If Trump fired the special prosecutor, how would Trumpsters react?

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Comey Leaked 'privileged' information to impact the investigation and to get an Independent Counsel appointed.

That Independent Counsel is a close personal friend of James "The Sweeper" Comey and the Investigation is now completely compromised because of what Comey admitted to and because of his relationship with Mueller.

Mueller should recuse himself or come out and make a public statement as Comey did, that The President is not under investigation, nor is there any evidence to ever suggest he will be and the Investigation is going to go in to another direction, and that is, The Democrat Party, and The Obama Regime's scheme to alter the results of the election, sway public opinion and tamper and interfere with investigations in to Clinton, Lynch, Obama himself, and the DNC, and Democrat Party's role in numerous questionable acts during the 2016 election.

It's time to put this nonsense to bed, and point the finger at the real criminals in this election.
If Trump fired the special prosecutor, how would Trumpsters react?

Fire him? Hell, Trump could stand of 5th Ave and shoot Mueller and these sycophants would still support him.
Would be foolish. But that's a moot point because it isn't going to happen.

I keep seeing people try to conflate the Russia investigation and criminal investigations into trump. The first exists. The second doesn't
Mueller is about as biased as they come. Filling his roster with dem donors. Yeah, he needs to be removed.
You stupid parroting rubes are just posting what you have been told to post. You dumb fucks don't have a single original thought in your collective skulls. You are one giant echoing tard herd.

You can't even see that the Trump team is trying to poison the well before the investigation by the special prosecutor even gets off the ground.

Goddam, your gullibility has no bottom to it.

Damn, you really are that stupid. Mueller is buds with comey and is loading his team up with dems. This isnt rocket science. I could see where this would be difficult for you though.
Mueller is about as biased as they come. Filling his roster with dem donors. Yeah, he needs to be removed.
You stupid parroting rubes are just posting what you have been told to post. You dumb fucks don't have a single original thought in your collective skulls. You are one giant echoing tard herd.

You can't even see that the Trump team is trying to poison the well before the investigation by the special prosecutor even gets off the ground.

Goddam, your gullibility has no bottom to it.

Damn, you really are that stupid. Mueller is buds with comey and is loading his team up with dems. This isnt rocket science. I could see where this would be difficult for you though.

...loading with dems...*squawk*...loading with dems...
Mueller is buds with comey and is loading his team up with dems.
This is why your propagandists tell you lies of omission. They give you less than the WHOLE truth, knowing tards like you will run with it and manufacture a mountain of bullshit from there.

Mueller has hired SEVERAL people. Only three have been reported to have donated to Democrats. Your masters didn't tell you to whom the other members of Muelller's team have donated, now did they? Of course not. They omitted any mention of donations made to Republicans by the other team members. And a tard like you never even THINKS to wonder about it.

Half of America is Democratic, and half Republican, you fucking, fucking, fucking moron.

By the way, one of those three who donated to Democrats has also donated to Republicans like Congressman Chaffetz.

You are a fucking parroting dumb shit who has never had an original thought. You are a PERFECT useful idiot.
easyt and LBT are both known Trump sycophants.

They both know that collusion between Russian operatives and Trump associates happened.

They, like us, do not know the extent of it or how far it poisoned the well in the WH.

They, unlike most of us, do not give a crap about America or its values.

easyt and LBT and their ilk are about power, nothing less.

They want to destroy the Republic.
Clearly, there's still the possibility there was collusion otherwise they would have wrapped up the investigation. Instead, they're expanding it.

THAT IS WHAT I AM SAYING -- The only one who can 'wrap up' the investigation is the US Attorney General.

The FBI works for the US AG, not the other way around.

Based on the FACT that the former director of the FBI testified under oath before Congress TWICE and stated:

- The incidental collections of communications found, which 'concerned' CIA Chief Brennan, were deemed to be LEGAL and to have NO INTEL VALUE (NO CRIME FOUND - NEVER WAS)


- Trump never obstruction of Justice.

- Trump was NEVER under investigation

...again, based on these points, the US AG should immediately shut down Mueller because there is no longer anything for him to investigate.

Considering Mueller and Comey are as thick as thieves with a history and Mueller bringing in DONORS on top of all of that, to prevent this politically growing circus from growing, the US AG should shut it down.
Damn, you really are that stupid. Mueller is buds with comey and is loading his team up with dems. This isnt rocket science. I could see where this would be difficult for you though.

Mueller that was nominated by and served for 8 years under Republican named Bush?

Mueller who's appointment as a Special Council for this investigation was applauded by Republicans except the one named Trump?

And that Comey? He is a Republican, right?

I just want to make sure we are talking about the same people here.
Most people know he is guilty like OJ and Casey Anthony. It's whether he gets caught or not.
The Pravda defense is always entertaining. "Everybody knows that...." is a common substitute for evidence or proof. And when you don't have any, it's the only defense.
Most people know he is guilty like OJ and Casey Anthony. It's whether he gets caught or not.
TRANSLATION: We can't find a single bit of proof that he's guilty of anything. But if we keep repeating the lie that he is, maybe somebody will believe us eventually.
And again, this is just the first investigation. There are many more to come.

The NSA has investigated.
The CIA has investigated.
The FBI has investigated.
The DIA has looked into this.
The House Intel Committee has investigated.

STOP making shit up - you are just helping my case (unless that is what you mean to do).
"The investigation is not over."
- We have not found anything yet.

"The investigation is not over."
- It will never be over until we find something, manufacture something, or catch someone slipping up in all the testifying so we can prosecute them for perjury and thereby justify the whole fishing expedition.
Clearly, there's still the possibility there was collusion otherwise they would have wrapped up the investigation. Instead, they're expanding it.

THAT IS WHAT I AM SAYING -- The only one who can 'wrap up' the investigation is the US Attorney General.

The FBI works for the US AG, not the other way around.

Based on the FACT that the former director of the FBI testified under oath before Congress TWICE and stated:

- The incidental collections of communications found, which 'concerned' CIA Chief Brennan, were deemed to be LEGAL and to have NO INTEL VALUE (NO CRIME FOUND - NEVER WAS)


- Trump never obstruction of Justice.

- Trump was NEVER under investigation

...again, based on these points, the US AG should immediately shut down Mueller because there is no longer anything for him to investigate.

Considering Mueller and Comey are as thick as thieves with a history and Mueller bringing in DONORS on top of all of that, to prevent this politically growing circus from growing, the US AG should shut it down.

Jeff Sessions, US Attorney General, was caught lying to Congress about his own contacts with Russians and has since RECUSED HIMSELF FROM ALL ELECTION RELATED INVESTIGATIONS.

Him firing Special Council would be a direct breach of the recuse.
They'd suck his dick before thinking for themselves.

Mathew, you know how much I enjoy disagreeing with you, so it is painfully for me to acknowledge that you are probably right. Many of the Republicans here are as blind as the Bulldyke supporters were regarding her illegal private server. I'm not saying Trump is guilty of anything, but it should be obvious to any objective mind, he is acting like a guilty man.
The REASON Democrats and the Liberal Media keep trying to run this whole thing in the media is because they need the EMOTIONAL Liberal BIAS to keep it going because there is no substance to it, and legally it would never have been allowed to go to trail. A Grand Jury would have dismissed this LONG ago.

'So you have no crime, no evidence of a crime, no evidence of criminal activity, no evidence of collusion, no evidence of obstruction of justice, and the President is not even under investigation - was NEVER under investigation, but you want to keep digging, want to bring this to trial, and want to Impeach the man based on everything you do NOT have and can NOT provide?!

GTFO of my court room!
And again, this is just the first investigation. There are many more to come.

The NSA has investigated.
The CIA has investigated.
The FBI has investigated.
The DIA has looked into this.
The House Intel Committee has investigated.

STOP making shit up - you are just helping my case (unless that is what you mean to do).

It took 2 YEARS of Watergate investigations to get to the truth.

Yet 6 months in there were plenty of Nixon sycophants saying exactly what you are saying now.

You don't know shit and your guesstimates on how long an investigation ought to be before it gets cut off is laughable nonsense.
Clearly, there's still the possibility there was collusion otherwise they would have wrapped up the investigation. Instead, they're expanding it.

THAT IS WHAT I AM SAYING -- The only one who can 'wrap up' the investigation is the US Attorney General.

The FBI works for the US AG, not the other way around.

Based on the FACT that the former director of the FBI testified under oath before Congress TWICE and stated:

- The incidental collections of communications found, which 'concerned' CIA Chief Brennan, were deemed to be LEGAL and to have NO INTEL VALUE (NO CRIME FOUND - NEVER WAS)


- Trump never obstruction of Justice.

- Trump was NEVER under investigation

...again, based on these points, the US AG should immediately shut down Mueller because there is no longer anything for him to investigate.

Considering Mueller and Comey are as thick as thieves with a history and Mueller bringing in DONORS on top of all of that, to prevent this politically growing circus from growing, the US AG should shut it down.

Jeff Sessions, US Attorney General, was caught lying to Congress about his own contacts with Russians and has since RECUSED HIMSELF FROM ALL ELECTION RELATED INVESTIGATIONS.

Him firing Special Council would be a direct breach of the recuse.

Deputy AG Rosenstein would have to do it.

That Independent Counsel is a close personal friend of James "The Sweeper" Comey and the Investigation is now completely compromised because of what Comey admitted to and because of his relationship with Mueller.

Mueller should recuse himself or come out and make a public statement as Comey did, that The President is not under investigation,.

The problem is that Mueller was picked by the Trump deputy AG, and picked because he was the very best man for the job. He is 2nd only to Hoover as director of the FBI, under two different presidents (republican and democrat)

You won't find anybody with better credentials for this type of investigation. And Trump know it.
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