If walls won't work...why do so many secure places have walls???

and I TROT it out again despite your proclamation on cost and your decree that the wall needs to be 40 feet in height Pogo . I think that you and Charwin and most all the Anti Wall people are full of --it , not even honest conversation Pogo . --- What it would take to build Trump's border wall - CNN Video --- and as far as I am concerned the wall can cost 40 billion but i'll go by the number stated in the video which I think was 11 billion dollars . The roads exist as soon as the crew of men that is supplying the material to the wall builders build the roads which simply means that they will drive all terrain delivery truck into the desert Pogo . Its a good video , informative video and your specific mention of it just shows that you don't like people being informed Pogo . ------------ and the TRUMP and others are in the planning stage , the wall may be 25 feet high including the 5 feet underground which is more than sufficient Pogo .

And you get alllllll that labor to build the wall for free, and you get allllll those panels by waiting for a special BOGO sale at Lowe's, and you get allllllll that labor to build the roads for free, and the materials too, or maybe the roads just ----- I dunno, SHOW UP via the tooth fairy, and you get allllll those property owners to just hand over the deeds and walk away, and you get Marvin the Magic Mountain Mover to make the rivers run backward so they flow out of the way even though they're the actual border, and then you get Rickie the Magic Pixie to come spread Flooby Dust on the wall so that it never ever needs maintenance or cracks or anything!

Then allllllll the good little boys and girls get cotton candy and cookies.

You run with that Sparkles. You run with that alllllll day. :rofl:

Rumpbots. Bless their simplistic naïve little hearts.
that's speculation on Trumps ability to get things done Flopper , my only issue in this thread is whether the wall can be built . --- What it would take to build Trump's border wall - CNN Video --- certainly looks reasonable to me Flopper !!
You consider this reasonable? (From Trumps Plan to Compel Mexico to Pay for the Wall. See link below

On Day 1: He would change regulation 31 CFR 130.121 to classify wire transfer companies as financial institutions then require that no alien may wire money outside the US without establishing their lawful presence in the US.

Now ignore the fact that Trump is sighting the wrong regulation and that wire transfer companies are already financial institution but consider what it would mean to require that an alien show lawful presence in the US to transfer money outside the US. No foreign individual or business having accounts in the US would be able to transfer funds without physical establishing their legal presence in the US. If such a rule were enacted congress would nullify it before the ink dried.

Now, about 6 months later, we are ready for day 2.

On day 2, According to Trump's plan, Mexico would protest. Trump claims Mexico receives 24 billion a year from Mexican nationals, mostly illegal immigrants.

According to the world bank, the total amount of funds transferred from the US to Mexico is 24 billion last year. This include all funds transferred to Mexico, including all businesses, bank transactions, and transfers by legal residents in the US. It would be virtual impossible for most of the 24 billion to come from illegal immigrants as Trump claims. The only protest from Mexico would be directed at US voters for putting a crazy man in the Whitehorse.

Day 3, Trump then attempts to extort billions of dollar from Mexico by threatening to block fund flows from the US.

Mexico simply does not have the money to pay for the wall and they would certainly not raise taxes or borrow billions of dollars to pay for it. The Mexican government is certainly not going spend tens of billions of dollars on a wall that is not in their best interest so illegal immigrants that Trump has promised to deport can continue to send money home. That makes absolutely no sense.

Memo explains how Donald Trump plans to pay for border wall

Trump reveals how he would force Mexico to pay for border wall
Although it's unlikely Mexico would fund the wall, suppose they did.
Any of Trump's measures to force Mexico to pay for the wall would have long term consequences—the remittance regulations, the visa fees, and the trade wars would deal a severe blow to the U.S.Mexican alliance. The fulfillment of Trump’s related campaign pledges—the renegotiation of NAFTA, the deportation of unauthorized immigrants en mass—would only harden the blow. Coordination between the U.S. and Mexico on intelligence and law-enforcement activities at the border would suffer. America’s commercial ties with its second-largest export market and third-largest trading partner would fray. A nationalist backlash to Trump’s policies would likely emerge in Mexico, just as anti-Americanism in the region is declining with the restoration of U.S.-Cuban relations.

With illegal immigration falling to a 20 year low, a million less illegal immigrants in US than 8 years ago and large projected shortage of farm workers, there has to better solution.
Folks....I had to take a drive out towards the north part of town today and passed by the Charleston Air Force Base. It had walls all around it. So does the Charleston jail.

I jog our beautiful downtown bridge often and it overlooks historic Charleston harbor. The harbor the real pirate Blackbeard blockaded. And it contains Fort Sumter....massive island fort in the middle of the harbor. Huge walls.

Can't help but wonder.....why do places that want to be secure almost all have walls? And why do liberals oppose America having walls?
What a monumental dumbass you are. :laugh:

What country the size of the US has a wall around it?
that's speculation on Trumps ability to get things done Flopper , my only issue in this thread is whether the wall can be built . --- What it would take to build Trump's border wall - CNN Video --- certainly looks reasonable to me Flopper !!

Pismoe....... As I previously posted #183 the CNN estimates are way off and incomplete. Stay with the class Pismoe.
------------------------------------ as I already said , you are FOS Charwin , besides that I don't care about the cost , the wall is a worthy project to spend money on .

Meaning you are fake that knows nothing but your red neck worthless opinion.
and I TROT it out again despite your proclamation on cost and your decree that the wall needs to be 40 feet in height Pogo . I think that you and Charwin and most all the Anti Wall people are full of --it , not even honest conversation Pogo . --- What it would take to build Trump's border wall - CNN Video --- and as far as I am concerned the wall can cost 40 billion but i'll go by the number stated in the video which I think was 11 billion dollars . The roads exist as soon as the crew of men that is supplying the material to the wall builders build the roads which simply means that they will drive all terrain delivery truck into the desert Pogo . Its a good video , informative video and your specific mention of it just shows that you don't like people being informed Pogo . ------------ and the TRUMP and others are in the planning stage , the wall may be 25 feet high including the 5 feet underground which is more than sufficient Pogo .

This just show you don't know much Pismoe. Drive all terrain vehicle to get there and back is pure non sense.
Although it's unlikely Mexico would fund the wall, suppose they did.
Any of Trump's measures to force Mexico to pay for the wall would have long term consequences—the remittance regulations, the visa fees, and the trade wars would deal a severe blow to the U.S.Mexican alliance. The fulfillment of Trump’s related campaign pledges—the renegotiation of NAFTA, the deportation of unauthorized immigrants en mass—would only harden the blow. Coordination between the U.S. and Mexico on intelligence and law-enforcement activities at the border would suffer. America’s commercial ties with its second-largest export market and third-largest trading partner would fray. A nationalist backlash to Trump’s policies would likely emerge in Mexico, just as anti-Americanism in the region is declining with the restoration of U.S.-Cuban relations.

With illegal immigration falling to a 20 year low, a million less illegal immigrants in US than 8 years ago and large projected shortage of farm workers, there has to better solution.
------------------------------------------------ I'm looking forward to Trump working his magic if he does get in . If he does get in and after reading your advice maybe he will change his mind on building the wall Flopper . Mostly I have been responding to posters that say that the wall can't be built . That's why I post my animation of building the wall . Building the actual wall would be easy as the video shows . I don't care about anti Americanism in third world hell holes or muslim lands , actually I am looking forward to it . And backlash against what , why its be backlash towards a sovereign America building a security wall on its southern border Flopper , F--k 'em !!
Folks....I had to take a drive out towards the north part of town today and passed by the Charleston Air Force Base. It had walls all around it. So does the Charleston jail.

I jog our beautiful downtown bridge often and it overlooks historic Charleston harbor. The harbor the real pirate Blackbeard blockaded. And it contains Fort Sumter....massive island fort in the middle of the harbor. Huge walls.

Can't help but wonder.....why do places that want to be secure almost all have walls? And why do liberals oppose America having walls?
What a monumental dumbass you are. :laugh:

What country the size of the US has a wall around it?
----------------------------------- it won't have a wall AROUND it , the plan is that it will have a wall on the southern border Ace !!
as to what country has a wall , well the Israelis have an exclusion wall and the Saudi Arabians plus Hungary are building walls or fences to exclude invaders Ace .
Folks....I had to take a drive out towards the north part of town today and passed by the Charleston Air Force Base. It had walls all around it. So does the Charleston jail.

I jog our beautiful downtown bridge often and it overlooks historic Charleston harbor. The harbor the real pirate Blackbeard blockaded. And it contains Fort Sumter....massive island fort in the middle of the harbor. Huge walls.

Can't help but wonder.....why do places that want to be secure almost all have walls? And why do liberals oppose America having walls?
What a monumental dumbass you are. :laugh:

What country the size of the US has a wall around it?
----------------------------------- it won't have a wall AROUND it , the plan is that it will have a wall on the southern border Ace !!
What about the northern border or the two oceans? Kind of pointless dont you think Skippy?
as to what country has a wall , well the Israelis have an exclusion wall and the Saudi Arabians plus Hungary are building walls or fences to exclude invaders Ace .

And are these walls separating trading partners, Deuce?

The "exclusion wall" huh? The one that's been under construction since 1994 and is so far about one-eighth of the length of the US-Mex border, and doesn't have to deal with buying up private property, circumventing the flow of the Rio Grande River or nonexistent access roads that would need to be built? That one?

Let's see that's .... 22 years, times 8.... that works out to a construction period of 176 years for two thousand miles of wall. And that's assuming the River Faeries come down and wave their magic wand to make the rivers go away, the Eminent Domain Elves poof the private property owners into never-never land, and the Road Wizards snap their fingers and access roads appear everywhere, all simultaneous with the free labor that's building this wall.

If all that falls into place, hey we could have this wall up by the year 2200! :rock:
Folks....I had to take a drive out towards the north part of town today and passed by the Charleston Air Force Base. It had walls all around it. So does the Charleston jail.

I jog our beautiful downtown bridge often and it overlooks historic Charleston harbor. The harbor the real pirate Blackbeard blockaded. And it contains Fort Sumter....massive island fort in the middle of the harbor. Huge walls.

Can't help but wonder.....why do places that want to be secure almost all have walls? And why do liberals oppose America having walls?
What a monumental dumbass you are. :laugh:

What country the size of the US has a wall around it?
----------------------------------- it won't have a wall AROUND it , the plan is that it will have a wall on the southern border Ace !!
What about the northern border or the two oceans? Kind of pointless dont you think Skippy?

The northern border is just under four thousand miles long, so that will take twice as long as the Mexico wall. And Canada will pay for it, using maple syrup as glue. Of course we have to drain the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River and stuff. We could have that baby done in under 700 years.

Except I didn't take the Alaska border into account. Make it a thousand years.

Then we drain the oceans and convert all those beaches and seaports into fortifications a million feet high, with turrets wherein reside Rambo and his ilk armed with AK-47s. Of course this means we all live on our own home-grown alfalfa, since there will be no more imports from anywhere. No more British Invasion music, no more Thai food, no more Celine Dion. We'll finally be free of Gruyère and Stolichnaya! Sayonara, Toyota! Take a tonic, Panasonic!

But that's only for a little while, because once we have the four walls up, then we start working on the roof. That's gonna cut the invasion of evil sunlight.

Meanwhile we'll need to hire Dutch people to deal with the Hawaiian, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands along with Guam and so forth, by building dykes around them.

Then we can get to work on the National Floor. Earthworms you know.

Then FINALLY we can hunker down and build walls around our own houses. What are YOU lookin' at??

Last edited:
Folks....I had to take a drive out towards the north part of town today and passed by the Charleston Air Force Base. It had walls all around it. So does the Charleston jail.

I jog our beautiful downtown bridge often and it overlooks historic Charleston harbor. The harbor the real pirate Blackbeard blockaded. And it contains Fort Sumter....massive island fort in the middle of the harbor. Huge walls.

Can't help but wonder.....why do places that want to be secure almost all have walls? And why do liberals oppose America having walls?
What a monumental dumbass you are. :laugh:

What country the size of the US has a wall around it?
----------------------------------- it won't have a wall AROUND it , the plan is that it will have a wall on the southern border Ace !!
What about the northern border or the two oceans? Kind of pointless dont you think Skippy?
---------------------------------- no , no I don't think so , majority of the problem comes from South of the border ACE . Native Canadians are generally people that would come to the USA with money , decent health , the correct attitude and they generally do it legally Ace !!
and for the smaller number of scofflaws from Canada , wales , England , Germany , Africa , well kick that smaller number out when you catch them Ace .
Folks....I had to take a drive out towards the north part of town today and passed by the Charleston Air Force Base. It had walls all around it. So does the Charleston jail.

I jog our beautiful downtown bridge often and it overlooks historic Charleston harbor. The harbor the real pirate Blackbeard blockaded. And it contains Fort Sumter....massive island fort in the middle of the harbor. Huge walls.

Can't help but wonder.....why do places that want to be secure almost all have walls? And why do liberals oppose America having walls?
What a monumental dumbass you are. :laugh:

What country the size of the US has a wall around it?
----------------------------------- it won't have a wall AROUND it , the plan is that it will have a wall on the southern border Ace !!
What about the northern border or the two oceans? Kind of pointless dont you think Skippy?
---------------------------------- no , no I don't think so , majority of the problem comes from South of the border ACE . Native Canadians are generally people that would come to the USA with money , decent health , the correct attitude and they generally do it legally Ace !!

The "correct attitude" eh?

about the TROOMP , a little bit off topic but related , twitter from Trump with messages . See the illustration of Trump wagging his finger and shooing away the muslim refugee invaders as he warns , don't let the West , USA become like Europe . Just showing the TRUMPS attitude and its a good attitude . --- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter ---
Folks....I had to take a drive out towards the north part of town today and passed by the Charleston Air Force Base. It had walls all around it. So does the Charleston jail.

I jog our beautiful downtown bridge often and it overlooks historic Charleston harbor. The harbor the real pirate Blackbeard blockaded. And it contains Fort Sumter....massive island fort in the middle of the harbor. Huge walls.

Can't help but wonder.....why do places that want to be secure almost all have walls? And why do liberals oppose America having walls?

And these walls are a thousand miles long and 35 feet high and run along rivers and private property and places with no roads that would allow building material access and no maintenance --- right?


Easy. Ancient China did it. So you're saying modern America can't do what ancient China did??

As to the private property....I'm no legal expert on curtilage regarding a border like some cities have with roads. But 2 words fix the private property debate: Eminent domain.

You cannot tell me a few farmers on the border can stop the world's lone superpower from securing it's borders can you? (Hint: they cant)

Nice touch, the way you ignored 18 minutes of video and all the salient points except for the two words "private property". As if shutting your eyes real tight and going "la la la" makes the cost of a bare minimum of 25 billion (not including maintenance) go away, makes the course of two rivers go away, makes the necessity of building roads to bring in those materials go away, makes the fact that Mexico ain't no way José paying for a fucking wall go away, and makes the fact that illegals are more derived from air travel and overstaying visas and not scaling a border wall, go away.

You run with that. Let us know if it ever works.

No shit, you asshats that just buy this song and dance hook line and sinker are like children waiting for the freaking tooth fairy.

I want the waffle iron...
Folks....I had to take a drive out towards the north part of town today and passed by the Charleston Air Force Base. It had walls all around it. So does the Charleston jail.

I jog our beautiful downtown bridge often and it overlooks historic Charleston harbor. The harbor the real pirate Blackbeard blockaded. And it contains Fort Sumter....massive island fort in the middle of the harbor. Huge walls.

Can't help but wonder.....why do places that want to be secure almost all have walls? And why do liberals oppose America having walls?

And these walls are a thousand miles long and 35 feet high and run along rivers and private property and places with no roads that would allow building material access and no maintenance --- right?


Easy. Ancient China did it. So you're saying modern America can't do what ancient China did??

As to the private property....I'm no legal expert on curtilage regarding a border like some cities have with roads. But 2 words fix the private property debate: Eminent domain.

You cannot tell me a few farmers on the border can stop the world's lone superpower from securing it's borders can you? (Hint: they cant)

Nice touch, the way you ignored 18 minutes of video and all the salient points except for the two words "private property". As if shutting your eyes real tight and going "la la la" makes the cost of a bare minimum of 25 billion (not including maintenance) go away, makes the course of two rivers go away, makes the necessity of building roads to bring in those materials go away, makes the fact that Mexico ain't no way José paying for a fucking wall go away, and makes the fact that illegals are more derived from air travel and overstaying visas and not scaling a border wall, go away.

You run with that. Let us know if it ever works.

No shit, you asshats that just buy this song and dance hook line and sinker are like children waiting for the freaking tooth fairy.

I want the waffle iron...

------------------------------------------------------------------- just leave your little island of blighty , cross the channel , go through France , head to Belgium and you are in the crumbling land of waffles and waffle irons Ted !!
Folks....I had to take a drive out towards the north part of town today and passed by the Charleston Air Force Base. It had walls all around it. So does the Charleston jail.

I jog our beautiful downtown bridge often and it overlooks historic Charleston harbor. The harbor the real pirate Blackbeard blockaded. And it contains Fort Sumter....massive island fort in the middle of the harbor. Huge walls.

Can't help but wonder.....why do places that want to be secure almost all have walls? And why do liberals oppose America having walls?
What a monumental dumbass you are. :laugh:

What country the size of the US has a wall around it?
----------------------------------- it won't have a wall AROUND it , the plan is that it will have a wall on the southern border Ace !!
What about the northern border or the two oceans? Kind of pointless dont you think Skippy?
---------------------------------- no , no I don't think so , majority of the problem comes from South of the border ACE . Native Canadians are generally people that would come to the USA with money , decent health , the correct attitude and they generally do it legally Ace !!
You should have stopped at "no I dont think...". Its obvious from your simplistic views you dont think very well at least in a logical progression.
Folks....I had to take a drive out towards the north part of town today and passed by the Charleston Air Force Base. It had walls all around it. So does the Charleston jail.

I jog our beautiful downtown bridge often and it overlooks historic Charleston harbor. The harbor the real pirate Blackbeard blockaded. And it contains Fort Sumter....massive island fort in the middle of the harbor. Huge walls.

Can't help but wonder.....why do places that want to be secure almost all have walls? And why do liberals oppose America having walls?
What a monumental dumbass you are. :laugh:

What country the size of the US has a wall around it?
----------------------------------- it won't have a wall AROUND it , the plan is that it will have a wall on the southern border Ace !!
What about the northern border or the two oceans? Kind of pointless dont you think Skippy?
---------------------------------- no , no I don't think so , majority of the problem comes from South of the border ACE . Native Canadians are generally people that would come to the USA with money , decent health , the correct attitude and they generally do it legally Ace !!
------------------------- morning Ace , hows it goin Bro !!:afro:

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