If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States...........

What bothers you?

That I believe every human being deserves life, liberty and to pursue what makes them happy. To have faith in our impartial judicial system. To defend the helpless. To accept all people regardless of race, religion, sex. Yeah S.J you're Red Neck philosophical thinking is showing...
What bothers me is that your muslim friends share the same love and respect for this country as you, which is none.

How do you know I have no respect for this country? Please quote me anywhere in this thread or elsewhere where I have demonstrated my lack of love, respect, or whatever for this country. Please enlighten me. You apparently know me outside this board.

Hi. Reading some of the posts and noticed you talk about Christianity. Just curious...How do you define yourself as a Christian? I am a Born Again Christian. Btw, what is that guy smoking in your avatar? John 10:10...Jesus came so that we would have life... Don't remember reading that Jesus told his followers to be slaughtered by members of a religion that worships death/suicide and murders those who don't bow down to what they believe.

It's not about hating Muslims, it's about wondering who your neighbors are. It's about wondering about the person who was your friend last year but who has been radicalized since then and now wants to kill you. It's about wondering who is who and who is just smiling in your face and pretending to your friend while biding time.
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The problem I see here is bigotry.

The OP Beachboy is a bigot, an Islamaphobe, who is a reflection of a lot of ignorant people.

If Islam is the peoblem and if we need to be fearful of Muslims then I say we ought to have the same sentiment towards Christians.
That's what you need to do or try to inspire..... Good luck with that one.. Running out of things to say are we ?

Has any Christians killed anyone you know lately ? Hey I am for Muslims, as long as they are for me, and I don't really think the thread is condemning them, only speaking of caution with them, and to whether or not they are actually compatible with the Christians who live here in peace right ? Some here speak of conflict dating way back, and how many have died and so on and so forth in these conflicts between the two, so it is a legitimate opinion of caution to wonder about it all in light of the recent events, and whether it is actually compatible or not. It's really up to all of them, but is this the proving ground now? I just hope that we all can get along somehow, as I love all peoples and diversity in the nation, but it must remain peaceful & American as the umbrella hanging over it all.

If this thread is to caution us against Muslims then I say I must caution myself against Christians. I have had more bad dealings with Christians than Muslims.

Please elaborate. I'd like to know what bad dealings you've had with Christians. Christians are human, not perfect. But I'd be curious to know if a Christian has ever beheaded someone you love or strapped on a IED vest and killed someone you cared about. Maybe you're familiar with the New Testament and know that Jesus never told His followers to kill nonbelievers if they don't convert. Maybe you're familiar with passages in the Koran that permit violence towards "the infidel.
I don't think the Founding Fathers anticipated waves of 'Mohammedans' positioning themselves inside the country and waiting until they'd built-up a local majority and then beginning to clamor about Sharia Law and other related issues, otherwise, they would probably have embedded a Poison Pill within the Constitution to prevent it.

They did. As you just ironically noted below; the First Amendment.
Sharia is a non starter. It's got one use here, and that's the blogospheremongers overplaying the role of Chicken Little.

Thank God (the Judeo-Christian vision of God, mind you :D ) for separation of Church and State.

Caustic irony noted :eusa_clap:

If memory serves, Separation of Mosque and State has not worked well elsewhere in the world for any considerable span of time except, perhaps, in modern Turkey, but there's always hope... ;-)

Agreed, Turkey is a good example of the potential. On the other hand, thirteen hundred years after its own founding, Christianism didn't have much of a record of separation of church and state either. Matter of fact it had none whatsoever; it was engorged in being the First Estate power source for the royal aristocracy and the tool of the latter to keep the populace in an inferior position; it had yet to see even dissent within its own structure in Martin Luther; and it was burning infidels alive in the public square. The equivalent of a Turkey was still centuries off.

Such mob perversion seems to be the price of organized dogma.

The murder of the British solider today is another wake up call. Being concerned is miles apart from "chicken little." I'm amazed at the number of people who are willing to keep their heads in the sand. This country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles... not Sharia Law. I have no problem with people practicing Sharia Law, just not in the United States. It is no secret that members of the "religion of peace" want Islam to dominate the world or else....there are verses in the Koran that approve of violence towards "infidels." Why keep looking the other way and give radicalism a foothold? Concerns about the Nazis, who had Muslim supporters, should have been "over played."
What do you mean, "crickets"? Just because there are more muslims in Michigan than everywhere else, doesn't mean there would be more violence in Michigan. You're desperate to make a point but you've made no point.

Because you allude to a generalization that does not represent Muslim opinion. Muslims don't come here to terrorize Americans. Muslims, who migrate here want a life like any other U.S citizen.

You mean like the guy who murdered the British soldier today in Britain by near decapitation? He was reportedly yelling Allahu Ackbar. He definitely said it was an "eye for an eye" Maybe he wasn't happy with the British gov't taking his family in and giving them jobs and/or immigrant assistance.
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I don't think the Founding Fathers anticipated waves of 'Mohammedans' positioning themselves inside the country and waiting until they'd built-up a local majority and then beginning to clamor about Sharia Law and other related issues, otherwise, they would probably have embedded a Poison Pill within the Constitution to prevent it.

They did. As you just ironically noted below; the First Amendment.
Sharia is a non starter. It's got one use here, and that's the blogospheremongers overplaying the role of Chicken Little.

Caustic irony noted :eusa_clap:

If memory serves, Separation of Mosque and State has not worked well elsewhere in the world for any considerable span of time except, perhaps, in modern Turkey, but there's always hope... ;-)

Agreed, Turkey is a good example of the potential. On the other hand, thirteen hundred years after its own founding, Christianism didn't have much of a record of separation of church and state either. Matter of fact it had none whatsoever; it was engorged in being the First Estate power source for the royal aristocracy and the tool of the latter to keep the populace in an inferior position; it had yet to see even dissent within its own structure in Martin Luther; and it was burning infidels alive in the public square. The equivalent of a Turkey was still centuries off.

Such mob perversion seems to be the price of organized dogma.

The murder of the British solider today is another wake up call. Being concerned is miles apart from "chicken little." I'm amazed at the number of people who are willing to keep their heads in the sand. This country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles... not Sharia Law. I have no problem with people practicing Sharia Law, just not in the United States. It is no secret that members of the "religion of peace" want Islam to dominate the world or else....there are verses in the Koran that approve of violence towards "infidels." Why keep looking the other way and give radicalism a foothold? Concerns about the Nazis, who had Muslim supporters, should have been "over played."

No, actually it was founded on Liberalism -- which means the State gets out of the way and lets people be, including, importantly, in matters of religious observance. Obviously that doesn't extend to a Sharia practice that infringes on another person, which is why I said Sharia is a non-starter. Ain't gonna happen. But neither is the OP's bigoted anti-Semitic crusade based on singling out a specific religion, an idea that spits on everything this country stands for.

The references to Christian terrorists are not to be taken deeply -- that's just playing along with the fallacy of the OP who holds that bad things are directly attributable to one specific relition (but not others); taking that faulty logic to its conclusion we find far too many examples from Xianity that disprove the fallacy of Islam.

But as noted back in 380, and throughout this thread, the idea that religion is behind everything bad is absurd; and the idea that this applies only to one religion, doubly so. Religions do not commit violence or terrorism; people do.

So the comparisons to Christianism are here to easily disprove the original broad-brush fallacy for the non-argument it is.

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The above picture solidifies why most Americans are stupid

See, this is what I think Barack Obama thinks. There is a distinct ugliness in those who think they are intellectually superior. Snobbery from the poster who condemns others for not being more accepting. But then again, it's suspect when someone says they've had problems in dealing with Christians but praise Muslims, when we're all human and fallible. Suspect indeed. I've had problems in dealing with all sorts of people.
The above picture solidifies why most Americans are stupid

See, this is what I think Barack Obama thinks. There is a distinct ugliness in those who think they are intellectually superior. Snobbery from the poster who condemns others for not being more accepting. But then again, it's suspect when someone says they've had problems in dealing with Christians but praise Muslims, when we're all human and fallible. Suspect indeed. I've had problems in dealing with all sorts of people.

Nobody's "praised" Muslims here; in fact nobody's said squat about Muslims or Islam except for the bigot in the OP and a couple of his peanut gallery, all wallowing in negative stereotypes.

Where do you see this "praise" then?
They did. As you just ironically noted below; the First Amendment.
Sharia is a non starter. It's got one use here, and that's the blogospheremongers overplaying the role of Chicken Little.

Caustic irony noted :eusa_clap:

Agreed, Turkey is a good example of the potential. On the other hand, thirteen hundred years after its own founding, Christianism didn't have much of a record of separation of church and state either. Matter of fact it had none whatsoever; it was engorged in being the First Estate power source for the royal aristocracy and the tool of the latter to keep the populace in an inferior position; it had yet to see even dissent within its own structure in Martin Luther; and it was burning infidels alive in the public square. The equivalent of a Turkey was still centuries off.

Such mob perversion seems to be the price of organized dogma.

The murder of the British solider today is another wake up call. Being concerned is miles apart from "chicken little." I'm amazed at the number of people who are willing to keep their heads in the sand. This country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles... not Sharia Law. I have no problem with people practicing Sharia Law, just not in the United States. It is no secret that members of the "religion of peace" want Islam to dominate the world or else....there are verses in the Koran that approve of violence towards "infidels." Why keep looking the other way and give radicalism a foothold? Concerns about the Nazis, who had Muslim supporters, should have been "over played."

No, actually it was founded on Liberalism -- which means the State gets out of the way and lets people be, including, importantly, in matters of religious observance. Obviously that doesn't extend to a Sharia practice that infringes on another person, which is why I said Sharia is a non-starter. Ain't gonna happen. But neither is the OP's bigoted anti-Semitic crusade based on singling out a specific religion, an idea that spits on everything this country stands for.

The references to Christian terrorists are not to be taken deeply -- that's just playing along with the fallacy of the OP who holds that bad things are directly attributable to one specific relition (but not others); taking that faulty logic to its conclusion we find far too many examples from Xianity that disprove the fallacy of Islam.

But as noted back in , (SNIP...could not post with URL) and throughout this thread, the idea that religion is behind everything bad is absurd; and the idea that this applies only to one religion, doubly so. Religions do not commit violence or terrorism; people do.

So the comparisons to Christianism are here to easily disprove the original broad-brush fallacy for the non-argument it is.


No, it was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. History tells us this and references to the Creator are in our founding documents. Our life and liberty come from the Creator and not man. It may be hard for you to swallow but that's okay. You are free to believe what you like...just keep it real.

I'm not accusing all Muslims of terrorism...that would be untrue and ridiculous, but there are verses in the Koran that approve of violence towards "infidels". Not so in the Bible regarding nonbelievers. Religions do not commit terrorism, but religious beliefs (If a person believes a revered prophet or their god tells them to murder in order to go to heaven) or religious texts can and have proven to influence people positively and negatively. Just how many people will be influenced in the future or are influenced now is any body's guess. That's what is un-nerving. The Tsarnaev brothers weren't always radical in their beliefs...but that didn't stop them from blowing up people who were out to enjoy a beautiful day with friends and family.
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If this thread is to caution us against Muslims then I say I must caution myself against Christians. I have had more bad dealings with Christians than Muslims.
I would think you would be more concerned about drive-by's if you live in Compton.

I am more worried about stupid ass Christians who bomb abortion clinics

What a blanket statement from someone who is so "tolerant" and warns others about lumping all Muslims together but has no problem making a sweeping statement about Christians. What proof do you have that they were Christian? I mean...radical Muslims yell "allahu ackbar before they unleash hell on others. How many abortion clinics have been bombed? As many bombings as Islamist terrorists have been successful with? I'm not condoning murder, which includes abortion btw. But who has the higher murder count?...the jihadist or the whack job abortion bomber?
The above picture solidifies why most Americans are stupid

See, this is what I think Barack Obama thinks. There is a distinct ugliness in those who think they are intellectually superior. Snobbery from the poster who condemns others for not being more accepting. But then again, it's suspect when someone says they've had problems in dealing with Christians but praise Muslims, when we're all human and fallible. Suspect indeed. I've had problems in dealing with all sorts of people.

Nobody's "praised" Muslims here; in fact nobody's said squat about Muslims or Islam except for the bigot in the OP and a couple of his peanut gallery, all wallowing in negative stereotypes.

Where do you see this "praise" then?

I wasn't referring to you.
That's what you need to do or try to inspire..... Good luck with that one.. Running out of things to say are we ?

Has any Christians killed anyone you know lately ? Hey I am for Muslims, as long as they are for me, and I don't really think the thread is condemning them, only speaking of caution with them, and to whether or not they are actually compatible with the Christians who live here in peace right ? Some here speak of conflict dating way back, and how many have died and so on and so forth in these conflicts between the two, so it is a legitimate opinion of caution to wonder about it all in light of the recent events, and whether it is actually compatible or not. It's really up to all of them, but is this the proving ground now? I just hope that we all can get along somehow, as I love all peoples and diversity in the nation, but it must remain peaceful & American as the umbrella hanging over it all.

If this thread is to caution us against Muslims then I say I must caution myself against Christians. I have had more bad dealings with Christians than Muslims.

Please elaborate. I'd like to know what bad dealings you've had with Christians. Christians are human, not perfect. But I'd be curious to know if a Christian has ever beheaded someone you love or strapped on a IED vest and killed someone you cared about. Maybe you're familiar with the New Testament and know that Jesus never told His followers to kill nonbelievers if they don't convert. Maybe you're familiar with passages in the Koran that permit violence towards "the infidel.

My own experience is that Christians will lie, cheat and steal and when that doesn't give them what they want, they'll stab you in the back. If you don't know that Christians have beheaded, maimed (IED) or killed to further their agenda, you really don't know the the history of Christianity. Some Christians even teach how to lie to get what they want.

This country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles... not Sharia Law. I have no problem with people practicing Sharia Law, just not in the United States.

I'll bet you are lying.

Do you support a woman's right to control her own body and her right to decide when and if she reproduces?

How about the very basic right to the pursuit of happiness with the person you love?

Nope. I'll bet you, and your religion, believe 100% that the state should control women and gays.

The definition of Sharia Law is law (morals) based on religion and I'd bet money that your religion believes 100% that abortion and marriage equality should be illegal.

More BIG government from an rw who says he believes in small government.

Color me surprised.

Okay Maroons, What about THIS Muslin? We know he is anti-America and we know he feeds you rw nutters a steady diet of shit. But, I'll be that not one of you will admit that you suck up ever word he puts in front of you.

Stupid fools.


I notice that none of the fux lovers have commented on this.

Pretty hard to defend hating Muslims while getting your news from one.

"...The definition of Sharia Law is law (morals) based on religion and I'd bet money that your religion believes 100% that abortion and marriage equality should be illegal..."
Yes, of course...

But we all know how tolerant Islam is of gays, too, right?

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See, this is what I think Barack Obama thinks. There is a distinct ugliness in those who think they are intellectually superior. Snobbery from the poster who condemns others for not being more accepting. But then again, it's suspect when someone says they've had problems in dealing with Christians but praise Muslims, when we're all human and fallible. Suspect indeed. I've had problems in dealing with all sorts of people.

Nobody's "praised" Muslims here; in fact nobody's said squat about Muslims or Islam except for the bigot in the OP and a couple of his peanut gallery, all wallowing in negative stereotypes.

Where do you see this "praise" then?

I wasn't referring to you.

I didn't say you were. I said 'where do you see this "praise" of Muslims?' From anybody?

"...The definition of Sharia Law is law (morals) based on religion and I'd bet money that your religion believes 100% that abortion and marriage equality should be illegal..."
Yes, of course...

But we all know how tolerant Islam is of gays, too, right?


I live in the United States.

In MY country, "Christians" do not tolerate anything but white heterosexual men.

Bob and dodge and twist and shout all you want. FACT is, Sharia law is law based on religious beliefs. It is literally the opposite of US laws and the founding of the US was based on.

Christians DO believe in their own wacko version of Sharia law. Amazingly, they also are very open in wanting to trash our most basic Constitutionally-guaranteed rights.
"...The definition of Sharia Law is law (morals) based on religion and I'd bet money that your religion believes 100% that abortion and marriage equality should be illegal..."
Yes, of course...

But we all know how tolerant Islam is of gays, too, right?


I live in the United States.

In MY country, "Christians" do not tolerate anything but white heterosexual men.

Bob and dodge and twist and shout all you want. FACT is, Sharia law is law based on religious beliefs. It is literally the opposite of US laws and the founding of the US was based on.

Christians DO believe in their own wacko version of Sharia law. Amazingly, they also are very open in wanting to trash our most basic Constitutionally-guaranteed rights.

Ahhhhh... you just have an axe to grind against Christians... and will defend Muslims at the expense of Christians... OK... got it, now.

You'll find the 'Religion' forum and some really juicy Christian-bashing threads just down the hall, second door to the right... can't miss it.
The murder of the British solider today is another wake up call. Being concerned is miles apart from "chicken little." I'm amazed at the number of people who are willing to keep their heads in the sand. This country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles... not Sharia Law. I have no problem with people practicing Sharia Law, just not in the United States. It is no secret that members of the "religion of peace" want Islam to dominate the world or else....there are verses in the Koran that approve of violence towards "infidels." Why keep looking the other way and give radicalism a foothold? Concerns about the Nazis, who had Muslim supporters, should have been "over played."

No, actually it was founded on Liberalism -- which means the State gets out of the way and lets people be, including, importantly, in matters of religious observance. Obviously that doesn't extend to a Sharia practice that infringes on another person, which is why I said Sharia is a non-starter. Ain't gonna happen. But neither is the OP's bigoted anti-Semitic crusade based on singling out a specific religion, an idea that spits on everything this country stands for.

The references to Christian terrorists are not to be taken deeply -- that's just playing along with the fallacy of the OP who holds that bad things are directly attributable to one specific relition (but not others); taking that faulty logic to its conclusion we find far too many examples from Xianity that disprove the fallacy of Islam.

But as noted back in , (SNIP...could not post with URL) and throughout this thread, the idea that religion is behind everything bad is absurd; and the idea that this applies only to one religion, doubly so. Religions do not commit violence or terrorism; people do.

So the comparisons to Christianism are here to easily disprove the original broad-brush fallacy for the non-argument it is.


No, it was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. History tells us this and references to the Creator are in our founding documents. Our life and liberty come from the Creator and not man. It may be hard for you to swallow but that's okay. You are free to believe what you like...just keep it real.

No, it is not. "Judeo-Christianism" isn't even involved. "References to the Creator" are just the vernacular of the 18th century. A vernacular that was a holdover from the stranglehold the First Estate (the Church) had on politics which is exactly what they were building away from with their new concept, soon followed by the French Revolution which did the same thing. Most of the founders were neither Christian nor Jewish.

This is all off the topic anyway. I don't know why you excised my link (inconvenient?) but here it is again.

I'm not accusing all Muslims of terrorism...that would be untrue and ridiculous, but there are verses in the Koran that approve of violence towards "infidels". Not so in the Bible regarding nonbelievers. Religions do not commit terrorism, but religious beliefs (If a person believes a revered prophet or their god tells them to murder in order to go to heaven) or religious texts can and have proven to influence people positively and negatively. Just how many people will be influenced in the future or are influenced now is any body's guess. That's what is un-nerving. The Tsarnaev brothers weren't always radical in their beliefs...but that didn't stop them from blowing up people who were out to enjoy a beautiful day with friends and family.

There's plenty of "smite them" violence and "I am a jealous god" in the Bible, as I'm sure you know, so both books are way guilty of that. And it's almost understandable, since both are relics from a primitive uncultured era. That's why neither is a worthy philosophy to be living by. But in either case, adherents are possessed of free will, so whether they choose to commit violence and justify it with their respective book or not is individually up to them.

None of which is really relevant here anyway -- as the link you excised asserts, it's not a question of religion in the first place. Religions don't fly planes and bomb clinics. People do that.
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The following was posted by Pogo:

Eric Rudolph was trolling around in areas near where I live, literally in places I physically go to. One of his bombing targets (in Georgia) was in a place where I shop.

Is this so hard to fathom, just because it doesn't fit the scary-monster narrative?

(SNIP..sorry didn't watch my snip)

The following posted by PoliticalStench

Jesus Christ and the Bible don't sanction the actions of Rudolph and people like him. He took those actions on his own. BUT the Koran has verses about violence towards infidels.

God gave humans free will. He doesn't physically control people. Rudolph's actions do not line up with the teachings of Christianity...even though he many have thought he was doing the right thing...HE thought. He was wrong--but, thankfully, people like him are very few and far between as compared to jihadis and those willing to die for Islam.
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