If walls won't work...why do so many secure places have walls???

Although it's unlikely Mexico would fund the wall, suppose they did.
Any of Trump's measures to force Mexico to pay for the wall would have long term consequences—the remittance regulations, the visa fees, and the trade wars would deal a severe blow to the U.S.Mexican alliance. The fulfillment of Trump’s related campaign pledges—the renegotiation of NAFTA, the deportation of unauthorized immigrants en mass—would only harden the blow. Coordination between the U.S. and Mexico on intelligence and law-enforcement activities at the border would suffer. America’s commercial ties with its second-largest export market and third-largest trading partner would fray. A nationalist backlash to Trump’s policies would likely emerge in Mexico, just as anti-Americanism in the region is declining with the restoration of U.S.-Cuban relations.

With illegal immigration falling to a 20 year low, a million less illegal immigrants in US than 8 years ago and large projected shortage of farm workers, there has to better solution.
------------------------------------------------ I'm looking forward to Trump working his magic if he does get in . If he does get in and after reading your advice maybe he will change his mind on building the wall Flopper . Mostly I have been responding to posters that say that the wall can't be built . That's why I post my animation of building the wall . Building the actual wall would be easy as the video shows . I don't care about anti Americanism in third world hell holes or muslim lands , actually I am looking forward to it . And backlash against what , why its be backlash towards a sovereign America building a security wall on its southern border Flopper , F--k 'em !!
In Trump's book "Art of the Deal", Trump says he likes to “play to people’s fantasies.” But he also writes, “You can’t con people, at least not for long." It seems Trump believes that 6 more is not too long.

Your statement, "F--k 'em !!", describes perfectly the heart of Trump's appeal. F--k the Mexicans, the Muslims, Congress, the courts, the party, and the media. Now that's fine if you're standing on outside looking in or a dictator in a banana republic. However as president of the United States Trump will have to answer to farmers when he deports 2 million farm workers that are already in short supply. His announced plans to bar Muslims from the country is already creating a backlash among allies in middle eastern countries that we desperately need in fighting terrorism. Trump's threats to break trade agreements with Mexico, our second largest export market, and third largest trading partner is sending shock waves through boardrooms of America's largest corporations. As president, Trump can't F--k 'em !!"

Trump has told his supporter he will take unilateral action as president, extensive use of executive orders, arm twisting Mexico to extort money for his wall, barring Muslims from entering the country, deporting 11 million illegal immigrants. What Trump is not sharing with supporters is the degree of unilateral action a president can take is in direct proportion to the support he gets from Congress, the Media, and the people. So far Trump's support seems to be limited to those who believe as you do, "F--k 'em !!" which does not reflect the feeling of most Americans and certainly not the US Congress.
lets see what happens , as of now the Trump isn't president so everything , even the wall is either hoped for or despised plans by Trump for the future . As I said in a different post , I am mostly fighting the liars of the anti wall crew by showing that a wall is certainly feasible and is wanted for the good of America by Trump supporters Flopper .
Folks....I had to take a drive out towards the north part of town today and passed by the Charleston Air Force Base. It had walls all around it. So does the Charleston jail.

I jog our beautiful downtown bridge often and it overlooks historic Charleston harbor. The harbor the real pirate Blackbeard blockaded. And it contains Fort Sumter....massive island fort in the middle of the harbor. Huge walls.

Can't help but wonder.....why do places that want to be secure almost all have walls? And why do liberals oppose America having walls?
What a monumental dumbass you are. :laugh:

What country the size of the US has a wall around it?
----------------------------------- it won't have a wall AROUND it , the plan is that it will have a wall on the southern border Ace !!
What about the northern border or the two oceans? Kind of pointless dont you think Skippy?
---------------------------------- no , no I don't think so , majority of the problem comes from South of the border ACE . Native Canadians are generally people that would come to the USA with money , decent health , the correct attitude and they generally do it legally Ace !!

Oh yes Pismoe........ You are talking about Canadians.......
In reality there are thousands of tourists that flock to Canada each year. And it's a lot easier to get a tourist and working visa to Canada compared to US.
From Canada they just cross the border...... Wala they are in US as illegals. Asians and middle eastern are guilty of such actions.
lets see what happens , as of now the Trump isn't president so everything , even the wall is either hoped for or despised plans by Trump for the future . As I said in a different post , I am mostly fighting the liars of the anti wall crew by showing that a wall is certainly feasible and is wanted for the good of America by Trump supporters Flopper .

And when exactly are you gonna start doing that? Can I get, I dunno an e-mail alert or sump'm? I don't want to miss this, it's gonna be YUUUGE.
Folks....I had to take a drive out towards the north part of town today and passed by the Charleston Air Force Base. It had walls all around it. So does the Charleston jail.

I jog our beautiful downtown bridge often and it overlooks historic Charleston harbor. The harbor the real pirate Blackbeard blockaded. And it contains Fort Sumter....massive island fort in the middle of the harbor. Huge walls.

Can't help but wonder.....why do places that want to be secure almost all have walls? And why do liberals oppose America having walls?
What a monumental dumbass you are. :laugh:

What country the size of the US has a wall around it?
----------------------------------- it won't have a wall AROUND it , the plan is that it will have a wall on the southern border Ace !!
What about the northern border or the two oceans? Kind of pointless dont you think Skippy?
---------------------------------- no , no I don't think so , majority of the problem comes from South of the border ACE . Native Canadians are generally people that would come to the USA with money , decent health , the correct attitude and they generally do it legally Ace !!

Oh yes Pismoe........ You are talking about Canadians.......
In reality there are thousands of tourists that flock to Canada each year. And it's a lot easier to get a tourist and working visa to Canada compared to US.
From Canada they just cross the border...... Wala they are in US as illegals. Asians and middle eastern are guilty of such actions.
I was going to mention that but figured that people that dont want to learn will pretend they never read it.
that's speculation on Trumps ability to get things done Flopper , my only issue in this thread is whether the wall can be built . --- What it would take to build Trump's border wall - CNN Video --- certainly looks reasonable to me Flopper !!

You trotted out that video earlier this week. And I pointed out to you at that time that the 10-billion-plus price tag is materials only. It doesn't include anything like labor for two thousand miles of wall, nor for the additional labor (and materials) to build the roads that don't exist to enable all the trucks to get in there with all those precast concrete panels --- panels which in this example are only 20 feet high, so double that figure for the 35 to 40 feet Rump lies about (and you're already at 21 Billion for materials alone). Nor does it account for changing and affecting the flow of the Rio Grande and Colorado Rivers (the delta of the latter) -- which is by the way prohibited by law anyway. Nor does it account for buying up the private property that lies on some of it, nor does it account for the cost of maintenance, which is estimated to double the production cost every seven years.

And here you come trotting out the same video yet again, expecting different results. Even though nothing has changed.

What are you -- stupid?
The labor and acquisition of the land was included in the first 670 miles already built dumb ass...............I posted that data...........I guess the fence just magically shot out of the governments ass and installed itself.................
Although it's unlikely Mexico would fund the wall, suppose they did.
Any of Trump's measures to force Mexico to pay for the wall would have long term consequences—the remittance regulations, the visa fees, and the trade wars would deal a severe blow to the U.S.Mexican alliance. The fulfillment of Trump’s related campaign pledges—the renegotiation of NAFTA, the deportation of unauthorized immigrants en mass—would only harden the blow. Coordination between the U.S. and Mexico on intelligence and law-enforcement activities at the border would suffer. America’s commercial ties with its second-largest export market and third-largest trading partner would fray. A nationalist backlash to Trump’s policies would likely emerge in Mexico, just as anti-Americanism in the region is declining with the restoration of U.S.-Cuban relations.

With illegal immigration falling to a 20 year low, a million less illegal immigrants in US than 8 years ago and large projected shortage of farm workers, there has to better solution.
http://www.citizen.org/documents/FTA Penalty Paper FINAL1.pdf

The Data Do Not Support the Spin However, examination of the actual data shows that the United States has generally had substantial trade deficits with most of its major FTA partners and with the group of FTA nations as a whole. Even as trade flows declined because of the economic crisis, as of 2009, the United States had a $54 billion trade deficit in goods, excluding oil, with the bloc of 17 U.S. FTA partners. This contradicts recent claims made by the NAM that “over the past two years FTAs have resulted in a U.S. manufactured goods surplus of nearly $50 billion.” As we show, NAM’s “surplus” looks at “total exports,” a measure that includes billions of mere “re-exports” of foreign products that are passing through U.S. ports and were not made by American workers. In contrast, the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC), the independent, non-political agency responsible for producing independent studies on the effect of FTAs on the U.S. economy, uses data on domestic exports, removing the transshipments [i.e. re-exports] that NAM’s calculation included. When the correct export measure is used, the opposite result is produced: the trade balance in non-oil manufactured goods with U.S. FTA partners over 2008-2009 comes to a deficit of $97 billion. We examine this and other claims made by NAM in Section IV of our report, and claims made by the Chamber of Commerce in Section III.

Understanding The Maquiladora Program and NAFTA's Role

As a result, there are three main steps in the maquiladora process. The first step is the importation of the materials. If the materials are from a NAFTA member, there is no duty fee. Similarly, if the maquiladora imports the materials under a PROSEC or under the Regla Octava, the duty is either greatly reduced or completely eliminated. The second step is assembling and processing the materials into the finished product. Finally, the finished product is shipped to the United States. Because of the provisions of NAFTA, the export is subject to reduced duty rates with both Mexican and U.S. customs. As a result, by working with an experienced maquiladora, a company can save money both on the duty fees and on the intrinsic costs of production.

Our real exports are a.........................................

IMMEX – Mexico’s Export-Oriented Manufacturing and Services

IMMEX as a Source of Jobs and Foreign Currency Revenues
By 2014, the IMMEX program included 6,171 establishments with a total of 2,464,669 employees.2 The IMMEX sector is the second most important source of foreign currency in Mexico after revenues from the exportation of crude oil. In third quarter 2014, IMMEX sector revenues were approximately $7 billion, an increase of $0.5 billion over the previous year, in contrast, revenues from the crude oil exports declined by more than $1 billion in 2014.3 The significance of the IMMEX sector for Arizona’s economy is primarily as a destination for Arizona manufacturing products and as a market for Arizona business services. About 30 percent of maquiladoras in Sonora are owned by Arizona parent companies and through a production-sharing model remain competitive in global markets. Manufacturing establishments account for approximately 82 percent of the total number of establishments in the IMMEX program and 89 percent of total employment. Non-manufacturing activities, which include agriculture and mining, account for 18 percent of establishments and 11 percent of IMMEX employment.

sure he is , hope is that the high educated will be better than simple uneducated third world laborers . Your labor pool of laborers and gardeners might dry up but , oh well . Anyway , I disagree with both Turmp and Cruz on H1B visas and ALL immigration but both Trump and Cruz are better than all the other RINOS Charwin .
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