If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States...........

With all the condemning going on, there should be some videos, so why don't you post one, instead of your adolescent drama?

You're through all those links already? There's a Part Two you know.

I could post a video but it wouldn't be in the 49:8 aspect ratio in the PAL format with a split screen showing a recipe for goulash plus the current time in Pago Pago, so you'd just whine that it didn't count. Whatever it takes to keep your head buried in the sand.

There's also a part three. And four. And five. They have powerpoints in there too. Let me guess-- powerpoints don't count either.
All your links show is somebody claiming that muslims condemned the terrorists. You expect us to take the word of a liberal?

I expect you to go fuck yourself. You're the same asshole who claimed I was a racist for pointing out that the audience of Fox Noise is predominantly white (which is a fact), so you're obviously not the sharpest knife in the fucking drawer. Now go play on the turnpike and let the adults handle this.
The problem I see here is bigotry.

The OP Beachboy is a bigot, an Islamaphobe, who is a reflection of a lot of ignorant people.

If Islam is the peoblem and if we need to be fearful of Muslims then I say we ought to have the same sentiment towards Christians.
The American government has killed by far more Muslims than Muslims have killed Americans. In fact, you could put all the Westerners and non-Muslims together who have been killed by Muslim terrorists, and you would still have a very small number compared to the number of Muslims killed by the American government and their allies.

And why is this you suppose that the American government as you claim has killed more Muslims than Muslims have killed Americans ? Do you think the American government just kills people for no reason at all, and if so why are you here or are you here in this country ? If you think this, then you are a nutter according to some on this board, so are you a nutter who thinks the American government expends billions of it's treasure chasing down Muslims and killing them for nothing ? By allies do you mean specifcally the Jews ? Help me to understand this position you hold on our government. :cuckoo:

You're not making any argument just gainsaying, calling people "nutters" and posting an icon drawing circles around its own ear. Either dispute the point, or accept it. Again, put up facts, not emoticons.

This site makes some cases related to this point:
>> Seven times more people have died in Christian wars: 113.8 million compared to the 16.4 million who died in Muslim wars. << (Table breaks down by item)...

>> Christians have killed eight times more people in democides than Muslims: 76.5 million compared to 9.3 million. Almost the same rate as for war. << (Table breaks down by item)

However, all of this is assuming that the dominant religion in that place and time is also the catalyst that made it happen. That's the same bogus basis that the OP of this thread used, applying "religion" as a causal factor only when the religion is Islam.

As that site goes on to note,
>> The mistake here lies not in the numbers but in the words &#8220;Christian&#8221; and &#8220;Muslim&#8221;. Sometimes religion is a cause &#8211; or at least an excuse &#8211; like in the bombings by Christian extremist Eric Rudolph or the genocide in Sudan. But most often it is not. Calling, say, the 9/11 terrorists &#8220;Muslim&#8221; is like calling Hitler &#8220;Christian&#8221;: true yet misleading. It is Islamophobia, not a serious attempt to understand the world as it is. <<

The entire basis of this thread -- that the subject is "Muslims" -- is bogus. And it has been from the start. That's what Luddly means by "Muslims are not our enemy. Terrorists are".
Is this thread somehow trying to define better who a supposed enemy is maybe or who he is hiding behind ? Yes it can be disputed for sure, but if there had been no killings or no bombings at the hands of who ever these people are doing the killing right now, and in this nation, and in this time period (i.e. currently, not hundreds or thousands of years ago), then the thread or attitude wouldn't exist at all now would it ? How come the government doesn't help educate the American public better ? Shouldn't that be a part of their job in this nation ? Why have they been so distant in these matters (letting imaginations run wild like they are) or worse when we are killed it is labeled as workplace accidents ?
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And why is this you suppose that the American government as you claim has killed more Muslims than Muslims have killed Americans ? Do you think the American government just kills people for no reason at all, and if so why are you here or are you here in this country ? If you think this, then you are a nutter according to some on this board, so are you a nutter who thinks the American government expends billions of it's treasure chasing down Muslims and killing them for nothing ? By allies do you mean specifcally the Jews ? Help me to understand this position you hold on our government. :cuckoo:

You're not making any argument just gainsaying, calling people "nutters" and posting an icon drawing circles around its own ear. Either dispute the point, or accept it. Again, put up facts, not emoticons.

This site makes some cases related to this point:
>> Seven times more people have died in Christian wars: 113.8 million compared to the 16.4 million who died in Muslim wars. << (Table breaks down by item)...

>> Christians have killed eight times more people in democides than Muslims: 76.5 million compared to 9.3 million. Almost the same rate as for war. << (Table breaks down by item)

However, all of this is assuming that the dominant religion in that place and time is also the catalyst that made it happen. That's the same bogus basis that the OP of this thread used, applying "religion" as a causal factor only when the religion is Islam.

As that site goes on to note,
>> The mistake here lies not in the numbers but in the words &#8220;Christian&#8221; and &#8220;Muslim&#8221;. Sometimes religion is a cause &#8211; or at least an excuse &#8211; like in the bombings by Christian extremist Eric Rudolph or the genocide in Sudan. But most often it is not. Calling, say, the 9/11 terrorists &#8220;Muslim&#8221; is like calling Hitler &#8220;Christian&#8221;: true yet misleading. It is Islamophobia, not a serious attempt to understand the world as it is. <<

The entire basis of this thread -- that the subject is "Muslims" -- is bogus. And it has been from the start. That's what Luddly means by "Muslims are not our enemy. Terrorists are".
Is this thread somehow trying to define better who a supposed enemy is maybe or who he is hiding behind ? Yes it can be disputed for sure, but if there had been no killings or no bombings at the hands of who ever these people are doing the killing right now, and in this nation, and in this time period (i.e. currently, not hundreds or thousands of years ago), then the thread or attitude wouldn't exist at all now would it ? How come the government doesn't help educate the American public better ? Shouldn't that be a part of their job in this nation ? Why have they been so distant in these matters (letting imaginations run wild like they are)?

It isn't the government's role to keep the public informed; it's the media's. And the pitfalls of that are both self-evident and worthy of their own thread.

This goes right back to the points in post 372. Please read it. It's addressed to you.

But yes, threads like this would exist even if the media were evenhanded and the public were evenly informed. Because as long as bigots like Bleach Boy exist, they'll try to stir up the shit by demonizing a race or a religion or whatever they can come up with, to spread their own ignorance.
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You're through all those links already? There's a Part Two you know.

I could post a video but it wouldn't be in the 49:8 aspect ratio in the PAL format with a split screen showing a recipe for goulash plus the current time in Pago Pago, so you'd just whine that it didn't count. Whatever it takes to keep your head buried in the sand.

There's also a part three. And four. And five. They have powerpoints in there too. Let me guess-- powerpoints don't count either.
All your links show is somebody claiming that muslims condemned the terrorists. You expect us to take the word of a liberal?

I expect you to go fuck yourself. You're the same asshole who claimed I was a racist for pointing out that the audience of Fox Noise is predominantly white (which is a fact), so you're obviously not the sharpest knife in the fucking drawer. Now go play on the turnpike and let the adults handle this.
Another adolescent remark to replace your lack of substance. No one ever saw or heard a muslim condemn the terrorists on 9/11, and you can't produce any evidence whatsoever of this happening, yet you insist that it did. Then when confronted with a challenge to produce something, you resort to profanities and pre-pubescent put downs, thinking that lets you off the hook. Put up or shut up.
The problem I see here is bigotry.

The OP Beachboy is a bigot, an Islamaphobe, who is a reflection of a lot of ignorant people.

If Islam is the peoblem and if we need to be fearful of Muslims then I say we ought to have the same sentiment towards Christians.
That's what you need to do or try to inspire..... Good luck with that one.. Running out of things to say are we ?

Has any Christians killed anyone you know lately ? Hey I am for Muslims, as long as they are for me, and I don't really think the thread is condemning them, only speaking of caution with them, and to whether or not they are actually compatible with the Christians who live here in peace right ? Some here speak of conflict dating way back, and how many have died and so on and so forth in these conflicts between the two, so it is a legitimate opinion of caution to wonder about it all in light of the recent events, and whether it is actually compatible or not. It's really up to all of them, but is this the proving ground now? I just hope that we all can get along somehow, as I love all peoples and diversity in the nation, but it must remain peaceful & American as the umbrella hanging over it all.
The problem I see here is bigotry.

The OP Beachboy is a bigot, an Islamaphobe, who is a reflection of a lot of ignorant people.

If Islam is the peoblem and if we need to be fearful of Muslims then I say we ought to have the same sentiment towards Christians.
That's what you need to do or try to inspire..... Good luck with that one.. Running out of things to say are we ?

Has any Christians killed anyone you know lately ? Hey I am for Muslims, as long as they are for me, and I don't really think the thread is condemning them, only speaking of caution with them, and to whether or not they are actually compatible with the Christians who live here in peace right ? Some here speak of conflict dating way back, and how many have died and so on and so forth in these conflicts between the two, so it is a legitimate opinion of caution to wonder about it all in light of the recent events, and whether it is actually compatible or not. It's really up to all of them, but is this the proving ground now? I just hope that we all can get along somehow, as I love all peoples and diversity in the nation, but it must remain peaceful & American as the umbrella hanging over it all.

If this thread is to caution us against Muslims then I say I must caution myself against Christians. I have had more bad dealings with Christians than Muslims.
The problem I see here is bigotry.

The OP Beachboy is a bigot, an Islamaphobe, who is a reflection of a lot of ignorant people.

If Islam is the peoblem and if we need to be fearful of Muslims then I say we ought to have the same sentiment towards Christians.
That's what you need to do or try to inspire..... Good luck with that one.. Running out of things to say are we ?

Has any Christians killed anyone you know lately ?

Eric Rudolph was trolling around in areas near where I live, literally in places I physically go to. One of his bombing targets (in Georgia) was in a place where I shop.

Is this so hard to fathom, just because it doesn't fit the scary-monster narrative?

The problem I see here is bigotry.

The OP Beachboy is a bigot, an Islamaphobe, who is a reflection of a lot of ignorant people.

If Islam is the peoblem and if we need to be fearful of Muslims then I say we ought to have the same sentiment towards Christians.
That's what you need to do or try to inspire..... Good luck with that one.. Running out of things to say are we ?

... and I don't really think the thread is condemning them, only speaking of caution with them.

Is there some reason you remain deliberately ignorant of what this thread is made of? Even after I summarized it for you?
At this point you're just looking stupid.
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The problem I see here is bigotry.

The OP Beachboy is a bigot, an Islamaphobe, who is a reflection of a lot of ignorant people.

If Islam is the peoblem and if we need to be fearful of Muslims then I say we ought to have the same sentiment towards Christians.
That's what you need to do or try to inspire..... Good luck with that one.. Running out of things to say are we ?

Has any Christians killed anyone you know lately ? Hey I am for Muslims, as long as they are for me, and I don't really think the thread is condemning them, only speaking of caution with them, and to whether or not they are actually compatible with the Christians who live here in peace right ? Some here speak of conflict dating way back, and how many have died and so on and so forth in these conflicts between the two, so it is a legitimate opinion of caution to wonder about it all in light of the recent events, and whether it is actually compatible or not. It's really up to all of them, but is this the proving ground now? I just hope that we all can get along somehow, as I love all peoples and diversity in the nation, but it must remain peaceful & American as the umbrella hanging over it all.

If this thread is to caution us against Muslims then I say I must caution myself against Christians. I have had more bad dealings with Christians than Muslims.
I would think you would be more concerned about drive-by's if you live in Compton.
You're not making any argument just gainsaying, calling people "nutters" and posting an icon drawing circles around its own ear. Either dispute the point, or accept it. Again, put up facts, not emoticons.

This site makes some cases related to this point:
>> Seven times more people have died in Christian wars: 113.8 million compared to the 16.4 million who died in Muslim wars. << (Table breaks down by item)...

>> Christians have killed eight times more people in democides than Muslims: 76.5 million compared to 9.3 million. Almost the same rate as for war. << (Table breaks down by item)

However, all of this is assuming that the dominant religion in that place and time is also the catalyst that made it happen. That's the same bogus basis that the OP of this thread used, applying "religion" as a causal factor only when the religion is Islam.

As that site goes on to note,
>> The mistake here lies not in the numbers but in the words &#8220;Christian&#8221; and &#8220;Muslim&#8221;. Sometimes religion is a cause &#8211; or at least an excuse &#8211; like in the bombings by Christian extremist Eric Rudolph or the genocide in Sudan. But most often it is not. Calling, say, the 9/11 terrorists &#8220;Muslim&#8221; is like calling Hitler &#8220;Christian&#8221;: true yet misleading. It is Islamophobia, not a serious attempt to understand the world as it is. <<

The entire basis of this thread -- that the subject is "Muslims" -- is bogus. And it has been from the start. That's what Luddly means by "Muslims are not our enemy. Terrorists are".
Is this thread somehow trying to define better who a supposed enemy is maybe or who he is hiding behind ? Yes it can be disputed for sure, but if there had been no killings or no bombings at the hands of who ever these people are doing the killing right now, and in this nation, and in this time period (i.e. currently, not hundreds or thousands of years ago), then the thread or attitude wouldn't exist at all now would it ? How come the government doesn't help educate the American public better ? Shouldn't that be a part of their job in this nation ? Why have they been so distant in these matters (letting imaginations run wild like they are)?

It isn't the government's role to keep the public informed; it's the media's. And the pitfalls of that are both self-evident and worthy of their own thread.

This goes right back to the points in post 372. Please read it. It's addressed to you.

But yes, threads like this would exist even if the media were evenhanded and the public were evenly informed. Because as long as bigots like Bleach Boy exist, they'll try to stir up the shit by demonizing a race or a religion or whatever they can come up with, to spread their own ignorance.
372 ? How about a page number, that would help me better, then I can get there from there..
The problem I see here is bigotry.

The OP Beachboy is a bigot, an Islamaphobe, who is a reflection of a lot of ignorant people.

If Islam is the peoblem and if we need to be fearful of Muslims then I say we ought to have the same sentiment towards Christians.
That's what you need to do or try to inspire..... Good luck with that one.. Running out of things to say are we ?

Has any Christians killed anyone you know lately ?

Eric Rudolph was trolling around in areas near where I live, literally in places I physically go to. One of his bombing targets (in Georgia) was in a place where I shop.

Is this so hard to fathom, just because it doesn't fit the scary-monster narrative?

That's what you need to do or try to inspire..... Good luck with that one.. Running out of things to say are we ?

... and I don't really think the thread is condemning them, only speaking of caution with them.

Is there some reason you remain deliberately ignorant of what this thread is made of? Even after I summarized it for you?
At this point you're just looking stupid.
Eric was caught and dealt with right ? But for some reason we dance around other situations or people who might be doing things. (not accusing Muslims), but this has gone on with many groups involved or intertwined in politics now or in the past in this nation.
That's what you need to do or try to inspire..... Good luck with that one.. Running out of things to say are we ?

Has any Christians killed anyone you know lately ? Hey I am for Muslims, as long as they are for me, and I don't really think the thread is condemning them, only speaking of caution with them, and to whether or not they are actually compatible with the Christians who live here in peace right ? Some here speak of conflict dating way back, and how many have died and so on and so forth in these conflicts between the two, so it is a legitimate opinion of caution to wonder about it all in light of the recent events, and whether it is actually compatible or not. It's really up to all of them, but is this the proving ground now? I just hope that we all can get along somehow, as I love all peoples and diversity in the nation, but it must remain peaceful & American as the umbrella hanging over it all.

If this thread is to caution us against Muslims then I say I must caution myself against Christians. I have had more bad dealings with Christians than Muslims.
I would think you would be more concerned about drive-by's if you live in Compton.

I am more worried about stupid ass Christians who bomb abortion clinics
Is this thread somehow trying to define better who a supposed enemy is maybe or who he is hiding behind ? Yes it can be disputed for sure, but if there had been no killings or no bombings at the hands of who ever these people are doing the killing right now, and in this nation, and in this time period (i.e. currently, not hundreds or thousands of years ago), then the thread or attitude wouldn't exist at all now would it ? How come the government doesn't help educate the American public better ? Shouldn't that be a part of their job in this nation ? Why have they been so distant in these matters (letting imaginations run wild like they are)?

It isn't the government's role to keep the public informed; it's the media's. And the pitfalls of that are both self-evident and worthy of their own thread.

This goes right back to the points in post 372. Please read it. It's addressed to you.

But yes, threads like this would exist even if the media were evenhanded and the public were evenly informed. Because as long as bigots like Bleach Boy exist, they'll try to stir up the shit by demonizing a race or a religion or whatever they can come up with, to spread their own ignorance.
372 ? How about a page number, that would help me better, then I can get there from there..

Cheeses Christ, lift a finger and help yourself already. You're as bad as Pontiac-boy whining that he doesn't get links and then we give him six pages of links and he complains they're not videos. You guys that need somebody to hold your hand... smh

Post 372, just get off your lazy ass and do it. What page it's on depends on how you have your format set up. Stop this running away from points you're afraid to see.


Sorry - I have a short fuse for intellectual sloth.
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That's what you need to do or try to inspire..... Good luck with that one.. Running out of things to say are we ?

Has any Christians killed anyone you know lately ?

Eric Rudolph was trolling around in areas near where I live, literally in places I physically go to. One of his bombing targets (in Georgia) was in a place where I shop.

Is this so hard to fathom, just because it doesn't fit the scary-monster narrative?

That's what you need to do or try to inspire..... Good luck with that one.. Running out of things to say are we ?

Is there some reason you remain deliberately ignorant of what this thread is made of? Even after I summarized it for you?
At this point you're just looking stupid.
Eric was caught and dealt with right ? But for some reason we dance around other situations or people who might be doing things. (not accusing Muslims), but this has gone on with many groups involved or intertwined in politics now or in the past in this nation.

Hey you just asked about the proximity of Christian terrorists. So I gave you one. Deal with it.
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If this thread is to caution us against Muslims then I say I must caution myself against Christians. I have had more bad dealings with Christians than Muslims.
I would think you would be more concerned about drive-by's if you live in Compton.

I am more worried about stupid ass Christians who bomb abortion clinics

-- and that is a terrorist act that actually IS related to religion. Unlike, say, the OP.
Eric Rudolph was trolling around in areas near where I live, literally in places I physically go to. One of his bombing targets (in Georgia) was in a place where I shop.

Is this so hard to fathom, just because it doesn't fit the scary-monster narrative?

Eric was caught and dealt with right ? But for some reason we dance around other situations or people who might be doing things. (not accusing Muslims), but this has gone on with many groups involved or intertwined in politics now or in the past in this nation.

Hey you just asked about the proximity of Christian terrorists. So I gave you one. Deal with it.
I asked you what ?

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