If US campuses can’t protect free speech, they need new management

If they are state universities, they certainly are required to allow free speech. And the fun happy speech does not need protecting. It is the speech with which we disagree that needs protections. And not allowing free speech simply because YOU disagree with it goes against everything this nation stands for.

When we demand that people espousing ideas about same sex marriages, equality for women ect ect, are allowed free speech, we must allow free speech from the other side of the coin.

Free speech just means you can't be persecuted for your opinion. It doesn't force every university to bend over and give a free platform for every right wing nutjob on the planet who wants to spread their messages of hate and violence.

Here are some court rulings that disagree with you:
State of the Law: Speech Codes - FIRE

Nothing in there disagrees with me. By the way, Free Speech does NOT protect "fighting words," the exact words you hear from these alt-right kooks.

"By the way, Free Speech does NOT protect "fighting words,"

Okay so you would agree that BLM should be shut down then? They advocate killing white people, they advocate killing police officers, they are Black Supremacists and Black racists.

So shut them down yes?

You really have a one track mind, don't you? Individuals within the BLM should be held accountable for advocating killing white people or killing police officers. But contrary to you and your warped fascist world view, I don't believe they ALL should be punished for a few mens crimes.

It's not individuals though, it's the BLM philosophy that they're putting into practice, they get the philosophy from the BLM leadership.

So ALL BLM should be shut down.

You mention White Supremacists, so you wouldn't want leaders of the KKK to have the HUMAN RIGHT that guarantees Freedom of Speech, so as BLM are Black Supremacists you therefore should also agree that they be denied the HUMAN RIGHT that guarantees Freedom of Speech.

The other problem with you Far Left Bedwetting Snowflakes is that because you're emotionally immature you are offended by EVERYTHING....and you have the inability to debate those who have different points of view, so you demand they be shut down or else threaten open violence, a lot of those protests were not normal protests, but were people who are completely intolerant of other points of view getting violent with those who actually support Freedom of Speech.

The ultimate in both irony and hypocrisy is that the Far Left say they support Free Speech and then proceed to go full-on Fascist in an attempt to shut down Free Speech.
I agree completely with the sentiments of this article. Universities are supposed to be institutions that offer and value diverse thoughts and opinions. Instead, what we've seen over the last several years are weak-kneed administrators acquiescing to the demands of sniveling little brats who can't handle hearing an idea they don't approve of. Rather than fostering an environment where diverse discussion can take place, most of our universities have been hijacked by extreme left wing administrators, faculties, and students who have embraced fascism and are engaging in modern day Nazi book burnings. If the people in charge won't stop this attack on free speech then it's time to start replacing them, by force, if necessary, particularly at those which are taxpayer funded.


And, of course, the security excuse is simply a ruse. They want to maintain the tight ideological grip they have on their kids and are afraid opposing views might open some kids' minds.

As as far as your point that "universities are supposed to be institutions that offer and value diverse thoughts and opinions", well, they simply don't give a shit. Look at the posts on this site.
BTW, Anne Coulter is challenging the Berkley campus next week. I can't wait to see what the college ends up doing. They have already recanted their decision to not let her speak by setting up another date now. she said, nope, I'll be there on the 29th. funny shit.
This shit needs to be challenged, loudly. Our kids deserve better.
What shit?
BTW, nothing like a university standing in the way of a right wing student's education.

lol, what teaching credentials does Ann Coulter have?
who said she had any? She is a speaker that offers a point of view. the students are the ones requesting it.

Oh, and the university said fk you to the students. great stuff eh?

The students take out loans to attend colleges and the faculty and administrations say fk you to them. How nice.
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I agree completely with the sentiments of this article. Universities are supposed to be institutions that offer and value diverse thoughts and opinions. Instead, what we've seen over the last several years are weak-kneed administrators acquiescing to the demands of sniveling little brats who can't handle hearing an idea they don't approve of. Rather than fostering an environment where diverse discussion can take place, most of our universities have been hijacked by extreme left wing administrators, faculties, and students who have embraced fascism and are engaging in modern day Nazi book burnings. If the people in charge won't stop this attack on free speech then it's time to start replacing them, by force, if necessary, particularly at those which are taxpayer funded.


And, of course, the security excuse is simply a ruse. They want to maintain the tight ideological grip they have on their kids and are afraid opposing views might open some kids' minds.

As as far as your point that "universities are supposed to be institutions that offer and value diverse thoughts and opinions", well, they simply don't give a shit. Look at the posts on this site.
BTW, Anne Coulter is challenging the Berkley campus next week. I can't wait to see what the college ends up doing. They have already recanted their decision to not let her speak by setting up another date now. she said, nope, I'll be there on the 29th. funny shit.
This shit needs to be challenged, loudly. Our kids deserve better.
What shit?
Campus hyper-PC and the shutting down of opposing speech.
What about Far Left Communists, what about BLM who are Black Nationalists and openly advocate violence, I bet you have no problem allowing them a platform to vomit their bile.

I do have a problem with those who advocate violence. But thanks for your logical fallacy, always appreciate those from you.

No I'm pointing out the hypocritical double standard that the Far Left have.

Except that you aren't doing any such thing.

Yes I am, it's just that you're not intellectually capable of realising that I am.

See post #65 and try to read before responding, turbo.

I had already read it and my point stands.
Universities are under no obligation to give right wing fascists a platform to "speak." No university owes these useless sacks of shit a goddamn thing. Stop whining.

I'm sorry, are you trying to add value to the discussion, or are you shitting on it for the lulz? You don't see the irony in your use of the word fascism in the above statement?

"Stop whining" is a figure of speech, champ. One the right loves to use all the time. "Stop whining," and "fuck your feelings" were favorites of guys like Milo. Sometimes I like to use their own language to make a point, other times just for the lulz.
You are no different, other than being on the far left, than milo.
BTW, nothing like a university standing in the way of a right wing student's education.

lol, what teaching credentials does Ann Coulter have?
who said she had any? She is a speaker that offers a point of view. the students are the ones requesting it.

Oh, and the university said fk you to the students. great stuff eh?

So then, she is not providing an education, is she? She's just opining and emoting, as she always does. Hardly an "education." Educators educate. Political hacks just run their mouths. Sounds to me that you're upset that professors are the ones who teach, when you'd much prefer your political blowhards to be the ones doing the teaching.
I agree completely with the sentiments of this article. Universities are supposed to be institutions that offer and value diverse thoughts and opinions. Instead, what we've seen over the last several years are weak-kneed administrators acquiescing to the demands of sniveling little brats who can't handle hearing an idea they don't approve of. Rather than fostering an environment where diverse discussion can take place, most of our universities have been hijacked by extreme left wing administrators, faculties, and students who have embraced fascism and are engaging in modern day Nazi book burnings. If the people in charge won't stop this attack on free speech then it's time to start replacing them, by force, if necessary, particularly at those which are taxpayer funded.


And, of course, the security excuse is simply a ruse. They want to maintain the tight ideological grip they have on their kids and are afraid opposing views might open some kids' minds.

As as far as your point that "universities are supposed to be institutions that offer and value diverse thoughts and opinions", well, they simply don't give a shit. Look at the posts on this site.

That's possible, but I wouldn't be surprised if universities truly did worry about security. Not necessarily for the safety of the students, but to avoid possible litigation against the schools.

If a controversial speaker is allowed to speak at a university and violence erupts, school officials may worry about being sued for not having sufficient protections in place. I'm not saying it would be true, or that the suits would be successful, just that the management of a university might well look at the situation that way, particularly after the kind of violence that has already been seen around controversial speakers. Businesses often seem to take silly or extreme measures to avoid the possibility of law suits.

If the university is truly concerned for safety, OK. Like you, I am less than convinced of that; we only differ in which bad reason seems more likely at first glance. :p
BTW, nothing like a university standing in the way of a right wing student's education.

lol, what teaching credentials does Ann Coulter have?
who said she had any? She is a speaker that offers a point of view. the students are the ones requesting it.

Oh, and the university said fk you to the students. great stuff eh?

So then, she is not providing an education, is she? She's just opining and emoting, as she always does. Hardly an "education." Educators educate. Political hacks just run their mouths. Sounds to me that you're upset that professors are the ones who teach, when you'd much prefer your political blowhards to be the ones doing the teaching.
why not? If I have to write a paper and that paper is my thesis, I need input. the material she provides will give me data to support my position. why do you want to tell students fk you?
Here are some court rulings that disagree with you:
State of the Law: Speech Codes - FIRE

Nothing in there disagrees with me. By the way, Free Speech does NOT protect "fighting words," the exact words you hear from these alt-right kooks.

"By the way, Free Speech does NOT protect "fighting words,"

Okay so you would agree that BLM should be shut down then? They advocate killing white people, they advocate killing police officers, they are Black Supremacists and Black racists.

So shut them down yes?

You really have a one track mind, don't you? Individuals within the BLM should be held accountable for advocating killing white people or killing police officers. But contrary to you and your warped fascist world view, I don't believe they ALL should be punished for a few mens crimes.
and yet you impose that very punishment for all right wingers.

And then scratch your head when you're called a hypocrite.

Huh? What punishment is that? Please, don't try to be clever. You're just confusing yourself.

You said:

"I don't believe they ALL should be punished for a few mens crimes."

This illustrates your hypocrisy, you don't think ALL blacks should be punished for the crimes of other blacks, BUT you think that ALL Right-Wingers should be punished and denied the HUMAN RIGHT of Freedom of Speech.

Also since when was Ann Coulter on par with say the Ku Klux Klan? She never was, Ann Coulter is a Conservative, so again this illustrates the twisted thinking of the Far Left Fascists, you just don't want ANY Conservative viewpoint to reach the ears of students who might NOT have swallowed the Kool-Aid yet and therefore still have an open mind.
BTW, nothing like a university standing in the way of a right wing student's education.

lol, what teaching credentials does Ann Coulter have?
who said she had any? She is a speaker that offers a point of view. the students are the ones requesting it.

Oh, and the university said fk you to the students. great stuff eh?

So then, she is not providing an education, is she? She's just opining and emoting, as she always does. Hardly an "education." Educators educate. Political hacks just run their mouths. Sounds to me that you're upset that professors are the ones who teach, when you'd much prefer your political blowhards to be the ones doing the teaching.
why not? If I have to write a paper and that paper is my thesis, I need input. the material she provides will give me data to support my position. why do you want to tell students fk you?

Hahahaha....thanks for confirming exactly as I thought. You guys are so fucking transparent. All of this is just because you want people like Ann Coulter teaching students rather than the actual teachers. Un-fucking-believable.
The more these snowflakes try to shut down free speech, the more normal people will gravitate to the side of their opposition.
So then, she is not providing an education, is she? She's just opining and emoting, as she always does. Hardly an "education." Educators educate. Political hacks just run their mouths. Sounds to me that you're upset that professors are the ones who teach, when you'd much prefer your political blowhards to be the ones doing the teaching.

What educational value did Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad provide when he spoke at Columbia? What educational credentials did Michael Moore have when he spoke at the University of Arizona?

You are really grasping at straws to defend fascism, aren't you?
Nothing in there disagrees with me. By the way, Free Speech does NOT protect "fighting words," the exact words you hear from these alt-right kooks.

"By the way, Free Speech does NOT protect "fighting words,"

Okay so you would agree that BLM should be shut down then? They advocate killing white people, they advocate killing police officers, they are Black Supremacists and Black racists.

So shut them down yes?

You really have a one track mind, don't you? Individuals within the BLM should be held accountable for advocating killing white people or killing police officers. But contrary to you and your warped fascist world view, I don't believe they ALL should be punished for a few mens crimes.
and yet you impose that very punishment for all right wingers.

And then scratch your head when you're called a hypocrite.

Huh? What punishment is that? Please, don't try to be clever. You're just confusing yourself.

You said:

"I don't believe they ALL should be punished for a few mens crimes."

This illustrates your hypocrisy, you don't think ALL blacks should be punished for the crimes of other blacks, BUT you think that ALL Right-Wingers should be punished and denied the HUMAN RIGHT of Freedom of Speech.

Nope. Never said that. I strongly suggest you not put words in my mouth.

Also since when was Ann Coulter on par with say the Ku Klux Klan? She never was, Ann Coulter is a Conservative, so again this illustrates the twisted thinking of the Far Left Fascists, you just don't want ANY Conservative viewpoint to reach the ears of students who might NOT have swallowed the Kool-Aid yet and therefore still have an open mind.

Never said she was on par with "say the Ku Klux Klan." Again, stop putting words in my mouth. But thanks again for the logical fallacies, as I said earlier, I can always count on you!
So then, she is not providing an education, is she? She's just opining and emoting, as she always does. Hardly an "education." Educators educate. Political hacks just run their mouths. Sounds to me that you're upset that professors are the ones who teach, when you'd much prefer your political blowhards to be the ones doing the teaching.

What educational value did Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad provide when he spoke at Columbia? What educational credentials did Michael Moore have when he spoke at the University of Arizona?

You are really grasping at straws to defend fascism, aren't you?

The point was Jc said that Ann provides an "education" and that the university was "getting in the way" of it. I simply asked, what education does Ann provide? What are her qualifications for teaching? What are her credentials to educate?
if sytfe and jc are examples generally of what are universities are producing, we are in great danger
That's possible, but I wouldn't be surprised if universities truly did worry about security. Not necessarily for the safety of the students, but to avoid possible litigation against the schools.

I think that's exactly why. Our education system does just enough to avoid getting sued. I also think frivolous litigation is the root cause for the alarming lack of accountability seen in our current society.
So then, she is not providing an education, is she? She's just opining and emoting, as she always does. Hardly an "education." Educators educate. Political hacks just run their mouths. Sounds to me that you're upset that professors are the ones who teach, when you'd much prefer your political blowhards to be the ones doing the teaching.

do you have a machine to move those goalposts for you, or do you dig them out by hand :dunno:

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