If Trump fired the special prosecutor, how would Trumpsters react?

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"If Trump fired the special prosecutor, how would Trumpsters react?'

I am not a 'Trump-Supporter'; however, shutting Mueller and the job he was originally asked to do is obviously what needs to be done right now.

Mueller was asked to step in and investigate the Russian Collusion 'Scandal'...except now we know there was NEVER any 'collusion scandal'.

Comey's testimony once AGAIN proved:


There is nothing for Mueller to investigate now. It's OVER!

To keep Mueller going is to only continue to the political 'witch hunt' that has none on for more than 2/3rds of a year while proving there is nothing to the false accusations...except for the crimes committed by Democrats that have been exposed along the way.
"If Trump fired the special prosecutor, how would Trumpsters react?'

I am not a 'Trump-Supporter'; however, shutting Mueller and the job he was originally asked to do is obviously what needs to be done right now.

Mueller was asked to step in and investigate the Russian Collusion 'Scandal'...except now we know there was NEVER any 'collusion scandal'.

Comey's testimony once AGAIN proved:


There is nothing for Mueller to investigate now. It's OVER!

To keep Mueller going is to only continue to the political 'witch hunt' that has none on for more than 2/3rds of a year while proving there is nothing to the false accusations...except for the crimes committed by Democrats that have been exposed along the way.
No, you don't know there wasn't any collusion. There may have been which is why it's being investigated.
No, you don't know there wasn't any collusion. There may have been which is why it's being investigated.
Oh my gawd, you poor snowflake denier....

The CIA, NSA, DIA, FBI, and House Intel Committees have all declared there has NEVER been any evidence of collusion, there IS no evidence of collusion.

"It is still being investigated" - after 10 months and the investigators saying there never was and is still no evidence - is an excuse to keep desperately digging in hopes of finding anything.

THIS whole scenario has already been played out by Democrats in regards to the last GOP President. Democrats wasted millions of dollars, thousands of man hours, and too much time conducting their witch hunt of George Bush...UN-SUCCESSFULLY.

In the end they were DESPERATE to find anything, to arrest anyone, to prove there had been a reason more than pure partisanship for conducting their inquisition...and in the end the only thing they came up with was the prosecution of Scooter Libby for something he said under oath that had nothing to do with Bush. The desperate hope to take down Bush became a trap for whoever they could get to come before Congress and make a mistake in their testimony so the Democrats could get them for Perjury. Libby was their 'patsy'.

Comey, gain, just proved there was NEVER any crime by Trump. He even encouraged the Russia investigation / there was NEVER any collusion / there was never any obstruction. As a result there is no need for Mueller anymore....but snowflakes are once again desperate and want to hang someone...for anything...so they don't want to turn off Mueller.

If snowflakes are so desperate to hang someone, they have quite a few to choose from:
"If Trump fired the special prosecutor, how would Trumpsters react?'

I am not a 'Trump-Supporter'; however, shutting Mueller and the job he was originally asked to do is obviously what needs to be done right now.

Mueller was asked to step in and investigate the Russian Collusion 'Scandal'...except now we know there was NEVER any 'collusion scandal'.

Comey's testimony once AGAIN proved:


There is nothing for Mueller to investigate now. It's OVER!

To keep Mueller going is to only continue to the political 'witch hunt' that has none on for more than 2/3rds of a year while proving there is nothing to the false accusations...except for the crimes committed by Democrats that have been exposed along the way.
No, you don't know there wasn't any collusion. There may have been which is why it's being investigated.
Oh my gawd, you poor snowflake denier....

The CIA, NSA, DIA, FBI, and House Intel Committees have all declared there has NEVER been any evidence of collusion, there IS no evidence of collusion.

"It is still being investigated" - after 10 months and the investigators saying there never was and is still no evidence - is an excuse to keep desperately digging in hopes of finding anything.

THIS whole scenario has already been played out by Democrats in regards to the last GOP President. Democrats wasted millions of dollars, thousands of man hours, and too much time conducting their witch hunt of George Bush...UN-SUCCESSFULLY.

In the end they were DESPERATE to find anything, to arrest anyone, to prove there had been a reason more than pure partisanship for conducting their inquisition...and in the end the only thing they came up with was the prosecution of Scooter Libby for something he said under oath that had nothing to do with Bush. The desperate hope to take down Bush became a trap for whoever they could get to come before Congress and make a mistake in their testimony so the Democrats could get them for Perjury. Libby was their 'patsy'.

Comey, gain, just proved there was NEVER any crime by Trump. He even encouraged the Russia investigation / there was NEVER any collusion / there was never any obstruction. As a result there is no need for Mueller anymore....but snowflakes are once again desperate and want to hang someone...for anything...so they don't want to turn off Mueller.

If snowflakes are so desperate to hang someone, they have quite a few to choose from:

Former CIA director on Trump and Russia: 'I saw intelligence that was worthy of investigation'

Brennan: I saw information, intelligence that was worthy of investigation by the bureau to determine whether or not such cooperation or collusion was taking place.

Brennan: "I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign that I was concerned about because of known Russian efforts to suborn such individuals, and it raised questions in my mind about whether or not the Russians were able to gain the cooperation of those individuals."
No, you don't know there wasn't any collusion. There may have been which is why it's being investigated.
Oh my gawd, you poor snowflake denier....

The CIA, NSA, DIA, FBI, and House Intel Committees have all declared there has NEVER been any evidence of collusion, there IS no evidence of collusion.

"It is still being investigated" - after 10 months and the investigators saying there never was and is still no evidence - is an excuse to keep desperately digging in hopes of finding anything.

THIS whole scenario has already been played out by Democrats in regards to the last GOP President. Democrats wasted millions of dollars, thousands of man hours, and too much time conducting their witch hunt of George Bush...UN-SUCCESSFULLY.

In the end they were DESPERATE to find anything, to arrest anyone, to prove there had been a reason more than pure partisanship for conducting their inquisition...and in the end the only thing they came up with was the prosecution of Scooter Libby for something he said under oath that had nothing to do with Bush. The desperate hope to take down Bush became a trap for whoever they could get to come before Congress and make a mistake in their testimony so the Democrats could get them for Perjury. Libby was their 'patsy'.

Comey, gain, just proved there was NEVER any crime by Trump. He even encouraged the Russia investigation / there was NEVER any collusion / there was never any obstruction. As a result there is no need for Mueller anymore....but snowflakes are once again desperate and want to hang someone...for anything...so they don't want to turn off Mueller.

If snowflakes are so desperate to hang someone, they have quite a few to choose from:
No, you don't know there wasn't any collusion. There may have been which is why it's being investigated.
Oh my gawd, you poor snowflake denier....

The CIA, NSA, DIA, FBI, and House Intel Committees have all declared there has NEVER been any evidence of collusion, there IS no evidence of collusion.

"It is still being investigated" - after 10 months and the investigators saying there never was and is still no evidence - is an excuse to keep desperately digging in hopes of finding anything.

THIS whole scenario has already been played out by Democrats in regards to the last GOP President. Democrats wasted millions of dollars, thousands of man hours, and too much time conducting their witch hunt of George Bush...UN-SUCCESSFULLY.

In the end they were DESPERATE to find anything, to arrest anyone, to prove there had been a reason more than pure partisanship for conducting their inquisition...and in the end the only thing they came up with was the prosecution of Scooter Libby for something he said under oath that had nothing to do with Bush. The desperate hope to take down Bush became a trap for whoever they could get to come before Congress and make a mistake in their testimony so the Democrats could get them for Perjury. Libby was their 'patsy'.

Comey, gain, just proved there was NEVER any crime by Trump. He even encouraged the Russia investigation / there was NEVER any collusion / there was never any obstruction. As a result there is no need for Mueller anymore....but snowflakes are once again desperate and want to hang someone...for anything...so they don't want to turn off Mueller.

If snowflakes are so desperate to hang someone, they have quite a few to choose from:

That's quite a bit of logorrhea to just agree it's still under investigation and not yet conclusive either way.

And this is just the first investigation. If they fail to find collusion, another investigation can be opened to look again into the matter.
Brennan: I saw information, intelligence that was worthy of investigation by the bureau to determine whether or not such cooperation or collusion was taking place.

Brennan: "I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign that I was concerned about because of known Russian efforts to suborn such individuals, and it raised questions in my mind about whether or not the Russians were able to gain the cooperation of those individuals."

1. Brennan is the CIA chief that should be in jail right now for illegal espionage (spying) on the US Senate and possibly the USSC.

2. Those contacts and interactions had long ago / early on been analyzed and deemed, according to the NSA and FBI, to have NOT been criminal and to have NO Intel value, making the information - which Rice illegally provided to Obama loyalists in the Intel agencies - protected Classified Personal Intel. This information was later leaked, an act the FBI and NSA deemed to be 'Felony Espionage'.

The investigations of these 'concerning' communications were conducted and found NOT to be criminal ' 'NOTHING THERE'.

Attempting to cite these communications and Brennan's un-substantiated concerns as justification for continuing to investigate a case in which there was never any evidence of a crime, no evidence of collusion, and no evidence of obstruction is an act of desperation by Democrats.

All of the snowflake claims and concerns have been investigated and found to be without merit. Once again, for the deniers, Comey just testified:

No crime.
No collusion.
No Obstruction.
No evidence.
No Trump under investigation.
THUS No need for Mueller.
"If Trump fired the special prosecutor, how would Trumpsters react?'

I am not a 'Trump-Supporter'; however, shutting Mueller and the job he was originally asked to do is obviously what needs to be done right now.

Mueller was asked to step in and investigate the Russian Collusion 'Scandal'...except now we know there was NEVER any 'collusion scandal'.

Comey's testimony once AGAIN proved:


There is nothing for Mueller to investigate now. It's OVER!

To keep Mueller going is to only continue to the political 'witch hunt' that has none on for more than 2/3rds of a year while proving there is nothing to the false accusations...except for the crimes committed by Democrats that have been exposed along the way.
Mueller is investigating Russia's attacks on our electoral system. The collusion investigation is only a part of that greater investigation.

And Comey's testimony did not remove the obstruction of justice cloud. If anything, his testimony darkened that cloud.
Mueller is about as biased as they come. Filling his roster with dem donors. Yeah, he needs to be removed.
The President throws everyone out of the room and then asks the person investigating Russia's attacks to stop looking into Flynn.

The person investigating Russia's attacks refuses to stop.

The President fires him.

That screams obstruction.

Then the President brings our enemy into his office and laughs with them over the firing of the person who was looking into their hostile acts.

And now the apprentice is threatening to fire the NEXT guy who is investigating the attacks and Trump's team's involvement.

All this is what a guilty person would do.
Mueller is about as biased as they come. Filling his roster with dem donors. Yeah, he needs to be removed.
You stupid parroting rubes are just posting what you have been told to post. You dumb fucks don't have a single original thought in your collective skulls. You are one giant echoing tard herd.

You can't even see that the Trump team is trying to poison the well before the investigation by the special prosecutor even gets off the ground.

Goddam, your gullibility has no bottom to it.
That's quite a bit of logorrhea to just agree it's still under investigation and not yet conclusive either way.

What is being investigated?

Brennan's concerns that communications between Trump's camp and the Russians were illegal?
- That has already been investigated, and they were deemed legal.

- The CIA, DIA, FBI, NSA, and Intel Committee declared NO EVIDENCE. The NSA and FBI declared there was NEVER any evidence or valid concern not already investigated and dismissed of any collusion to date.

Crime: None
Collusion: None
Obstruction: None

Everything has been investigated. Nothing.

Trump is not under investigation on top of all of this, so there is nothing for him to investigate.

Snowflakes like you continue to demonstrate the only justification for continuing the investigation you have is that 'nothing has been found yet'.

That is not reason enough to keep an investigation going, especially since to hate-driven snowflakes - even if this goes on for 40 years and nothing is found - they want to keep this going - this 'fishing expedition' - until SOMETHING is found.

Like I said - same thing with the investigation of Bush. It did not end until they finally got Scooter Libby - they would not let go until they could justify the witch hunt with a prosecution.

The snowflakes are arguing for the exact same thing now.

He fired the man who has been exposing our attacks!


This guy is our best useful idiot ever!


Ehhhhh...heh heh...
That's quite a bit of logorrhea to just agree it's still under investigation and not yet conclusive either way.

What is being investigated?

Brennan's concerns that communications between Trump's camp and the Russians were illegal?
- That has already been investigated, and they were deemed legal.

- The CIA, DIA, FBI, NSA, and Intel Committee declared NO EVIDENCE. The NSA and FBI declared there was NEVER any evidence or valid concern not already investigated and dismissed of any collusion to date.

Crime: None
Collusion: None
Obstruction: None

Everything has been investigated. Nothing.

Trump is not under investigation on top of all of this, so there is nothing for him to investigate.

Snowflakes like you continue to demonstrate the only justification for continuing the investigation you have is that 'nothing has been found yet'.

That is not reason enough to keep an investigation going, especially since to hate-driven snowflakes - even if this goes on for 40 years and nothing is found - they want to keep this going - this 'fishing expedition' - until SOMETHING is found.

Like I said - same thing with the investigation of Bush. It did not end until they finally got Scooter Libby - they would not let go until they could justify the witch hunt with a prosecution.

The snowflakes are arguing for the exact same thing now.
Clearly, there's still the possibility there was collusion otherwise they would have wrapped up the investigation. Instead, they're expanding it.

And again, this is just the first investigation. There are many more to come.
Mueller is about as biased as they come. Filling his roster with dem donors. Yeah, he needs to be removed.
You stupid parroting rubes are just posting what you have been told to post. You dumb fucks don't have a single original thought in your collective skulls. You are one giant echoing tard herd.

You can't even see that the Trump team is trying to poison the well before the investigation by the special prosecutor even gets off the ground.

Goddam, your gullibility has no bottom to it.

if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck, it's not a duck ...

but I repeat myself ..........
I am not a 'Trump-Supporter';

Then you are fucking insane.

Point me to a SINGLE instance of you agreeing with ANY faulting of Trump by anyone.

You sit on this website doing little other than pumping out insane denial and rationalizing of what Trump and his admin does and says and then you want someone to not laugh in your dumb-ass face when you try to claim you are not a Trump supporter?

Ridiculous, like most of your nonsense.
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