller and allegedly threatened to quit if administration doesn't stop lying about his role in the firing of Comey?

Don't think that will happen.
Jeff Sessions, US Attorney General, was caught lying to Congress about his own contacts with Russians and has since RECUSED HIMSELF FROM ALL ELECTION RELATED INVESTIGATIONS.

Him firing Special Council would be a direct breach of the recuse.
1. Your comment about Sessions lying is your opinion and the opinion of your fellow snowflakes.

Sessions interpreted the question posed to him - 'have you met with Russians' - as a question in regards being a member of the Trump team, not as a member of Congress. The answer to THAT question was 'NO' which is how he responded.

As a Senator, OF COURSE he had met with Russians...and other foreign nationals. It's part of his job. At least 12 other Senators and politicians on both sides of the aisle had met with Russians. Hell, Pelosi, Schumer, and Reid all bragged about doing so and took photos together with Russians. Pelosi bragged about how she and a Russian diplomat 'exchanged gifts' while NOT in a government capacity.

2. The US AG firing Mueller when no further need for him exists is not a breech of anything...it would just piss off the desperate snowflakes.
Jeff Sessions, US Attorney General, was caught lying to Congress about his own contacts with Russians and has since RECUSED HIMSELF FROM ALL ELECTION RELATED INVESTIGATIONS.

Him firing Special Council would be a direct breach of the recuse.
1. Your comment about Sessions lying is your opinion and the opinion of your fellow snowflakes.

Sessions interpreted the question posed to him - 'have you met with Russians' - as a question in regards being a member of the Trump team, not as a member of Congress. The answer to THAT question was 'NO' which is how he responded.

As a Senator, OF COURSE he had met with Russians...and other foreign nationals. It's part of his job. At least 12 other Senators and politicians on both sides of the aisle had met with Russians. Hell, Pelosi, Schumer, and Reid all bragged about doing so and took photos together with Russians. Pelosi bragged about how she and a Russian diplomat 'exchanged gifts' while NOT in a government capacity.

2. The US AG firing Mueller when no further need for him exists is not a breech of anything...it would just piss off the desperate snowflakes.

Dumbass, you are having trouble dealing with basic facts.

Sessions recused himself from these investigations. PERIOD. Whatever the fuck you want to keep making up, that actually happened, on his own volition.

Sessions would directly breach the recuse if he fires the head investigator. For him to pronouce "no further need" a determination on his part is required ABOUT the investigation he recused himself from.
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It took 2 YEARS of Watergate investigations to get to the truth.
In regards to Watergate, there was a crime, & there was evidence of criminal activity.

There are none of these in this case, no matter how desperate snowflakes want to turn this into 'Watergate 2'.
Clearly, there's still the possibility there was collusion otherwise they would have wrapped up the investigation. Instead, they're expanding it.

THAT IS WHAT I AM SAYING -- The only one who can 'wrap up' the investigation is the US Attorney General.

The FBI works for the US AG, not the other way around.

Based on the FACT that the former director of the FBI testified under oath before Congress TWICE and stated:

- The incidental collections of communications found, which 'concerned' CIA Chief Brennan, were deemed to be LEGAL and to have NO INTEL VALUE (NO CRIME FOUND - NEVER WAS)


- Trump never obstruction of Justice.

- Trump was NEVER under investigation

...again, based on these points, the US AG should immediately shut down Mueller because there is no longer anything for him to investigate.

Considering Mueller and Comey are as thick as thieves with a history and Mueller bringing in DONORS on top of all of that, to prevent this politically growing circus from growing, the US AG should shut it down.

Jeff Sessions, US Attorney General, was caught lying to Congress about his own contacts with Russians and has since RECUSED HIMSELF FROM ALL ELECTION RELATED INVESTIGATIONS.

Him firing Special Council would be a direct breach of the recuse.

Deputy AG Rosenstein would have to do it.

The guy who appointed Mueller and allegedly threatened to quit if administration doesn't stop lying about his role in the firing of Comey?

Don't think that will happen.

Probably not, but he's the guy who'd have to.
Jeff Sessions, US Attorney General, was caught lying to Congress about his own contacts with Russians and has since RECUSED HIMSELF FROM ALL ELECTION RELATED INVESTIGATIONS.

Him firing Special Council would be a direct breach of the recuse.

Deputy AG Rosenstein would have to do it.

Talk about Saturday night massacre. They'll have to get Robert Bork to fire him.
I'm not a trumpster but I wouldn't give a fuck. It's all political theater that's likely to cost millions of our tax dollars and produce nothing
You claim to not be a Trumpster, but you still whine about anything negative thing a liberal on this board says about Trump.
It's not about Trump. It's about the preposterous bullshit you morons say.
Sessions secured himself from this investigation.
Sessions would directly breach the recuse if he fires the head investigator.

No problem - his deputy could shut it down. President Trump himself could even shut it down - with all the justification in the world to do so right now....but that would just set the snowflakes' panties on fire. :p
Sessions interpreted the question posed to him - 'have you met with Russians' - as a question in regards being a member of the Trump team, not as a member of Congress. The answer to THAT question was 'NO' which is how he responded..

No matter how he interpreted the question. His answer was absolute

"I haven't, have not had any contact with the Russians." - Jeff Sessions
Friend says Trump is considering 'terminating' Mueller

I can predict the responses:

"Well, he's the president! He has that power!"

"There's nothing to investigate anyway!"

Right Trumpsters just think they know everything there is to know about the case.

1) How about Trump just let the investigation vindicate him if he has done no wrong doing?

2) Why aren't ANY congressional republicans backing him up on this?
Trumpsters don't care about this country. They don't care about our rule of law. They don't care about the US Constitution. All they care about, is their own party winning a round.

Yeah, Teump sent over 2,000 guns to Mexican criminals to kill American cops with, oh, wait.
No problem - his deputy could shut it down. President Trump himself could even shut it down - with all the justification in the world to do so right now....but that would just set the snowflakes' panties on fire. :p

Talk about a rocket ride to obstruction of justice.
And again, this is just the first investigation. There are many more to come.

The NSA has investigated.
The CIA has investigated.
The FBI has investigated.
The DIA has looked into this.
The House Intel Committee has investigated.

STOP making shit up - you are just helping my case (unless that is what you mean to do).
Nonsense. The NSA, CIA, and DIA held no investigations. They collected data and testimony for the FBI, which is the only Department investigating Trump campaign/Russia collusion; and for the House, which investigated the leaks.

But relax, there can be many more investigations into this. This will be kept alive going into the 2018 election. Maybe even 2020.
It took 2 YEARS of Watergate investigations to get to the truth.
In regards to Watergate, there was a crime, & there was evidence of criminal activity.

There are none of these in this case, no matter how desperate snowflakes want to turn this into 'Watergate 2'.

Absolutely there was an underlying crime - break in and stealing of emails from DNC and other political operatives by Kremlin directed hackers.

Just because they didn't physically bug the DNC headquarters doesn't mean it is any less of a crime.
"The investigation is not over."
- We have not found anything yet.

"The investigation is not over."
- It will never be over until we find something, manufacture something, or catch someone slipping up in all the testifying so we can prosecute them for perjury and thereby justify the whole fishing expedition.
What's wrong with that?
No matter how he interpreted the question. His answer was absolute
"I haven't, have not had any contact with the Russians." - Jeff Sessions

No offense, but 'Bullshit'!

The context of the question must be specifically defined or - as we have seen in this case - the answer to the questions is left up to the potential malevolent interpretation of others.

If you are asked, YES OR NO, have you stopped beating your wife, no matter what you answer - even if you have never beaten your wife - you are screwed because 'the answer is absolute'. :p

The PURPOSE of the question was to find out if Sessions had communicated with any Russians during the campaign as part of Trump's team in an effort by Democrats to somehow prove Trump collusion occurred, which it did not.
-- The honest, factual answer to that question was 'NO'. The honest, factual answer acts to discredit the liberal attempt to prove collusion. Left with nothing - no evidence or answer to help them further their goal, the Democrats then want to play the 'gottcha' game by attempting to secure a prosecution anyway of ANYONE for ANYTHING, even if it has nothing to do with their goal of proving 'collusion'. THIS is exactly what liberals seek to do with Sessions and his answer.

Poor desperate snowflakes....
Nonsense. The NSA, CIA, and DIA held no investigations. They collected data and testimony for the FBI, which is the only Department investigating Trump campaign/Russia collusion; and for the House, which investigated the leaks.

But relax, there can be many more investigations into this. This will be kept alive going into the 2018 election. Maybe even 2020.

The mills of the gods grind slowly, but exceedingly fine.
The PURPOSE of the question was to find out if Sessions had communicated with any Russians during the campaign as part of Trump's team in an effort by Democrats to somehow prove Trump collusion occurred, which it did not.
-- The honest, factual answer to that question was 'NO'. The honest, factual answer acts to discredit the liberal attempt to prove collusion. Left with nothing - no evidence or answer to help them further their goal, the Democrats then want to play the 'gottcha' game by attempting to secure a prosecution anyway of ANYONE for ANYTHING, even if it has nothing to do with their goal of proving 'collusion'. THIS is exactly what liberals seek to do with Sessions and his answer.

Poor desperate snowflakes....

Sessions also answered Leahys written question about contact with the Russians, and again denied any communications.

He lied under oath, and in writing. Sessions is toast.
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