If Ukraine loses the war and Russia occupies Ukraine, the US and Europe may not have a choice, but to go to war

Other than the fact that Russia provided no material support to the Americans but organized, armed and sent the Abkhazian dissidents?
Both American and Abkhazian separatists used mostly local resources (while people like Karjavin, Kist and Rozental did their part of job directly in American colonies). And, talking about American Revolutionary War it was Russia (and Russia led coalition) who forced the Brits to allow free sea trade, say nothing about that simple fact, that the very existence of the Russian threat on the Eurasian continent significantly degraded British ability to send British forces to North American continent.

Anyway, do you see any moral difference between those two cases - Russian support of American and Abkhazian separatists?
Again you repeat these same stupid lies the whole world has rejected. When the UNGA voted on a resolution to condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine, only seven nations, including Russia, voted against it: Belarus, Eritrea, Mali, Nicaragua, Noth Korea, Russia, Syria. In the whole world, Russia was able to find only six countries that support it, and now Iran, thought to be an ally of Russian, has demanded the territorial integrity of Ukraine be restored, and South Africa, thought to be another ally, has refused to allow Putin to enter for the BRICA conference. Russia is a truly a pariah state, shunned by everyone.

There was no coup in 2014, asshole. The process of removing Yanukovych followed the Ukrainian constitution meticulously, another Putin lie the whole world has rejected.

The fighting in the Donbass, idiot, was initiated and perpetuated by Russia, just as it was in Georgia. There is no other country in the world that is guilty of more war crimes, more crimes against humanity or more overall violations of human rights than Russia, and that's why there is no place for Russia in the civilized world and no way Russia will be able to trade with the civilized world for the foreseeable future, and as a consequence, Russia will continue to deteriorate until it just dissolves.
There was a coup asshole, if a elected Government is overthrown with violence instigated by foreign powers that is not democracy you Muppet, since the end of WW2 your Country has killed millions of people so you have some brass balls talking about crimes and the civilised World, the fact is Russia is telling the US Reich enough is enough.

I know it is scary, but that may be the only choice left. Putin is not going to stop at Ukraine, if he occupies the country.
You feared Trump would have started ww3 but it's your Biden is doing it
What the Ukrainians should worry about and their Western puppet masters is a massive Russian counter offensive, i believe that will happen at some stage, it's the same tactics the Soviets used in WW2, absorb the initial enemy attacks cause huge losses on them then counter attack when they are a spent force.
Both American and Abkhazian separatists used mostly local resources (while people like Karjavin, Kist and Rozental did their part of job directly in American colonies). And, talking about American Revolutionary War it was Russia (and Russia led coalition) who forced the Brits to allow free sea trade, say nothing about that simple fact, that the very existence of the Russian threat on the Eurasian continent significantly degraded British ability to send British forces to North American continent.

Anyway, do you see any moral difference between those two cases - Russian support of American and Abkhazian separatists?
Again, Russia provided no material support for the Americans fighting the British but initiated and perpetuated the attacks on both the on the governments of both Georgia and Ukraine by local dissidents.
There was a coup asshole, if a elected Government is overthrown with violence instigated by foreign powers that is not democracy you Muppet, since the end of WW2 your Country has killed millions of people so you have some brass balls talking about crimes and the civilised World, the fact is Russia is telling the US Reich enough is enough.
Again, there was no coup; Yanukovych was removed from office legally according to Ukrainian constitution, but, Shit for Brains, even if there had been a coup by the Ukrainian people, it was none of Russia's business, so when you make these ridiculous claims, you are saying Russia has the right to dictate what the Ukrainian people are allowed to do in their own country; in other words you are supporting Russian imperialism.
Again, there was no coup; Yanukovych was removed from office legally according to Ukrainian constitution, but, Shit for Brains, even if there had been a coup by the Ukrainian people, it was none of Russia's business, so when you make these ridiculous claims, you are saying Russia has the right to dictate what the Ukrainian people are allowed to do in their own country; in other words you are supporting Russian imperialism.
It's everything to do with Russia if it threatens them, and it did because those Maidan freaks wanted to join Nato and hand Crimea over to Nato, in a Democracy if they want to remove a elected Government they have an elction or a vote of no confidence in Parliament, that didn't happen, so cut the bullshit.
It's everything to do with Russia if it threatens them, and it did because those Maidan freaks wanted to join Nato and hand Crimea over to Nato, in a Democracy if they want to remove a elected Government they have an elction or a vote of no confidence in Parliament, that didn't happen, so cut the bullshit.
Once again, not a single word of truth in your post. the issue in 2014 was about joining the EU, not NATO, and the Ukrainian parliament had been preparing for months to sing a partnership agreement with the EU which would eventually lead to membership, but at the signing ceremony, Yanukovych refused to sign and withdrew Ukraine's application to join the EU, which outraged both the Ukrainian public and the parliament and gave rise to enormous protests which Yanukovych tried to suppress with force but failed.

At that point, Yanukovych acknowledge it was impossible for him to govern and he agreed to early elections, but he abruptly left Ukraine for Russia, and at that point the parliament removed him from office and continued to make preparations for new elections.

"The association agreement was initiated in 2012, but the Ukrainian government suspended preparations for signing the association agreement on 21 November 2013, during the presidency of pro-Russian Viktor Yanukovych,[3][4] who attended the EU summit in Vilnius on 28–29 November 2013, where the association agreement was originally planned to be signed but it was not.[5][6] The decision to put off signing the association agreement led to the pro-EU Euromaidan movement.[7] These led to the removal of Yanukovych and his government by parliament after the 2013–2014 Ukrainian revolution in February 2014.[3][8]"

Are you really as stupid and ignorant as you appear to be or are you just a committed advocate for Russian imperialism?
Funny shit Putin invaded countries when bush Obama and Biden as president. But nothing with Trump.
Not nearly as funny as Trump's explanation of why Putin didn't invade Ukraine while he was in office.

“I threatened him like he’s never been threatened before,” Trump said of his past conversations with Putin about Ukraine.

“I told him [Putin] what our response would be and he said: ‘Really?’ And I said: ‘Really’.”

He refused to detail the exact threat he issued to the Kremlin but said even if the Russian leader believed him “only 5 per cent” Putin would have said to himself: “I’ll never do it”.

Not nearly as funny as Trump's explanation of why Putin didn't invade Ukraine while he was in office.

“I threatened him like he’s never been threatened before,” Trump said of his past conversations with Putin about Ukraine.

“I told him [Putin] what our response would be and he said: ‘Really?’ And I said: ‘Really’.”

He refused to detail the exact threat he issued to the Kremlin but said even if the Russian leader believed him “only 5 per cent” Putin would have said to himself: “I’ll never do it”.

Nevertheless asswipe Putin never invaded anyone while Trump was president
Once again, not a single word of truth in your post. the issue in 2014 was about joining the EU, not NATO, and the Ukrainian parliament had been preparing for months to sing a partnership agreement with the EU which would eventually lead to membership, but at the signing ceremony, Yanukovych refused to sign and withdrew Ukraine's application to join the EU, which outraged both the Ukrainian public and the parliament and gave rise to enormous protests which Yanukovych tried to suppress with force but failed.

At that point, Yanukovych acknowledge it was impossible for him to govern and he agreed to early elections, but he abruptly left Ukraine for Russia, and at that point the parliament removed him from office and continued to make preparations for new elections.

"The association agreement was initiated in 2012, but the Ukrainian government suspended preparations for signing the association agreement on 21 November 2013, during the presidency of pro-Russian Viktor Yanukovych,[3][4] who attended the EU summit in Vilnius on 28–29 November 2013, where the association agreement was originally planned to be signed but it was not.[5][6] The decision to put off signing the association agreement led to the pro-EU Euromaidan movement.[7] These led to the removal of Yanukovych and his government by parliament after the 2013–2014 Ukrainian revolution in February 2014.[3][8]"

Are you really as stupid and ignorant as you appear to be or are you just a committed advocate for Russian imperialism?
He left Ukraine because there was a Nazi lynch mob on his tail, there was a agreement signed by Yanukovych and the Maidan leaders to end the violence,form a government of national unity leading to elections no later than the end of the year, just after the Maidan extremists went on the rampage attacking Government buildings, some people didn't want that deal to go through, we know who they were, the Coup leaders and their US and EU backers.

The agreement called for a return to the 2004 Constitution, i.e. a parliamentary-presidential style of government, early presidential elections by the end of 2014, and the formation of a "government of national trust." It also called for the removal of security troops from downtown Kyiv, a cease of violence, and the surrender of opposition arms.[2]

Although nearly all sides signed the agreement, it did not last long, as Yanukovych fled to Russia and became a fugitive, resulting in Euromaidan's victory.[3]
Nevertheless asswipe Putin never invaded anyone while Trump was president
And I showed you, Douchebag, Trump's bizarre claim of why Putin didn't, making it clear that Trump has no idea why Putin didn't invade Ukraine while he was in Office. We know for a fact that it wasn't because he knows how to handle Putin, as he claims, because of the contempt Putin showed for him over Putin's violations of the INF treaty, forcing Trump to withdraw from it, bringing the world much closer to nuclear war than it had been before Trump took office.
And I showed you, Douchebag, Trump's bizarre claim of why Putin didn't, making it clear that Trump has no idea why Putin didn't invade Ukraine while he was in Office. We know for a fact that it wasn't because he knows how to handle Putin, as he claims, because of the contempt Putin showed for him over Putin's violations of the INF treaty, forcing Trump to withdraw from it, bringing the world much closer to nuclear war than it had been before Trump took office.
Yes Trump has been misquoted and taken out of context by the unhinged democrat propaganda machine called mainstream media. Dumbass but Putin still never invaded anyone while Trump was president
He left Ukraine because there was a Nazi lynch mob on his tail, there was a agreement signed by Yanukovych and the Maidan leaders to end the violence,form a government of national unity leading to elections no later than the end of the year, just after the Maidan extremists went on the rampage attacking Government buildings, some people didn't want that deal to go through, we know who they were, the Coup leaders and their US and EU backers.

The agreement called for a return to the 2004 Constitution, i.e. a parliamentary-presidential style of government, early presidential elections by the end of 2014, and the formation of a "government of national trust." It also called for the removal of security troops from downtown Kyiv, a cease of violence, and the surrender of opposition arms.[2]

Although nearly all sides signed the agreement, it did not last long, as Yanukovych fled to Russia and became a fugitive, resulting in Euromaidan's victory.[3]
There were no credibly reports that Yanukovych was in danger, but it was clear that he would no longer be able to govern effectively so he signed an agreement with the parliamentary leaders to hold new elections, but it was also clear that Yanukovych could not hope to win the new elections, so he left Ukraine for Russia. However none of this was any of Russia's business since it was about the EU, not NATO, and posed no threat to Russia's security.

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