If US campuses can’t protect free speech, they need new management

why not? If I have to write a paper and that paper is my thesis, I need input. the material she provides will give me data to support my position. why do you want to tell students fk you?

Hahahaha....thanks for confirming exactly as I thought. You guys are so fucking transparent. All of this is just because you want people like Ann Coulter teaching students rather than the actual teachers. Un-fucking-believable.

Most conservatives on this forum are very hostile towards university professors and their "librul" ways. You guys would much prefer that hacks like Ann Coulter do the teaching, while the professors take a seat in the back of the classroom. That's why you guys make such a big deal out of news like this. You guys loose your minds when students protest against your dream "teachers."

Any argument you guys put forth about "free speech" is a red herring. It's all bullshit. You simply want kids to be indoctrinated by people on the right, period.
well all I'll say it seems you rush to judgement on this. All this is about is free speech. The libturd's number one point of the 1960's. We are just asking for you all to stop being hypocrites. it's simple.

It was never their #1 point in the 60s. Even in the 60s, they screamed "freedom of speech" while shutting it down, lobbing bombs, and pushing for violent reaction against students so they could establish a new communist order, ala Bill Ayers, the commie scum.
so you're saying nothing changed?
Students are just exercising their own 1st amendment rights. Loudly. You can't win this one cons you never could. No one is forced to remain silent when one of the whackos you worship who says the holocaust never happened or wants to vomit their racism on the world. Can't take the free speech blowback then go speak at the next KKK rally, they'd welcome you as one of their own which is what you are.
win what exactly? what are you going on about?

Shhh, it's a secret. Hey look at this laser pointer!
Universities are under no obligation to give right wing fascists a platform to "speak." No university owes these useless sacks of shit a goddamn thing. Stop whining.
You are a useless whiner who is not going to get his way. Whether Liberty University or UCB, academia requires a diversity of opinion, and that includes the right wing fascists as well.

Wrong. Allowing right wing extremist shitbags to speak at their school is not a school requirement. I'm only saying they're under no obligation to placate every right wing, alt-right or white nationalist who fancies themselves a special snowflake ENTITLED to speak. I do think they should have these cretins to speak though. I think it's good for debate.

The attention given the shitbags from the protests overwhelms the attention their shows and opinions deserve. I think having to listen to that Harpy Skank speak is punishment enough for students association that invited her.
Students are just exercising their own 1st amendment rights. Loudly. You can't win this one cons you never could. No one is forced to remain silent when one of the whackos you worship who says the holocaust never happened or wants to vomit their racism on the world. Can't take the free speech blowback then go speak at the next KKK rally, they'd welcome you as one of their own which is what you are.
win what exactly? what are you going on about?

Shhh, it's a secret. Hey look at this laser pointer!
soooooo, how fkin powerful do you think that laser pointer is? That LED. do you even know what an LED is? what a stupid fk. Optical lasers, now, that one you might want to avoid.
Universities are under no obligation to give right wing fascists a platform to "speak." No university owes these useless sacks of shit a goddamn thing. Stop whining.
You are a useless whiner who is not going to get his way. Whether Liberty University or UCB, academia requires a diversity of opinion, and that includes the right wing fascists as well.

Wrong. Allowing right wing extremist shitbags to speak at their school is not a school requirement. I'm only saying they're under no obligation to placate every right wing, alt-right or white nationalist who fancies themselves a special snowflake ENTITLED to speak. I do think they should have these cretins to speak though. I think it's good for debate.

The attention given the shitbags from the protests overwhelms the attention their shows and opinions deserve. I think having to listen to that Harpy Skank speak is punishment enough for students association that invited her.
so why do you wish to impose your will on others? it's so white of you.
I agree in general. In particular, let's look at the hard right schools that do the same along with the left schools.

Name one and provide an example of them denying a lefty a platform to speak.
Liberty has done that. BYU has done that. Baylor has done that. Your opinion on these matters are corrupt, so that's what you get. Do your own research.

I asked you to provide a specific example of them doing so. So far you telling us they have is nothing but anecdotal bull poo. So get on it fakey Mcfakerson, show us a specific example of them doing it.
Who cares what you ask for, westwall? You are a fake of this worst sort. Run along. You are trying to impose your will?
I agree in general. In particular, let's look at the hard right schools that do the same along with the left schools.

Name one and provide an example of them denying a lefty a platform to speak.
Liberty has done that. BYU has done that. Baylor has done that. Your opinion on these matters are corrupt, so that's what you get. Do your own research.

I asked you to provide a specific example of them doing so. So far you telling us they have is nothing but anecdotal bull poo. So get on it fakey Mcfakerson, show us a specific example of them doing it.
Who cares what you ask for, westwall? You are a fake of this worst sort. Run along.

Wrong fakey. YOU made the claim, now back it up with facts, fakey Mcfakerson.
Ahh, off-topic post deleted I see.

The only way I can see to solve the problem is a total restructuring of the American education system.
I knew I could bate the sillies into this.

Too easy. Some, among them sensitive snowflakes like Mac1958 and others who simply can't be corrected particularly when wrong, ask for conservative universities who reject speakers.

“Some speakers were rejected because of their politics, in spite of university policies prohibiting politics as a criterion for selecting speakers, and others were rejected for their ‘reputation' or statements on moral issues.”

- “BYU Rejected Speakers for Morals, Politics,” Salt Lake Tribune, April 10, 1980, p. B4

“Academic freedom exists at BYU only for what is considered non-controversial by the university's Board of Trustees and administrators. By those definitions, academic freedom has always existed at Soviet universities (even during the Stalin era).”

- D. Michael Quinn to F. Lamond Tullis, August 29, 1988, in “On Being a Mormon Historian,” p. 94; online at Link is here.

Baylor has definite limitations on speakers.
Campus Speakers
Speakers invited to the campus by any person or group of persons should be selected on the basis of their contribution to the overall educational program of the University. Baylor has no obligation to provide a forum on its campus for everyone with a speech to make. Baylor University encourages students to play an active role in the political process related to local, state and federal governments. However, candidates for public office may only be invited to speak on or in University property or facilities provided that the University makes available equal facilities to all other candidates for public office. Any student or student organizations inviting a candidate for public office to speak on campus must coordinate with the Office of Governmental Relations.

Speakers who advocate violent rebellion and illegal resistance to the laws of the state and nation or the rules of the University should not be invited. Speakers whose purposes and methods are basically contrary to the purposes and methods of a Christian university such as Baylor should not be invited. The use of profanity shall not be tolerated.

It is recognized that there will be no question as to the acceptability of most of the hundreds of speakers who come to the University campus each year, but in questionable cases those planning to invite a speaker will consult with the President of the University, who shall be the final judge of such matters. The responsibility for proper clearance shall be upon the inviting student or students and disregard of such responsibility will be grounds for university disciplinary action. Only the President or his or her designee is authorized to sign university contracts. Baylor rejects speaker - Yahoo Search Results

Liberty University Derecognizes College Democrats - FIRE
Universities are under no obligation to give right wing fascists a platform to "speak." No university owes these useless sacks of shit a goddamn thing. Stop whining.
You are a useless whiner who is not going to get his way. Whether Liberty University or UCB, academia requires a diversity of opinion, and that includes the right wing fascists as well.

Wrong. Allowing right wing extremist shitbags to speak at their school is not a school requirement. I'm only saying they're under no obligation to placate every right wing, alt-right or white nationalist who fancies themselves a special snowflake ENTITLED to speak. I do think they should have these cretins to speak though. I think it's good for debate.

The attention given the shitbags from the protests overwhelms the attention their shows and opinions deserve. I think having to listen to that Harpy Skank speak is punishment enough for students association that invited her.
so why do you wish to impose your will on others? it's so white of you.

I have no desire to see an Ann Coulter show. I don't care if you want to go to her show. Serves you right to have to listen to that Harpy screech.

Is that racist?
I knew I could bate the sillies into this.

Too easy. Some, among them sensitive snowflakes like Mac1958 and others who simply can't be corrected particularly when wrong, ask for conservative universities who reject speakers.

“Some speakers were rejected because of their politics, in spite of university policies prohibiting politics as a criterion for selecting speakers, and others were rejected for their ‘reputation' or statements on moral issues.”

- “BYU Rejected Speakers for Morals, Politics,” Salt Lake Tribune, April 10, 1980, p. B4

“Academic freedom exists at BYU only for what is considered non-controversial by the university's Board of Trustees and administrators. By those definitions, academic freedom has always existed at Soviet universities (even during the Stalin era).”

- D. Michael Quinn to F. Lamond Tullis, August 29, 1988, in “On Being a Mormon Historian,” p. 94; online at Link is here.

Baylor has definite limitations on speakers.
Campus Speakers
Speakers invited to the campus by any person or group of persons should be selected on the basis of their contribution to the overall educational program of the University. Baylor has no obligation to provide a forum on its campus for everyone with a speech to make. Baylor University encourages students to play an active role in the political process related to local, state and federal governments. However, candidates for public office may only be invited to speak on or in University property or facilities provided that the University makes available equal facilities to all other candidates for public office. Any student or student organizations inviting a candidate for public office to speak on campus must coordinate with the Office of Governmental Relations.

Speakers who advocate violent rebellion and illegal resistance to the laws of the state and nation or the rules of the University should not be invited. Speakers whose purposes and methods are basically contrary to the purposes and methods of a Christian university such as Baylor should not be invited. The use of profanity shall not be tolerated.

It is recognized that there will be no question as to the acceptability of most of the hundreds of speakers who come to the University campus each year, but in questionable cases those planning to invite a speaker will consult with the President of the University, who shall be the final judge of such matters. The responsibility for proper clearance shall be upon the inviting student or students and disregard of such responsibility will be grounds for university disciplinary action. Only the President or his or her designee is authorized to sign university contracts. Baylor rejects speaker - Yahoo Search Results

Liberty University Derecognizes College Democrats - FIRE

"Speakers whose purposes and methods are basically contrary to the purposes and methods of a Christian university such as Baylor should not be invited."

It's a take down, one, two, three! Pinned! Conservatives, you should know when to quit. When that boomerang that you, for some reason, throw with all your might and in your minds believe "this time it won't come back" comes back and beans you in the head knocking you to the ground you have to just accept that you think as far ahead as a goldfish.

Give it up, there is a reason liberated minds are the norm at colleges. Their minds are liberated! The dogmatic conservative mindset loses in the college environment because free thought and individuality win in that free market. And when these freed minds then express their 1st amendment rights when one of your knuckledragger dear leaders shows up to vomit hatred out of a microphone you get all upset.

Here's a tissue.
Run along, westfake. Do you really think those three institutions do not limit speakers?

C'mon fakey Mcfakerson,. You made a very specific claim. I have made no claim. However, the rules of the Board require you to provide support for your claim. So hop to it junior.
Universities are under no obligation to give right wing fascists a platform to "speak." No university owes these useless sacks of shit a goddamn thing. Stop whining.
You are a useless whiner who is not going to get his way. Whether Liberty University or UCB, academia requires a diversity of opinion, and that includes the right wing fascists as well.

Wrong. Allowing right wing extremist shitbags to speak at their school is not a school requirement. I'm only saying they're under no obligation to placate every right wing, alt-right or white nationalist who fancies themselves a special snowflake ENTITLED to speak. I do think they should have these cretins to speak though. I think it's good for debate.

The attention given the shitbags from the protests overwhelms the attention their shows and opinions deserve. I think having to listen to that Harpy Skank speak is punishment enough for students association that invited her.
so why do you wish to impose your will on others? it's so white of you.

I have no desire to see an Ann Coulter show. I don't care if you want to go to her show. Serves you right to have to listen to that Harpy screech.

Is that racist?

Racist? No. Misogynistic? Definitely.
I knew I could bate the sillies into this.

Too easy. Some, among them sensitive snowflakes like Mac1958 and others who simply can't be corrected particularly when wrong, ask for conservative universities who reject speakers.

“Some speakers were rejected because of their politics, in spite of university policies prohibiting politics as a criterion for selecting speakers, and others were rejected for their ‘reputation' or statements on moral issues.”

- “BYU Rejected Speakers for Morals, Politics,” Salt Lake Tribune, April 10, 1980, p. B4

“Academic freedom exists at BYU only for what is considered non-controversial by the university's Board of Trustees and administrators. By those definitions, academic freedom has always existed at Soviet universities (even during the Stalin era).”

- D. Michael Quinn to F. Lamond Tullis, August 29, 1988, in “On Being a Mormon Historian,” p. 94; online at Link is here.

Baylor has definite limitations on speakers.
Campus Speakers
Speakers invited to the campus by any person or group of persons should be selected on the basis of their contribution to the overall educational program of the University. Baylor has no obligation to provide a forum on its campus for everyone with a speech to make. Baylor University encourages students to play an active role in the political process related to local, state and federal governments. However, candidates for public office may only be invited to speak on or in University property or facilities provided that the University makes available equal facilities to all other candidates for public office. Any student or student organizations inviting a candidate for public office to speak on campus must coordinate with the Office of Governmental Relations.

Speakers who advocate violent rebellion and illegal resistance to the laws of the state and nation or the rules of the University should not be invited. Speakers whose purposes and methods are basically contrary to the purposes and methods of a Christian university such as Baylor should not be invited. The use of profanity shall not be tolerated.

It is recognized that there will be no question as to the acceptability of most of the hundreds of speakers who come to the University campus each year, but in questionable cases those planning to invite a speaker will consult with the President of the University, who shall be the final judge of such matters. The responsibility for proper clearance shall be upon the inviting student or students and disregard of such responsibility will be grounds for university disciplinary action. Only the President or his or her designee is authorized to sign university contracts. Baylor rejects speaker - Yahoo Search Results

Liberty University Derecognizes College Democrats - FIRE

So, you claim victory but none of the links are live, so this is yet another example of fakey Mcfakerson spewing FAKE NEWS.

Run along junior.
who said she had any? She is a speaker that offers a point of view. the students are the ones requesting it.

Oh, and the university said fk you to the students. great stuff eh?

So then, she is not providing an education, is she? She's just opining and emoting, as she always does. Hardly an "education." Educators educate. Political hacks just run their mouths. Sounds to me that you're upset that professors are the ones who teach, when you'd much prefer your political blowhards to be the ones doing the teaching.
why not? If I have to write a paper and that paper is my thesis, I need input. the material she provides will give me data to support my position. why do you want to tell students fk you?

Hahahaha....thanks for confirming exactly as I thought. You guys are so fucking transparent. All of this is just because you want people like Ann Coulter teaching students rather than the actual teachers. Un-fucking-believable.

Most conservatives on this forum are very hostile towards university professors and their "librul" ways. You guys would much prefer that hacks like Ann Coulter do the teaching, while the professors take a seat in the back of the classroom. That's why you guys make such a big deal out of news like this. You guys loose your minds when students protest against your dream "teachers."

Any argument you guys put forth about "free speech" is a red herring. It's all bullshit. You simply want kids to be indoctrinated by people on the right, period.

"Most conservatives on this forum are very hostile towards university professors and their "librul" ways."


"You simply want kids to be indoctrinated by people on the right, period."

So then, she is not providing an education, is she? She's just opining and emoting, as she always does. Hardly an "education." Educators educate. Political hacks just run their mouths. Sounds to me that you're upset that professors are the ones who teach, when you'd much prefer your political blowhards to be the ones doing the teaching.

What educational value did Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad provide when he spoke at Columbia? What educational credentials did Michael Moore have when he spoke at the University of Arizona?

You are really grasping at straws to defend fascism, aren't you?

The point was Jc said that Ann provides an "education" and that the university was "getting in the way" of it. I simply asked, what education does Ann provide? What are her qualifications for teaching? What are her credentials to educate?

So when is only capable of educating if they have approved government credentials?

That is literally the definition of teaching within a university environment, yes.

verb (used with object), taught, teaching.
to impart knowledge of or skill in; give instruction in:
She teaches mathematics.
Synonyms: coach.

to impart knowledge or skill to; give instruction to:
He teaches a large class.
Synonyms: inform, enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate; coach.
verb (used without object), taught, teaching.

3. to impart knowledge or skill; give instruction. Synonyms: inform, enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate; coach

Nothing about government permission in there


Go ahead and try to graduate from any accredited university after taking classes from non-credentialed teachers. Let me know how well that works out for you.
What educational value did Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad provide when he spoke at Columbia? What educational credentials did Michael Moore have when he spoke at the University of Arizona?

You are really grasping at straws to defend fascism, aren't you?

The point was Jc said that Ann provides an "education" and that the university was "getting in the way" of it. I simply asked, what education does Ann provide? What are her qualifications for teaching? What are her credentials to educate?

So when is only capable of educating if they have approved government credentials?

That is literally the definition of teaching within a university environment, yes.

verb (used with object), taught, teaching.
to impart knowledge of or skill in; give instruction in:
She teaches mathematics.
Synonyms: coach.

to impart knowledge or skill to; give instruction to:
He teaches a large class.
Synonyms: inform, enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate; coach.
verb (used without object), taught, teaching.

3. to impart knowledge or skill; give instruction. Synonyms: inform, enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate; coach

Nothing about government permission in there


Go ahead and try to graduate from any accredited university after taking classes from non-credentialed teachers. Let me know how well that works out for you.

Joined up thinking isn't your strong point darling :smoke:
What educational value did Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad provide when he spoke at Columbia? What educational credentials did Michael Moore have when he spoke at the University of Arizona?

You are really grasping at straws to defend fascism, aren't you?

The point was Jc said that Ann provides an "education" and that the university was "getting in the way" of it. I simply asked, what education does Ann provide? What are her qualifications for teaching? What are her credentials to educate?

So when is only capable of educating if they have approved government credentials?

That is literally the definition of teaching within a university environment, yes.

verb (used with object), taught, teaching.
to impart knowledge of or skill in; give instruction in:
She teaches mathematics.
Synonyms: coach.

to impart knowledge or skill to; give instruction to:
He teaches a large class.
Synonyms: inform, enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate; coach.
verb (used without object), taught, teaching.

3. to impart knowledge or skill; give instruction. Synonyms: inform, enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate; coach

Nothing about government permission in there


Go ahead and try to graduate from any accredited university after taking classes from non-credentialed teachers. Let me know how well that works out for you.

Look here, dumbass.

Being a teacher is not a requirement for guest speakers at universities.

If it was, not as many BLM or NAACP speakers would be allowed.
The point was Jc said that Ann provides an "education" and that the university was "getting in the way" of it. I simply asked, what education does Ann provide? What are her qualifications for teaching? What are her credentials to educate?

So when is only capable of educating if they have approved government credentials?

That is literally the definition of teaching within a university environment, yes.

verb (used with object), taught, teaching.
to impart knowledge of or skill in; give instruction in:
She teaches mathematics.
Synonyms: coach.

to impart knowledge or skill to; give instruction to:
He teaches a large class.
Synonyms: inform, enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate; coach.
verb (used without object), taught, teaching.

3. to impart knowledge or skill; give instruction. Synonyms: inform, enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate; coach

Nothing about government permission in there


Go ahead and try to graduate from any accredited university after taking classes from non-credentialed teachers. Let me know how well that works out for you.

Look here, dumbass.

Being a teacher is not a requirement for guest speakers at universities.

If it was, not as many BLM or NAACP speakers would be allowed.

NO SHIT it isn't a "requirement," you dunce.

The point I was originally making with JC is that guest speakers aren't "educating." They're opining. That's it.

Try to keep up.

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