If Trump Wins Will Harris Certify The Election?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
I highly doubt it. Even though the Democrats swear that Pence had to but things will be much different if Harris has to.
I highly doubt it. Even though the Democrats swear that Pence had to but things will be much different if Harris has to.
If Trump wins Kamala and company will cite Russian collusion and take over the government.

Gotta preserve democracy don't ya know.

But that is why ballot harvesting was invented, to help avoid such embarrassments.
I highly doubt it. Even though the Democrats swear that Pence had to but things will be much different if Harris has to.
Let’s add a twist.

Potato could be forced to resign before January 6. That would make Kamalalala the President temporarily.

Since there might not be sufficient time to appoint her VP and get him ok’d by Congress, there wouldn’t be a VP left to certify the election.

Fun with Constitutional Crises.

If Trump Wins Will Harris Certify The Election?​

I doubt it. They have pretty much said they will do /anything/ to stop Trump. You know--- for their version of "democracy."
If Trump wins, I expect that:
  • They will use every angle to try to not certify him.
  • They will do everything they've claimed Trump tried to do.
  • They will claim Russia interfered.
  • They will bone up charges of every kind to try to impeach him with.
  • They will solicit the help of every RINO on the planet.
  • They will begin a media assault on Trump.
  • And the democrats will virtually mutiny against Trump while the Left goes on a violence crusade of riots nationwide in the streets.
  • Then they will blame it all on Trump.
If Trump wins, the reaction by the Left will be SO BAD that it will literally force Trump into some of the very draconian actions they have been claiming he'd do, in effect, bring about their own destiny. The Left is a dangerous cult of the insane, the mentally ill, and the anti-America crowd all in one.
Potato could be forced to resign before January 6. That would make Kamalalala the President temporarily.

Had the GOP pursued the 25th or impeachment long ago, Harris would already BE in office and it would be IMPOSSIBLE for her then to distance herself from the antics that Biden has done these past four years. Harris would OWN the Afghan pullout, the border invasion, the high inflation, the Russian war, all of it.
I highly doubt it. Even though the Democrats swear that Pence had to but things will be much different if Harris has to.
If the election is not certified, then no one wins a majority of electors.
If no one wins the majority of the electors, the election goes to the house.
Assuming no major shifts from the present balance, the GOP holds a significant state -delegation majority in the house, and will elect a GOP President.
Who that will be? Hard to say.

But it won't be Harris.
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I highly doubt it. Even though the Democrats swear that Pence had to but things will be much different if Harris has to.
The way I see it is she will probably certify the election and then if democrats win the House they will immediately start impeachment proceedings, saying that even though Trump won, a convicted felon is not eligible to be president.
The way I see it is she will probably certify the election and then if democrats win the House they will immediately start impeachment proceedings, saying that even though Trump won, a convicted felon is not eligible to be president.
And THEN...

The Senate GOP agrees, removes Trump -- which puts JDV in office.

Democrats scream and cry, insisting that that if Trump is removed, Harris should take office.
And THEN...

The Senate GOP agrees, removes Trump -- which puts JDV in office.

Democrats scream and cry, insisting that that if Trump is removed, Harris should take office.
Yeah, somehow the whole election will be illegitimate because if the convicted felon who is not eligible to be president won the election, then Harris would have won or at least they need a whole new election redo.

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