If Ukraine borders are so important....

We're building the one world government when we assume it's our job to police the world.
Let the European countries handle it. I understand the benefits of being on top with other countries wait to see what the US will do or won’t do, however, countries bordering Russia have all weighed in. A few neighbors could be considered “dominos”, like Finland for instance. That sometimes happens when you try to stay out of things but are in the wrong proximity. Belarus is other.

If European countries sanction the pipeline it would make little sense since it’s a fuel source for many EU countries. The US and European typical rhetoric is about targeting high-ranking Russian officials, however, Russia has billions in stockpile funds that will protect those upper level cohorts, reportedly. The LSM will continue to provide half truths and falsehoods as usual, lacking the ability and the interest for true investigative reporting.
Putin plays chess.
He knows that even the threat of a 'minor incursion' into Ukraine would tie the U.S. into knots!!
He's been right, so far.
Putin has played himself into a position he can’t win
Putin knows U.S. public opinion better than we do.
For now, all he has to do is sabre rattle on the border and let things marinate. :stir:
Putin has to worry about his own public opinion when he either has to go to war and suffer crippling sanctions or back down

He can’t win
Putin knows U.S. public opinion better than we do.
For now, all he has to do is sabre rattle on the border and let things marinate. :stir:
One motive: to create a wider divide among Russian opponents. Various country heads have come out publicly to declare their position, most being anti-Russian expansion other than Belarus. Japan publicly kept quiet - they are smarter than most lol
One motive: to create a wider divide among Russian opponents. Various country heads have come out publicly to declare their position, most being anti-Russian expansion other than Belarus. Japan publicly kept quiet - they are smarter than most lol

Germany is on the fence. 40% of their energy comes from Russia.
Putin has played himself into a position he can’t win

He's sitting back now smoking a big cigar and gauging the West's reaction while knowing what they may or not do.
And has contingency's to boot; just like the West.
Except he hasn't played his next hand, yet.
We're not dealing with a dummy.
And then, there's Sippy Cup......
Germany is on the fence. 40% of their energy comes from Russia.
There is little doubt they are indeed: “ICIS analysis data for German supply showed that in Dec. 2021 Russian pipeline gas accounted for 32%, Norwegian 20%, Dutch 12%, with storage 22% and the rest from other smaller sources including domestic production.”

Why did the Hussein allow Russia to take Crimea in 2014?

How has the world been affected by the takeover of Crimea?

Can any of you pro-war lefties articulate?

Why would Russia taking the Eastern provinces of “Ukraine” affect us any differently than when they took Crimea?
NATO works for the central European bankers. The central European banks openly covet control of that geography in order to monopolize the mineral rights potential it offers and thus profit from that. The current Saber rattling against Russia is designed create an excuse to seize the Ukrainian territory and westernize it thus locking in their financial gain. Putin's buildup of troops on the border is not a provocative action it's an action that was provoked from the other side. They are there for defense not offense.

The globalist news agencies report only the side of the so called news they want you to know... they don't tell you what type of clandestine and insidious activities have been committed by Western interests that have led to this escalation.

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He's sitting back now smoking a big cigar and gauging the West's reaction while knowing what they may or not do.
And has contingency's to boot; just like the West.
Except he hasn't played his next hand, yet.
We're not dealing with a dummy.
And then, there's Sippy Cup......
Russia has a fragile economy and no major economic allies

The US and EU is capable of crippling their economy. Biden, in numerous private phone calls has made it clear what will happen if he invades
Putin has to worry about his own public opinion when he either has to go to war and suffer crippling sanctions or back down

He can’t win

Last time that I checked, Russia's debt compared to their GDP was less than 20%. What's ours?
And secondly, Dimm vermin keep pushing Russia into the arms of China!!
Russia has a fragile economy and no major economic allies

The US and EU is capable of crippling their economy. Biden, in numerous private phone calls has made it clear what will happen if he invades
Yeah that's what they said about Crimea.....Oh...wait...
Last time that I checked, Russia's debt compared to their GDP was less than 20%. What's ours?
And secondly, Dimm vermin keep pushing Russia into the arms of China!!
They live in a dream world of their own preference. While we've been asleep at the wheel for the past 25 years both Russia and China have dedicated most of their economy into developing their power projection tools. My guess is they are much farther along than the Pentagon gives them credit for and the only people who don't know it is us.
Russia has a fragile economy and no major economic allies

The US and EU is capable of crippling their economy. Biden, in numerous private phone calls has made it clear what will happen if he invades

You must foolishly believe that the U.S. dollar will always remain the world's main currency.
The minute it teeters, put your head (with the rest of us) between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye!!
They live in a dream world of their own preference. While we've been asleep at the wheel for the past 25 years both Russia and China have dedicated most of their economy into developing their power projection tools. My guess is they are much farther along than the Pentagon gives them credit for and the only people who don't know it is us.

You must foolishly believe that the U.S. dollar will always remain the world's main currency.
The minute it teeters, put your head (with the rest of us) between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye!!

I would worry more about the value of the Ruble which will be worth almost nothing

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