If Ukraine loses the war and Russia occupies Ukraine, the US and Europe may not have a choice, but to go to war

Putin wanted Russia to be safe and secure like everyone agreed to. The WEF has been ordering their vassals and puppets to goad Russia into a war that the CIA was convinced Russia would lose in 2 weeks. Oopsies

Um, wait. No one violated Russia's borders. Russia invaded Ukraine after nearly a decade of violating their own agreements.

You see, here's the thing, when the USSR went into the dustbin of history, the Ukraine could have kept her share of the Nukes. Instead, they returned those nukes to Russia under a promise by the west to protect their territorial integrity.

Obama and Trump didn't keep the promise, but Biden is.

^ Ukrainian Nazi responsible for that
No, it was a Georgian Commie.... I think his name was "Stalin".
I am talking about the years before the Maidan Coup, there were people suffering all over the Soviet Union in the time those photos are from, same as this in the USA dust bowl was a different time.
first, the picture you show is from the Bengal famine of 1943, not the US Dust Bowl (which was bad, but no one starved.)

But you can't pretend that the Ukrainians just forgot the Holomador happened. It's why they were happy to see the USSR go.

The Maiden Coup happened because the Russian Puppet ordered demonstrators shot. That's why his own parliament turned on him.
Um, wait. No one violated Russia's borders. Russia invaded Ukraine after nearly a decade of violating their own agreements.

You see, here's the thing, when the USSR went into the dustbin of history, the Ukraine could have kept her share of the Nukes. Instead, they returned those nukes to Russia under a promise by the west to protect their territorial integrity.

Obama and Trump didn't keep the promise, but Biden is.

No, it was a Georgian Commie.... I think his name was "Stalin".

Unfuckingreal! That's the total opposite of what happened! Not even worth going over it again because if you don't get it after 12,000 times, you never will
first, the picture you show is from the Bengal famine of 1943, not the US Dust Bowl (which was bad, but no one starved.)

But you can't pretend that the Ukrainians just forgot the Holomador happened. It's why they were happy to see the USSR go.

The Maiden Coup happened because the Russian Puppet ordered demonstrators shot. That's why his own parliament turned on him.
As for the shootings you must have missed this.
According to Putin, but not according to the civilized world.
No, according to the EU.
According to Putin, but not according to the civilized world.
According to the EU.
I know it is scary,
Not to adult men.
but that may be the only choice left.
Incorrect. The United States can mind our own business and stop fighting to cover up the corruption buried in the Ukraine.
Putin is not going to stop at Ukraine, if he occupies the country.
That statement is heavy on opinion and light on fact.
Um, wait. No one violated Russia's borders. Russia invaded Ukraine after nearly a decade of violating their own agreements.

Actually, back in 1962 no one violated the US borders, too. But the Soviet ballistic missiles in Cuba (as well as American ballistic missiles in Turkey) were definitely seemed as a "threat" (for a good reason) by the targeted sides. Same way, back in 1999, 2001 and 2003 Serbia, Afghanistan and Iraq didn't attacked the USA.
They are both problems for the whole world, but you don't think the fact that Russia has withdrawn from all nuclear treaties, moved its nuclear weapons closer to US forces in Europe and to US allies, is currently fighting wars on three continents, and has violated all relevant treaties and laws is a problem?

Astonishing is that you are willfully blind to what China has been doing for decades.
But why were they there? According to the USSR, Georgia was just as sovereign as Russia, so why was Russia arming and supporting Georgia dissidents? That is an internal Georgian matter. Would Russia allow another country to arm and support Russian dissidents? When you recognize no laws, no treaties, no contracts, you are simply not a civilized people.
It's all in the link i posted, there had been fighting between the South Ossetia and Georgia so a deal was made to settle the situation down, thats why some Russian troops were there along with Georgian troops they had joint patrols and monitoring, then in 2008 the tie eating Moron Saackashvili attacked without warning killing civilians and ten Russian peacekeepers, he was backed by the Americans, whenever there is trouble in the World the Americans are always involved,and they were not arming Dissidents, and forgive me but you have some brass balls lecturing people about arming dissidents, your Country has done it many times, you armed Islamist head hackers in Syria for years.

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