If we are supposedly at war with Islam


Gold Member
Jun 15, 2004
Hot air ballon
then how is it some muslims are actually at war against christians, but i don't hear any muslims roundly denouncing it as they would if someone drew a frickin cartoon of their prophet or bombed one of their synogues....

Bomb Hits Egypt Church at New Year's Mass, 21 Dead

A powerful bomb, possibly from a homicide attacker, exploded in front of a Coptic Christian church as a crowd of worshippers emerged from a New Years Mass early Saturday, killing at least 21 people and wounding nearly 80 in an attack that raised suspicions of an Al Qaeda role.

The attack came in the wake of repeated threats by Al Qaeda militants in Iraq to attack Egypt's Christians.

FoxNews.com - Bomb Hits Egypt Church at New Year's Mass, 21 Dead
I don't believe we are -- or have ever claimed to be -- at war with Islam.

we are not....but many muslims claim we are

Fair enough. They are liars.

Now, I will concede that we ARE at war with Jihadist (Islamic) terrorists. And only a lying sack of shit Muslim (as opposed to the balance of Muslims who have no need for such dishonesty) would try to conflate our war on the Jihadists with a war against Muslims or Islam.

Islam may not be the "religion of peace." That's hogwash. But there is a certain component of the Islamic world who are the actual bad guys. The rest of the Muslim world should be a whole lot more vocal in criticism of that filth.
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where are the fatwas and calls for their deaths, you know, like when someone draws a cartoon of muhammad...

and its funny, you had to specifically google for that, it wasn't readily available as it is when they are condemning cartoons or a mosque bombing
:eusa_shhh: The liberal media wants us to believe all muslims are evil.
The liberal media is liberal.

Liberals favor political correctness, whatever the fuck that might be one year to the next.

At present, it is politically correct to pretend that the religion known as "Islam" is a peaceful religion. It is not true, but the liberal media never lets facts get in the way of the party line.

It is also true that despite the fact that Islam is no religion of peace, it is also not a religion of terrorism. The Islamic Jihadists are just one very violent and rather psychotic expression of Islam. But that reality is too nuanced for the "story" the liberal media chooses to tell.
The liberal media is liberal.

Liberals favor political correctness, whatever the fuck that might be one year to the next.

At present, it is politically correct to pretend that the religion known as "Islam" is a peaceful religion. It is not true, but the liberal media never lets facts get in the way of the party line.

It is also true that despite the fact that Islam is no religion of peace, it is also not a religion of terrorism. The Islamic Jihadists are just one very violent and rather psychotic expression of Islam. But that reality is too nuanced for the "story" the liberal media chooses to tell.
If there really was a liberal media by your definition it would be trumpeting the times muslims condemned terrorism.

btw, as far as I know no one claimed Islam was the religion of peace until Dubya did...and that was his stupidity on the mistranslation of the word Islam.


where are the fatwas and calls for their deaths, you know, like when someone draws a cartoon of muhammad...

and its funny, you had to specifically google for that, it wasn't readily available as it is when they are condemning cartoons or a mosque bombing

Similar sentiment from Coulter:
"If our enemies aren’t the ‘true Muslims,’ why are the ‘true Muslims’ always so offended on their behalf?"
The liberal media is liberal.

Liberals favor political correctness, whatever the fuck that might be one year to the next.

At present, it is politically correct to pretend that the religion known as "Islam" is a peaceful religion. It is not true, but the liberal media never lets facts get in the way of the party line.

It is also true that despite the fact that Islam is no religion of peace, it is also not a religion of terrorism. The Islamic Jihadists are just one very violent and rather psychotic expression of Islam. But that reality is too nuanced for the "story" the liberal media chooses to tell.
If there really was a liberal media by your definition it would be trumpeting the times muslims condemned terrorism.

btw, as far as I know no one claimed Islam was the religion of peace until Dubya did...and that was his stupidity on the mistranslation of the word Islam.

* * * *

There is no "if" about it. The main stream media IS a liberal media. They do serve as the willing house organ for the liberal Democrat Parody.

And liberal media outlets do occasionally share the information when some self-proclaimed spokes-organization for so-called "moderate Muslims" offer some timid expression of disapproval of some act of terrorism undertaken by very vocal Islamic Jihadists. Perhaps the problem is that the expression of disagreement is not very vocal or anywhere nearly frequent enough.

And lots of libs have referred to Islam as a Religion of Peace. President Bush was wrong (even if he said that nonsense for "nice" reasons) and all those who repeat that blather are equally wrong. But you libs tend to make that claim far more often.

I found this expression to be telling:
* * * *

If someone were to ask me, "David, do you believe that Islam is a religion of peace?" my answer would not be "Yes" or "No." Rather, my response would be, "First tell me what you mean when you say ‘Islam,’ for it is a term that is used in different ways." If by "Islam" we mean the religion that is practiced by more than a billion people around the world, I could reasonably answer with a qualified "Yes," because it is a religion of peace for many people (though not for all). But if by "Islam" we mean the religion taught by Muhammad, I would have to respond with a resounding "No."

* * * *
-- Is Islam a Religion of Peace? The Two Faces of Islam
The liberal media is liberal.

Liberals favor political correctness, whatever the fuck that might be one year to the next.

At present, it is politically correct to pretend that the religion known as "Islam" is a peaceful religion. It is not true, but the liberal media never lets facts get in the way of the party line.

It is also true that despite the fact that Islam is no religion of peace, it is also not a religion of terrorism. The Islamic Jihadists are just one very violent and rather psychotic expression of Islam. But that reality is too nuanced for the "story" the liberal media chooses to tell.
If there really was a liberal media by your definition it would be trumpeting the times muslims condemned terrorism.

btw, as far as I know no one claimed Islam was the religion of peace until Dubya did...and that was his stupidity on the mistranslation of the word Islam.

* * * *

There is no "if" about it. The main stream media IS a liberal media. They do serve as the willing house organ for the liberal Democrat Parody.

And liberal media outlets do occasionally share the information when some self-proclaimed spokes-organization for so-called "moderate Muslims" offer some timid expression of disapproval of some act of terrorism undertaken by very vocal Islamic Jihadists. Perhaps the problem is that the expression of disagreement is not very vocal or anywhere nearly frequent enough.

And lots of libs have referred to Islam as a Religion of Peace. President Bush was wrong (even if he said that nonsense for "nice" reasons) and all those who repeat that blather are equally wrong. But you libs tend to make that claim far more often.

I found this expression to be telling:
* * * *

If someone were to ask me, "David, do you believe that Islam is a religion of peace?" my answer would not be "Yes" or "No." Rather, my response would be, "First tell me what you mean when you say ‘Islam,’ for it is a term that is used in different ways." If by "Islam" we mean the religion that is practiced by more than a billion people around the world, I could reasonably answer with a qualified "Yes," because it is a religion of peace for many people (though not for all). But if by "Islam" we mean the religion taught by Muhammad, I would have to respond with a resounding "No."

* * * *
-- http://www.answering-islam.org/Authors/Wood/two_faces.htm
You are choking on your own confirmation bias. The only people that refer to Islam as the religion of peace is right wing loons as a form of sarcasm.

where are the fatwas and calls for their deaths, you know, like when someone draws a cartoon of muhammad...

and its funny, you had to specifically google for that, it wasn't readily available as it is when they are condemning cartoons or a mosque bombing
:eusa_shhh: The liberal media wants us to believe all muslims are evil.

You mean they aren't all evil? Just the ones who blow up things on a daily basis, I see.
where are the fatwas and calls for their deaths, you know, like when someone draws a cartoon of muhammad...

and its funny, you had to specifically google for that, it wasn't readily available as it is when they are condemning cartoons or a mosque bombing
:eusa_shhh: The liberal media wants us to believe all muslims are evil.

You mean they aren't all evil? Just the ones who blow up things on a daily basis, I see.

No. You don't see at all. Blind bigots never do!
You are choking on your own confirmation bias. The only people that refer to Islam as the religion of peace is right wing loons as a form of sarcasm.

That is pure bullshit, Raving Luncacy.

Did President Bush say it? yep.

Is it the case that ONLY folks on the right wing have repeated it?

Absolutely not.

You lie like a rug.
You are choking on your own confirmation bias. The only people that refer to Islam as the religion of peace is right wing loons as a form of sarcasm.

VERY liberal Democrat politician Chuck Schumer (regrettably a U.S. Senator from NY) considers the religion of Islam to be one of "peace."
What Does U.S. Senator Charles Schumer Know about Wahhabism in U.S. Prisons?

Bubba seem to believe that Islam teaches all about living in peace:
Believe It Or Not?: Bill Clinton on Islam and Quran

Shrillary is a little more oblique:
“Islam is the fastest-growing religion in America, a guide and pillar of stability for many of our people…”


Los Angeles Times,

May 31, 1996, p.3

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