If US campuses can’t protect free speech, they need new management

Universities are under no obligation to give right wing fascists a platform to "speak." No university owes these useless sacks of shit a goddamn thing. Stop whining.
You are a useless whiner who is not going to get his way. Whether Liberty University or UCB, academia requires a diversity of opinion, and that includes the right wing fascists as well.

Wrong. Allowing right wing extremist shitbags to speak at their school is not a school requirement. I'm only saying they're under no obligation to placate every right wing, alt-right or white nationalist who fancies themselves a special snowflake ENTITLED to speak. I do think they should have these cretins to speak though. I think it's good for debate.

The attention given the shitbags from the protests overwhelms the attention their shows and opinions deserve. I think having to listen to that Harpy Skank speak is punishment enough for students association that invited her.
so why do you wish to impose your will on others? it's so white of you.

I have no desire to see an Ann Coulter show. I don't care if you want to go to her show. Serves you right to have to listen to that Harpy screech.

Is that racist?
so why do you supposed someone wishes to protest it then?

Go ahead and try to graduate from any accredited university after taking classes from non-credentialed teachers. Let me know how well that works out for you.

Look here, dumbass.

Being a teacher is not a requirement for guest speakers at universities.

If it was, not as many BLM or NAACP speakers would be allowed.

A bizarro point of view, that to be allowed to be a guest speaker at a University someone has to be a teacher :uhoh3:

No one ever said that, toots. Thanks again for the logical fallacy. What is that, 5, 6 in this thread alone? You're on a roll!

"No one ever said that, toots."

Yes they have, you have, you have consistently stated throughout this thread that Ann Coulter has no teaching credentials so therefore she shouldn't be allowed to be invited to address students as a guest speaker at a University.

"Thanks again for the logical fallacy."

Are you channelling C. Clayton Jones or something?

If so you should stop it, Clayton does this thing better than you do.

You are very annoying.

I never said she shouldn't be speaking because she lacks teaching credentials, sugar. I said that Berkeley not having her speak was not "interfering with the students education," as per JC's claim, because she isn't a credentialed teacher. She isn't an educator. She's a hack. A political commentator with a big mouth, kind of like you!

Please, try to keep up. If you can't keep up with a discussion, then stop butting in.

She holds an opposing point of view, and that isn't permitted in Fascist Land.
lol, what teaching credentials does Ann Coulter have?
Had to look it up, but...

"Ann Hart Coulter (/ˈkoʊltər/; born December 8, 1961) is an American conservative social and political commentator, writer, syndicated columnist, and lawyer."

pretty good creds to give speeches on campus

Yet no teaching credentials, therefore, she won't be doing any "educating." She will however, be running that horsemouth of hers.

Doesn't need to be a teacher, chum.

(Look up the definition of 'chum', in regards to fishing)

Political hacks like Ann Coulter are not "teaching" anything. The only thing she does is run her mouth and voice her opinion. That's it. It is terrifying that you don't realize that.

By the way, I was wondering when you were going to take a break from your funny icon passive aggressive extravaganza and actually comment. What a let down that was. Stick to giving funny icons. That's more your speed. 10 funnies in this thread alone. Amazing, Will.

When did Coulter ever proclaim herself to be a teacher?

Don't think she did. But JC proclaimed that she was there to "educate."
Okay, so we're not supposed to allow speakers to voice their opinions on campus now?

This just gets better.
You are a useless whiner who is not going to get his way. Whether Liberty University or UCB, academia requires a diversity of opinion, and that includes the right wing fascists as well.

Wrong. Allowing right wing extremist shitbags to speak at their school is not a school requirement. I'm only saying they're under no obligation to placate every right wing, alt-right or white nationalist who fancies themselves a special snowflake ENTITLED to speak. I do think they should have these cretins to speak though. I think it's good for debate.

The attention given the shitbags from the protests overwhelms the attention their shows and opinions deserve. I think having to listen to that Harpy Skank speak is punishment enough for students association that invited her.
so why do you wish to impose your will on others? it's so white of you.

I have no desire to see an Ann Coulter show. I don't care if you want to go to her show. Serves you right to have to listen to that Harpy screech.

Is that racist?
so why do you supposed someone wishes to protest it then?

Opposing opinions are not allowed. The are some of the most closed minded, ignorant people wasting precious air on planet Earth.
The point was Jc said that Ann provides an "education" and that the university was "getting in the way" of it. I simply asked, what education does Ann provide? What are her qualifications for teaching? What are her credentials to educate?

So when is only capable of educating if they have approved government credentials?

That is literally the definition of teaching within a university environment, yes.

verb (used with object), taught, teaching.
to impart knowledge of or skill in; give instruction in:
She teaches mathematics.
Synonyms: coach.

to impart knowledge or skill to; give nstruction to:
He teaches a large class.
Synonyms: inform, enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate; coach.
verb (used without object), taught, teaching.

3. to impart knowledge or skill; give instruction. Synonyms: inform, enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate; coach

Nothing about government permission in there

Remember a quote from an All in the Family episode: "Every man is my teacher, in that I might learn from him".

Got the quote wrong
" "Every man is my superior in that I may learn from him"

from an essay by Scottish writer Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881); although it is sometimes also attributed to the American author Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), who added "and every man is my inferior in that he may learn from me".

Obviously, neither has ever met styfe
They don't want kids who are curious to learn other people's opinions.

THAT would wreck everything they've been working for.
BTW, nothing like a university standing in the way of a right wing student's education.

lol, what teaching credentials does Ann Coulter have?
Had to look it up, but...

"Ann Hart Coulter (/ˈkoʊltər/; born December 8, 1961) is an American conservative social and political commentator, writer, syndicated columnist, and lawyer."

pretty good creds to give speeches on campus

Yet no teaching credentials, therefore, she won't be doing any "educating." She will however, be running that horsemouth of hers.

Doesn't need to be a teacher, chum.

(Look up the definition of 'chum', in regards to fishing)

Political hacks like Ann Coulter are not "teaching" anything. The only thing she does is run her mouth and voice her opinion. That's it. It is terrifying that you don't realize that.

By the way, I was wondering when you were going to take a break from your funny icon passive aggressive extravaganza and actually comment. What a let down that was. Stick to giving funny icons. That's more your speed. 10 funnies in this thread alone. Amazing, Will.

"The only thing she does is run her mouth and voice her opinion. That's it. It is terrifying that you don't realize that."

There it is, what we have been saying ALL along, the Regressive Left are against Free Speech if someone is voicing a different opinion to their own.

The Regressive Left have NO THOUGHTS of their OWN, they are NOT ALLOWED to think for themselves, they have been taught WHAT to think and it's been drummed into them, they are DEVOID of an Independent Thought Process, because thinking for YOURSELF is NOT tolerated....this is why they hate Freedom of Speech, this is why they are happy to resort to violence to attempt to shut down Freedom of Speech, this is why they are Fascists.

This is why they adopt the Thought Police Political Correctness horsecrap, because they are Fascists, they are literally living George Orwell's "1984"
You are a useless whiner who is not going to get his way. Whether Liberty University or UCB, academia requires a diversity of opinion, and that includes the right wing fascists as well.

Wrong. Allowing right wing extremist shitbags to speak at their school is not a school requirement. I'm only saying they're under no obligation to placate every right wing, alt-right or white nationalist who fancies themselves a special snowflake ENTITLED to speak. I do think they should have these cretins to speak though. I think it's good for debate.

The attention given the shitbags from the protests overwhelms the attention their shows and opinions deserve. I think having to listen to that Harpy Skank speak is punishment enough for students association that invited her.
so why do you wish to impose your will on others? it's so white of you.

I have no desire to see an Ann Coulter show. I don't care if you want to go to her show. Serves you right to have to listen to that Harpy screech.

Is that racist?

Racist? No. Misogynistic? Definitely.

Then I apologize to Harpies everywhere.

BTW, nothing like a university standing in the way of a right wing student's education.

lol, what teaching credentials does Ann Coulter have?
Had to look it up, but...

"Ann Hart Coulter (/ˈkoʊltər/; born December 8, 1961) is an American conservative social and political commentator, writer, syndicated columnist, and lawyer."

pretty good creds to give speeches on campus

Yet no teaching credentials, therefore, she won't be doing any "educating." She will however, be running that horsemouth of hers.

Doesn't need to be a teacher, chum.

(Look up the definition of 'chum', in regards to fishing)

Political hacks like Ann Coulter are not "teaching" anything. The only thing she does is run her mouth and voice her opinion. That's it. It is terrifying that you don't realize that.

By the way, I was wondering when you were going to take a break from your funny icon passive aggressive extravaganza and actually comment. What a let down that was. Stick to giving funny icons. That's more your speed. 10 funnies in this thread alone. Amazing, Will.

I was about 70 posts behind when I joined this thread.

not knowing if someone had pointed out your stupidity, I merely laughed at you til I was close to catching up.
lol, what teaching credentials does Ann Coulter have?
Had to look it up, but...

"Ann Hart Coulter (/ˈkoʊltər/; born December 8, 1961) is an American conservative social and political commentator, writer, syndicated columnist, and lawyer."

pretty good creds to give speeches on campus

Yet no teaching credentials, therefore, she won't be doing any "educating." She will however, be running that horsemouth of hers.

Doesn't need to be a teacher, chum.

(Look up the definition of 'chum', in regards to fishing)

Political hacks like Ann Coulter are not "teaching" anything. The only thing she does is run her mouth and voice her opinion. That's it. It is terrifying that you don't realize that.

By the way, I was wondering when you were going to take a break from your funny icon passive aggressive extravaganza and actually comment. What a let down that was. Stick to giving funny icons. That's more your speed. 10 funnies in this thread alone. Amazing, Will.

I was about 70 posts behind when I joined this thread.

not knowing if someone had pointed out your stupidity, I merely laughed at you til I was close to catching up.

Yup, that sounds about right. It's what you do best.
Had to look it up, but...

"Ann Hart Coulter (/ˈkoʊltər/; born December 8, 1961) is an American conservative social and political commentator, writer, syndicated columnist, and lawyer."

pretty good creds to give speeches on campus

Yet no teaching credentials, therefore, she won't be doing any "educating." She will however, be running that horsemouth of hers.

Doesn't need to be a teacher, chum.

(Look up the definition of 'chum', in regards to fishing)

Political hacks like Ann Coulter are not "teaching" anything. The only thing she does is run her mouth and voice her opinion. That's it. It is terrifying that you don't realize that.

By the way, I was wondering when you were going to take a break from your funny icon passive aggressive extravaganza and actually comment. What a let down that was. Stick to giving funny icons. That's more your speed. 10 funnies in this thread alone. Amazing, Will.

When did Coulter ever proclaim herself to be a teacher?

Don't think she did. But JC proclaimed that she was there to "educate."

I could educate you by explaining certain aspects of the tax code to you. Hardy makes me a teacher per se.
Yet no teaching credentials, therefore, she won't be doing any "educating." She will however, be running that horsemouth of hers.

Doesn't need to be a teacher, chum.

(Look up the definition of 'chum', in regards to fishing)

Political hacks like Ann Coulter are not "teaching" anything. The only thing she does is run her mouth and voice her opinion. That's it. It is terrifying that you don't realize that.

By the way, I was wondering when you were going to take a break from your funny icon passive aggressive extravaganza and actually comment. What a let down that was. Stick to giving funny icons. That's more your speed. 10 funnies in this thread alone. Amazing, Will.

When did Coulter ever proclaim herself to be a teacher?

Don't think she did. But JC proclaimed that she was there to "educate."

I could educate you by explaining certain aspects of the tax code to you. Hardy makes me a teacher per se.

And what exactly is Ann going to be "educating" the students on?
BTW, nothing like a university standing in the way of a right wing student's education.

lol, what teaching credentials does Ann Coulter have?
Had to look it up, but...

"Ann Hart Coulter (/ˈkoʊltər/; born December 8, 1961) is an American conservative social and political commentator, writer, syndicated columnist, and lawyer."

pretty good creds to give speeches on campus

Well I did tell SYTFE that Ann Coulter was more intelligent than he is :smoke:

Other things that are more intelligent than SYTFE:

Paper cups.

View attachment 122620



Mist=Manure auf Deutsche, so yeah, shit is smarter than sytfe
verb (used with object), taught, teaching.
to impart knowledge of or skill in; give instruction in:
She teaches mathematics.
Synonyms: coach.

to impart knowledge or skill to; give instruction to:
He teaches a large class.
Synonyms: inform, enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate; coach.
verb (used without object), taught, teaching.

3. to impart knowledge or skill; give instruction. Synonyms: inform, enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate; coach

Nothing about government permission in there


Go ahead and try to graduate from any accredited university after taking classes from non-credentialed teachers. Let me know how well that works out for you.

Look here, dumbass.

Being a teacher is not a requirement for guest speakers at universities.

If it was, not as many BLM or NAACP speakers would be allowed.

A bizarro point of view, that to be allowed to be a guest speaker at a University someone has to be a teacher :uhoh3:

No one ever said that, toots. Thanks again for the logical fallacy. What is that, 5, 6 in this thread alone? You're on a roll!

"No one ever said that, toots."

Yes they have, you have, you have consistently stated throughout this thread that Ann Coulter has no teaching credentials so therefore she shouldn't be allowed to be invited to address students as a guest speaker at a University.

"Thanks again for the logical fallacy."

Are you channelling C. Clayton Jones or something?

If so you should stop it, Clayton does this thing better than you do.

To be fair to Styfe, that is not what he said. He responded to this post:
BTW, nothing like a university standing in the way of a right wing student's education.

Styfe said that Coulter is not educating, but opining, therefore the university is not standing in the way of a student's education by preventing her from speaking on campus. In the context of the argument he seems to be making, he is probably correct; hearing Coulter speak on campus is not likely to be part of the formal, university-designed education of the students.

It seems to be an argument about a specific point which has spiraled a bit out of control. Coulter's appearance is probably not part of the requirements of any classes. Students can be educated by Coulter, or any speaker, in a more general sense. I think this is a dead horse that has been beaten until it is unrecognizable. :p

EDIT: I misspelled Ann Coulter's name and had to fix it.
Doesn't need to be a teacher, chum.

(Look up the definition of 'chum', in regards to fishing)

Political hacks like Ann Coulter are not "teaching" anything. The only thing she does is run her mouth and voice her opinion. That's it. It is terrifying that you don't realize that.

By the way, I was wondering when you were going to take a break from your funny icon passive aggressive extravaganza and actually comment. What a let down that was. Stick to giving funny icons. That's more your speed. 10 funnies in this thread alone. Amazing, Will.

When did Coulter ever proclaim herself to be a teacher?

Don't think she did. But JC proclaimed that she was there to "educate."

I could educate you by explaining certain aspects of the tax code to you. Hardy makes me a teacher per se.

And what exactly is Ann going to be "educating" the students on?

Uhm, a point of view other than their narrow, close minded little world?
lol, what teaching credentials does Ann Coulter have?
Had to look it up, but...

"Ann Hart Coulter (/ˈkoʊltər/; born December 8, 1961) is an American conservative social and political commentator, writer, syndicated columnist, and lawyer."

pretty good creds to give speeches on campus

Yet no teaching credentials, therefore, she won't be doing any "educating." She will however, be running that horsemouth of hers.

Doesn't need to be a teacher, chum.

(Look up the definition of 'chum', in regards to fishing)

Political hacks like Ann Coulter are not "teaching" anything. The only thing she does is run her mouth and voice her opinion. That's it. It is terrifying that you don't realize that.

By the way, I was wondering when you were going to take a break from your funny icon passive aggressive extravaganza and actually comment. What a let down that was. Stick to giving funny icons. That's more your speed. 10 funnies in this thread alone. Amazing, Will.

"The only thing she does is run her mouth and voice her opinion. That's it. It is terrifying that you don't realize that."

There it is, what we have been saying ALL along, the Regressive Left are against Free Speech if someone is voicing a different opinion to their own.

The Regressive Left have NO THOUGHTS of their OWN, they are NOT ALLOWED to think for themselves, they have been taught WHAT to think and it's been drummed into them, they are DEVOID of an Independent Thought Process, because thinking for YOURSELF is NOT tolerated....this is why they hate Freedom of Speech, this is why they are happy to resort to violence to attempt to shut down Freedom of Speech, this is why they are Fascists.

This is why they adopt the Thought Police Political Correctness horsecrap, because they are Fascists, they are literally living George Orwell's "1984"


How you got that from what I said is even more terrifying.

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