If War Break's Out With Communist China, North Korea, Russia or Iran, the Left Coast Would Have to be Placed Under Martial Law

I just got a tingle down my leg thinking about that scenario. :04:

I like to think about the deadly force that could be used to weed out the leftist traitorous bastards who reside in these sewers that claim to be part of the United States of America.

Do you two understand that being a violent fascist pervert is _not_ considered normal by the vast majority of humans?

Remember, just because being a violent fascist pervert is considered normal in the Trump cult, it does not mean that decent people approve of such behavior.

When did you become "human" and "decent"? Was that like an overnight transition that I missed or something?

Decent humans don't take pleasure in murdering unborn children, last I checked.

No, they wait until the children are born into a country with the highest infant mortality rate in the world, the only first world country with no universal health care, or even basic education opportunities for the children of the poor.

If you're born poor in the USA, you have a much higher chance of being murdered by the police, or dying from a pandemic, or being shot and killed just walking down the street, than in any first other first world country. Republicans are keen on saving the unborn poor, but it's open season on you once you're a living breathing human.

IDGAF. If you can't feed them, don't breed them.

And go be poor somewhere else.
Each time you think Trump's fascist wimp brigades can't possible get more weepy and pathetic, they prove you wrong. Trump cult loser-butthurt truly is an infinite resource.

The bright side? Every time we hear Trump's pajama bois crying, it's like winning the election all over again.
you realize that those are empty swaths of land? Just LA county peeps can run over all that red.

I realize you're a blowhard with no idea what your talking about who will say literally anything to promote your filthy and traitorous party.
Democratic/Socialist living in places like Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, and Los Angeles could not be trusted as they hate the United States and would support our enemies. Military would have to suspend the state legislature's and governor's in these states. Declare martial law and curfew's . Drug addicts and socialist cannot be trusted.

You have some very weird fantasies.
Democratic/Socialist living in places like Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, and Los Angeles could not be trusted as they hate the United States and would support our enemies. Military would have to suspend the state legislature's and governor's in these states. Declare martial law and curfew's . Drug addicts and socialist cannot be trusted.
I have my concerns with another Her Worship Hillary Clinton stranglehold on the White House. Ambassador to the UN boss du jour. Ugh.

I don't recall Clinton giggling like a schoolgirl in Putin's presence the way Trump always does. Why are there no records in the White House for Putin's phone calls or meetings?

I see Biden keeping his promise to be a "transitional government", getting the virus under control, and the economy back on track, and then handing off to the younger generation of leaders. As we saw during the primaries, there is an abundance of young talent to choose from.

Clinton has indicated that she is done with national politics, so I seriously doubt that Clinton will be involved in this Administration. But it is so heartening to see how terrified you truly are of one of the most dedicated and competent government officials.
I get that you dislike democrats/liberals. But do you actually think they would aid an enemy during war time?

You mean like the Bidens working hand in hand with the ChiComs?
The chicoms aren't our enemy, but rather they are super loyal to those in this country for whom helped them to turn their nation into a super power through trade even if it was detrimental to this country in many ways. We have sell outs amongst us, and until we realize this fact in a huge way, then we won't ever get this nation back or our soverignty back. Trade had gotten way out of control, and it began getting corrupt beyond our wildest imaginations.

I garantee you that you won't go to China and find ghost towns all over the place, and broken down cities and communities, and unemployment in the numbers like we had prior to Trump, broken down spirits or anti-patriotism towards the motherland China or a disentigrated manufacturing base or drugs out of control like we do here now. Trump became a huge threat not only to China trade by fixing it for us, but he became a bigger threat to those American's that have been making a fortune off of all the world trade unfairness, and it's corruption that had been sinking our nation into the abyss for quite sometime now. If Biden is one of these individuals, then he absolutely should not qualify to become the president of this nation based upon the sheer ignorance of the gullable base in which he has been chosen by. No American that can be proven to be a huge security threat to this nation should ever be allowed to be president.

The media and the politicians alledgedly on the take, were constantly saying that Trump was a security threat ever since 2016, but as we have 4 years now that have proven that they were damned liars, then their lies shouldn't stand.

It's time to take this thing to the level of security that this United States should honor always before granting the presidency to a security threat, where as the candidate Biden must be vetted and investigated by not only homeland security, but also by medical proffesionals that will give us a correct assessment of his medical condition.
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You....you know that you're posting in a thread where the OP has an avatar of a Republican President, while advocating placing the west coast under martial law, yes?

IN the case of a war with China, who owns the democrat party.

You dishonestly left out the part about in case of war.

Not that you're EVER honest about anything.
You're in a thread created by one of your ilk calling for the entire west coast being put under martial law.....while denying that your ilk want to put the entire west coast under martial law.

And then whining about *hypocrisy*?

You're adorable.

IF you go to war against us. You dishonestly omit that part.
Each time you think Trump's fascist wimp brigades can't possible get more weepy and pathetic, they prove you wrong. Trump cult loser-butthurt truly is an infinite resource.

The bright side? Every time we hear Trump's pajama bois crying, it's like winning the election all over again.
The real pussies, wimps, ***** are each of us in our flaws that we have control over but fail. There are flaws we have issues with that are beyond control. Society combines them in western machismo. I relish to have a position of power over people like you when your Prog Propagandists win total control. To go to a house a person like you lives in and have you beg for your life and kill anyone opening their mouths for any statement arrogant and against the state would be utopia. Biden/Harris is closer to that then Trump will ever be.

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