If Ukraine loses the war and Russia occupies Ukraine, the US and Europe may not have a choice, but to go to war

Yes Trump has been misquoted and taken out of context by the unhinged democrat propaganda machine called mainstream media. Dumbass but Putin still never invaded anyone while Trump was president
Actually, Trump said this during an interview with a conservative journalist, Piers Morgan, and it is available on conservative websites. What you are really saying is that you don't care what the facts are you are supporting Trump even if he is a fraud and not competent to deal with America's problems.
Originally posted by toomuchtime
Accepting eastern European nations into NATO in no way posed a threat to Russia's security

This post is a testament to the absolute divorce between the mind of the super patriotic american clown and reality:

1 - NATO is no threat to Russia.

In which planet of the solar system a military organization with the blatant, ouert geopolitical goal of surrounding another country's borders (european Russia) does not represent an extremely grave geopolitical threat?

It must be Jupiter or Neptune because here on Earth military encirclements by foreign powers are universally regarded as a danger by all nation states.

In order to understand this bizarre concept we have to delve into the subjective perception of the super patriotic american clown.

The SPAC perceives NATO as a "benelovent", "benign", "strictly defensive" military organization just like his counterpart, the super patriotic soviet clown perceived the Warsaw Pact.

The most cursory reality check immediately destroys his romanticized perception and reveals that NATO, just like any other military organization, do whatever their members consider to be their best geopolitical interest not constrained by any "democratic clause", "defensive nature" or any other "noble ideal" the SPAC attributes to it:

1 Democratic clause:

The organization has no problem with autocracies or dictatorships as long as they serve its geopolical interests:


2 Defensive nature:

As people jokingly say, Nato is a defensive organization except when it's not:



Now you can clearly see the gigantic abysm that separates the objective nature of NATO from the subjective perception of the super patriotic american clown.

NATO'S OBJETIVE REALITY: an amoral, defensive/aggressive military organization that pursues whatever geopolitical interests the "tribes" that control it order it to pursue just like any other military organization in the world.

SPAC's subjective perception of NATO: a benevolent military organization that strictly follows its democratic and defensive principles.

So when the SPAC toomuchtime says "NATO in no way posed a threat to Russia's security" the real tragedy is that he really believes in this. He's probably not debating in bad faith he's just expressing his subjective perception of NATO.

Military organizations are not "good" or "bad", "righteous" or "wicked", they are just military organizations. Period. Full Stop. End of discussion. Don't try and attribute moral qualities to amoral social constructs that do exactly what their masters tell them to do.

And this subjective perception of the western military alliance is so deeply entrenched in the mindset of westerners that even Tom Payne who isn't a super patriotic american clown by any stretch of the imagination couldn't escape from this perception completely.

In the middle of a scathing criticism of NATO's expansionism he adds the following:

All we can say is Russian state paranoia runs deep and our policies did not help.


Nation states fearing foreign powers implementing a geopolitical plan whose end result is the military encirclement of their borders is anything but "paranoia", it's sheer common sense.

As you can see, the supposedly "benign", "benevolent" nature of the military organization created and run by America runs so deep that not even serious political thinkers like Tom are 100% immune to it.

If Tom couldn't avoid it completely, super patriotic american clowns don't stand a chance in Hell.
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Basically, what Keenan is saying is that the former soviet states should not have the right to join a defense pact that would protect them against Russian imperialism

the liberation of Europe from Russian tyranny, you would understand it better.


Put down the crack pipe, stop babbling about imaginary post-soviet Russia's "tyranny", "imperialism" and "aggressions" and just admit what you really are:

An American neo-con who continued to impose on Russia Cold War policies AFTER THE END OF THE COLD WAR. Policies that were created to contain a superpower that didn't even exist anymore.

A super patriotic american clown who, blinded by the desire to create a unipolar world based on American hegemony, DESTROYED UKRAINE'S FRAGILE, BRITTLE ETHNIC BALANCE, by dangling economic and security carrots (EU and NATO) in front of a country deeply divided between Russia and the West.

Shame on you, for destroying a country by shoving partisanship down its throat, when political neutrality was VITAL to maintain Ukraine's territorial integrity and avoid political fragmentation and civil war.
This post is a testament to the absolute divorce between the mind of the super patriotic american clown and reality:

1 - NATO is no threat to Russia.

In which planet of the solar system a military organization with the blatant, ouert geopolitical goal of surrounding another country's borders (european Russia) does not represent an extremely grave geopolitical threat?

It must be Jupiter or Neptune because here on Earth military encirclements by foreign powers are universally regarded as a danger by all nation states.

In order to understand this bizarre concept we have to delve into the subjective perception of the super patriotic american clown.

The SPAC perceives NATO as a "benelovent", "benign", "strictly defensive" military organization just like his counterpart, the super patriotic soviet clown perceived the Warsaw Pact.

The most cursory reality check immediately destroys his romantized perception and reveals that NATO, just like any other military organization, do whatever their members consider to be their best geopolitical interest not constrained by any "democratic clause", "defensive nature" or any other "noble ideal" the SPAC attributes to it:

1 Democratic clause:

The organization has no problem with autocracies or dictatorships as long as they serve its geopolical interests:


2 Defensive nature:

As people jokingly say, Nato is a defensive organization except when it's not:



Now you can clearly see the gigantic abysm that separates the objective nature of NATO from the subjective perception of the super patriotic american clown.

NATO'S OBJETIVE REALITY: an amoral, defensive/aggressive military organization that pursues whatever geopolitical interests the "tribes" that control it order it to pursue just like any other military organization in the world.

SPAC's subjective perception of NATO: a benevolent military organization that strictly follows its democratic and defensive principles.

So when the SPAC toomuchtime says "NATO in no way posed a threat to Russia's security" the real tragedy is that he really believes this. He's probably not debating in bad faith he's just expressing his subjective perception of NATO.

Military organizations are not "good" or "bad", "righteous" or "wicked", they are just military organizations. Period. Full Stop. End of discussion. Don't try and attribute moral qualities to amoral social constructs that do exactly what their masters tell them to do.

And this subjective perception of the western military alliance is so deeply entrenched in the mindset of westerners that even Tom Payne who isn't a super patriotic american clown by any stretch of the imagination cannot escape from this perception completely.

In the middle of a scathing criticism of NATO's expansionism he adds the following:

All we can say is Russian state paranoia runs deep and our policies did not help.


Nation states fearing foreign powers implementing a geopolitical plan whose end result is the military encirclement of their borders is anything but "paranoia", it's sheer common sense.

As you can see, the supposedly "benign", "benevolent" nature of the military organization created and run by America runs so deep that not even serious political thinkers like Tom are 100% immune to it.

If Tom couldn't avoid it completely, super patriotic american clowns don't stand a chance in Hell.
And in all those words, you were unable to name a specific threat to Russian security. Cut the bullshit, Putin is pissed at NATO because is stands in the way of Russian imperialism.
Again, Russia provided no material support for the Americans fighting the British but initiated and perpetuated the attacks on both the on the governments of both Georgia and Ukraine by local dissidents.
Actually, Russia provided some material (as well as diplomatic and indirect military) support for the Americans in their attack on "the legal British government ". Was it good or bad?
Actually, Trump said this during an interview with a conservative journalist, Piers Morgan, and it is available on conservative websites. What you are really saying is that you don't care what the facts are you are supporting Trump even if he is a fraud and not competent to deal with America's problems.
Conservative Morgan? You're a clueless dumbfuck
Actually, Russia provided some material (as well as diplomatic and indirect military) support for the Americans in their attack on "the legal British government ". Was it good or bad?
Another lie. Russia provided no material support to the Americans during the Revolution.
Another lie. Russia provided no material support to the Americans during the Revolution.
No they didn't but....
Another lie. Russia provided no material support to the Americans during the Revolution.
If you don't know the names of Rubenay, Rozental, Karjavin and others it doesn't mean that they didn't do their part of the job. Anyway, was the support of American separatists in their rebellion against discriminative and abusing British government good or bad?
And in all those words, you were unable to name a specific threat to Russian security. Cut the bullshit, Putin is pissed at NATO because is stands in the way of Russian imperialism.
MAGA has become another Poootin mouthpiece.
Pierce Morgan is not a conservative. When you called him one you showed your ignorence and not worthy to have a discussion. You should only be ridiculed
Well, he works for Fox, so it was a fair guess that he was a conservative, but clearly he is not a true believer like you, however you can see on the tape just how foolish Trump is on the issue of why Putin didn't invade Ukraine while he was in office.

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