If We Can Get A Second Chance Then Why Can't Satan?

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
Now, I don't mean that we should really give him a second chance,.. I mean since I do believe that all demons were once angels why can't they revert back? This comes from a character I invented that's half-demon (since her mother was a succubus) who wants to do good and wants to feel emotion like love. Even though it's just a story, I sort of wonder if this could ever happen. I mean I think that a succubus is just basically folklore, but why can't demons choose to do again? Btw, this is for all of you who don't know what a succubus is.

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Now, I don't mean that we should really give him a second chance,.. I mean since I do believe that all demons were once angels why can't they revert back? This comes from a character I invented that's half-demon (since her mother was a succubus) who wants to do good and wants to feel emotion like love. Even though it's just a story, I sort of wonder if this could ever happen. I mean I think that a succubus is just basically folklore, but why can't demons choose to do again?
You ever read this book?


It is the second most popular satire book, second only to Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Some of it's philosophy is very Taoist in nature. . . or, kind of Buddhist. . . it is more about balance, and an existential appreciation for creation, than it is about the battle between good and evil.

If you haven't, give it a read.

It posits, that not all purely sacred, if given free will, would chose to remain so, and that not all purely corrupt and evil, would likewise chose to remain so as well. . . Paradise, may, in fact, be about the interplay of these forces.
If you believe God to be omnipotent then every member of the heavenly host and demonic hordes was created to be exactly what they are with no capacity for moral ambiguity.

No, humans and angels have free will. How we use our free will is up to us, don’t blame God. God did not create us as marionettes, that is not only false but absurd and nonsensical.
No, humans and angels have free will. How we use our free will is up to us,

So in that case does the Bible mention anything about demons reverting back to being angels? I mean if God can forgive us then surely He could forgive a demon if they truly repented and were sorry for their evil ways.
No, humans and angels have free will. How we use our free will is up to us, don’t blame God. God did not create us as marionettes, that is not only false but absurd and nonsensical.
It is a common claim that we are God's only creation with free will. The angels fallen or otherwise were created to directly serve God's will. In the end we are free to imagine the divine however we want.
No, humans and angels have free will. How we use our free will is up to us, don’t blame God. God did not create us as marionettes, that is not only false but absurd and nonsensical.
I have one question about the free will part. If God is all powerful and all knowing then what we do in the end, he already knows(IE all knowing). So no matter what, it is our destiny to fulfill what God wants US to do, and no matter what, we will end up with HIS ending. Satan though, was put on Earth to temp us from God, thus supposedly giving us free will, but God already knows if we are going to turn away from him and be persuaded into evil. But if in the end, God knows that we will be eventually in heaven, then though we sinned, we will turn back to righteousness, and be forgiven....

Now, I don't mean that we should really give him a second chance,.. I mean since I do believe that all demons were once angels why can't they revert back? This comes from a character I invented that's half-demon (since her mother was a succubus) who wants to do good and wants to feel emotion like love. Even though it's just a story, I sort of wonder if this could ever happen. I mean I think that a succubus is just basically folklore, but why can't demons choose to do again? Btw, this is for all of you who don't know what a succubus is.

He's fully reformed. Truly a new person.
Now, I don't mean that we should really give him a second chance,.. I mean since I do believe that all demons were once angels why can't they revert back? This comes from a character I invented that's half-demon (since her mother was a succubus) who wants to do good and wants to feel emotion like love. Even though it's just a story, I sort of wonder if this could ever happen. I mean I think that a succubus is just basically folklore, but why can't demons choose to do again? Btw, this is for all of you who don't know what a succubus is.

Scriptural answer? Forgiveness can only be offered if the individual who commits the wrong/sin repents and asks for forgiveness. Example: "Take heed to yourself. If your brother sins against you, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him. If he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times returns to you to say, 'I repent,' you shall forgive him." -- Luke 17:3-4.

What of the person who wants forgiveness but refuses to repent or has placed himself into a situation where its impossible to repent, i.e., turn away from the sin in question? "Lest there be any fornicator or profane person like Esau, who for one morsel of food sold his birthright. For you know that afterward, when he wanted to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, for he found no place for repentance, though he sought it diligently with tears." -- Heb. 12:6-7 Without a change toward sin and a change in behavior, a debt of sin can never be forgiven.

The simple answer: The Devil and the angels that followed him that worshiped him instead of God have never changed since the beginning when they first rebelled against God. "You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it." -- John 8:44

Satan/the Devil.........continues to be a lair and the scriptures clearly detail the prerequisites for salvation, i.e, a new birth, to be BORN AGAIN, sin free, one must WORSHIP IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH. (John 4:24).

God being God.......and Satan being Satan.......one of the CREATED, God most assuredly knows the very thoughts of His creations. That's way Satan can't repent........its impossible to lie to God. As the scriptures point out, God can discern the very thoughts of those He created, "And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth; and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the Lord that He had made man on earth; and it grieved Him at His heart." -- Genesis 6:5-6
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Angels and demons are said to be naked souls with no real corporeal existence.

That I can believe, but they also know the difference between right and wrong as well. Otherwise they couldn't choose to sin or not to sin.
That I can believe, but they also know the difference between right and wrong as well. Otherwise they couldn't choose to sin or not to sin.
What is sin to a being or creature who was created to serve a specific purpose like a robot? These are all academic questions of course. If there is a divine realm of angels and demons we can imagine it however we wish. On the rare occasions I entertain unanswerable questions I have to search for some kind of consistent logic. There is no way beings who have existed since the beginning of time could have free will or there would be a third option for all the angels and demons who have decided that an eternal war is stupid.
Now, I don't mean that we should really give him a second chance,.. I mean since I do believe that all demons were once angels why can't they revert back? This comes from a character I invented that's half-demon (since her mother was a succubus) who wants to do good and wants to feel emotion like love. Even though it's just a story, I sort of wonder if this could ever happen. I mean I think that a succubus is just basically folklore, but why can't demons choose to do again? Btw, this is for all of you who don't know what a succubus is.

Answer is obvious. He doesn’t want a second chance. He wants to win.

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