If we all came from 2 people


This guy is full of the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate, probably ate some dork meat too.

Now his mind isn't much more than a garbage dump and works about as well for him as a computer whose owner never bothered to wipe his hard drive clean from all the malware and junk files accumulated over the years....

And he's certain its God fault!

Seeing the inner workings of Taz's mind should be enough to scare anyone Kosher.
See? You're wrong AGAIN! I'm a vegetarian. :lol:

And I'M not god's fault, YOU are. :biggrin:

Better stick to the kangaroos inquiries, Taz...

You are coming undone.
So did Noah have millions of species on his boat or did the ones he have evolve into all the different species we have know?
God created the universe but couldn’t manipulate 3 dimensional space...fascinating.
So it was all done with one of god's magic tricks? You really want to stick with that story?
Sincere question...
Were you abused by your Christian mentor?
Just like your scientists, I can only presume from your contempt on the subject of religion that someone did you wrong.
Last edited:
You still insist that no scientists say there use to be one land mass.
There used to be one land mass 250 million years ago and there were also DINOSAURS at that time. Is that when the flood happened?
Who knows? What we do know is that every major culture has an account of a great flood.

The Chinese even captured the account as symbols in their written language 1500 years before Moses penned the account in Genesis.

And yet you still want to pretend it is a fairy tale that never happened.

You probably think the account of the great migration from the cradle of civilization is a fairy tale too.
The bible says worldwide flood. That's the fairy tale that has no supporting geologic record. Agreed?
Provide us with the exact wording.
You seem to know already that in Heebrew, it means Jews are the greatest thing since the car bomb. Did I get it right?
Job was not a Jew and yet was a prophet.
Let's simplify that. God, in Himself, contains both masculine and feminine. If God possessed no feminine nature, then that would mean that women contained a nature that was completely outside of God. How could God create something which He Himself did not contain? Well, you might say, God doesn’t have an evil nature, but evil exists. No. Evil is merely the absence of good. Evil is not extant, just as cold is the absence of heat, and darkness is the absence of light. Femininity is an extant nature. Femininity is NOT the absence of masculinity. Femininity is an existential reality unto itself, and therefore God contains it in Himself.

But is that what God meant by "in His own image" which is in every version? No.

What did God do? He created for 6 days and then rested.

What did God command us to do? To do as He has done, to create for 6 days and then rest.

God is being that creates. We are beings that create.

Is there ever a complete absence of good? A complete absence of light? A complete absence of heat?

Or are there instances where the presence of such things are simply too minute for us humans to perceive?

I honestly don’t know.
The 2nd sentence of the Torah states that the universe was complete dark...whatever that means.
See? You're wrong AGAIN! I'm a vegetarian. :lol:

And I'M not god's fault, YOU are. :biggrin:

Better stick to the kangaroos inquiries, Taz...

You are coming undone.
So did Noah have millions of species on his boat or did the ones he have evolve into all the different species we have know?
God created the universe but couldn’t manipulate 3 dimensional space...fascinating.
So it was all done with one of god's magic tricks? You really want to stick with that story?
Sincere question...
Were you abused by your Christian mentor?
Just like your scientists, ai can only presume from your contempt on the subject of religion that someone did you wrong.
You can't answer so you belittle me, typical.
There used to be one land mass 250 million years ago and there were also DINOSAURS at that time. Is that when the flood happened?
Who knows? What we do know is that every major culture has an account of a great flood.

The Chinese even captured the account as symbols in their written language 1500 years before Moses penned the account in Genesis.

And yet you still want to pretend it is a fairy tale that never happened.

You probably think the account of the great migration from the cradle of civilization is a fairy tale too.
The bible says worldwide flood. That's the fairy tale that has no supporting geologic record. Agreed?
Provide us with the exact wording.
You seem to know already that in Heebrew, it means Jews are the greatest thing since the car bomb. Did I get it right?
Job was not a Jew and yet was a prophet.
So Job was the token gentile? And?
Better stick to the kangaroos inquiries, Taz...

You are coming undone.
So did Noah have millions of species on his boat or did the ones he have evolve into all the different species we have know?
God created the universe but couldn’t manipulate 3 dimensional space...fascinating.
So it was all done with one of god's magic tricks? You really want to stick with that story?
Sincere question...
Were you abused by your Christian mentor?
Just like your scientists, ai can only presume from your contempt on the subject of religion that someone did you wrong.
You can't answer so you belittle me, typical.
I’m sure you don’t ignore reading materials in your profession but God forbid you should have any text knowledge when it comes to the Bible.
You’re just spewing hatred based on hate.
If you quoted or read something I wouldn’t have such impression of you.
There used to be one land mass 250 million years ago and there were also DINOSAURS at that time. Is that when the flood happened?
Who knows? What we do know is that every major culture has an account of a great flood.

The Chinese even captured the account as symbols in their written language 1500 years before Moses penned the account in Genesis.

And yet you still want to pretend it is a fairy tale that never happened.

You probably think the account of the great migration from the cradle of civilization is a fairy tale too.
The bible says worldwide flood. That's the fairy tale that has no supporting geologic record. Agreed?
Provide us with the exact wording.
You seem to know already that in Heebrew, it means Jews are the greatest thing since the car bomb. Did I get it right?
Job was not a Jew and yet was a prophet.
Job was a fictional character whose difficult life was used as a device to explore the question of why God allows good people to suffer..

Let's simplify that. God, in Himself, contains both masculine and feminine. If God possessed no feminine nature, then that would mean that women contained a nature that was completely outside of God. How could God create something which He Himself did not contain? Well, you might say, God doesn’t have an evil nature, but evil exists. No. Evil is merely the absence of good. Evil is not extant, just as cold is the absence of heat, and darkness is the absence of light. Femininity is an extant nature. Femininity is NOT the absence of masculinity. Femininity is an existential reality unto itself, and therefore God contains it in Himself.

But is that what God meant by "in His own image" which is in every version? No.

What did God do? He created for 6 days and then rested.

What did God command us to do? To do as He has done, to create for 6 days and then rest.

God is being that creates. We are beings that create.

Is there ever a complete absence of good? A complete absence of light? A complete absence of heat?

Or are there instances where the presence of such things are simply too minute for us humans to perceive?

I honestly don’t know.
Maybe. Does it make a difference?

This guy is full of the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate, probably ate some dork meat too.

Now his mind isn't much more than a garbage dump and works about as well for him as a computer whose owner never bothered to wipe his hard drive clean from all the malware and junk files accumulated over the years....

And he's certain its God fault!

Seeing the inner workings of Taz's mind should be enough to scare anyone Kosher.
See? You're wrong AGAIN! I'm a vegetarian. :lol:

And I'M not god's fault, YOU are. :biggrin:

Better stick to the kangaroos inquiries, Taz...

You are coming undone.
So did Noah have millions of species on his boat or did the ones he have evolve into all the different species we have know?

I will tell you something.. Try to hear. At some point in your life you died. Apparently when you were a juvenile delinquent. It really doesn't matter how or why.

Ever since then your mind has become a garbage dump of thoughts and ideas rejected by wiser people, the living..

If you ever hope to escape from the big flush, get your act together and clean your funky mind for shits sake, right now, or you will never get your turd filled head out of the toilet in time.
You can't/won't answer the question but instead try to put me down. Probably because you know how ridiculous your answer are going to sound.

I have answered your silly derisive questions more than once already.

That you act like you never got an answer is why I suspect that you died a very long time ago, like I said, probably as a juvenile delinquent since you seem to never have advanced past that level.

I bet Indeependent was spot on..

Who did it to you?
Who knows? What we do know is that every major culture has an account of a great flood.

The Chinese even captured the account as symbols in their written language 1500 years before Moses penned the account in Genesis.

And yet you still want to pretend it is a fairy tale that never happened.

You probably think the account of the great migration from the cradle of civilization is a fairy tale too.
The bible says worldwide flood. That's the fairy tale that has no supporting geologic record. Agreed?
Provide us with the exact wording.
You seem to know already that in Heebrew, it means Jews are the greatest thing since the car bomb. Did I get it right?
Job was not a Jew and yet was a prophet.
Job was a fictional character whose difficult life was used as a device to explore the question of why God allows good people to suffer..

I don't believe he was a fictional character.

My recollection was that it was one of the earliest written books and that Job wasn't Jewish.

According to the Jews, Job is proof that Satan is an angel working for God trying to tempt us. Apparently we are all being tested. I guess not just anyone will be deemed worthy in God's eyes.
See? You're wrong AGAIN! I'm a vegetarian. :lol:

And I'M not god's fault, YOU are. :biggrin:

Better stick to the kangaroos inquiries, Taz...

You are coming undone.
So did Noah have millions of species on his boat or did the ones he have evolve into all the different species we have know?
God created the universe but couldn’t manipulate 3 dimensional space...fascinating.
So it was all done with one of god's magic tricks? You really want to stick with that story?
Sincere question...
Were you abused by your Christian mentor?
Just like your scientists, ai can only presume from your contempt on the subject of religion that someone did you wrong.
I'm pretty sure that Taz is really Mudda. If you know who that is.
Let's simplify that. God, in Himself, contains both masculine and feminine. If God possessed no feminine nature, then that would mean that women contained a nature that was completely outside of God. How could God create something which He Himself did not contain? Well, you might say, God doesn’t have an evil nature, but evil exists. No. Evil is merely the absence of good. Evil is not extant, just as cold is the absence of heat, and darkness is the absence of light. Femininity is an extant nature. Femininity is NOT the absence of masculinity. Femininity is an existential reality unto itself, and therefore God contains it in Himself.

But is that what God meant by "in His own image" which is in every version? No.

What did God do? He created for 6 days and then rested.

What did God command us to do? To do as He has done, to create for 6 days and then rest.

God is being that creates. We are beings that create.

Is there ever a complete absence of good? A complete absence of light? A complete absence of heat?

Or are there instances where the presence of such things are simply too minute for us humans to perceive?

I honestly don’t know.
The 2nd sentence of the Torah states that the universe was complete dark...whatever that means.
A clue can be found in the verse,

The world was without form and void, and darkness covered the face of the deep.

Without the light of the law there is only chaos and darkness.

ask Taz.
We believe we know the approximate age of the universe.

The fact that Taz thinks he knows the approximate age of the universe means that he believes the universe had a beginning. Something they knew over 4500 years ago.
Everything in nature has a beginning, so it's not a stretch for even the simpletons of the time to conceive of a beginning for "creation". Was exactly do you think that proves that they guessed it 4500 years ago?
Are you calling physicists simpletons?

Their resistance to Friedman's solutions to Einsteins equation of General Relativity is well known.
So you can’t answer my question, as per usual.
Taz, they didn't guess it. They knew it.

They knew it at least 4500 years before scientists proved it.
So that proves what exactly?
That they knew it at least 4500 years before scientists proved it.
Who knows? What we do know is that every major culture has an account of a great flood.

The Chinese even captured the account as symbols in their written language 1500 years before Moses penned the account in Genesis.

And yet you still want to pretend it is a fairy tale that never happened.

You probably think the account of the great migration from the cradle of civilization is a fairy tale too.
The bible says worldwide flood. That's the fairy tale that has no supporting geologic record. Agreed?
Provide us with the exact wording.
You seem to know already that in Heebrew, it means Jews are the greatest thing since the car bomb. Did I get it right?
Job was not a Jew and yet was a prophet.
Job was a fictional character whose difficult life was used as a device to explore the question of why God allows good people to suffer..

That seems like a pretty dense statement if you live by faith.

How do you know Job is a fictional character? Just curious do you have record of everything ever done in heaven and earth?
The bible says worldwide flood. That's the fairy tale that has no supporting geologic record. Agreed?
Provide us with the exact wording.
You seem to know already that in Heebrew, it means Jews are the greatest thing since the car bomb. Did I get it right?
Job was not a Jew and yet was a prophet.
Job was a fictional character whose difficult life was used as a device to explore the question of why God allows good people to suffer..

That seems like a pretty dense statement if you live by faith.

How do you know Job is a fictional character? Just curious do you have record of everything ever done in heaven and earth?

It is a fairly unanimous consensus among those who study the subject intelligently.

And yes I keep records, I see you when you're sleeping, I know when you're awake. I know if you've been bad or good....
Provide us with the exact wording.
You seem to know already that in Heebrew, it means Jews are the greatest thing since the car bomb. Did I get it right?
Job was not a Jew and yet was a prophet.
Job was a fictional character whose difficult life was used as a device to explore the question of why God allows good people to suffer..

That seems like a pretty dense statement if you live by faith.

How do you know Job is a fictional character? Just curious do you have record of everything ever done in heaven and earth?

It is a fairly unanimous consensus among those who study the subject intelligently.

And yes I keep records, I see you when you're sleeping, I know if you're awake. I know if you've been bad or good....
Is the spirit limited based on your intelligence?
Let's simplify that. God, in Himself, contains both masculine and feminine. If God possessed no feminine nature, then that would mean that women contained a nature that was completely outside of God. How could God create something which He Himself did not contain? Well, you might say, God doesn’t have an evil nature, but evil exists. No. Evil is merely the absence of good. Evil is not extant, just as cold is the absence of heat, and darkness is the absence of light. Femininity is an extant nature. Femininity is NOT the absence of masculinity. Femininity is an existential reality unto itself, and therefore God contains it in Himself.

But is that what God meant by "in His own image" which is in every version? No.

What did God do? He created for 6 days and then rested.

What did God command us to do? To do as He has done, to create for 6 days and then rest.

God is being that creates. We are beings that create.

Is there ever a complete absence of good? A complete absence of light? A complete absence of heat?

Or are there instances where the presence of such things are simply too minute for us humans to perceive?

I honestly don’t know.
Maybe. Does it make a difference?

Gosh, yes!

Our human perception is not infallible. Meaning our value judgements aren’t. Meaning our evaluation of the absence of good in someone is probably false. Just like our perception of the “absence” of heat or light.
Who knows? What we do know is that every major culture has an account of a great flood.

The Chinese even captured the account as symbols in their written language 1500 years before Moses penned the account in Genesis.

And yet you still want to pretend it is a fairy tale that never happened.

You probably think the account of the great migration from the cradle of civilization is a fairy tale too.
The bible says worldwide flood. That's the fairy tale that has no supporting geologic record. Agreed?
Provide us with the exact wording.
You seem to know already that in Heebrew, it means Jews are the greatest thing since the car bomb. Did I get it right?
Job was not a Jew and yet was a prophet.
Job was a fictional character whose difficult life was used as a device to explore the question of why God allows good people to suffer..

A Talmudic dispute.
You seem to know already that in Heebrew, it means Jews are the greatest thing since the car bomb. Did I get it right?
Job was not a Jew and yet was a prophet.
Job was a fictional character whose difficult life was used as a device to explore the question of why God allows good people to suffer..

That seems like a pretty dense statement if you live by faith.

How do you know Job is a fictional character? Just curious do you have record of everything ever done in heaven and earth?

It is a fairly unanimous consensus among those who study the subject intelligently.

And yes I keep records, I see you when you're sleeping, I know if you're awake. I know if you've been bad or good....
Is the spirit limited based on your intelligence?
No as intelligence is a moment by moment gift from God.
The bible says worldwide flood. That's the fairy tale that has no supporting geologic record. Agreed?
Provide us with the exact wording.
You seem to know already that in Heebrew, it means Jews are the greatest thing since the car bomb. Did I get it right?
Job was not a Jew and yet was a prophet.
Job was a fictional character whose difficult life was used as a device to explore the question of why God allows good people to suffer..

I don't believe he was a fictional character.

My recollection was that it was one of the earliest written books and that Job wasn't Jewish.

According to the Jews, Job is proof that Satan is an angel working for God trying to tempt us. Apparently we are all being tested. I guess not just anyone will be deemed worthy in God's eyes.
An Adversary is a sahtahn, not Satan.

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