If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States...........

If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States...........

... We'd all be better off for it.
If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States...........

... We'd all be better off for it.
It sure has stirred up some stink over the years now hasn't it, not to forget the deaths of Americans who have ended up on the unfortunate end of it all... I am suspect of the whole thing really, as the question remains asked "are we at war with a form of Islam or not in this nation" and in the world ? Some say we are, then you have those who say we aren't. Who can an average American believe other than what is seen as a result of the actions taken in which has killed Americans here and over there, and then we have to deal with the accused that have been captured here afterwards, and for whom we find have the same MO in most cases. Obama has even had to drone an American turned Islamist who was working against the United States for that form of religion over seas in as much as they viewed it. I understand that all Muslims cannot be this away I am hoping, but they should work to separate themselves quickly from the problems that are within or taking refuge within their religion in which they have, otherwise meaning they need to out them in order to separate themselves from these that use them for no good purposes in this nation, and in the world as well. Here they can do it successfully, but elsewhere in the world it would be harder for them to separate from the bad ones I would think.
If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States...........

... We'd all be better off for it.
It sure has stirred up some stink over the years now hasn't it, not to forget the deaths of Americans who have ended up on the unfortunate end of it all... I am suspect of the whole thing really, as the question remains asked "are we at war with a form of Islam or not in this nation" and in the world ? Some say we are, then you have those who say we aren't. Who can an average American believe other than what is seen as a result of the actions taken in which has killed Americans here and over there, and then we have to deal with the accused that have been captured here afterwards, and for whom we find have the same MO in most cases. Obama has even had to drone an American turned Islamist who was working against the United States for that form of religion over seas in as much as they viewed it. I understand that all Muslims cannot be this away I am hoping, but they should work to separate themselves quickly from the problems that are within or taking refuge within their religion in which they have, otherwise meaning they need to out them in order to separate themselves from these that use them for no good purposes in this nation, and in the world as well. Here they can do it successfully, but elsewhere in the world it would be harder for them to separate from the bad ones I would think.

If you look at crime reports in America regarding Muslims, by far more crime is hate crime done against Muslims than crime by Muslims. Those people killed in 9/11 were killed by extremists, by terrorists who do not represent the average Muslim. There are 1.7 billion Muslims in the World today. A number most of us cannot even imagine in literal terms. Compared to that, the number who are extremists or terrorists is miniscule. Most Muslim people are ordinary people like the rest of us trying to live ordinary lives and should not be blamed for what a sick terrorist does because they don't believe in terrorism and they don't support it.

In American history, many different groups have immigrated to the US and had trouble assimilating, which often takes several decades. In the begining, there were Dutch emigrants. These people settled in NYC, an area that was named Harlam, after a town in Holland. They were the people to dislike at that time. The people who dressed differently, who looked different, ate different food, worshipped differently, talked differently. Other groups who have faced the same problem were the Irish, the Italian, the Chinese, Jews, etc. Eventually, all of the groups blended into American society, but it did not happen in a few years, or even in a couple of decades. A similar situation now exists for Muslims, with the added problem of the international situation of Palestine and Israel, which is the essential fuel for terrorism. Solve the Middle East crisis and you will eliminate Islamic terrorists, and it is these terrorists who have hijacked Islam from normal, ordinay peaceful Muslims so that people all over the world have a skewed view of Islam.

What I see, and I have a lot of experience living in Muslim countries, living in peace and living an ordinary life surrounded by ordinary, peaceful Muslims, what I see is that people like those who start a thread such as this are being manipulated by those who are hate mongers, by a limited world view, by ignorance and limited understanding. You allow others to whip up hatred. It is similar to the anti-Semitism that exsited in Europe for centuries. Jews were hated. They were considered evil. They were considered sub-human. No Jew was safe from persecution. If any Jew did something wrong, they were all held responsible. It ended in a holocaust against them.

The religious war here is the West, Christianity, against Islam, not the other way around.
If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States...........

... We'd all be better off for it.
It sure has stirred up some stink over the years now hasn't it, not to forget the deaths of Americans who have ended up on the unfortunate end of it all... I am suspect of the whole thing really, as the question remains asked "are we at war with a form of Islam or not in this nation" and in the world ? Some say we are, then you have those who say we aren't. Who can an average American believe other than what is seen as a result of the actions taken in which has killed Americans here and over there, and then we have to deal with the accused that have been captured here afterwards, and for whom we find have the same MO in most cases. Obama has even had to drone an American turned Islamist who was working against the United States for that form of religion over seas in as much as they viewed it. I understand that all Muslims cannot be this away I am hoping, but they should work to separate themselves quickly from the problems that are within or taking refuge within their religion in which they have, otherwise meaning they need to out them in order to separate themselves from these that use them for no good purposes in this nation, and in the world as well. Here they can do it successfully, but elsewhere in the world it would be harder for them to separate from the bad ones I would think.

If you look at crime reports in America regarding Muslims, by far more crime is hate crime done against Muslims than crime by Muslims. Those people killed in 9/11 were killed by extremists, by terrorists who do not represent the average Muslim. There are 1.7 billion Muslims in the World today. A number most of us cannot even imagine in literal terms. Compared to that, the number who are extremists or terrorists is miniscule. Most Muslim people are ordinary people like the rest of us trying to live ordinary lives and should not be blamed for what a sick terrorist does because they don't believe in terrorism and they don't support it.

In American history, many different groups have immigrated to the US and had trouble assimilating, which often takes several decades. In the begining, there were Dutch emigrants. These people settled in NYC, an area that was named Harlam, after a town in Holland. They were the people to dislike at that time. The people who dressed differently, who looked different, ate different food, worshipped differently, talked differently. Other groups who have faced the same problem were the Irish, the Italian, the Chinese, Jews, etc. Eventually, all of the groups blended into American society, but it did not happen in a few years, or even in a couple of decades. A similar situation now exists for Muslims, with the added problem of the international situation of Palestine and Israel, which is the essential fuel for terrorism. Solve the Middle East crisis and you will eliminate Islamic terrorists, and it is these terrorists who have hijacked Islam from normal, ordinay peaceful Muslims so that people all over the world have a skewed view of Islam.

What I see, and I have a lot of experience living in Muslim countries, living in peace and living an ordinary life surrounded by ordinary, peaceful Muslims, what I see is that people like those who start a thread such as this are being manipulated by those who are hate mongers, by a limited world view, by ignorance and limited understanding. You allow others to whip up hatred. It is similar to the anti-Semitism that exsited in Europe for centuries. Jews were hated. They were considered evil. They were considered sub-human. No Jew was safe from persecution. If any Jew did something wrong, they were all held responsible. It ended in a holocaust against them.

The religious war here is the West, Christianity, against Islam, not the other way around.
Ok, but who strikes out or draws blood first among these different sects in which you have labeled in some of these instances (a lot of history to cover) ? Did the Americans draw first blood on Islam or was it the other way around ? Are we defenders or aggressors in the war on terror ? I would like to think that we are the defenders of our allies and this nation in any war we engage in, but the history has to be looked at in detail and with eyes wide open in order to know the situations and the history that has brought us to where we are right now. Can the scrutiny of Islam and it's radical wing with stand the test if we are to try and get to the bottom of it all ? Is there a partner in these crimes that has gone unseen so far ? You know I have found that these Indians from India seem to be a peaceful people who are here now, and that is good. I have seemingly good friends with these folks, although they are different in their ways, but so far not a hateful group it seems.
What about Americans whose religion is Muslim?

What would you nutters do about them?
Well Obama might just drone them if they act up, and this once he gets drones operating over the nation... Just kidding. Hey you try to be funny, then so will I, but it's not very funny really is it ?
If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States...........

... We'd all be better off for it.
It sure has stirred up some stink over the years now hasn't it, not to forget the deaths of Americans who have ended up on the unfortunate end of it all... I am suspect of the whole thing really, as the question remains asked "are we at war with a form of Islam or not in this nation" and in the world ? Some say we are, then you have those who say we aren't. Who can an average American believe other than what is seen as a result of the actions taken in which has killed Americans here and over there, and then we have to deal with the accused that have been captured here afterwards, and for whom we find have the same MO in most cases. Obama has even had to drone an American turned Islamist who was working against the United States for that form of religion over seas in as much as they viewed it. I understand that all Muslims cannot be this away I am hoping, but they should work to separate themselves quickly from the problems that are within or taking refuge within their religion in which they have, otherwise meaning they need to out them in order to separate themselves from these that use them for no good purposes in this nation, and in the world as well. Here they can do it successfully, but elsewhere in the world it would be harder for them to separate from the bad ones I would think.

If you look at crime reports in America regarding Muslims, by far more crime is hate crime done against Muslims than crime by Muslims. Those people killed in 9/11 were killed by extremists, by terrorists who do not represent the average Muslim. There are 1.7 billion Muslims in the World today. A number most of us cannot even imagine in literal terms. Compared to that, the number who are extremists or terrorists is miniscule. Most Muslim people are ordinary people like the rest of us trying to live ordinary lives and should not be blamed for what a sick terrorist does because they don't believe in terrorism and they don't support it.

In American history, many different groups have immigrated to the US and had trouble assimilating, which often takes several decades. In the begining, there were Dutch emigrants. These people settled in NYC, an area that was named Harlam, after a town in Holland. They were the people to dislike at that time. The people who dressed differently, who looked different, ate different food, worshipped differently, talked differently. Other groups who have faced the same problem were the Irish, the Italian, the Chinese, Jews, etc. Eventually, all of the groups blended into American society, but it did not happen in a few years, or even in a couple of decades. A similar situation now exists for Muslims, with the added problem of the international situation of Palestine and Israel, which is the essential fuel for terrorism. Solve the Middle East crisis and you will eliminate Islamic terrorists, and it is these terrorists who have hijacked Islam from normal, ordinay peaceful Muslims so that people all over the world have a skewed view of Islam.

What I see, and I have a lot of experience living in Muslim countries, living in peace and living an ordinary life surrounded by ordinary, peaceful Muslims, what I see is that people like those who start a thread such as this are being manipulated by those who are hate mongers, by a limited world view, by ignorance and limited understanding. You allow others to whip up hatred. It is similar to the anti-Semitism that exsited in Europe for centuries. Jews were hated. They were considered evil. They were considered sub-human. No Jew was safe from persecution. If any Jew did something wrong, they were all held responsible. It ended in a holocaust against them.

The religious war here is the West, Christianity, against Islam, not the other way around.
So here you are stating that Christianity is the problem eh ? Wow, then you wonder why so much is going on in this thread against opinions such as that one..
What about Americans whose religion is Muslim?

What would you nutters do about them?
Well Obama might just drone them if they act up, and this once he gets drones operating over the nation... Just kidding. Hey you try to be funny, then so will I, but it's not very funny really is it ?

No its not.

I remember 9/11 postings on a message board I had at the time. The idiot rw's were all for killing all "muslins" while those wild and crazy libs wanted to go after those who had actually done the crime AND other terrorists.

Its still the same. Idiots on the right don't really give a fuck if we kill terrorists. In fact, they hate the president for killing terrorists.

Nope, the brain dead rw's just want to kill people because they -

Well, actually, they don't have a reason.

No wonder you voted for bush. And, no wonder you were and still are in favor of an illegal war fought against a country who did nothing to us.

You're just too damn dumb to understand that Muslims are not our enemy. Terrorists are.
If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States...........

... We'd all be better off for it.
It sure has stirred up some stink over the years now hasn't it, not to forget the deaths of Americans who have ended up on the unfortunate end of it all... I am suspect of the whole thing really, as the question remains asked "are we at war with a form of Islam or not in this nation" and in the world ? Some say we are, then you have those who say we aren't. Who can an average American believe other than what is seen as a result of the actions taken in which has killed Americans here and over there, and then we have to deal with the accused that have been captured here afterwards, and for whom we find have the same MO in most cases. Obama has even had to drone an American turned Islamist who was working against the United States for that form of religion over seas in as much as they viewed it. I understand that all Muslims cannot be this away I am hoping, but they should work to separate themselves quickly from the problems that are within or taking refuge within their religion in which they have, otherwise meaning they need to out them in order to separate themselves from these that use them for no good purposes in this nation, and in the world as well. Here they can do it successfully, but elsewhere in the world it would be harder for them to separate from the bad ones I would think.

The thing is, threads like this operate off subjective empirical impressions rather than facts. Bigotboy simply goes out to Google Images, finds some photoshopped scary-monster pictures, and that's his case. No facts. He's even got the Boston Marathon bombing starring in the OP as a "Muslim" action, even though there's no evidence religion played any part at all. And he freely admits to using "television network news" as his oracle, an instrument long known to make its case via sensationalistic bullshit, the more sensationalistic the better. Fear sells, and he laps it up like a thirsty dog in a toilet, then wonders why everybody else isn't lapping at the same bowl.

When you actually count the numbers though it's quite a different story from what the fearmongers would sell us:

>> Since 9/11, Kurzman and his team tallies, 33 Americans have died as a result of terrorism launched by their Muslim neighbors. During that period, 180,000 Americans were murdered for reasons unrelated to terrorism. In just the past year, the mass shootings that have captivated America&#8217;s attention killed 66 Americans, &#8220;twice as many fatalities as from Muslim-American terrorism in all 11 years since 9/11,&#8221; notes Kurzman&#8217;s team. << --Report: U.S. Muslim Terrorism Was Practically Nil in 2012

>> We counted up the number of terrorist attacks carried out by Muslims. We excluded attacks by groups which are obviously not Muslims, such as the Ku Klux Klan, Medellin Drug Cartel, Irish Republican Army, Anti-Castro Group, Mormon extremists, Vietnamese Organization to Exterminate Communists and Restore the Nation, Jewish Defense League, May 19 Communist Order, Chicano Liberation Front, Jewish Armed Resistance, American Indian Movement, Gay Liberation Front, Aryan Nation, Jewish Action Movement, National Front for the Liberation of Cuba, or Fourth Reich Skinheads.

We counted attacks by Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Black American Moslems, or anyone who even remotely sounded Muslim &#8230; for example anyone from Palestine, Lebanon or any other Arab or Muslim country, or any name including anything sounding remotely Arabic or Indonesian (like &#8220;Al&#8221; anything or &#8220;Jamaat&#8221; anything).

If we weren&#8217;t sure what the person&#8217;s affiliation was, we looked up the name of the group to determine whether it could in any way be connected to Muslims.

Based on our review of the approximately 2,400 terrorist attacks on U.S. soil contained within the START database, we determined that approximately 60 were carried out by Muslims.

In other words, approximately 2.5% of all terrorist attacks on U.S. soil between 1970 and 2012 were carried out by Muslims. << -- Non-Muslims Carried Out More Than 90% of All Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil

(note: an FBI study covering a different time period puts the Magic Muslim Number at 6% -- see also next story)

-- This is where the hair-on-fire bigotboys with megaphones --including the mass corporate media that feed them-- pimp pernicious perceptions over quantifiable facts.

>> If one follows the cable news networks, it seems as if all terrorists are Muslims. It has even become axiomatic in some circles to chant: &#8220;Not all Muslims are terrorists, but nearly all terrorists are Muslims.&#8221; Muslims and their &#8220;leftist dhimmi allies&#8221; respond feebly, mentioning Waco as the one counter example, unwittingly affirming the belief that &#8220;nearly all terrorists are Muslims.&#8221;

... According to this data, there were more Jewish acts of terrorism within the United States than Islamic (7% vs 6%). These radical Jews committed acts of terrorism in the name of their religion. These were not terrorists who happened to be Jews; rather, they were extremist Jews who committed acts of terrorism based on their religious passions, just like Al-Qaeda and company.

Yet notice the disparity in media coverage between the two. It would indeed be very interesting to construct a corresponding pie chart that depicted the level of media coverage of each group. The reason that Muslim apologists and their &#8220;leftist dhimmi allies&#8221; cannot recall another non-Islamic act of terrorism other than Waco is due to the fact that the media gives menial (if any) coverage to such events. If a terrorist attack does not fit the &#8220;Islam is the perennial and existential threat of our times&#8221; narrative, it is simply not paid much attention to, which in a circuitous manner reinforces and &#8220;proves&#8221; the preconceived narrative. It is to such an extent that the average American cannot remember any Jewish or Latino terrorist; why should he when he has never even heard of the Jewish Defense League or the Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros? Surely what he does not know does not exist! << -- All Terrorists Are Muslims - Except the 94% That Aren't (emphasis added)

Fearmongers like Bigotboy have been around since dirt (and probably have the same parents). Defining a "scapegoat class" has been a tool of the ethically bereft just as long. Some of them played the game effectively enough to bring about dire consequences (Hitler, 1930s). Bigotboy, not so effective. But in either case, when the fearmongers' impressionistic snake oil is held up to a fact check, it evaporates and blows away like a wisp of hot air.
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It sure has stirred up some stink over the years now hasn't it, not to forget the deaths of Americans who have ended up on the unfortunate end of it all... I am suspect of the whole thing really, as the question remains asked "are we at war with a form of Islam or not in this nation" and in the world ? Some say we are, then you have those who say we aren't. Who can an average American believe other than what is seen as a result of the actions taken in which has killed Americans here and over there, and then we have to deal with the accused that have been captured here afterwards, and for whom we find have the same MO in most cases. Obama has even had to drone an American turned Islamist who was working against the United States for that form of religion over seas in as much as they viewed it. I understand that all Muslims cannot be this away I am hoping, but they should work to separate themselves quickly from the problems that are within or taking refuge within their religion in which they have, otherwise meaning they need to out them in order to separate themselves from these that use them for no good purposes in this nation, and in the world as well. Here they can do it successfully, but elsewhere in the world it would be harder for them to separate from the bad ones I would think.

If you look at crime reports in America regarding Muslims, by far more crime is hate crime done against Muslims than crime by Muslims. Those people killed in 9/11 were killed by extremists, by terrorists who do not represent the average Muslim. There are 1.7 billion Muslims in the World today. A number most of us cannot even imagine in literal terms. Compared to that, the number who are extremists or terrorists is miniscule. Most Muslim people are ordinary people like the rest of us trying to live ordinary lives and should not be blamed for what a sick terrorist does because they don't believe in terrorism and they don't support it.

In American history, many different groups have immigrated to the US and had trouble assimilating, which often takes several decades. In the begining, there were Dutch emigrants. These people settled in NYC, an area that was named Harlam, after a town in Holland. They were the people to dislike at that time. The people who dressed differently, who looked different, ate different food, worshipped differently, talked differently. Other groups who have faced the same problem were the Irish, the Italian, the Chinese, Jews, etc. Eventually, all of the groups blended into American society, but it did not happen in a few years, or even in a couple of decades. A similar situation now exists for Muslims, with the added problem of the international situation of Palestine and Israel, which is the essential fuel for terrorism. Solve the Middle East crisis and you will eliminate Islamic terrorists, and it is these terrorists who have hijacked Islam from normal, ordinay peaceful Muslims so that people all over the world have a skewed view of Islam.

What I see, and I have a lot of experience living in Muslim countries, living in peace and living an ordinary life surrounded by ordinary, peaceful Muslims, what I see is that people like those who start a thread such as this are being manipulated by those who are hate mongers, by a limited world view, by ignorance and limited understanding. You allow others to whip up hatred. It is similar to the anti-Semitism that exsited in Europe for centuries. Jews were hated. They were considered evil. They were considered sub-human. No Jew was safe from persecution. If any Jew did something wrong, they were all held responsible. It ended in a holocaust against them.

The religious war here is the West, Christianity, against Islam, not the other way around.
So here you are stating that Christianity is the problem eh ? Wow, then you wonder why so much is going on in this thread against opinions such as that one..

What she said is true.

Deal with it.
It sure has stirred up some stink over the years now hasn't it, not to forget the deaths of Americans who have ended up on the unfortunate end of it all... I am suspect of the whole thing really, as the question remains asked "are we at war with a form of Islam or not in this nation" and in the world ? Some say we are, then you have those who say we aren't. Who can an average American believe other than what is seen as a result of the actions taken in which has killed Americans here and over there, and then we have to deal with the accused that have been captured here afterwards, and for whom we find have the same MO in most cases. Obama has even had to drone an American turned Islamist who was working against the United States for that form of religion over seas in as much as they viewed it. I understand that all Muslims cannot be this away I am hoping, but they should work to separate themselves quickly from the problems that are within or taking refuge within their religion in which they have, otherwise meaning they need to out them in order to separate themselves from these that use them for no good purposes in this nation, and in the world as well. Here they can do it successfully, but elsewhere in the world it would be harder for them to separate from the bad ones I would think.

If you look at crime reports in America regarding Muslims, by far more crime is hate crime done against Muslims than crime by Muslims. Those people killed in 9/11 were killed by extremists, by terrorists who do not represent the average Muslim. There are 1.7 billion Muslims in the World today. A number most of us cannot even imagine in literal terms. Compared to that, the number who are extremists or terrorists is miniscule. Most Muslim people are ordinary people like the rest of us trying to live ordinary lives and should not be blamed for what a sick terrorist does because they don't believe in terrorism and they don't support it.

In American history, many different groups have immigrated to the US and had trouble assimilating, which often takes several decades. In the begining, there were Dutch emigrants. These people settled in NYC, an area that was named Harlam, after a town in Holland. They were the people to dislike at that time. The people who dressed differently, who looked different, ate different food, worshipped differently, talked differently. Other groups who have faced the same problem were the Irish, the Italian, the Chinese, Jews, etc. Eventually, all of the groups blended into American society, but it did not happen in a few years, or even in a couple of decades. A similar situation now exists for Muslims, with the added problem of the international situation of Palestine and Israel, which is the essential fuel for terrorism. Solve the Middle East crisis and you will eliminate Islamic terrorists, and it is these terrorists who have hijacked Islam from normal, ordinay peaceful Muslims so that people all over the world have a skewed view of Islam.

What I see, and I have a lot of experience living in Muslim countries, living in peace and living an ordinary life surrounded by ordinary, peaceful Muslims, what I see is that people like those who start a thread such as this are being manipulated by those who are hate mongers, by a limited world view, by ignorance and limited understanding. You allow others to whip up hatred. It is similar to the anti-Semitism that exsited in Europe for centuries. Jews were hated. They were considered evil. They were considered sub-human. No Jew was safe from persecution. If any Jew did something wrong, they were all held responsible. It ended in a holocaust against them.

The religious war here is the West, Christianity, against Islam, not the other way around.
Ok, but who strikes out or draws blood first among these different sects in which you have labeled in some of these instances (a lot of history to cover) ? Did the Americans draw first blood on Islam or was it the other way around ? Are we defenders or aggressors in the war on terror ? I would like to think that we are the defenders of our allies and this nation in any war we engage in, but the history has to be looked at in detail and with eyes wide open in order to know the situations and the history that has brought us to where we are right now. Can the scrutiny of Islam and it's radical wing with stand the test if we are to try and get to the bottom of it all ? Is there a partner in these crimes that has gone unseen so far ? You know I have found that these Indians from India seem to be a peaceful people who are here now, and that is good. I have seemingly good friends with these folks, although they are different in their ways, but so far not a hateful group it seems.

The American government has killed by far more Muslims than Muslims have killed Americans. In fact, you could put all the Westerners and non-Muslims together who have been killed by Muslim terrorists, and you would still have a very small number compared to the number of Muslims killed by the American government and their allies.
What about Americans whose religion is Muslim?

What would you nutters do about them?
Well Obama might just drone them if they act up, and this once he gets drones operating over the nation... Just kidding. Hey you try to be funny, then so will I, but it's not very funny really is it ?

No its not.

I remember 9/11 postings on a message board I had at the time. The idiot rw's were all for killing all "muslins" while those wild and crazy libs wanted to go after those who had actually done the crime AND other terrorists.

Its still the same. Idiots on the right don't really give a fuck if we kill terrorists. In fact, they hate the president for killing terrorists.

Nope, the brain dead rw's just want to kill people because they -

Well, actually, they don't have a reason.

No wonder you voted for bush. And, no wonder you were and still are in favor of an illegal war fought against a country who did nothing to us.

You're just too damn dumb to understand that Muslims are not our enemy. Terrorists are.
Struck a nerve did I ? Now who is the one who would maybe draw first blood between us ya think ? I think it would be you who would swing first, as your attitude projects this, but I am the nutter here eh ? This seems to be a real problem amongst libs once they are backed into a corner it seems.
9/11 Terrorist Attack - Muslims Condemn 9/11 Terrorist Attack

To hear a sound, you must open your ears and your mind.
Of course, you don't want to hear because you prefer to hate and the sound of Muslims rejecting terrorism ruins your preferred 'truth'
Your links don't contain any videos of muslims condemning their own, just people SAYING muslims condemn terrorism. I've heard a lot of muslims and saw a lot of them on the talk shows blaming Israel, and our support of Israel for 9/11, but I didn't see or hear any flat out condemnation of their fellow muslims, only justifications. I heard a lot of comments like "I condemn the killing of innocent people, but...". Then they go on to make excuses for them. I've seen a lot of that right here on this site.

Oh poser please. We did this a few weeks ago while you were perfecting your personal yoga posture the "ostrichasana" -


"Waaah! I don't see Muslims condemning terrorism!"

(links given)

"Waaaah! They're not in video! Waaah! They don't have Icelandic subtitles! Waaah! They're not in a Helvetica font with a key lime background! Waaah!"

With all the condemning going on, there should be some videos, so why don't you post one, instead of your adolescent drama?
If you look at crime reports in America regarding Muslims, by far more crime is hate crime done against Muslims than crime by Muslims. Those people killed in 9/11 were killed by extremists, by terrorists who do not represent the average Muslim. There are 1.7 billion Muslims in the World today. A number most of us cannot even imagine in literal terms. Compared to that, the number who are extremists or terrorists is miniscule. Most Muslim people are ordinary people like the rest of us trying to live ordinary lives and should not be blamed for what a sick terrorist does because they don't believe in terrorism and they don't support it.

In American history, many different groups have immigrated to the US and had trouble assimilating, which often takes several decades. In the begining, there were Dutch emigrants. These people settled in NYC, an area that was named Harlam, after a town in Holland. They were the people to dislike at that time. The people who dressed differently, who looked different, ate different food, worshipped differently, talked differently. Other groups who have faced the same problem were the Irish, the Italian, the Chinese, Jews, etc. Eventually, all of the groups blended into American society, but it did not happen in a few years, or even in a couple of decades. A similar situation now exists for Muslims, with the added problem of the international situation of Palestine and Israel, which is the essential fuel for terrorism. Solve the Middle East crisis and you will eliminate Islamic terrorists, and it is these terrorists who have hijacked Islam from normal, ordinay peaceful Muslims so that people all over the world have a skewed view of Islam.

What I see, and I have a lot of experience living in Muslim countries, living in peace and living an ordinary life surrounded by ordinary, peaceful Muslims, what I see is that people like those who start a thread such as this are being manipulated by those who are hate mongers, by a limited world view, by ignorance and limited understanding. You allow others to whip up hatred. It is similar to the anti-Semitism that exsited in Europe for centuries. Jews were hated. They were considered evil. They were considered sub-human. No Jew was safe from persecution. If any Jew did something wrong, they were all held responsible. It ended in a holocaust against them.

The religious war here is the West, Christianity, against Islam, not the other way around.
Ok, but who strikes out or draws blood first among these different sects in which you have labeled in some of these instances (a lot of history to cover) ? Did the Americans draw first blood on Islam or was it the other way around ? Are we defenders or aggressors in the war on terror ? I would like to think that we are the defenders of our allies and this nation in any war we engage in, but the history has to be looked at in detail and with eyes wide open in order to know the situations and the history that has brought us to where we are right now. Can the scrutiny of Islam and it's radical wing with stand the test if we are to try and get to the bottom of it all ? Is there a partner in these crimes that has gone unseen so far ? You know I have found that these Indians from India seem to be a peaceful people who are here now, and that is good. I have seemingly good friends with these folks, although they are different in their ways, but so far not a hateful group it seems.

The American government has killed by far more Muslims than Muslims have killed Americans. In fact, you could put all the Westerners and non-Muslims together who have been killed by Muslim terrorists, and you would still have a very small number compared to the number of Muslims killed by the American government and their allies.

And why is this you suppose that the American government as you claim has killed more Muslims than Muslims have killed Americans ? Do you think the American government just kills people for no reason at all, and if so why are you here or are you here in this country ? If you think this, then you are a nutter according to some on this board, so are you a nutter who thinks the American government expends billions of it's treasure chasing down Muslims and killing them for nothing ? By allies do you mean specifcally the Jews ? Help me to understand this position you hold on our government. :cuckoo:
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Your links don't contain any videos of muslims condemning their own, just people SAYING muslims condemn terrorism. I've heard a lot of muslims and saw a lot of them on the talk shows blaming Israel, and our support of Israel for 9/11, but I didn't see or hear any flat out condemnation of their fellow muslims, only justifications. I heard a lot of comments like "I condemn the killing of innocent people, but...". Then they go on to make excuses for them. I've seen a lot of that right here on this site.

Oh poser please. We did this a few weeks ago while you were perfecting your personal yoga posture the "ostrichasana" -


"Waaah! I don't see Muslims condemning terrorism!"

(links given)

"Waaaah! They're not in video! Waaah! They don't have Icelandic subtitles! Waaah! They're not in a Helvetica font with a key lime background! Waaah!"

With all the condemning going on, there should be some videos, so why don't you post one, instead of your adolescent drama?

You're through all those links already? There's a Part Two you know.

I could post a video but it wouldn't be in the 49:8 aspect ratio in the PAL format with a split screen showing a recipe for goulash plus the current time in Pago Pago, so you'd just whine that it didn't count. Whatever it takes to keep your head buried in the sand.

There's also a part three. And four. And five. They have powerpoints in there too. Let me guess-- powerpoints don't count either.
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Oh poser please. We did this a few weeks ago while you were perfecting your personal yoga posture the "ostrichasana" -


"Waaah! I don't see Muslims condemning terrorism!"

(links given)

"Waaaah! They're not in video! Waaah! They don't have Icelandic subtitles! Waaah! They're not in a Helvetica font with a key lime background! Waaah!"

With all the condemning going on, there should be some videos, so why don't you post one, instead of your adolescent drama?

You're through all those links already? There's a Part Two you know.

I could post a video but it wouldn't be in the 49:8 aspect ratio in the PAL format with a split screen showing a recipe for goulash plus the current time in Pago Pago, so you'd just whine that it didn't count. Whatever it takes to keep your head buried in the sand.

There's also a part three. And four. And five. They have powerpoints in there too. Let me guess-- powerpoints don't count either.
All your links show is somebody claiming that muslims condemned the terrorists. You expect us to take the word of a liberal?
Ok, but who strikes out or draws blood first among these different sects in which you have labeled in some of these instances (a lot of history to cover) ? Did the Americans draw first blood on Islam or was it the other way around ? Are we defenders or aggressors in the war on terror ? I would like to think that we are the defenders of our allies and this nation in any war we engage in, but the history has to be looked at in detail and with eyes wide open in order to know the situations and the history that has brought us to where we are right now. Can the scrutiny of Islam and it's radical wing with stand the test if we are to try and get to the bottom of it all ? Is there a partner in these crimes that has gone unseen so far ? You know I have found that these Indians from India seem to be a peaceful people who are here now, and that is good. I have seemingly good friends with these folks, although they are different in their ways, but so far not a hateful group it seems.

The American government has killed by far more Muslims than Muslims have killed Americans. In fact, you could put all the Westerners and non-Muslims together who have been killed by Muslim terrorists, and you would still have a very small number compared to the number of Muslims killed by the American government and their allies.

And why is this you suppose that the American government as you claim has killed more Muslims than Muslims have killed Americans ? Do you think the American government just kills people for no reason at all, and if so why are you here or are you here in this country ? If you think this, then you are a nutter according to some on this board, so are you a nutter who thinks the American government expends billions of it's treasure chasing down Muslims and killing them for nothing ? By allies do you mean specifcally the Jews ? Help me to understand this position you hold on our government. :cuckoo:

You're not making any argument just gainsaying, calling people "nutters" and posting an icon drawing circles around its own ear. Either dispute the point, or accept it. Again, put up facts, not emoticons.

This site makes some cases related to this point:
>> Seven times more people have died in Christian wars: 113.8 million compared to the 16.4 million who died in Muslim wars. << (Table breaks down by item)...

>> Christians have killed eight times more people in democides than Muslims: 76.5 million compared to 9.3 million. Almost the same rate as for war. << (Table breaks down by item)

However, all of this is assuming that the dominant religion in that place and time is also the catalyst that made it happen. That's the same bogus basis that the OP of this thread used, applying "religion" as a causal factor only when the religion is Islam.

As that site goes on to note,
>> The mistake here lies not in the numbers but in the words “Christian” and “Muslim”. Sometimes religion is a cause – or at least an excuse – like in the bombings by Christian extremist Eric Rudolph or the genocide in Sudan. But most often it is not. Calling, say, the 9/11 terrorists “Muslim” is like calling Hitler “Christian”: true yet misleading. It is Islamophobia, not a serious attempt to understand the world as it is. <<

The entire basis of this thread -- that the subject is "Muslims" -- is bogus. And it has been from the start. That's what Luddly means by "Muslims are not our enemy. Terrorists are".

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