If we all came from 2 people

You didnt say "if"
Dude, that link states the world is 6K years old :rofl:
You are sitting there stating the people that wrote the OT started a pagan belief that contradicts their books.
You are sitting there adding shit to the bible that isnt there and discrediting what it actually says.
And you have the gall to talk about me?
You are a fucking joke.
There were no stars or planets until the 4th “day” so we don’t know, by today’s measurements, how old the universe or our solar system is.
Of course we know how old the universe is, 13.8 billion years old. Now you know.
We all know the age of the universe.
Fundamentalists, who take English translations literally, are stuck.
We believe we know the approximate age of the universe.

The fact that Taz thinks he knows the approximate age of the universe means that he believes the universe had a beginning. Something they knew over 4500 years ago.
Everything in nature has a beginning, so it's not a stretch for even the simpletons of the time to conceive of a beginning for "creation". Was exactly do you think that proves that they guessed it 4500 years ago?
Are you calling physicists simpletons?

Their resistance to Friedman's solutions to Einsteins equation of General Relativity is well known.
Of course we know how old the universe is, 13.8 billion years old. Now you know.
We all know the age of the universe.
Fundamentalists, who take English translations literally, are stuck.
Honest men can have honest differences of opinion.
says a known liar :oops8:

You called Ding a liar???? Trolling must be a full time occupation for you.
You dont know ding. Which isnt surprising because you dont know yourself either.

I know Ding as well as you know me. I've read his posts. Look at the things you've called me. So, what is my come back now? You don't know me?
You didnt say "if"
Dude, that link states the world is 6K years old :rofl:
You are sitting there stating the people that wrote the OT started a pagan belief that contradicts their books.
You are sitting there adding shit to the bible that isnt there and discrediting what it actually says.
And you have the gall to talk about me?
You are a fucking joke.
There were no stars or planets until the 4th “day” so we don’t know, by today’s measurements, how old the universe or our solar system is.
Of course we know how old the universe is, 13.8 billion years old. Now you know.
We all know the age of the universe.
Fundamentalists, who take English translations literally, are stuck.
We believe we know the approximate age of the universe.

The fact that Taz thinks he knows the approximate age of the universe means that he believes the universe had a beginning. Something they knew over 4500 years ago.
Everything in nature has a beginning, so it's not a stretch for even the simpletons of the time to conceive of a beginning for "creation". Was exactly do you think that proves that they guessed it 4500 years ago?
Did those simpletons know that all people migrated from the cradle of civilization too?

Or did they guess that too?

How about all the hairs on our head being numbered? Did they guess that too?
We all know the age of the universe.
Fundamentalists, who take English translations literally, are stuck.
Honest men can have honest differences of opinion.
says a known liar :oops8:

You called Ding a liar???? Trolling must be a full time occupation for you.
You dont know ding. Which isnt surprising because you dont know yourself either.

I know Ding as well as you know me. I've read his posts. Look at the things you've called me. So, what is my come back now? You don't know me?
Lol whine a little bit more
Honest men can have honest differences of opinion.
says a known liar :oops8:

You called Ding a liar???? Trolling must be a full time occupation for you.
You dont know ding. Which isnt surprising because you dont know yourself either.

I know Ding as well as you know me. I've read his posts. Look at the things you've called me. So, what is my come back now? You don't know me?
Lol whine a little bit more
How was that whining, TN?

Can you explain that?
So what is your "overwhelming" proof of 1, 2, 3 and 4? And how would Noah have gotten kangaroos from Australia and back again?
You still insist that no scientists say there use to be one land mass.
There used to be one land mass 250 million years ago and there were also DINOSAURS at that time. Is that when the flood happened?
Who knows? What we do know is that every major culture has an account of a great flood.

The Chinese even captured the account as symbols in their written language 1500 years before Moses penned the account in Genesis.

And yet you still want to pretend it is a fairy tale that never happened.

You probably think the account of the great migration from the cradle of civilization is a fairy tale too.
The bible says worldwide flood. That's the fairy tale that has no supporting geologic record. Agreed?
Can you tell me how the geologic record records floods?
Google.com, that’s how. :biggrin:
so if someone picks what they observe, they aren't a Jew?
The 613 Commandments are our behavior.

You know, there are a lot of Christians who think that the Jewish people have to follow all 613 mitzvot. They don't realize that the rules are broken down by who you are in the community. And, as far as a template for how to run a society, it's a pretty decent one.

And, many of the restrictions they had on diet made a lot of sense at the time. Not eating shellfish or pork are two good examples. Why? Because shellfish are filter feeders, and they can be bad for you if harvested in the summer months. Pork has a parasite called trichinosis which lives in the flesh of the animal. Today, it is possible to make the meat safe to eat, but back in Biblical times, there was no such technology.
God demands restrictions for one reason...to be holy...separate.
The Hebrew word Kodesh is almost always mistranslated as holy, but that's not the meaning.
I also hear that the Roman Empire was devastated by trichinosis.
Just kidding...everybody was aware of trichinosis and cooked their food to perfection.

Exactly which suggests that the prohibition against eating the flesh of swine that do not ruminate is not about what you cannot serve or eat for dinner.
I presume you haven’t read the Ramchal’s Derech Hashem or Nefesh Hachaim.

If you read a book titled "the way of God" and you still think that kosher law is a menu and the subject of the law is food, you wasted your time and money....
We all know the age of the universe.
Fundamentalists, who take English translations literally, are stuck.
Honest men can have honest differences of opinion.
says a known liar :oops8:

You called Ding a liar???? Trolling must be a full time occupation for you.
You dont know ding. Which isnt surprising because you dont know yourself either.
Why don't you tell us all about ding, TN?
Dingbat is confused, answers any question with another question, and generally moves the goalposts randomly.
There were no stars or planets until the 4th “day” so we don’t know, by today’s measurements, how old the universe or our solar system is.
Of course we know how old the universe is, 13.8 billion years old. Now you know.
We all know the age of the universe.
Fundamentalists, who take English translations literally, are stuck.
We believe we know the approximate age of the universe.

The fact that Taz thinks he knows the approximate age of the universe means that he believes the universe had a beginning. Something they knew over 4500 years ago.
Everything in nature has a beginning, so it's not a stretch for even the simpletons of the time to conceive of a beginning for "creation". Was exactly do you think that proves that they guessed it 4500 years ago?
Are you calling physicists simpletons?

Their resistance to Friedman's solutions to Einsteins equation of General Relativity is well known.
So you can’t answer my question, as per usual.
The 613 Commandments are our behavior.

You know, there are a lot of Christians who think that the Jewish people have to follow all 613 mitzvot. They don't realize that the rules are broken down by who you are in the community. And, as far as a template for how to run a society, it's a pretty decent one.

And, many of the restrictions they had on diet made a lot of sense at the time. Not eating shellfish or pork are two good examples. Why? Because shellfish are filter feeders, and they can be bad for you if harvested in the summer months. Pork has a parasite called trichinosis which lives in the flesh of the animal. Today, it is possible to make the meat safe to eat, but back in Biblical times, there was no such technology.
God demands restrictions for one reason...to be holy...separate.
The Hebrew word Kodesh is almost always mistranslated as holy, but that's not the meaning.
I also hear that the Roman Empire was devastated by trichinosis.
Just kidding...everybody was aware of trichinosis and cooked their food to perfection.

Exactly which suggests that the prohibition against eating the flesh of swine that do not ruminate is not about what you cannot serve or eat for dinner.
I presume you haven’t read the Ramchal’s Derech Hashem or Nefesh Hachaim.

If you read a book titled "the way of God" and you still think that kosher law is a menu and the subject of the law is food, you wasted your time and money....

What do you think it’s about?
Dude................Adam and Eve weren't kicked out of the Garden because they "were getting it on", they were kicked out because they ate of the apple from the Tree of Knowledge, and when asked about it, they didn't take responsibility for their actions, choosing instead to blame each other and the serpent.

As far as the flood? God had seen that because of the angels mating with the daughters of Eve (humans), they had created Nephilim, which are half angel and half human. Think of a human with superpowers who doesn't know what kind of power they wield. And, the angels had also taught mankind things like magic and war, which is why God found one righteous man and decided to save him and his family (Noah).

And, interestingly enough, according to both the Jewish tradition and the Gospel of Thomas, nobody stays in hell forever. Think of it as more like a place to get clean and be purged of your sins before you rejoin God in Heaven. Christians are the ones who like to tell others they will go to hell for eternity.
Just curious, do you think that these things actually happened? Because the rest of the believers here don't seem to. As in, a real worldwide flood? An actual placed called Eden? An actual place called hell?
Dude................Adam and Eve weren't kicked out of the Garden because they "were getting it on", they were kicked out because they ate of the apple from the Tree of Knowledge, and when asked about it, they didn't take responsibility for their actions, choosing instead to blame each other and the serpent.

As far as the flood? God had seen that because of the angels mating with the daughters of Eve (humans), they had created Nephilim, which are half angel and half human. Think of a human with superpowers who doesn't know what kind of power they wield. And, the angels had also taught mankind things like magic and war, which is why God found one righteous man and decided to save him and his family (Noah).

And, interestingly enough, according to both the Jewish tradition and the Gospel of Thomas, nobody stays in hell forever. Think of it as more like a place to get clean and be purged of your sins before you rejoin God in Heaven. Christians are the ones who like to tell others they will go to hell for eternity.
Just curious, do you think that these things actually happened? Because the rest of the believers here don't seem to. As in, a real worldwide flood? An actual placed called Eden? An actual place called hell?

There are all kinds of beliefs regarding the Bible. I believe, based upon the weight of the evidence:

1) That God created man and a "pre-Adamic man." Whether that man was one man and Adam is an eighth day creation is speculative, but pre-Adamic man can (and most likely is) also the "chay" as it is called in Hebrew. By either theory, we can account for preadamites

2) When Eve enters the Garden of Eden and sins, the offense was a sexual offense (which is why God made the punishment of childbirth to be so painful for a woman.) The Eve ate the apple story is a metaphor for what happened

the two seeds of genesis 3 15 my study | Cain And Abel | Serpents In The Bible

3) Whether the flood was world wide or local, it does not change the bottom line. And the bottom line is, IF the flood were world wide, Noah still took two of every living creature onto the Ark, which would include those "beasts" with the hands, feet, power of speech that work for hire, wear sack cloth, and cry mightily unto God (references given in one of my earlier posts on this thread.)

4) There was a real Garden of Eden; there is a real physical Devil with offspring; there is a place called Hell
So what is your "overwhelming" proof of 1, 2, 3 and 4? And how would Noah have gotten kangaroos from Australia and back again?
You really need to come up with some new material Captain Kangaroo.
I'm STILL trying to get proper answers to these subjects. You sure haven't provided ANYTHING logical as an answer. But You're free to please try again.

Still seeking the deep secrets of the kangaroo? lol..

Such dedication! I'm very impressed.
Just curious, do you think that these things actually happened? Because the rest of the believers here don't seem to. As in, a real worldwide flood? An actual placed called Eden? An actual place called hell?
Just curious, do you think that these things actually happened? Because the rest of the believers here don't seem to. As in, a real worldwide flood? An actual placed called Eden? An actual place called hell?

There are all kinds of beliefs regarding the Bible. I believe, based upon the weight of the evidence:

1) That God created man and a "pre-Adamic man." Whether that man was one man and Adam is an eighth day creation is speculative, but pre-Adamic man can (and most likely is) also the "chay" as it is called in Hebrew. By either theory, we can account for preadamites

2) When Eve enters the Garden of Eden and sins, the offense was a sexual offense (which is why God made the punishment of childbirth to be so painful for a woman.) The Eve ate the apple story is a metaphor for what happened

the two seeds of genesis 3 15 my study | Cain And Abel | Serpents In The Bible

3) Whether the flood was world wide or local, it does not change the bottom line. And the bottom line is, IF the flood were world wide, Noah still took two of every living creature onto the Ark, which would include those "beasts" with the hands, feet, power of speech that work for hire, wear sack cloth, and cry mightily unto God (references given in one of my earlier posts on this thread.)

4) There was a real Garden of Eden; there is a real physical Devil with offspring; there is a place called Hell
So what is your "overwhelming" proof of 1, 2, 3 and 4? And how would Noah have gotten kangaroos from Australia and back again?
You really need to come up with some new material Captain Kangaroo.
I'm STILL trying to get proper answers to these subjects. You sure haven't provided ANYTHING logical as an answer. But You're free to please try again.

Still seeking the deep secrets of the kangaroo? lol..

Such dedication! I'm very impressed.
Remind us all what your take on the flood story is? You a regionalist or worldwider?
You know, there are a lot of Christians who think that the Jewish people have to follow all 613 mitzvot. They don't realize that the rules are broken down by who you are in the community. And, as far as a template for how to run a society, it's a pretty decent one.

And, many of the restrictions they had on diet made a lot of sense at the time. Not eating shellfish or pork are two good examples. Why? Because shellfish are filter feeders, and they can be bad for you if harvested in the summer months. Pork has a parasite called trichinosis which lives in the flesh of the animal. Today, it is possible to make the meat safe to eat, but back in Biblical times, there was no such technology.
God demands restrictions for one reason...to be holy...separate.
The Hebrew word Kodesh is almost always mistranslated as holy, but that's not the meaning.
I also hear that the Roman Empire was devastated by trichinosis.
Just kidding...everybody was aware of trichinosis and cooked their food to perfection.

Exactly which suggests that the prohibition against eating the flesh of swine that do not ruminate is not about what you cannot serve or eat for dinner.
I presume you haven’t read the Ramchal’s Derech Hashem or Nefesh Hachaim.

If you read a book titled "the way of God" and you still think that kosher law is a menu and the subject of the law is food, you wasted your time and money....

What do you think it’s about?

Education. What and what not to teach your children to insure good mental health and a fruitful life.

If you teach your children to swallow the beliefs of unclean creatures that do not ruminate, think deeply, their minds will be defiled and contaminated and they will become unclean creatures that cannot ruminate.
God demands restrictions for one reason...to be holy...separate.
The Hebrew word Kodesh is almost always mistranslated as holy, but that's not the meaning.
I also hear that the Roman Empire was devastated by trichinosis.
Just kidding...everybody was aware of trichinosis and cooked their food to perfection.

Exactly which suggests that the prohibition against eating the flesh of swine that do not ruminate is not about what you cannot serve or eat for dinner.
I presume you haven’t read the Ramchal’s Derech Hashem or Nefesh Hachaim.

If you read a book titled "the way of God" and you still think that kosher law is a menu and the subject of the law is food, you wasted your time and money....

What do you think it’s about?

Education. What and what not to teach your children to insure good mental health and a fruitful life.

If you teach or swallow the beliefs of unclean creatures that do not ruminate, think deeply, their minds will be defiled and contaminated and they will become unclean creatures that cannot ruminate.
"What and what not to teach your children to insure good mental health and a fruitful life." So the mass murdering god, you teach them about that for good mental health? :lol:
God demands restrictions for one reason...to be holy...separate.
The Hebrew word Kodesh is almost always mistranslated as holy, but that's not the meaning.
I also hear that the Roman Empire was devastated by trichinosis.
Just kidding...everybody was aware of trichinosis and cooked their food to perfection.

Exactly which suggests that the prohibition against eating the flesh of swine that do not ruminate is not about what you cannot serve or eat for dinner.
I presume you haven’t read the Ramchal’s Derech Hashem or Nefesh Hachaim.

If you read a book titled "the way of God" and you still think that kosher law is a menu and the subject of the law is food, you wasted your time and money....

What do you think it’s about?

Education. What and what not to teach your children to insure good mental health and a fruitful life.

If you teach or swallow the beliefs of unclean creatures that do not ruminate, think deeply, their minds will be defiled and contaminated and they will become unclean creatures that cannot ruminate.

Er. No. They’re dietary laws. But I suppose I’d you say “cleanliness is next to godliness” you can extrapolate out.

I have to tell you though, nothing I learned from my family or in Hebrew school or in Kabbalah class ever pointed in that direction.
There are all kinds of beliefs regarding the Bible. I believe, based upon the weight of the evidence:

1) That God created man and a "pre-Adamic man." Whether that man was one man and Adam is an eighth day creation is speculative, but pre-Adamic man can (and most likely is) also the "chay" as it is called in Hebrew. By either theory, we can account for preadamites

2) When Eve enters the Garden of Eden and sins, the offense was a sexual offense (which is why God made the punishment of childbirth to be so painful for a woman.) The Eve ate the apple story is a metaphor for what happened

the two seeds of genesis 3 15 my study | Cain And Abel | Serpents In The Bible

3) Whether the flood was world wide or local, it does not change the bottom line. And the bottom line is, IF the flood were world wide, Noah still took two of every living creature onto the Ark, which would include those "beasts" with the hands, feet, power of speech that work for hire, wear sack cloth, and cry mightily unto God (references given in one of my earlier posts on this thread.)

4) There was a real Garden of Eden; there is a real physical Devil with offspring; there is a place called Hell
So what is your "overwhelming" proof of 1, 2, 3 and 4? And how would Noah have gotten kangaroos from Australia and back again?
You really need to come up with some new material Captain Kangaroo.
I'm STILL trying to get proper answers to these subjects. You sure haven't provided ANYTHING logical as an answer. But You're free to please try again.

Still seeking the deep secrets of the kangaroo? lol..

Such dedication! I'm very impressed.
Remind us all what your take on the flood story is? You a regionalist or worldwider?

Is there something about this conversation that disturbs you and is causing you to melt down?
Exactly which suggests that the prohibition against eating the flesh of swine that do not ruminate is not about what you cannot serve or eat for dinner.
I presume you haven’t read the Ramchal’s Derech Hashem or Nefesh Hachaim.

If you read a book titled "the way of God" and you still think that kosher law is a menu and the subject of the law is food, you wasted your time and money....

What do you think it’s about?

Education. What and what not to teach your children to insure good mental health and a fruitful life.

If you teach or swallow the beliefs of unclean creatures that do not ruminate, think deeply, their minds will be defiled and contaminated and they will become unclean creatures that cannot ruminate.

Er. No. They’re dietary laws. But I suppose I’d you say “cleanliness is next to godliness” you can extrapolate out.

I have to tell you though, nothing I learned from my family or in Hebrew school or in Kabbalah class ever pointed in that direction.

Er, No and yes. they are about intellectual diet, what is kosher or not to include in your thought processes. Every described creature has human counterpart. The authors couldn't have been more obvious...

So what if you never heard it before.

Now you have.
So what is your "overwhelming" proof of 1, 2, 3 and 4? And how would Noah have gotten kangaroos from Australia and back again?
You really need to come up with some new material Captain Kangaroo.
I'm STILL trying to get proper answers to these subjects. You sure haven't provided ANYTHING logical as an answer. But You're free to please try again.

Still seeking the deep secrets of the kangaroo? lol..

Such dedication! I'm very impressed.
Remind us all what your take on the flood story is? You a regionalist or worldwider?

Is there something about this conversation that disturbs you and is causing you to melt down?

This guy is full of the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate, probably ate some dork meat too.

Now his mind isn't much more than a garbage dump of thoughts rejected by wiser people and works about as well for him as a computer whose owner never bothered to wipe its hard drive clean from all the malware and junk files accumulated over the years....

And he's certain its God fault!

Seeing the inner workings of Taz's mind should be enough to scare anyone Kosher.
Last edited:
So what is your "overwhelming" proof of 1, 2, 3 and 4? And how would Noah have gotten kangaroos from Australia and back again?
You really need to come up with some new material Captain Kangaroo.
I'm STILL trying to get proper answers to these subjects. You sure haven't provided ANYTHING logical as an answer. But You're free to please try again.

Still seeking the deep secrets of the kangaroo? lol..

Such dedication! I'm very impressed.
Remind us all what your take on the flood story is? You a regionalist or worldwider?

Is there something about this conversation that disturbs you and is causing you to melt down?
All these smug bastards who think that we don't see that own interpretations of the bible don't make any sense, so they tiptoe around the question like they're on Dancing With The Stars and pretending like they're not confused themselves now. Is that enough or do you need more? :biggrin:
You really need to come up with some new material Captain Kangaroo.
I'm STILL trying to get proper answers to these subjects. You sure haven't provided ANYTHING logical as an answer. But You're free to please try again.

Still seeking the deep secrets of the kangaroo? lol..

Such dedication! I'm very impressed.
Remind us all what your take on the flood story is? You a regionalist or worldwider?

Is there something about this conversation that disturbs you and is causing you to melt down?

This guy is full of the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate, probably ate some dork meat too.

Now his mind isn't much more than a garbage dump and works about as well for him as a computer whose owner never bothered to wipe his hard drive clean from all the malware and junk files accumulated over the years....

And he's certain its God fault!
See? You're wrong AGAIN! I'm a vegetarian. :lol:

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