If Trump isn't hearing it, it's because he isn't listening to the hospitals about the supply shortages

he would have signed the emergency declaration act,

Does Santa Claus deliver N-95 masks when he signs it?? Capitalism demands that supply equals demand not the emergency declaration act. Do you understand??
Capitalism can go take a dump for all I care. Capitalism dropped the ball when it stripped us of the CDC work that was being done through Obama. Now it's time for our socialist military to take charge, and Trump is fucking around with happy talk of opening up the economy and easter bunny get togethers. WTF?
Look at JGalt with his dislike emoji and his non-argument. Lol! Like you really ever had one. :auiqs.jpg:

I have more important things to do than arguing with crazy people. Like cranking out more ammunition in the event that crazy people start getting desperate.
Yea, desperate to get that crazy ass idiot Trump out of the way. What an argument you have. Supporting a liar who said this doesn't exist, and now you're getting more ammunition for a virus that does exist, while supporting this loser. MY God this guy made some kind of idiot out of you. It's a hell of a thing to support a liar about a virus that didn't exist, while you get more ammunition for the very thing that didn't exist. :auiqs.jpg:You are a great candidate for natural selection. Good luck.

President Trump isn't going anywhere, I(f you think you have a chance with Joe Biden, you're crazier than I thought you were.

The only "idiots" in this country are those like yourself, who are too stupid and irresponsible to take the necessary steps to protect their own lives, and the lives of their loved ones.

Whether you want to believe it or not, you're a walking, talking potential recipient of the Darwin Award for Stupidity right now. The application for which is taped right there on your back.
If they are having “supply issues”, they may want to take their complaints up with the politicians that sent our manufacturing over there. People like Bush, Clinton, the Hussein, and one “China” Joe Biden.

well, lets not forget that China may come to the rescue with more medical supplies than anyone else can produce. They have the capacity and they may be past their peak virus period weeks ahead of us so have product to export.
My goodness. A communist country is sending supplies? You're kidding right? Who knew?
Look at JGalt with his dislike emoji and his non-argument. Lol! Like you really ever had one. :auiqs.jpg:

I have more important things to do than arguing with crazy people. Like cranking out more ammunition in the event that crazy people start getting desperate.
Yea, desperate to get that crazy ass idiot Trump out of the way. What an argument you have. Supporting a liar who said this doesn't exist, and now you're getting more ammunition for a virus that does exist, while supporting this loser. MY God this guy made some kind of idiot out of you. It's a hell of a thing to support a liar about a virus that didn't exist, while you get more ammunition for the very thing that didn't exist. :auiqs.jpg:You are a great candidate for natural selection. Good luck.

President Trump isn't going anywhere, I(f you think you have a chance with Joe Biden, you're crazier than I thought you were.

The only "idiots" in this country are those like yourself, who are too stupid and irresponsible to take the necessary steps to protect their own lives, and the lives of their loved ones.

Whether you want to believe it or not, you're a walking, talking potential recipient of the Darwin Award for Stupidity right now. The application for which is taped right there on your back.
Folks, this is what natural selection looks like. Trump has to go somewhere, and he will. He isn't fit, and you are not fit for an opinion, because you worship liars. Go back to your penned up corral with the rest of the sheep. Trump has proven how unfit he is, and you just showed us your own natural selection chances to us.
No! His Republican Capitalism plan already failed

any reason to think that???????? total BS???????????
Because it already has. You don't see enough supplies through Capitalism do you; Rep. Rose: New York needs help 'right now'

NYC hospitals could run out of needed supplies by next week, mayor says Where is your Capitalism?ttps://newyork.cbslocal.com/2020/03/21/coronavirus-long-island-nurse-medical-workers-sick-supplies-needed/

This is more awesome Capitalism for you. What a joke; ttps://newyork.cbslocal.com/2020/03/21/coronavirus-long-island-nurse-medical-workers-sick-supplies-needed/
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Because it already has. You don't see enough supplies through Capitalism do you;

you will see them 100 times faster with capitalism because it requires that supply meets demand. Socialism requires long lines and no or little supply. Do you understand now??
Trump has proven how unfit he is,

???? Trump is a Republican capitalist opposed to Green New Deal Second Great Depression and communist revolution. Do you understand?

PS: This is truly a teaching moment ie your opportunity to learn difference between capitalism and socialism. I hope you'll take advantage so you can be a responsible citizen rather than a liberal..
Trump has proven how unfit he is,

???? Trump is a Republican capitalist opposed to Green New Deal Second Great Depression and communist revolution. Do you understand?
I understand you could give two shits about Coronavirus and loss of life. That's what your posts reflect. A total detachment from reality, while jerking off about Capitalism. Are you done yet? Because we don't have time to go over your portfolio at the present time. The country needs to save itself, and our government, our hospitals, doctors, and nurses aren't really interested in your communist concerns at the moment. However, it does appear that Cuba has had a promising drug out for a while and China may send supplies. Maybe you should suck on that lemon for awhile.

Oh, and one more thing. If we go back to opening everything up at the easter bunny party, your second great depression is on its way.
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ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that. We'll, you are the one on the GD TV every day, listen to what they are telling you, you dumb oaf. You lied when you said it was a hoax, then you kept it from us when you said it was a pandemic before it was declared, you lied about the fifteen cases going to zero, you want to open the economy back up to more infections, and now you haven't heard about the shortages. Someone get his lying ass out of there. Enough is enough. This doofus is costing lives.
Do libs think hospital equipment grows on trees?

if there were more ventilators to be found the hospitals would get them
Really? Why is that? Hospitals aren't set up to serve thousands of people locally, because they are set up to make a profit. They are in business to make money, not produce ventilators. Why is it that you fools don't get that? You talk out of your ass man.
sure the hospitals are set up to serve a region of city populations. So you haven't a fking clue what you're talking about. The question for you is why doesn't the hospital without supplies need to reorder them if they need them instead of trump? please educate me how trump knew your hospital needed equipment?
Hospitals are not run by the federal government. They are run on the idea of making a profit, not stock piling supplies. These are not war time hospitals that handle thousands of patients in ICU. Anyone who doesn't know that, has been living in a closet their entire life.
County and state health department are not for profit

so they can stock up on all the emergency supplies they want
County and state health departments aren't there to stockpile for wartime. It's why they call them county and state. You don't seem to have the intelligence to know the difference.
But you think presidents order their supplies. Wow
Did I say that? No! Is that a stupid question? Yes!
Didn’t you blame trump that they didn’t have supplies? Yes
Absolutely! Have you read the thread? Everything he has done has been a total disaster. He should have announced the federal emergency act weeks ago. That would have put in motion a war time response to producing the equipment needed. Don't you have even the foggiest idea how all this works? No, you don't do you? Trump doesn't order anything. He makes declarations. The military will handle logistics. Logistics has been the name of the game for almost two months. I'll bet that dumb fuck doesn't even know what the word means.
So you still think trump is a governor. Odd
BWK may not but biden might

Or Sleepy Joe might think HE’S governor
well he must because getting local supplies to hospitals is the responsibility of the governors. so if he thinks that's trump's job, then he must be a governor. I didn't know that. Hence my comment. BTW, again, O'Cuomo turned down additional respirators five years ago. Know that.
Trump has proven how unfit he is,

???? Trump is a Republican capitalist opposed to Green New Deal Second Great Depression and communist revolution. Do you understand?
I understand you could give two shits about Coronavirus and loss of life. That's what your posts reflect. A total detachment from reality, while jerking off about Capitalism. Are you done yet? Because we don't have time to go over your portfolio at the present time. The country needs to save itself, and our government, our hospitals, doctors, and nurses aren't really interested in your communist concerns at the moment. However, it does appear that Cuba has had a promising drug out for a while and China may send supplies. Maybe you should suck on that lemon for awhile.
you don't give a shit about loss of life. you still haven't once stated anything about blacks being murdered daily in our cities, nor the fact that 4000 a month die of the flu and you remain silent. And you want babies killed which makes you a masochist. damn fool, your irony is heavy!!!! And .................your an idiot.
I understand you could give two shits about Coronavirus and loss of life.

loss of life comes with libsocialism thats why it starved 150 million to death?? Do you have any idea how little you understand????????
Yea, except it didn't. Democratic socialism was a part of our life for fifty years in this country, and we experienced the best economy in our history, and people didn't starve to death. But you wouldn't know that, because you obviously know shit about history.
Where is your Capitalism?

its making the supplies because there is a huge huge demand for them. Do you understand??
The US military is very capable. Declare the emergency yesterday.
so again, you don't know that respirators don't just grow on trees and trump isn't a governor. damn fkr, ain't you ever gonna grow up?
Trump is a governor? Who knew? Is that another bugger you pulled out of thin air? First I heard of it. Trump- CDC-cooperation- emergency declarations+ private companies= a shortage of medical supplies. End of story. No supplies growing on trees were necessary.

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