Alyssa Farah Griffin: ‘I feel duped’ by Biden’s team

Agreed. The debate revealed a lot about Joe. Doesn’t feel good getting lied to by those in power. Which is why for the life of me I can’t understand why so many are getting behind Trump. The most dishonest person I’ve ever witnessed. Neither he or Joe should be in power.

Not worth debating. I'll just tell you this is pathetic and it's not working anymore.
No shit. There’s no need to exaggerate and lie about that incident: Trump sounded stupid enough with the verbatim honest account of what he said. That’s what frustrates me about the Left they can just be completely honest about things Trump does or says and it is enough to make him a fool.

Exaggerating and lying only give him ammo to discredit and return the attack. It’s like an elementary school fight… both sides. We need to do better

No. Screw that. You put us and our entire nation at risk by sucking up to the elites who put JOE BIDEN in office and then you want to "both sides" this?

I see what you're doing and I reject it, moreover, it's pathetic.

And so does most of America. You folks have gone up to and including false charges on Trump, impeached him twice, and it's STILL not enough.

Honestly, just crawl away
No. Screw that. You put us and our entire nation at risk by sucking up to the elites who put JOE BIDEN in office and then you want to "both sides" this?

I see what you're doing and I reject it, moreover, it's pathetic.

And so does most of America. You folks have gone up to and including false charges on Trump, impeached him twice, and it's STILL not enough.

Honestly, just crawl away
Trump should have been impeached and he is being indicted for real crimes with real evidence and in our real justice system. That on him for acting like a shady dumb shit. He deserves to be nowhere near power. Biden as well. We need better options
Trump should have been impeached and he is being indicted for real crimes with real evidence and in our real justice system. That on him for acting like a shady dumb shit. He deserves to be nowhere near power. Biden as well. We need better options

To me the opinion on these fake criminal charges is a bright line.

You crossed it. You're either insane or evil or brainwashed. Or maybe fascist, there's that too.
No shit. There’s no need to exaggerate and lie about that incident: Trump sounded stupid enough with the verbatim honest account of what he said. That’s what frustrates me about the Left they can just be completely honest about things Trump does or says and it is enough to make him a fool.

Exaggerating and lying only give him ammo to discredit and return the attack. It’s like an elementary school fight… both sides. We need to do better
It admittedly took me a LONG time to come to terms with this, but I'm pretty doubtful that we have the ability to do better on a macro level.

A switch flipped at some point (2016?) and the regular standards were tossed.

It is what it is. But pretending that America is "exceptional" now would be a little silly.
It admittedly took me a LONG time to come to terms with this, but I'm pretty doubtful that we have the ability to do better on a macro level.

A switch flipped at some point (2016?) and the regular standards were tossed.

It is what it is. But pretending that America is "exceptional" now would be a little silly.

No Mac, you came down with florid and virulent TDS in 2016. That's what happened.
Biden basically anointed Trump President after he chose to go after him legally.

Trump is a right wing martyr now.

Yes, Trump lies, but they all do in the Swamp. To suggest Trump is an anomaly in this regard is disingenuous to say the least.

In fact, as bad as Trump is, the Swamp proves they are far worse.

1. Trump has consensual sex with a whore and tries to pay her off to keep silent. In fact, he still denies it. Ok.

But those in Congress used taxpayer funds to keep women quiet that were sexually assaulted over the years to the tune of $17 million to keep quiet about those sexual assaults. Not only did none of them go to jail, they still have their jobs and we are not allowed to know their names.

2. Trump accused of sexual assault and loses a civil trial over it. The media would have you believe that just because Trump had to pay money he is guilty, when nothing could be farther from the truth. They proved nothing. If they did, he should be in jail. They just wanted to take his money and make him look bad.

When the Left continues to do this sort of thing, like they did against Clarence Thomas, against Kavanaugh, and now against Trump, which is to wait until they are on the verge of political power and accuse them on the spot decades prior of sexual assault, the more they do this the less believable they become.

But look at Joe Biden, accused of raping Tara Reid. She worked for his campaign, she was one of them, and she accused him of rape. She obtained no money like the other woman, and she did not bring it up as Joe was on the verge of political power. In fact, she lost her job and many of her friends for telling the story. This is far more believable.

And now we have the diary of Ashley, telling us that her daddy showered with her as an underage girl.

3. Trump was convicted of a felony for bad bookkeeping. This is a misdemeanor for everyone else, yet it was elevated to a felony for Trump, just to say he was a felon on the campaign trail. Biden and company put all their eggs in one basket on this one as they relied on it to win an election. But the continual persecution of Trump looks horrible, as they go after him for having Presidential documents Biden and others had as well, but treating him differently once again for it.

As bad as Trump is, the Swamp almost makes him look the saint.

So much bullshit!!! Absolutely fact free and utterly lacking in common sense.

  1. Biden didn't "go after Trump legally". Trump was in the middle of a fraud trial when he was elected President. The man has always been a criminal conman and he's now being brought to justice - something that was LONG overdue.
  2. Trump is a convicted rapist, tax cheat, fraud artist, and convicted felon. He is not and has never been a "martyr". He just a really stupid crook who thinks he's above the law. The Congressional fund isn't for women who have been "sexually assaulted". It's for women who have been sexually "harassed".
  3. I've been sexually harassed and it's NOT an "assault" or a "rape". In fact, you can simply refuse to have sex with your boss and file a claim for sexual harassment, and you will be paid.
  4. Trump lies more than any human being on earth. Nothing he tells you has any relationship with the truth. Trump's not lying about graduating with high marks. He's lying about an election which was not stolen. His lies about covid cost hundreds of thousands of Americans their lives in the covid epidemic. Trump's lies about the economy crashed the US economy, and left millions with nothing.
  5. Saying that a self-admitted rapist and sexual predator is no different than members of Congress who paid sexual harassment settlements, is a stretch even for members of the Cult.
  6. Say that "Trump had sex with a whore and paid her off" is not an incentive for ANYONE to vote for him. The fact that Trump routinely pays for sex is not an incentive for ANYONE to vote for him, but it does provide insight into why he has such hatred of and contempt for women.
  7. Trump has never had a wife who wasn't under his complete control, or a woman he didn't abuse. Nobody talks about what a great husband or father he is. Trump has no friends or "confidentes". He surrounds himself with women he controls, and men who are beholding to him and always has. His second wife was an admitted gold digger, and Melania was a nude model illegally working in the USA when he met her.
  8. The American people saw a crazy man blithering about hundreds of thousands of people dying on the Southern Border. About how great the overturn of Roe has been while women's deaths from the complications of pregnancy, soar and infant mortality in the first year of life - already the highest in the first world, rises and children with no chance of survival outside the womb are born, to traumatized women forced to bear them.
  9. 65,000 women and children have been forced to bear their rapists' children since Roe was overturned. Little girls are now entering middle school as "mothers".
  10. The left was right about Clarennce Thomas - he's an absolute disgrace to the Supreme Court.
  11. Kavenaugh has done nothing to cover himself with glory either. He's voting exactly the way his masters at the Federalist Society put him there to vote. This SC has legalized gerrymandering, and public officials taking "tips" from people who receive government contracts, while overturning voter rights, and women's rights. Friday, they declared that government regulations based on science and medicine can be overturned by the courts. If you think Roe made a mess of things, you ain't seen nothing yet.
  12. "Tara Reid" is a lifelong con artist who self-published on FaceBook because no real reporters believed her. Her Republican lawyers dropped her case because they knew she was lying. Nothing she said checked out, and ever time she was caught in a lie, she changed her story.
  13. The diary is real, but the published pages have not been verified as genuine. This is just a right wing attempt to paint the Most Honest Man in Washington, with a lifelong reputation for honesty and decency, to be more corrupt and more immoral than the twice impeached, convicted rapist, tax cheat, and fraud artist.
  14. Trump was in the middle of $100+ million fraud trial when he was elected President. The New York fraud conviction is decades past due. I've been wondering since the 1990's Atlantic City bankruptcy when Trump danced off with $40 million in his own pockets, why this guy wasn't indicted for fraud. You elected a criminal conman President, and now you're shocked he didn't stop being a criminal after he was elected.
  15. If you think Trump looks like a saint, you're a complete idiot.
To me the opinion on these fake criminal charges is a bright line.

You crossed it. You're either insane or evil or brainwashed. Or maybe fascist, there's that too.

Your opinion is of no consequence, because you weren't on the jury, and you continue to deny the overwhelming evidence of Trump's criminal behaviour.

The man is a life-long criminal and fraud artist. Everyone who has worked in the development business in Eastern North America has watched his criminal schemes for decades and wondered how he kept getting away with this shit. Well, now he's not getting away with them.

The State of New York has been after Trump since the Trump University Fraud Trial, BEFORE the 2016 election. When Trump won the election, and promised to run the country the way he ran his company, I posted in this forum "God help you". And that's exactly what he did. Mismanagement, debt, graft, bribery and corruption - except this time he was receiving, not paying it.

Yours last paragraph is projection. What is your reason for clinging to a lifelong criminal who is lying to you??? Insane? Evil??? or Brainwashed?????
The debate revealed absolutely NOTHING about Joe. He is like that every fucking day.
Come on, people :rolleyes:
This is what happens with the media and DNC lie to people 24/7 with impunity.

Eventually it will catch up with ya, and when it does, people will never trust them again.

This is what we are seeing after this debate

It is a beautiful thing.
Joe is simply the Democrat's puppet, and some of the strings have snapped
Your opinion is of no consequence, because you weren't on the jury, and you continue to deny the overwhelming evidence of Trump's criminal behaviour.

The man is a life-long criminal and fraud artist. Everyone who has worked in the development business in Eastern North America has watched his criminal schemes for decades and wondered how he kept getting away with this shit. Well, now he's not getting away with them.

The State of New York has been after Trump since the Trump University Fraud Trial, BEFORE the 2016 election. When Trump won the election, and promised to run the country the way he ran his company, I posted in this forum "God help you". And that's exactly what he did. Mismanagement, debt, graft, bribery and corruption - except this time he was receiving, not paying it.

Yours last paragraph is projection. What is your reason for clinging to a lifelong criminal who is lying to you??? Insane? Evil??? or Brainwashed?????

I don't really read your screeds but I did notice you copied my question at the end. Imitation and all that, so thanks

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