If US campuses can’t protect free speech, they need new management

The point was Jc said that Ann provides an "education" and that the university was "getting in the way" of it. I simply asked, what education does Ann provide? What are her qualifications for teaching? What are her credentials to educate?

So when is only capable of educating if they have approved government credentials?

That is literally the definition of teaching within a university environment, yes.

verb (used with object), taught, teaching.
to impart knowledge of or skill in; give instruction in:
She teaches mathematics.
Synonyms: coach.

to impart knowledge or skill to; give instruction to:
He teaches a large class.
Synonyms: inform, enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate; coach.
verb (used without object), taught, teaching.

3. to impart knowledge or skill; give instruction. Synonyms: inform, enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate; coach

Nothing about government permission in there


Go ahead and try to graduate from any accredited university after taking classes from non-credentialed teachers. Let me know how well that works out for you.

Look here, dumbass.

Being a teacher is not a requirement for guest speakers at universities.

If it was, not as many BLM or NAACP speakers would be allowed.

A bizarro point of view, that to be allowed to be a guest speaker at a University someone has to be a teacher :uhoh3:
BTW, nothing like a university standing in the way of a right wing student's education.

lol, what teaching credentials does Ann Coulter have?
Had to look it up, but...

"Ann Hart Coulter (/ˈkoʊltər/; born December 8, 1961) is an American conservative social and political commentator, writer, syndicated columnist, and lawyer."

pretty good creds to give speeches on campus

Yet no teaching credentials, therefore, she won't be doing any "educating." She will however, be running that horsemouth of hers.
So when is only capable of educating if they have approved government credentials?

That is literally the definition of teaching within a university environment, yes.

verb (used with object), taught, teaching.
to impart knowledge of or skill in; give instruction in:
She teaches mathematics.
Synonyms: coach.

to impart knowledge or skill to; give instruction to:
He teaches a large class.
Synonyms: inform, enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate; coach.
verb (used without object), taught, teaching.

3. to impart knowledge or skill; give instruction. Synonyms: inform, enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate; coach

Nothing about government permission in there


Go ahead and try to graduate from any accredited university after taking classes from non-credentialed teachers. Let me know how well that works out for you.

Look here, dumbass.

Being a teacher is not a requirement for guest speakers at universities.

If it was, not as many BLM or NAACP speakers would be allowed.

A bizarro point of view, that to be allowed to be a guest speaker at a University someone has to be a teacher :uhoh3:

No one ever said that, toots. Thanks again for the logical fallacy. What is that, 5, 6 in this thread alone? You're on a roll!
So when is only capable of educating if they have approved government credentials?

That is literally the definition of teaching within a university environment, yes.

verb (used with object), taught, teaching.
to impart knowledge of or skill in; give instruction in:
She teaches mathematics.
Synonyms: coach.

to impart knowledge or skill to; give instruction to:
He teaches a large class.
Synonyms: inform, enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate; coach.
verb (used without object), taught, teaching.

3. to impart knowledge or skill; give instruction. Synonyms: inform, enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate; coach

Nothing about government permission in there


Go ahead and try to graduate from any accredited university after taking classes from non-credentialed teachers. Let me know how well that works out for you.

Look here, dumbass.

Being a teacher is not a requirement for guest speakers at universities.

If it was, not as many BLM or NAACP speakers would be allowed.

NO SHIT it isn't a "requirement," you dunce.

The point I was originally making with JC is that guest speakers aren't "educating." They're opining. That's it.

Try to keep up.

What a load of bullshit. There are plenty of guest speakers who educate. How many authors have been guests who have no formal education. You have your head so far up your ass I am surprised that you can breath.
That is literally the definition of teaching within a university environment, yes.

verb (used with object), taught, teaching.
to impart knowledge of or skill in; give instruction in:
She teaches mathematics.
Synonyms: coach.

to impart knowledge or skill to; give instruction to:
He teaches a large class.
Synonyms: inform, enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate; coach.
verb (used without object), taught, teaching.

3. to impart knowledge or skill; give instruction. Synonyms: inform, enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate; coach

Nothing about government permission in there


Go ahead and try to graduate from any accredited university after taking classes from non-credentialed teachers. Let me know how well that works out for you.

Look here, dumbass.

Being a teacher is not a requirement for guest speakers at universities.

If it was, not as many BLM or NAACP speakers would be allowed.

NO SHIT it isn't a "requirement," you dunce.

The point I was originally making with JC is that guest speakers aren't "educating." They're opining. That's it.

Try to keep up.

What a load of bullshit. There are plenty of guest speakers who educate. How many authors have been guests who have no formal education. You have your head so far up your ass I am surprised that you can breath.

Will attending Ann's speech give students any credits?
BTW, nothing like a university standing in the way of a right wing student's education.

lol, what teaching credentials does Ann Coulter have?
Had to look it up, but...

"Ann Hart Coulter (/ˈkoʊltər/; born December 8, 1961) is an American conservative social and political commentator, writer, syndicated columnist, and lawyer."

pretty good creds to give speeches on campus

Well I did tell SYTFE that Ann Coulter was more intelligent than he is :smoke:

Other things that are more intelligent than SYTFE:

Paper cups.



So when is only capable of educating if they have approved government credentials?

That is literally the definition of teaching within a university environment, yes.

verb (used with object), taught, teaching.
to impart knowledge of or skill in; give instruction in:
She teaches mathematics.
Synonyms: coach.

to impart knowledge or skill to; give instruction to:
He teaches a large class.
Synonyms: inform, enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate; coach.
verb (used without object), taught, teaching.

3. to impart knowledge or skill; give instruction. Synonyms: inform, enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate; coach

Nothing about government permission in there


Go ahead and try to graduate from any accredited university after taking classes from non-credentialed teachers. Let me know how well that works out for you.

Look here, dumbass.

Being a teacher is not a requirement for guest speakers at universities.

If it was, not as many BLM or NAACP speakers would be allowed.

NO SHIT it isn't a "requirement," you dunce.

The point I was originally making with JC is that guest speakers aren't "educating." They're opining. That's it.

Try to keep up.

Then wtf do you keep harping on and on about? Jeebus you're annoying.

Universities are under no obligation to give right wing fascists a platform to "speak." No university owes these useless sacks of shit a goddamn thing. Stop whining.

If they are state universities, they certainly are required to allow free speech. And the fun happy speech does not need protecting. It is the speech with which we disagree that needs protections. And not allowing free speech simply because YOU disagree with it goes against everything this nation stands for.

When we demand that people espousing ideas about same sex marriages, equality for women ect ect, are allowed free speech, we must allow free speech from the other side of the coin.

Free speech just means you can't be persecuted for your opinion. It doesn't force every university to bend over and give a free platform for every right wing nutjob on the planet who wants to spread their messages of hate and violence.

Here are some court rulings that disagree with you:
State of the Law: Speech Codes - FIRE

Nothing in there disagrees with me. By the way, Free Speech does NOT protect "fighting words," the exact words you hear from these alt-right kooks.

And it is perfectly within the rights of the students to object to them speaking and to protest against extremist right wing shitbags polluting their campus. If students want to listen to Ann Coulter spew her usual hate, or Milo preaching the virtues of gay sex with children, or Richard Spencer preaching the virtues of exterminating all races except anglo-saxons, they can go to their platforms and listen to them until they're blue in the face. They are under no obligation to be forced to listen to them while at school. That is NOT part of their tuition.

Get that through your fucking head.

Understand now?

You might have a point, if anything you were saying was remotely truthful. Nobody is being forced to listen to anybody and nobody is saying students don't have the right to protest.

Yet right here on this very forum, there seems to be a new thread every week about how these students are "wrong" to protest. Interesting, that.

So then, she is not providing an education, is she? She's just opining and emoting, as she always does. Hardly an "education." Educators educate. Political hacks just run their mouths. Sounds to me that you're upset that professors are the ones who teach, when you'd much prefer your political blowhards to be the ones doing the teaching.

What educational value did Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad provide when he spoke at Columbia? What educational credentials did Michael Moore have when he spoke at the University of Arizona?

You are really grasping at straws to defend fascism, aren't you?

The point was Jc said that Ann provides an "education" and that the university was "getting in the way" of it. I simply asked, what education does Ann provide? What are her qualifications for teaching? What are her credentials to educate?

who said she had any? She is a speaker that offers a point of view. the students are the ones requesting it.

Oh, and the university said fk you to the students. great stuff eh?

So then, she is not providing an education, is she? She's just opining and emoting, as she always does. Hardly an "education." Educators educate. Political hacks just run their mouths. Sounds to me that you're upset that professors are the ones who teach, when you'd much prefer your political blowhards to be the ones doing the teaching.
why not? If I have to write a paper and that paper is my thesis, I need input. the material she provides will give me data to support my position. why do you want to tell students fk you?

Hahahaha....thanks for confirming exactly as I thought. You guys are so fucking transparent. All of this is just because you want people like Ann Coulter teaching students rather than the actual teachers. Un-fucking-believable.

Most conservatives on this forum are very hostile towards university professors and their "librul" ways. You guys would much prefer that hacks like Ann Coulter do the teaching, while the professors take a seat in the back of the classroom. That's why you guys make such a big deal out of news like this. You guys loose your minds when students protest against your dream "teachers."

Any argument you guys put forth about "free speech" is a red herring. It's all bullshit. You simply want kids to be indoctrinated by people on the right, period.

So then, she is not providing an education, is she? She's just opining and emoting, as she always does. Hardly an "education." Educators educate. Political hacks just run their mouths. Sounds to me that you're upset that professors are the ones who teach, when you'd much prefer your political blowhards to be the ones doing the teaching.

What educational value did Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad provide when he spoke at Columbia? What educational credentials did Michael Moore have when he spoke at the University of Arizona?

You are really grasping at straws to defend fascism, aren't you?

The point was Jc said that Ann provides an "education" and that the university was "getting in the way" of it. I simply asked, what education does Ann provide? What are her qualifications for teaching? What are her credentials to educate?

So when is only capable of educating if they have approved government credentials?

That is literally the definition of teaching within a university environment, yes.

What educational value did Ira
Their minds are liberated! The dogmatic conservative mindset loses in the college environment because free thought and individuality win in that free market. And when these freed minds then express their 1st amendment rights when one of your knuckledragger dear leaders shows up to vomit hatred out of a microphone you get all upset.

Here's a tissue.
nian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad provide when he spoke at Columbia? What educational credentials did Michael Moore have when he spoke at the University of Arizona?

You are really grasping at straws to defend fascism, aren't you?

The point was Jc said that Ann provides an "education" and that the university was "getting in the way" of it. I simply asked, what education does Ann provide? What are her qualifications for teaching? What are her credentials to educate?

So when is only capable of educating if they have approved gover
Their minds are liberated! The dogmatic conservative mindset loses in the college environment because free thought and individuality win in that free market. And when these freed minds then express their 1st amendment rights when one of your knuckledragger dear leaders shows up to vomit hatred out of a microphone you get all upset.

Here's a tissue.
nment credentials?

That is literally the definition of teaching within a university environment, yes.

verb (used with object), taught, teaching.
to impart knowledge of or skill in; give instruction in:
She teaches mathematics.
Synonyms: coach.

to impart knowledge or skill to; give instruction to:
He teaches a large class.
Synonyms: inform, enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate; coach.
verb (used without object), taught, teaching.

3. to impart knowledge or skill; give instruction. Synonyms: inform, enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate; coach

Nothing about government permission in there


Go ahead and try to graduate from any accredited university after taking classes from non-credentialed teachers. Let me know how well that works out for you.

You don't know what stance you're really trying to take, you just want to be contrary, so much so, that you contradict yourself.
So then, she is not providing an education, is she? She's just opining and emoting, as she always does. Hardly an "education." Educators educate. Political hacks just run their mouths. Sounds to me that you're upset that professors are the ones who teach, when you'd much prefer your political blowhards to be the ones doing the teaching.

What educational value did Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad provide when he spoke at Columbia? What educational credentials did Michael Moore have when he spoke at the University of Arizona?

You are really grasping at straws to defend fascism, aren't you?

The point was Jc said that Ann provides an "education" and that the university was "getting in the way" of it. I simply asked, what education does Ann provide? What are her qualifications for teaching? What are her credentials to educate?

So when is only capable of educating if they have approved government credentials?

That is literally the definition of teaching within a university environment, yes.

verb (used with object), taught, teaching.
to impart knowledge of or skill in; give instruction in:
She teaches mathematics.
Synonyms: coach.

to impart knowledge or skill to; give instruction to:
He teaches a large class.
Synonyms: inform, enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate; coach.
verb (used without object), taught, teaching.

3. to impart knowledge or skill; give instruction. Synonyms: inform, enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate; coach

Nothing about government permission in there

Remember a quote from an All in the Family episode: "Every man is my teacher, in that I might learn from him".
When you listen to a political commentator give a "speech," they are not "educating." They are opining. Pretty simple concept, conservatives.

Jesus Christ...no wonder you morons are so confused about this....all this time you thought you were receiving an education by listening to your right wing blow hards, day in and day out, 24/7!!!

That's some scary shit!
When you listen to a political commentator give a "speech," they are not "educating." They are opining. Pretty simple concept, conservatives.

Jesus Christ...no wonder you morons are so confused about this....all this time you thought you were receiving an education by listening to your right wing blow hards, day in and day out, 24/7!!!

That's some scary shit!

The only confusion is in your scrambled noggin.
BTW, nothing like a university standing in the way of a right wing student's education.

lol, what teaching credentials does Ann Coulter have?
Had to look it up, but...

"Ann Hart Coulter (/ˈkoʊltər/; born December 8, 1961) is an American conservative social and political commentator, writer, syndicated columnist, and lawyer."

pretty good creds to give speeches on campus

Yet no teaching credentials, therefore, she won't be doing any "educating." She will however, be running that horsemouth of hers.

Doesn't need to be a teacher, chum.

(Look up the definition of 'chum', in regards to fishing)
That is literally the definition of teaching within a university environment, yes.

verb (used with object), taught, teaching.
to impart knowledge of or skill in; give instruction in:
She teaches mathematics.
Synonyms: coach.

to impart knowledge or skill to; give instruction to:
He teaches a large class.
Synonyms: inform, enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate; coach.
verb (used without object), taught, teaching.

3. to impart knowledge or skill; give instruction. Synonyms: inform, enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate; coach

Nothing about government permission in there


Go ahead and try to graduate from any accredited university after taking classes from non-credentialed teachers. Let me know how well that works out for you.

Look here, dumbass.

Being a teacher is not a requirement for guest speakers at universities.

If it was, not as many BLM or NAACP speakers would be allowed.

A bizarro point of view, that to be allowed to be a guest speaker at a University someone has to be a teacher :uhoh3:

No one ever said that, toots. Thanks again for the logical fallacy. What is that, 5, 6 in this thread alone? You're on a roll!

"No one ever said that, toots."

Yes they have, you have, you have consistently stated throughout this thread that Ann Coulter has no teaching credentials so therefore she shouldn't be allowed to be invited to address students as a guest speaker at a University.

"Thanks again for the logical fallacy."

Are you channelling C. Clayton Jones or something?

If so you should stop it, Clayton does this thing better than you do.
verb (used with object), taught, teaching.
to impart knowledge of or skill in; give instruction in:
She teaches mathematics.
Synonyms: coach.

to impart knowledge or skill to; give instruction to:
He teaches a large class.
Synonyms: inform, enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate; coach.
verb (used without object), taught, teaching.

3. to impart knowledge or skill; give instruction. Synonyms: inform, enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate; coach

Nothing about government permission in there


Go ahead and try to graduate from any accredited university after taking classes from non-credentialed teachers. Let me know how well that works out for you.

Look here, dumbass.

Being a teacher is not a requirement for guest speakers at universities.

If it was, not as many BLM or NAACP speakers would be allowed.

A bizarro point of view, that to be allowed to be a guest speaker at a University someone has to be a teacher :uhoh3:

No one ever said that, toots. Thanks again for the logical fallacy. What is that, 5, 6 in this thread alone? You're on a roll!

"No one ever said that, toots."

Yes they have, you have, you have consistently stated throughout this thread that Ann Coulter has no teaching credentials so therefore she shouldn't be allowed to be invited to address students as a guest speaker at a University.

"Thanks again for the logical fallacy."

Are you channelling C. Clayton Jones or something?

If so you should stop it, Clayton does this thing better than you do.
Obviously, a teaching credential is not a requirement.

They're just looking for any excuse they can toss out to shut down opposing speech.
BTW, nothing like a university standing in the way of a right wing student's education.

lol, what teaching credentials does Ann Coulter have?
Had to look it up, but...

"Ann Hart Coulter (/ˈkoʊltər/; born December 8, 1961) is an American conservative social and political commentator, writer, syndicated columnist, and lawyer."

pretty good creds to give speeches on campus

Yet no teaching credentials, therefore, she won't be doing any "educating." She will however, be running that horsemouth of hers.

Doesn't need to be a teacher, chum.

(Look up the definition of 'chum', in regards to fishing)

Political hacks like Ann Coulter are not "teaching" anything. The only thing she does is run her mouth and voice her opinion. That's it. It is terrifying that you don't realize that.

By the way, I was wondering when you were going to take a break from your funny icon passive aggressive extravaganza and actually comment. What a let down that was. Stick to giving funny icons. That's more your speed. 10 funnies in this thread alone. Amazing, Will.
BTW, nothing like a university standing in the way of a right wing student's education.

lol, what teaching credentials does Ann Coulter have?
Had to look it up, but...

"Ann Hart Coulter (/ˈkoʊltər/; born December 8, 1961) is an American conservative social and political commentator, writer, syndicated columnist, and lawyer."

pretty good creds to give speeches on campus

Yet no teaching credentials, therefore, she won't be doing any "educating." She will however, be running that horsemouth of hers.

Doesn't need to be a teacher, chum.

(Look up the definition of 'chum', in regards to fishing)

Political hacks like Ann Coulter are not "teaching" anything. The only thing she does is run her mouth and voice her opinion. That's it. It is terrifying that you don't realize that.

By the way, I was wondering when you were going to take a break from your funny icon passive aggressive extravaganza and actually comment. What a let down that was. Stick to giving funny icons. That's more your speed. 10 funnies in this thread alone. Amazing, Will.

When did Coulter ever proclaim herself to be a teacher?
verb (used with object), taught, teaching.
to impart knowledge of or skill in; give instruction in:
She teaches mathematics.
Synonyms: coach.

to impart knowledge or skill to; give instruction to:
He teaches a large class.
Synonyms: inform, enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate; coach.
verb (used without object), taught, teaching.

3. to impart knowledge or skill; give instruction. Synonyms: inform, enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate; coach

Nothing about government permission in there


Go ahead and try to graduate from any accredited university after taking classes from non-credentialed teachers. Let me know how well that works out for you.

Look here, dumbass.

Being a teacher is not a requirement for guest speakers at universities.

If it was, not as many BLM or NAACP speakers would be allowed.

A bizarro point of view, that to be allowed to be a guest speaker at a University someone has to be a teacher :uhoh3:

No one ever said that, toots. Thanks again for the logical fallacy. What is that, 5, 6 in this thread alone? You're on a roll!

"No one ever said that, toots."

Yes they have, you have, you have consistently stated throughout this thread that Ann Coulter has no teaching credentials so therefore she shouldn't be allowed to be invited to address students as a guest speaker at a University.

"Thanks again for the logical fallacy."

Are you channelling C. Clayton Jones or something?

If so you should stop it, Clayton does this thing better than you do.

You are very annoying.

I never said she shouldn't be speaking because she lacks teaching credentials, sugar. I said that Berkeley not having her speak was not "interfering with the students education," as per JC's claim, because she isn't a credentialed teacher. She isn't an educator. She's a hack. A political commentator with a big mouth, kind of like you!

Please, try to keep up. If you can't keep up with a discussion, then stop butting in.
What educational value did Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad provide when he spoke at Columbia? What educational credentials did Michael Moore have when he spoke at the University of Arizona?

You are really grasping at straws to defend fascism, aren't you?

The point was Jc said that Ann provides an "education" and that the university was "getting in the way" of it. I simply asked, what education does Ann provide? What are her qualifications for teaching? What are her credentials to educate?

So when is only capable of educating if they have approved government credentials?

That is literally the definition of teaching within a university environment, yes.

verb (used with object), taught, teaching.
to impart knowledge of or skill in; give instruction in:
She teaches mathematics.
Synonyms: coach.

to impart knowledge or skill to; give nstruction to:
He teaches a large class.
Synonyms: inform, enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate; coach.
verb (used without object), taught, teaching.

3. to impart knowledge or skill; give instruction. Synonyms: inform, enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate; coach

Nothing about government permission in there

Remember a quote from an All in the Family episode: "Every man is my teacher, in that I might learn from him".

Got the quote wrong
" "Every man is my superior in that I may learn from him"

from an essay by Scottish writer Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881); although it is sometimes also attributed to the American author Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), who added "and every man is my inferior in that he may learn from me".

Obviously, neither has ever met styfe

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