If Ukraine loses the war and Russia occupies Ukraine, the US and Europe may not have a choice, but to go to war

More Zionist Fascist bullshit.

Y'all have wasted billions $$ on this laundromat of US taxpayer money.

How about we find everyone who got money from Ukraine, put them in front of a firing squad, and off all of them, no trial, total asset forfeiture?
Oh faux off… the Zionist comment is just stupid…. Zionist don’t give a fuck who wins.
It's pretty obvious, Jebediah, you have no idea what those agreements were.

It's pretty obvious, Jebediah, you have no idea what those agreements were.
Indeed Minsk 2, the Germans and French later admitted they had no intention of honouring the deal, same with Porky Porochenko, it was just a plan to re arm and train the Ukrainian army after they had been given a beating in Donbass by the militia at Dobeltseva and Donetsk airport, Merkel admitted it on camera.
Oh faux off… the Zionist comment is just stupid…. Zionist don’t give a fuck who wins.

Actually it is spot on. Zelenskkkkky is Jewish

Zionist Fascists obsessed with Ukraine

Victoria Nuland
Traitor Joe
Bill Gates
Jim Craemer
Don't forget Blinken.

Joe Biden is a Zionist Fascist Jew who lies about being Catholic.

Kamala WHORE Harris is owned by Zionist Fascists who made her from nothing.

That is why everyone important in Traitor Joe's cabinet is a Zionist Fascist Jew.
This is from 2014....ten years ago.
I seriously doubt Zelensky had control over everyone and everything at that time....both sides had snipers....it's never been exactly a safe place.

All of the former Soviet Bloc nations are cesspools of corruption....no different than Russia. It's always a matter of "how much corruption?" vx "is there any?"

From Latvia to Poland all have been involved in sex trafficking and every other crime under the sun.
Obama and Trump didn't keep the promise, but Biden is.
PLEASE JOEB131 show us where Russia invaded Ukraine or Crimea during the Trump administration. Trump prevented it from happening, President Biden invited it to happen.

Biden predicts Russia ‘will move in’ to Ukraine, but says ‘minor incursion’ may prompt discussion over consequences

By Kevin Liptak, CNN
Updated 6:20 PM EST, Wed January 19, 2022

It's all in the link i posted, there had been fighting between the South Ossetia and Georgia so a deal was made to settle the situation down, thats why some Russian troops were there along with Georgian troops they had joint patrols and monitoring, then in 2008 the tie eating Moron Saackashvili attacked without warning killing civilians and ten Russian peacekeepers, he was backed by the Americans, whenever there is trouble in the World the Americans are always involved,and they were not arming Dissidents, and forgive me but you have some brass balls lecturing people about arming dissidents, your Country has done it many times, you armed Islamist head hackers in Syria for years.
The fighting in the Georgia in 1992 was between Russian armed and supported Georgian dissidents and the Georgian government, just like the fighting in Ukraine in 2014 was between Russian backed Ukrainian dissidents and the Ukrainian government, and in both cases Russian troops entered these countries without permission, and forced first Georgian in 1992 and later Ukraine in 2014 to surrender a part of their sovereignty and territory to the Russian backed dissidents, effectively to Russia; the Russians called themselves peacekeeper but they were in fact occupiers.

When Georgia reached out to join the EU and NATO Putin made claims of Georgia committing genocide and such to try to justify a full scale invasion of Georgia, just as he did before the 2022 invasion of Ukraine.

The whole cause of the wars in Georgia and Ukraine is Russian imperialism, which Putin has been proclaiming since at least 2004. You can repeat Putin's lies all you want, but nobody believes them. When the UNGA voted to condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine, only seven countries in the whole world voted against the resolution. Putin's Russia has no credulity in the civilized world.
But why were they there? According to the USSR, Georgia was just as sovereign as Russia, so why was Russia arming and supporting Georgia dissidents? That is an internal Georgian matter. Would Russia allow another country to arm and support Russian dissidents? When you recognize no laws, no treaties, no contracts, you are simply not a civilized people.
When the Georgian nationalists proclained "Georgia for [ethnic] Georgians", the civil war was, predictable, started. As it was started in former Yugoslavia and in Ukraine. If you try to discriminate, abuse or even genocide any minority there are good chances that they will try to defend themselves. And, of course, they can ask external forces (especially of their own ethnic or linguistic group) to help them. Albanians in Kosovo were supported by the Albanians in Albania, Turks in Adjaria were supported by Turks in Turkey, Ossetians from South Ossetia were supported by Ossetians from Northern Ossetia, Ukrainians from Transnistrie were supported by Ukrainians in Ukraine and WASPs in Texas were supported by the WASPs in the USA. It's OK.
When the Georgian nationalists proclained "Georgia for [ethnic] Georgians", the civil war was, predictable, started. As it was started in former Yugoslavia and in Ukraine. If you try to discriminate, abuse or even genocide any minority there are good chances that they will try to defend themselves. And, of course, they can ask external forces (especially of their own ethnic or linguistic group) to help them. Albanians in Kosovo were supported by the Albanians in Albania, Turks in Adjaria were supported by Turks in Turkey, Ossetians from South Ossetia were supported by Ossetians from Northern Ossetia, Ukrainians from Transnistrie were supported by Ukrainians in Ukraine and WASPs in Texas were supported by the WASPs in the USA. It's OK.
As always, nothing but stupid lies and bullshit from you. In both Georgia and Ukraine, Russia first organized and armed dissidents to wage proxy wars against the legitimate governments of these countries and then claimed atrocities had occurred as a justification for sending Russian troops in. All the rest is Putin bullshit that the whole world has already rejected.
The fighting in the Georgia in 1992 was between Russian armed and supported Georgian dissidents and the Georgian government, just like the fighting in Ukraine in 2014 was between Russian backed Ukrainian dissidents and the Ukrainian government, and in both cases Russian troops entered these countries without permission, and forced first Georgian in 1992 and later Ukraine in 2014 to surrender a part of their sovereignty and territory to the Russian backed dissidents, effectively to Russia; the Russians called themselves peacekeeper but they were in fact occupiers.

When Georgia reached out to join the EU and NATO Putin made claims of Georgia committing genocide and such to try to justify a full scale invasion of Georgia, just as he did before the 2022 invasion of Ukraine.

The whole cause of the wars in Georgia and Ukraine is Russian imperialism, which Putin has been proclaiming since at least 2004. You can repeat Putin's lies all you want, but nobody believes them. When the UNGA voted to condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine, only seven countries in the whole world voted against the resolution. Putin's Russia has no credulity in the civilized world.
Actually, the war in Transnistrie (Moldavia) was fought in 1992, from one side - by Moldovian (Rumanian) nationalists, from other side - by the Russian and Ukrainian units, together defending local non-Moldavian population.
And the relationships between Georgians, Abkhazians, Ossetians, Swans and Turks were pretty "complicated" long before the Russian Empire came to those lands. Actually, they were complicated even in the times of Colkhis and Bronze Age.
Actually, the war in Transnistrie (Moldavia) was fought in 1992, from one side - by Moldovian (Rumanian) nationalists, from other side - by the Russian and Ukrainian units, together defending local non-Moldavian population.
And the relationships between Georgians, Abkhazians, Ossetians, Swans and Turks were pretty "complicated" long before the Russian Empire came to those lands. Actually, they were complicated even in the times of Colkhis and Bronze Age.
All quite irrelevant to Russian acts of imperialism since 1991.
As always, nothing but stupid lies and bullshit from you. In both Georgia and Ukraine, Russia first organized and armed dissidents to wage proxy wars against the legitimate governments of these countries and then claimed atrocities had occurred as a justification for sending Russian troops in. All the rest is Putin bullshit that the whole world has already rejected.
Actually, Russia started support of Abkhazia back in 1809 to fight against the Ottoman Empire. What about the civil wars in Georgia and Moldova, started in 1992, all sides were organized and armed by the Soviets (actually, all them were Soviets less than a year before the wars were started).

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