If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States...........

What do you mean, "crickets"? Just because there are more muslims in Michigan than everywhere else, doesn't mean there would be more violence in Michigan. You're desperate to make a point but you've made no point.

Because you allude to a generalization that does not represent Muslim opinion. Muslims don't come here to terrorize Americans. Muslims, who migrate here want a life like any other U.S citizen.
Ummmmm... because they're a tiny minority and don't dare show their true colors yet? :eusa_whistle:

Wait they're a minority and wont show their true colors?

I don't understand, I thought Muslims hate this country? Surely attacks in Michigan would be prominent because there is a heavy population.
Not heavy enough to tip the scales, as is beginning to happen in parts of the U.K. such as Londinistan.

I don't understand there are millions.

There is a substantial community here in California in Orange County.

Terrorism is fought using splinter cell groups.

The point I'm making is you don't need 20 million to make a substantial generalized claim, even though S.J was making the claim that Muslims are coming over here to kill Americans.

The point is if the goal of Muslims is to kill Americans

1)Why do Muslims flock to Michigan?

2) Why aren't there reports of Muslim hostility in Michigan?

If we are going to make a generalized claim about Muslim immigrants we need statistics to back up these facts.
What do you mean, "crickets"? Just because there are more muslims in Michigan than everywhere else, doesn't mean there would be more violence in Michigan. You're desperate to make a point but you've made no point.

Because you allude to a generalization that does not represent Muslim opinion. Muslims don't come here to terrorize Americans. Muslims, who migrate here want a life like any other U.S citizen.
No they don't. They want to be muslims, not Americans. They like the freedom to practice their religion but when others from their religion commit acts of terrorism against our citizens, they say NOTHING. They are NOT Americans.
What do you mean, "crickets"? Just because there are more muslims in Michigan than everywhere else, doesn't mean there would be more violence in Michigan. You're desperate to make a point but you've made no point.

Because you allude to a generalization that does not represent Muslim opinion. Muslims don't come here to terrorize Americans. Muslims, who migrate here want a life like any other U.S citizen.
No they don't. They want to be muslims, not Americans. They like the freedom to practice their religion but when others from their religion commit acts of terrorism against our citizens, they say NOTHING. They are NOT Americans.

Every culture that migrates here retains their culture because that is a phenomenon that happens when one person migrates from one land to another. There is no "one identity" in America because even Americans don't act the same.

You keep assuming Muslims say nothing. Perhaps it would benefit you to stop generalizing because all you are doing is making assumptions.
We have only to look at the experience of France and the United Kingdom and Germany to understand that Muslim immigrants do not 'assimilate' into their adoptive countries anywhere near as well or as completely as their their counterparts from other cultures and belief-systems do...

We (America) will not close the door to them, but we will pay a price for it later... a manageable price, mind you, but a considerable price nontheless, with respect to culture-clash and Sharia Law and similar concerns... we'll figure it out... that, or we'll end-up kicking them out if it gets bad enough.
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For those of us that migrate to Saudi Arabia, we have to adopt their culture to a larger extent. Those of us who don't are treated with immense hostility. Integration is extremely difficult but anybody who emigrates really needs to make an effort to both integrate and appreciate the culture of their chosen destination.

In Germany, many immigrants can't even speak German. And there's no easy way to address that problem. Such people will simply prove a liability to the state in later years.
I don't recall hearing any muslims coming out publicly to condemn the terrorists who flew the planes into the buildings on 9/11. I heard a few of them blame the Jews but other than that, silence.
I don't recall hearing any muslims coming out publicly to condemn the terrorists who flew the planes into the buildings on 9/11. I heard a few of them blame the Jews but other than that, silence.

Only because you don't want to listen.
I don't recall hearing any muslims coming out publicly to condemn the terrorists who flew the planes into the buildings on 9/11. I heard a few of them blame the Jews but other than that, silence.

Only because you don't want to listen.
Let's see some then.

9/11 Terrorist Attack - Muslims Condemn 9/11 Terrorist Attack

In the aftermath of the violence and horror of 9/11, criticisms were made that Muslim leaders and organizations were not outspoken enough in denouncing acts of terrorism. Muslims are constantly perplexed by this accusation, as we heard (and continue to hear) nothing but unequivocal and unified condemnations by the leaders of our community, both in the United States and worldwide. But for some reason, people are not listening.

To hear a sound, you must open your ears and your mind.
Of course, you don't want to hear because you prefer to hate and the sound of Muslims rejecting terrorism ruins your preferred 'truth'
I don't recall hearing any muslims coming out publicly to condemn the terrorists who flew the planes into the buildings on 9/11. I heard a few of them blame the Jews but other than that, silence.

Only because you don't want to listen.
Let's see some then.

This kind of post reminds me so much of a simple but illustrative exchange I once witnessed:

8-year-old boy to his mother:
"Mo-om!! I can't find my shirt!!"

Mother: "Did ya look??"

8-year-old boy: "No...."

Only because you don't want to listen.
Let's see some then.

9/11 Terrorist Attack - Muslims Condemn 9/11 Terrorist Attack

In the aftermath of the violence and horror of 9/11, criticisms were made that Muslim leaders and organizations were not outspoken enough in denouncing acts of terrorism. Muslims are constantly perplexed by this accusation, as we heard (and continue to hear) nothing but unequivocal and unified condemnations by the leaders of our community, both in the United States and worldwide. But for some reason, people are not listening.

To hear a sound, you must open your ears and your mind.
Of course, you don't want to hear because you prefer to hate and the sound of Muslims rejecting terrorism ruins your preferred 'truth'
Your links don't contain any videos of muslims condemning their own, just people SAYING muslims condemn terrorism. I've heard a lot of muslims and saw a lot of them on the talk shows blaming Israel, and our support of Israel for 9/11, but I didn't see or hear any flat out condemnation of their fellow muslims, only justifications. I heard a lot of comments like "I condemn the killing of innocent people, but...". Then they go on to make excuses for them. I've seen a lot of that right here on this site.
let's see some then.

9/11 terrorist attack - muslims condemn 9/11 terrorist attack

in the aftermath of the violence and horror of 9/11, criticisms were made that muslim leaders and organizations were not outspoken enough in denouncing acts of terrorism. Muslims are constantly perplexed by this accusation, as we heard (and continue to hear) nothing but unequivocal and unified condemnations by the leaders of our community, both in the united states and worldwide. But for some reason, people are not listening.

to hear a sound, you must open your ears and your mind.
Of course, you don't want to hear because you prefer to hate and the sound of muslims rejecting terrorism ruins your preferred 'truth'
your links don't contain any videos of muslims condemning their own, just people saying muslims condemn terrorism. I've heard a lot of muslims and saw a lot of them on the talk shows blaming israel, and our support of israel for 9/11, but i didn't see or hear any flat out condemnation of their fellow muslims, only justifications. I heard a lot of comments like "i condemn the killing of innocent people, but...". Then they go on to make excuses for them. I've seen a lot of that right here on this site.

9/11 terrorist attack - muslims condemn 9/11 terrorist attack

to hear a sound, you must open your ears and your mind.
Of course, you don't want to hear because you prefer to hate and the sound of muslims rejecting terrorism ruins your preferred 'truth'
your links don't contain any videos of muslims condemning their own, just people saying muslims condemn terrorism. I've heard a lot of muslims and saw a lot of them on the talk shows blaming israel, and our support of israel for 9/11, but i didn't see or hear any flat out condemnation of their fellow muslims, only justifications. I heard a lot of comments like "i condemn the killing of innocent people, but...". Then they go on to make excuses for them. I've seen a lot of that right here on this site.

Let's see some then.

9/11 Terrorist Attack - Muslims Condemn 9/11 Terrorist Attack

In the aftermath of the violence and horror of 9/11, criticisms were made that Muslim leaders and organizations were not outspoken enough in denouncing acts of terrorism. Muslims are constantly perplexed by this accusation, as we heard (and continue to hear) nothing but unequivocal and unified condemnations by the leaders of our community, both in the United States and worldwide. But for some reason, people are not listening.
To hear a sound, you must open your ears and your mind.
Of course, you don't want to hear because you prefer to hate and the sound of Muslims rejecting terrorism ruins your preferred 'truth'
Your links don't contain any videos of muslims condemning their own, just people SAYING muslims condemn terrorism. I've heard a lot of muslims and saw a lot of them on the talk shows blaming Israel, and our support of Israel for 9/11, but I didn't see or hear any flat out condemnation of their fellow muslims, only justifications. I heard a lot of comments like "I condemn the killing of innocent people, but...". Then they go on to make excuses for them. I've seen a lot of that right here on this site.

It is an old ploy. It is what weak posters use when they can't find anything solid to say to defend their position. It's the same with name-calling, and posting links that come up blank. You've got him by the nuts. Keep squeezing!


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Let's see some then.

9/11 Terrorist Attack - Muslims Condemn 9/11 Terrorist Attack

In the aftermath of the violence and horror of 9/11, criticisms were made that Muslim leaders and organizations were not outspoken enough in denouncing acts of terrorism. Muslims are constantly perplexed by this accusation, as we heard (and continue to hear) nothing but unequivocal and unified condemnations by the leaders of our community, both in the United States and worldwide. But for some reason, people are not listening.

To hear a sound, you must open your ears and your mind.
Of course, you don't want to hear because you prefer to hate and the sound of Muslims rejecting terrorism ruins your preferred 'truth'
Your links don't contain any videos of muslims condemning their own, just people SAYING muslims condemn terrorism. I've heard a lot of muslims and saw a lot of them on the talk shows blaming Israel, and our support of Israel for 9/11, but I didn't see or hear any flat out condemnation of their fellow muslims, only justifications. I heard a lot of comments like "I condemn the killing of innocent people, but...". Then they go on to make excuses for them. I've seen a lot of that right here on this site.

Oh poser please. We did this a few weeks ago while you were perfecting your personal yoga posture the "ostrichasana" -


"Waaah! I don't see Muslims condemning terrorism!"

(links given)

"Waaaah! They're not in video! Waaah! They don't have Icelandic subtitles! Waaah! They're not in a Helvetica font with a key lime background! Waaah!"

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There is not one of us, that at sometime in our life, (usually childhood), got caught for doing something wrong. We thought at the time that getting caught would "be the end of our world," so we lied. The more we lied the deeper the hole we dug ourselves. Most of us in western culture have learned in adulthood that "taking responsibility" is the best way to deal with problems. Obviously, from this thread, third world, ignorant, tribal Muslims are still trying to get away with childhood lies. The longer they post, the more this forum realizes the importance of this issue. We are dealing with barbarians.

Take a close look at what is happening in this thread. We Anti-Muslim types are not bickering on the school yard. Yes, we are baiting this issue to some degree to get your attention to it. BUT, we also provide fact links to credible sources supporting the argument that the Muslim threat is real. We have seen our cities bombed, and fellow citizens murdered. 2,980 people at the Boston Marathon and 9-11 alone! This is not funny, nor is it a public relations game. All Muslims have is the public relations game. There are no facts to support what they have done to our cites and citizens.

Muslims simply have no rationale argument for what they have done in my country after we allowed them a fresh start here. We see the lies, distortions, distractions, name-calling, and taking this thread off-topic. All of which fails in the eyes of reflective thread viewers. This is why we have so many viewers, (4,794) and so few posts, (356). What you have here is a couple Muslim types trying to defend the indefensible to Americans who have lost their loved ones due to Muslim violence.

As sad as this subject is, these incompetent Muslims just keep protesting their innocence, but never empathizing or apologizing to the friends and families of our dead citizens. Let's not lose our perspective with all this PRO-Muslim blather. Islam is not compatible with America, and rag-head trash is a threat to the American way of life. Whatever it takes.......


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