If Ukraine loses the war and Russia occupies Ukraine, the US and Europe may not have a choice, but to go to war

What about the act of Russian imperialism back in 1775, when they supported American Separatists, fighting against the British Empire?

The Russian Czar also fought against the British King in North America in 177x? ... Hmm From 1495-1809 you made 7 wars against Scandinavia (Sweden) which you all lost as far as I know. Was this also a try to attack the UK? The only success you had - with the help of your ally USA - was after world war 2 when you finally had genocided the Baltic Germans in their home country Prussia which you call now "Oblast Kaliningrad" - what gives you now access to the cloaca Baltic Sea.
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Do you wake up this stupid in the morning, or do you have to work at it?
It is stupid to deny that acts of communal violence often grow into major ethnic or national wars, especially among distinct but interpenetrated peoples — and often contribute to imperialist wars as well.
The Russian Czar also fought against the British King in North America in 177x? ... Hmm From 1495-1809 you made 7 wars against Scandinavia (Sweden) which you all lost as far as I know. Was this also a try to attack the UK? The only success you had - with the help of your ally USA - was after world war 2 when you finally had genocided the Baltic Germans in their home country Prussia which you call now "Oblast Kaliningrad" - what gives you now access to the cloaca Baltic Sea.
Read something about Seven Years' War (1756-1763).
Any practical differences between Russian support of American separatists back in 1775 and Russian support of Abkhazian separatists in 1994?

Russian - you seem to misunderstand me. I'm a German idiot who still is fascinated from this damned stupid Russian dragon with the bloody vodka eyes. We killed so many dragons in the last few decades of thousands of years that I am shy to kill also this last lonely dragon on planet Earth. Perhaps we should bring you to a fire resistant animal park? Or do you think your space ship is still able to start, alien, and you are able to leave our planet with the help of your own power? What about this: Try to leave the Ukraine with your own power. If you are able to do so then be a happy glad-iator. Morituri te salutant.

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Read something about Seven Years' War (1756-1763).

No. Wars are uninteresting for me. It will anyway not be calculable what will happen in a future war and to lose or to win a war is indeed the same. Russia will for sure die in a war against the states of the NATO - also independent from any weird behavior of the USA and your agent or slave Donald Trump.

Nevertheless I took a short look now - and if I see it the right way then all this colonial nations including Russia who fought with each other there did later attack Germany because we had nothing to do with this all. Even the Navajo attacked us only because we never did do anything bad to the Navajo or other Red Indians.
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As always, nothing but stupid lies and bullshit from you. In both Georgia and Ukraine, Russia first organized and armed dissidents to wage proxy wars against the legitimate governments of these countries and then claimed atrocities had occurred as a justification for sending Russian troops in. All the rest is Putin bullshit that the whole world has already rejected.
Bullshit is your trade mark, not sure if it's willful ignorance or what? there was a western backed Coup in Ukraine the Nationalist headbangers took over, when the people in Donbass said we are not buying it they were attacked by Nazi thugs and the Ukrainian armed forces, what about that don't you get? those armed groups you talk of got armed after they were attacked and resisted, Russia should have gone in then back in 2014.
Actually, back in 1962 no one violated the US borders, too. But the Soviet ballistic missiles in Cuba (as well as American ballistic missiles in Turkey) were definitely seemed as a "threat" (for a good reason) by the targeted sides. Same way, back in 1999, 2001 and 2003 Serbia, Afghanistan and Iraq didn't attacked the USA.

I'm not sure what your point is here... I'm very critical of US policy towards Cuba, Libya, Iraq, etc.

It doesn't make what the Soviets doing okay.
I'm not sure what your point is here... I'm very critical of US policy towards Cuba, Libya, Iraq, etc.

It doesn't make what the Soviets doing okay.
You may be critical, it's OK. But, talking about the real world, powerful nations often invade weak ones (so called Peripherial wars) or fight each other (so called Central wars). And while those Peripherial wars can be terrible, the Central wars are usually a way worse.
You may be critical, it's OK. But, talking about the real world, powerful nations often invade weak ones (so called Peripherial wars) or fight each other (so called Central wars). And while those Peripherial wars can be terrible, the Central wars are usually a way worse.

Here's the thing. We didn't go into Iraq with the intent of taking their territory. Or Libya. Or Serbia.

The Russians are going into Ukraine with the intent of seizing territory, which is a violation of the UN charter that everyone agreed to. in fact, if Russia hadn't inherited the USSR's veto in the UN, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Any practical differences between Russian support of American separatists back in 1775 and Russian support of Abkhazian separatists in 1994?
Other than the fact that Russia provided no material support to the Americans but organized, armed and sent the Abkhazian dissidents?
It is stupid to deny that acts of communal violence often grow into major ethnic or national wars, especially among distinct but interpenetrated peoples — and often contribute to imperialist wars as well.
I should ask you, do you wake up this stupid in the morning or do you have to work at it? Russia organized and armed dissidents in both Georgia and Ukraine and then used the violence Russia as an excuse to send in Russian troops. Clearly both acts of Russian imperialism, Putinhead.
Bullshit is your trade mark, not sure if it's willful ignorance or what? there was a western backed Coup in Ukraine the Nationalist headbangers took over, when the people in Donbass said we are not buying it they were attacked by Nazi thugs and the Ukrainian armed forces, what about that don't you get? those armed groups you talk of got armed after they were attacked and resisted, Russia should have gone in then back in 2014.
Not a single word of truth in that entire post. Again, the whole world has rejected Putin's lies, and yet you continue to repeat them. What is wrong with you?
I should ask you, do you wake up this stupid in the morning or do you have to work at it? Russia organized and armed dissidents in both Georgia and Ukraine and then used the violence Russia as an excuse to send in Russian troops. Clearly both acts of Russian imperialism, Putinhead.
The Z-Nationslists leader has been incarcerated lately after telling the truth online about his direct involvement with Donbass dissidents, MH 117 and something else....but was extremely critical of Shoigu and Putin.

Which has infuriated the Z-nationalists. (Military)

And when talking about totalitarian regimes....the second they lose their military support....like they stop following orders....it's all over.

There's a storm brewing....especially since inflation and interest rate hikes are just now Hitting the country.
Not a single word of truth in that entire post. Again, the whole world has rejected Putin's lies, and yet you continue to repeat them. What is wrong with you?
America and it's vassals are not the whole World,and what isn't true, was there no Coup in 2014, did the Ukrainian army not launch their so called ATO against Donbass? have they not been shelling Donetsk for 8 years?
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I should ask you, do you wake up this stupid in the morning or do you have to work at it? Russia organized and armed dissidents in both Georgia and Ukraine and then used the violence Russia as an excuse to send in Russian troops. Clearly both acts of Russian imperialism, Putinhead.
Of course you have actual evidence for that.
America and it's vassals are not the whole World,and what isn't true, was there no Coup in 2014, did the Ukrainian army not launch their so called ATO against Donbass? have they not been shelling Donetsk for 8 years?
Strelkov has taken credit for the Russian loyalists invading Ukraine to become Donbass and Crimean dissidents. These were the ones that Ukraine was shelling.
Strelkov has taken credit for the Russian loyalists invading Ukraine to become Donbass and Crimean dissidents. These were the ones that Ukraine was shelling.
Strelkov was one man, those militia didn't invade Ukraine they lived there all their lives, i can name their leaders if you want, and the Ukrainians were shelling civilians, there are hundreds of vids showing it.
America and it's vassals are not the whole World,and what isn't true, was there no Coup in 2014, did the Ukrainian army not launch their so called ATO against Donbass? have they not been shelling Donetsk for 8 years?
Again you repeat these same stupid lies the whole world has rejected. When the UNGA voted on a resolution to condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine, only seven nations, including Russia, voted against it: Belarus, Eritrea, Mali, Nicaragua, Noth Korea, Russia, Syria. In the whole world, Russia was able to find only six countries that support it, and now Iran, thought to be an ally of Russian, has demanded the territorial integrity of Ukraine be restored, and South Africa, thought to be another ally, has refused to allow Putin to enter for the BRICA conference. Russia is a truly a pariah state, shunned by everyone.

There was no coup in 2014, asshole. The process of removing Yanukovych followed the Ukrainian constitution meticulously, another Putin lie the whole world has rejected.

The fighting in the Donbass, idiot, was initiated and perpetuated by Russia, just as it was in Georgia. There is no other country in the world that is guilty of more war crimes, more crimes against humanity or more overall violations of human rights than Russia, and that's why there is no place for Russia in the civilized world and no way Russia will be able to trade with the civilized world for the foreseeable future, and as a consequence, Russia will continue to deteriorate until it just dissolves.

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