If Ukraine loses the war and Russia occupies Ukraine, the US and Europe may not have a choice, but to go to war

trump will try to run the clock out on his court cases, hoping you will be stupid enough to reelect him. And you ARE that stupid...obviously.
@Silver Cat
We have people sitting in jail that mistakenly mishandled classified documents. But trump is walking around free, spewing threats and lies. You would not understand, since you are MAGA.
And why has senator Biden not been thrown in jail for having classified documents in his home and office?
He turned the documents over. He didn't hide them and lie to the FBI for over a year...like your King....trump. He and Pence did what was right.
Bigrebnc1775, you are a trump cult member. You have been indoctrinated into his cult. That is sad.

I know it is scary, but that may be the only choice left. Putin is not going to stop at Ukraine, if he occupies the country.

That is silly, because the Ukraine has been part of Russia for over 1200 years.
It was only when Russia got broken up by the 1916 revolution, that the Allies in WWI decided to call the borderland between Poland and Russia, a new name, the Ukraine, which means the border lands.
No one in their right mind thinks that the Ukraine is in independent and sovereign nation.
He turned the documents over. He didn't hide them and lie to the FBI for over a year...like your King....trump. He and Pence did what was right.

Joe Biden and Pence were just congressmen at the time, had no security clearance, and could not legally have any classified docs.
In contrast, not only was Trump president before, but those were his personal copies that were permanently for him to keep.
Legally he could use them for his memoirs, presidential library, or whatever he wanted.
It is the FBI an DOJ who do not have the right to see these classified docs.
The war is fought to determine an armistice line comparable to the 38th parallel in Korea, which could take years to come. Ukraine will be divided into East Ukraine and West Ukraine along the armistice line like Germany was until the end of the Cold War. Neither Ukraine nor Russia can win this war.

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The war is fought to determine an armistice line comparable to the 38th parallel in Korea, which could take years to come. Ukraine will be divided into East Ukraine and West Ukraine along the armistice line like Germany was until the end of the Cold War. Neither Ukraine nor Russia can win this war.

Couldn't read the article wholly because it is behind a paywall or something.

I keep repeating this stuff for more than a year. Hopefully, if this emerged on the Foreign Affairs, then maybe this version is gaining momentum among the policymakers.
Here's the thing. We didn't go into Iraq with the intent of taking their territory. Or Libya. Or Serbia.

The Russians are going into Ukraine with the intent of seizing territory, which is a violation of the UN charter that everyone agreed to. in fact, if Russia hadn't inherited the USSR's veto in the UN, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
You mean like China going into Tibet?
You mean like China going into Tibet?
In the mid-13th century, Tibet was officially incorporated into the territory of China's Yuan Dynasty. Since then, although China experienced several dynastic changes, Tibet has remained under the jurisdiction of the central government of China. For more than 700 years the central government of China has continuously exercised sovereignty over Tibet, and Tibet has never been an independent state.

Upon its founding, the Republic of China declared itself a unified republic of the Han, Manchu, Mongol, Hui, Tibetan and other races. In his inauguration statement on January 1, 1912, Sun Yat-sen, the provisional first president of the Republic of China, declared to the whole world: "The foundation of the country lies in the people, and the unification of lands inhabited by the Han, Manchu, Mongol, Hui and Tibetan people into one country means the unification of the Han, Manchu, Mongol, Hui and Tibetan races. It is called national unification." The five-color flag used as the national flag at that time, represented the unification of the five main races.

The ones who always wanted to get their hands onto Tibet were the British - especially after their quest towards Afghanistan had failed. Upon the founding of the PRC in 1949 the CIA tried to lay their hands onto Tiber, with the British trying to incite the Indian army to move into Tibet.

Unlike Ukraine, a Tibet never declared independence nor was it ever accredited being a sovereign country by the UN. Same goes for Taiwan.
That is silly, because the Ukraine has been part of Russia for over 1200 years.
It was only when Russia got broken up by the 1916 revolution, that the Allies in WWI decided to call the borderland between Poland and Russia, a new name, the Ukraine, which means the border lands.
No one in their right mind thinks that the Ukraine is in independent and sovereign nation.
Ukraine had never been a part of Russia before the 18th century. Before that it belonged to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Before that to the Mongols, and before that there was no Ukraine nor a Russia, but a lose Federation of Rus speaking people and ethnics. Whereby from around 800 -1200 Kiew Rus was the most powerful state amongst this Federation.
Upon the demise of the "Golden Horde" - Moscow emerged as the principle power in today's Russia from 1520 onward - expanding continuously till 1916, in spite of selling Alaska to the USA.

From 1921 onward Ukraine was again integrated into the Soviet Union. Crimea was conquered by Czarist Russia in the 18th-19th century - and awarded as a present by the Soviet Union to the Soviet Republic of Ukraine. However the UN accredited Crimea also to Ukraine in 1991 - and Mr. Jelzin had signed it off.
This is a lie. No one, including you, can deny trump has committed crimes that he needs to pay for. It is not political...it is the law!
what crimes? international bribery? no that was Biden, lying to congress? no that was Hillary, Sex with an intern in the oval office? no that was C.linton.

So tell us specifically what crimes Trump committed and which statutes were violated. OR STFU and stop lying.
The war is fought to determine an armistice line comparable to the 38th parallel in Korea, which could take years to come. Ukraine will be divided into East Ukraine and West Ukraine along the armistice line like Germany was until the end of the Cold War. Neither Ukraine nor Russia can win this war.

There are some differences between Korea and Ukraine. There weren't twenty million WASPs in Northern Korea, and there weren't a land border between Korea and the USA. Ukraine is not Russian Korea, Vietnam or Afghanistan. Post-Maidan Ukraine is Russian Confederacy. One side wants to be abusive, discriminative, agricultural appendix of Europe, and other wants to became an industrial state and global geopolitical power. It's a civil war de facto.
Originally posted by Kruska
Ukraine had never been a part of Russia before the 18th century. Before that it belonged to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Before that to the Mongols, and before that there was no Ukraine nor a Russia, but a lose Federation of Rus speaking people and ethnics. Whereby from around 800 -1200 Kiew Rus was the most powerful state amongst this Federation.
Upon the demise of the "Golden Horde" - Moscow emerged as the principle power in today's Russia from 1520 onward - expanding continuously till 1916, in spite of selling Alaska to the USA.

From 1921 onward Ukraine was again integrated into the Soviet Union. Crimea was conquered by Czarist Russia in the 18th-19th century - and awarded as a present by the Soviet Union to the Soviet Republic of Ukraine. However the UN accredited Crimea also to Ukraine in 1991 - and Mr. Jelzin had signed it off.

Rigby's argument is the same fallacy people use against Palestinians:

There was never a distinct Palestinian people with a separate state before the Zionist movement got going.

They are factually correct regarding the arabs of Palestine but this historic fact is absolutely irrelevant to the resolution of the present conflict in Palestine and also in Ukraine.

What really matters to the resolution of the conflicts in Ukraine and Palestine is the fact that today, 07/24/2023, there is a group of arabic-speaking people who consider the entire region of Palestine as their homeland and another group in Ukraine who don't think about themselves as Russians.

I often reply in jest to those people:

If Palestinians and Ukrainians don't exist, solving both conflicts is a piece of cake. All you have to do is travel to Palestine and Ukraine, convince Palestinians and Ukrainians they don't exist and voilá.... Problem solved!!

Palestinians will disperse themselves into arab world and will consider themselves Jordanians, Lebanese, Egyptians disappearing as a separate people and Ukrainians will start begging to join the russian federation.

Even Putin implicitly recognizes the existence of the Ukrainian people.

When he says Russia doesn't have any intention to annex Kiev, Lviv and Ivano-Frankvisk, that's his convoluted, roundabout way to concede the fact that the ukrainian people is real and won't accept russian rule.

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