If Trump isn't hearing it, it's because he isn't listening to the hospitals about the supply shortages

This is more awesome Capitalism for you. What a joke;

do you know Cuba/ Florida, East/West Germany????? 1+1=2 that is a comparison of socialism to capitalism. We are always astounded that liberals seem totally without brains. Sad but true. Liberals get 0 respect for their intelligence I'm afraid. You can do better!! It is your responsibility!!
Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country.

No Como is because he wants to acquire supplies by holding a gun to people's heads. He simple lacks the IQ to understand capitalism.
ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that. We'll, you are the one on the GD TV every day, listen to what they are telling you, you dumb oaf. You lied when you said it was a hoax, then you kept it from us when you said it was a pandemic before it was declared, you lied about the fifteen cases going to zero, you want to open the economy back up to more infections, and now you haven't heard about the shortages. Someone get his lying ass out of there. Enough is enough. This doofus is costing lives.
I dont see how a lack of medical supplies is Trumps fault. What exactly do you expect Trump personally to do about it? Be specific.
You didn’t know he was governor for fifty states? Hly shit huh?
, this chicken shit pos should have been calling on the medical world to see what needed to happen.

CDC gets up every morning to fight disease; that is their only job; they do not wait for Trump for direction, Fauci has been on the job for 30 years. USA has 5000 epidemiologists all of whom were slow too as was China Spain Italy and the entire world. See what you can learn when you dare to think?
, this chicken shit pos should have been calling on the medical world to see what needed to happen.

CDC gets up every morning to fight disease; that is their only job; they do not wait for Trump for direction, Fauci has been on the job for 30 years. USA has 5000 epidemiologists all of whom were slow too as was China Spain Italy and the entire world. See what you can learn when you dare to think?
Trump must have told him what to do when obammy was in office
Not for nothing hospitals in the s.w . and cali have been over run and some even bankrupted by illegal aliens for decades now ....where in the hell have the dems been?
Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country.

No Como is because he wants to acquire supplies by holding a gun to people's heads. He simple lacks the IQ to understand capitalism.
That's funny, do you have a quote of him saying that, because I haven't heard or read that?
My goodness. A communist country is sending supplies? You're kidding right? Who knew?

China has a communist govt and capitalist economy. When it had a communist economy 60 million slowly starved to death. Now they have capitalist economy which instantly eliminated 40% of all the poverty on earth. Still in kindergarten with you!! Embarrassing!.
Thank you! We had a similar socialist/Capitalist country for fifty years until Regan. Now you're starting to get the picture. I didn't know you were a Bernie fan? Socialism with Capitalism is the only way to go.
. Capitalism dropped the ball when it stripped us of the CDC work that was being done through Obama.

what on earth are you talking about??
Private companies commandeered the CDC is what happened. When Obama left, he left in place an infectious disease team that was ready to go; Ex-Obama official fires back: Trump was left with 'global health infrastructure'. Trump wanted all that dismantled.
. You don't see enough supplies through Capitalism do you;

not yet, obviously. How long to you think it takes to make a ventilator?? See how easy it is to crush a liberal in debate?
No crushing that anyone has seen yet. We have to get our socialist military in there first before Capitalism can show its face. One isn't worth two shits without the other. That's what folks like you never get. Now do you see how easy it is to crush an ignoramus who doesn't know his history?
. Capitalism dropped the ball when it stripped us of the CDC work that was being done through Obama.

what on earth are you talking about??
Private companies commandeered the CDC is what happened. When Obama left, he left in place an infectious disease team that was ready to go; Ex-Obama official fires back: Trump was left with 'global health infrastructure'. Trump wanted all that dismantled.
We had it for fifty years before Reagan, and folks like you never knew it. Why? Because you don't know what it is. Too sad.
, this chicken shit pos should have been calling on the medical world to see what needed to happen.

CDC gets up every morning to fight disease; that is their only job; they do not wait for Trump for direction, Fauci has been on the job for 30 years. USA has 5000 epidemiologists all of whom were slow too as was China Spain Italy and the entire world. See what you can learn when you dare to think?
THe CDC wakes up every morning these days absent their leadership because of Trump.
ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that. We'll, you are the one on the GD TV every day, listen to what they are telling you, you dumb oaf. You lied when you said it was a hoax, then you kept it from us when you said it was a pandemic before it was declared, you lied about the fifteen cases going to zero, you want to open the economy back up to more infections, and now you haven't heard about the shortages. Someone get his lying ass out of there. Enough is enough. This doofus is costing lives.

Where I live, there are no hospitals having issues.

Great you can generalize from something local.

And be wrong...again.
How many cases do you have where you live? And by the way, not all regions are the same. I hope you already knew that?

That's the point asswipe. They are not the same.

So one ER doctor isn't anything more that one ER doctor.

But you try to make a national case out of it.

BTW: It was your fucking left wing New York leadership that has gotten a bunch of people killed.
ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that. We'll, you are the one on the GD TV every day, listen to what they are telling you, you dumb oaf. You lied when you said it was a hoax, then you kept it from us when you said it was a pandemic before it was declared, you lied about the fifteen cases going to zero, you want to open the economy back up to more infections, and now you haven't heard about the shortages. Someone get his lying ass out of there. Enough is enough. This doofus is costing lives.
Crawl under your bed. Take a snickers bar wit ewe. We’ll let you know when it’s safe to come out!
You have to give it to the bottom feeders in this country. They never miss a feeding opportunity to pull shit out of their asses.

"Bottom feeders"? :laughing0301:

That's pretty funny, coming from a lowest common denominator individual like you secular progressive baby-murderers.

Thanks for the chuckle, mang.
" Baby -Murderers?" You have documented evidence of me murdering someone right?
You support abortion?
Of course I do. Do you think I would jeopardize the life of the mother if she were having complications?
so you're for killing babies because. too fking sad
You don't even know what killing babies even means. Too fucking stupid.
It means dead babies. Intentionally. What do you think it means?
How are they dead babies? We're they already born? By the way, are you capable of staying on topic, or is that too much for you, so you had to surrender the discussion to the other poor Trump toads?
If their heart is beating, they are an alive baby in the womb. Till they are killed.
There is no scientific proof they are babies. A baby is a human being outside the womb. Definition of baby | Dictionary.com

noun, plural ba·bies.
an infant or very young child.
a newborn or very young animal.
You are an ignoramus.
If the heart is beating, it's living.
, this chicken shit pos should have been calling on the medical world to see what needed to happen.

CDC gets up every morning to fight disease; that is their only job; they do not wait for Trump for direction, Fauci has been on the job for 30 years. USA has 5000 epidemiologists all of whom were slow too as was China Spain Italy and the entire world. See what you can learn when you dare to think?
THe CDC wakes up every morning these days absent their leadership because of Trump.
ahh I see you the kook is still about.

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