If Trump wins and the left riots, that is an insurrection and those responsible should face same consequences as J6ers.

And then some! You gotta make their sentencing legal, though, some of that j6 sentencing was outrageously

outside of the lines of the law.

Those are the legal precedents.

Charge every leftie who riots with insurrection. Throw the book at them like Biden DOJ did to J6…but not 5/29.

A Democratic controlled legislature will grant them all absolute immunity from any and all prosecutions.

And Unicorns will dance about gaily, spurting Skittles out their asses while all Biden's cultists will dine on the Big Rock Candy Mountain.

Please get back on your meds before you hurt yourself.
Riots trying to prevent Trump from taking office is an insurrection and every rioter should be held as J6 defendants as precedent for prison.

Seems perfectly fair application of the law.
Biden's replacement can declare martial law and declare convicted felon Trump's win invalid.
Then it'll be MAGAts rioting.....in which case I agree with you. Lock their vermin asses up and if they put up a fight just Ashli Babbit those fuckers.
Even if the Liberals blew up 50 buildings, set fire to 100 of them and killed 2,000 people when Trump WINS, the Liberals will not be punished like the J-6ers were.
Democrats put in place a prison precedent if any of them riot or try to prevent Trump from taking office.
Who is going to stop Biden's replacement from preventing convicted felon Trump from taking office?
It will be his or her official duty and The SCOTUS just granted immunuty for official acts while a POTUS is in office.
SCOTUS just screwed Trump's chances of another term BIG TIME because given the danger everyone knows convicted felon Trump poses to our nation and to the world it would be negligence to let him be sworn in on 01/20/2025.
For the first time in American history 60 million MAGAts are going to have to be told "sorry folks, you can't always get what you want. You don't understand what you voted for so we're going to have to protect you (and all the rest of us) from your ignorance."
Biden's replacement can declare martial law and declare convicted felon Trump's win invalid.
Then it'll be MAGAts rioting.....in which case I agree with you. Lock their vermin asses up and if they put up a fight just Ashli Babbit those fuckers.
How exactly would he or she do that if Trump wins? What a fucking stupid thing to say.
Since we know every Republican accusation is a confession, we now know that Angus here and all the Trump cutlists plan massive violent riots to keep Biden from being sworn in again.

Yes, it is that obvious.
That's ok. The gub-mint is ready this time around.
There will be a A BUNCH of Ashli Babbits bleeding out in the streets this time.
Riots trying to prevent Trump from taking office is an insurrection and every rioter should be held as J6 defendants as precedent for prison.

Seems perfectly fair application of the law.
Who thinks they'll actually be held responsible?
Midsommar Civil unrest and State ( China ,Russia …) sponsored Saboteurs and Marxist Pro Arab Street Rabble will do some serious damage
Don't worry. If you are a Liberal and you want to blow up a few buildings after the election, they will just slap you on the hand and that's more than the Floyd rioters got, for $2 billion in destruction rioting.

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