If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States...........

Eric Rudolph (and Scott Roeder and the rest of their ilk) would say they are sanctioned. So did Hitler.

And there you are committing the same fallacy the OP started with: "when they do it it's their religion, but when we do it it's a wacknut on his own". Already debunked; you want it both ways. You fail.

As far as "few and far between as compared" -- come up with some numbers and not just vague impressions. Talk is cheap. That's all this BS thread has been based on: cheap talk.
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No, actually it was founded on Liberalism -- which means the State gets out of the way and lets people be, including, importantly, in matters of religious observance. Obviously that doesn't extend to a Sharia practice that infringes on another person, which is why I said Sharia is a non-starter. Ain't gonna happen. But neither is the OP's bigoted anti-Semitic crusade based on singling out a specific religion, an idea that spits on everything this country stands for.

The references to Christian terrorists are not to be taken deeply -- that's just playing along with the fallacy of the OP who holds that bad things are directly attributable to one specific relition (but not others); taking that faulty logic to its conclusion we find far too many examples from Xianity that disprove the fallacy of Islam.

But as noted back in , (SNIP...could not post with URL) and throughout this thread, the idea that religion is behind everything bad is absurd; and the idea that this applies only to one religion, doubly so. Religions do not commit violence or terrorism; people do.

So the comparisons to Christianism are here to easily disprove the original broad-brush fallacy for the non-argument it is.


No, it was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. History tells us this and references to the Creator are in our founding documents. Our life and liberty come from the Creator and not man. It may be hard for you to swallow but that's okay. You are free to believe what you like...just keep it real.

No, it is not. "Judeo-Christianism" isn't even involved. "References to the Creator" are just the vernacular of the 18th century. A vernacular that was a holdover from the stranglehold the First Estate (the Church) had on politics which is exactly what they were building away from with their new concept, soon followed by the French Revolution which did the same thing. Most of the founders were neither Christian nor Jewish.

This is all off the topic anyway. I don't know why you excised my link (inconvenient?) but


I'm not accusing all Muslims of terrorism...that would be untrue and ridiculous, but there are verses in the Koran that approve of violence towards "infidels". Not so in the Bible regarding nonbelievers. Religions do not commit terrorism, but religious beliefs (If a person believes a revered prophet or their god tells them to murder in order to go to heaven) or religious texts can and have proven to influence people positively and negatively. Just how many people will be influenced in the future or are influenced now is any body's guess. That's what is un-nerving. The Tsarnaev brothers weren't always radical in their beliefs...but that didn't stop them from blowing up people who were out to enjoy a beautiful day with friends and family.

There's plenty of "smite them" violence and "I am a jealous god" in the Bible, as I'm sure you know, so both books are way guilty of that. And it's almost understandable, since both are relics from a primitive uncultured era. That's why neither is a worthy philosophy to be living by. But in either case, adherents are possessed of free will, so whether they choose to commit violence and justify it with their respective book or not is individually up to them.

None of which is really relevant here anyway -- as the link you excised asserts, it's not a question of religion in the first place. Religions don't fly planes and bomb clinics. People do that.

I'm Christian and Jesus never told any of His followers to "smite" anybody. God has a right to be jealous when His creations worship devils and false idols when He gave us life.

Your comments about being primitive and uncultured (like legally murdering life in the womb and doctor-assisted suicide is so cultured) and the language of our Declaration of Independence and Constitution being relics and outdated are sad. I think there is an emptiness inside you. I feel sorry for you. You also are very, very wrong...And deep down you know it. If you want to live in hell, then do so, but don't bring the rest of us with you. Your opinions and thoughts are death and a unprofitable. Your philosophy will get you nowhere.

You can talk about the French Revolution all day long but the US was founded on Judeo- Christian principles. The settlers were Puritans escaping religious persecution. Read quotes by some of the founding fathers and signers of the Declarations and see what their beliefs were. Maybe you'd be happier in Saudia Arabia explaining to the men there why religion is a relic and outdated and why Sharia Law should not exist and women should have equal rights.

Religion does kill when their book instructs them it's ok to do violence against infidels.
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"...The definition of Sharia Law is law (morals) based on religion and I'd bet money that your religion believes 100% that abortion and marriage equality should be illegal..."
Yes, of course...

But we all know how tolerant Islam is of gays, too, right?

I live in the United States.

In MY country, "Christians" do not tolerate anything but white heterosexual men.

Bob and dodge and twist and shout all you want. FACT is, Sharia law is law based on religious beliefs. It is literally the opposite of US laws and the founding of the US was based on.

Christians DO believe in their own wacko version of Sharia law. Amazingly, they also are very open in wanting to trash our most basic Constitutionally-guaranteed rights.

Watch it now! We'll all leave this world one day and give an account to our Maker. I live in the US too and I'm not white or a male and I'm Christian.
Thank you solidifying my point...Rudolph and others may have thought their actions were sanctioned (Hitler was into the occult and that conflicts with Christianity) but what does God think...And that's what matters... without Christ, there would be no Christianity. Again, Jesus never told his followers to murder nonbelievers. NEVER.

Again, the Bible doesn't command or condone Christians to do harm to nonbelievers, but the Koran does. Apples and oranges. It's you that FAILS. ...at comprehension. :razz:

News in the past year alone is enough to tell me that idiots who blow up the Olympics are fewer in number than radical Islam terrorist bombers..oh, and btw, I am including the bombers who murder their own in Middle Eastern countries.

You seem a little agitated...like your drawers are twisted. Why are you posting in a thread you think is useless?
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Nobody's "praised" Muslims here; in fact nobody's said squat about Muslims or Islam except for the bigot in the OP and a couple of his peanut gallery, all wallowing in negative stereotypes.

Where do you see this "praise" then?

I wasn't referring to you.

I didn't say you were. I said 'where do you see this "praise" of Muslims?' From anybody?


You wrote:

Nobody's "praised" Muslims here; in fact nobody's said squat about Muslims or Islam except for the bigot in the OP and a couple of his peanut gallery, all wallowing in negative stereotypes.

It seems you have your answer, so why ask the question? Whistle away. All day
Just a quick note for those who think I am somehow generating all the action that is going on in this thread. I have not made a post here in 25 (twenty-five) posts! Clearly, this is subject of great concern to a lot of people. We should all be appreciative that we have USMB to freely express our views. I say thank you.
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No, it was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. History tells us this and references to the Creator are in our founding documents. Our life and liberty come from the Creator and not man. It may be hard for you to swallow but that's okay. You are free to believe what you like...just keep it real.

No, it is not. "Judeo-Christianism" isn't even involved. "References to the Creator" are just the vernacular of the 18th century. A vernacular that was a holdover from the stranglehold the First Estate (the Church) had on politics which is exactly what they were building away from with their new concept, soon followed by the French Revolution which did the same thing. Most of the founders were neither Christian nor Jewish.

This is all off the topic anyway. I don't know why you excised my link (inconvenient?) but


I'm not accusing all Muslims of terrorism...that would be untrue and ridiculous, but there are verses in the Koran that approve of violence towards "infidels". Not so in the Bible regarding nonbelievers. Religions do not commit terrorism, but religious beliefs (If a person believes a revered prophet or their god tells them to murder in order to go to heaven) or religious texts can and have proven to influence people positively and negatively. Just how many people will be influenced in the future or are influenced now is any body's guess. That's what is un-nerving. The Tsarnaev brothers weren't always radical in their beliefs...but that didn't stop them from blowing up people who were out to enjoy a beautiful day with friends and family.

There's plenty of "smite them" violence and "I am a jealous god" in the Bible, as I'm sure you know, so both books are way guilty of that. And it's almost understandable, since both are relics from a primitive uncultured era. That's why neither is a worthy philosophy to be living by. But in either case, adherents are possessed of free will, so whether they choose to commit violence and justify it with their respective book or not is individually up to them.

None of which is really relevant here anyway -- as the link you excised asserts, it's not a question of religion in the first place. Religions don't fly planes and bomb clinics. People do that.

I'm Christian and Jesus never told any of His followers to "smite" anybody. God has a right to be jealous when His creations worship devils and false idols when He gave us life.

Your comments about being primitive and uncultured (like legally murdering life in the womb and doctor-assisted suicide is so cultured) and the language of our Declaration of Independence and Constitution being relics and outdated are sad. I think there is an emptiness inside you. I feel sorry for you. You also are very, very wrong...And deep down you know it. If you want to live in hell, then do so, but don't bring the rest of us with you. Your opinions and thoughts are death and a unprofitable. Your philosophy will get you nowhere.

You can talk about the French Revolution all day long but the US was founded on Judeo- Christian principles. The settlers were Puritans escaping religious persecution. Read quotes by some of the founding fathers and signers of the Declarations and see what their beliefs were. Maybe you'd be happier in Saudia Arabia explaining to the men there why religion is a relic and outdated and why Sharia Law should not exist and women should have equal rights.

Religion does kill when their book instructs them it's ok to do violence against infidels.

Yawn. "We" have the right book; "they" have the wrong. one. Self-righteous horseshit. And now lashing out with snark. You've reaffirmed your own fallacy here. Not interested.

By the way you also failed to answer the question of who is "praising" Muslims.

And go buy a history book: the Puritans were not the Founders.
I wasn't referring to you.

I didn't say you were. I said 'where do you see this "praise" of Muslims?' From anybody?


You wrote:

Nobody's "praised" Muslims here; in fact nobody's said squat about Muslims or Islam except for the bigot in the OP and a couple of his peanut gallery, all wallowing in negative stereotypes.

It seems you have your answer, so why ask the question? Whistle away. All day

Because you made the assertion. Now we all see that you were making it up.

Don't come in here unarmed. That's the OP's job.
"If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States."

How do you know what religion they are?
If this thread is to caution us against Muslims then I say I must caution myself against Christians. I have had more bad dealings with Christians than Muslims.

Please elaborate. I'd like to know what bad dealings you've had with Christians. Christians are human, not perfect. But I'd be curious to know if a Christian has ever beheaded someone you love or strapped on a IED vest and killed someone you cared about. Maybe you're familiar with the New Testament and know that Jesus never told His followers to kill nonbelievers if they don't convert. Maybe you're familiar with passages in the Koran that permit violence towards "the infidel.

My own experience is that Christians will lie, cheat and steal and when that doesn't give them what they want, they'll stab you in the back. If you don't know that Christians have beheaded, maimed (IED) or killed to further their agenda, you really don't know the the history of Christianity. Some Christians even teach how to lie to get what they want.

This country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles... not Sharia Law. I have no problem with people practicing Sharia Law, just not in the United States.

I'll bet you are lying.

Do you support a woman's right to control her own body and her right to decide when and if she reproduces?

How about the very basic right to the pursuit of happiness with the person you love?

Nope. I'll bet you, and your religion, believe 100% that the state should control women and gays.

The definition of Sharia Law is law (morals) based on religion and I'd bet money that your religion believes 100% that abortion and marriage equality should be illegal.

More BIG government from an rw who says he believes in small government.

Color me surprised.


Someone saying they are Christian and murdering in the name of Christianity doesn't mean God agrees with it. In fact, he doesn't. Jesus never told his followers to murder in the name of Christianity, BUT the Koran has verses that say it's ok to commit violence against infidels.

Listen, I will never force someone to become a Christian. What you do is between you and God. He's the final judge. Don't infringe upon my rights either. I will never murder someone who doesn't convert to Christianity.

Regarding gays: The US is a Judeo-Christian nation and gays have had the right to exist in US like every else. White homosexual were never made slaves, they were never subjected to Jim Crow laws and they always had the right to vote in the US. Would gays have the right to live in the open in a Muslim nation...under Sharia law?

Abortion: I think a woman has the right to decide what to do when it comes to rape, incest, and if her life is in danger. Other than those, I believe abortion is murder and the choice is before intercourse. There are too many ways in US to prevent a pregnancy rather than taking a life (yes it's life whether or not the life is viable outside of womb.) The life growing inside the mother has no choice. The baby didn't beg it's sperm and egg donor to have unprotected sex and then murder it because they didn't want a baby but were too selfish to use protection or abstain.

To the rest of the post. Liar, liar, LOL! oh how can you think I'm lying when you don't know me? Did I call you a liar? So harsh from someone who is worked up over intolerance about Muslims. Maybe you're so used to lies that you don't know anything resembling the truth when you hear or see it. So sorry about your "experiences" with "Christians." Sounds a bit exaggerated to me...but please excuse as I am human. I've been around Christians as well but I've never had them steal from me or cheat and stab me in the back...of course there have been natural human experiences like disagreements or a chance for hurt feelings but never anything really scandalous. Again, I'm sorry, but you're upset about people making blanket statements about Muslims, maybe you shouldn't judge all Christians based on your experiences.

Have a nice day.
I didn't say you were. I said 'where do you see this "praise" of Muslims?' From anybody?


You wrote:

Nobody's "praised" Muslims here; in fact nobody's said squat about Muslims or Islam except for the bigot in the OP and a couple of his peanut gallery, all wallowing in negative stereotypes.

It seems you have your answer, so why ask the question? Whistle away. All day

Because you made the assertion. Now we all see that you were making it up.

Don't come in here unarmed. That's the OP's job.

LOL! Your arrogance about your own intelligence is your weakness. Such a shame. No. I didn't like your stanky attitude, like I owe you something. That's why I didn't answer your question.
Just a quick note for those who think I am somehow generating all the action that is going on in this thread. I have not made a post here in 25 (twenty-five) posts! Clearly, this is subject of great concern to a lot of people. We should all be appreciative that we have USMB to freely express our views. I say thank you.

No, dude, we don't know each other. Reading some of the posts about Christianity made me respond.
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You wrote:

Nobody's "praised" Muslims here; in fact nobody's said squat about Muslims or Islam except for the bigot in the OP and a couple of his peanut gallery, all wallowing in negative stereotypes.

It seems you have your answer, so why ask the question? Whistle away. All day

Because you made the assertion. Now we all see that you were making it up.

Don't come in here unarmed. That's the OP's job.

LOL! Your arrogance about your own intelligence is your weakness. Such a shame. No. I didn't like your stanky attitude, like I owe you something. That's why I didn't answer your question.

No, you're bailing out because you got busted. I didn't bring up anybody's intelligence; I asked you to back up your post, and you can't do it. And now you're running away.

As I said, don't be coming in here unarmed.
Because you made the assertion. Now we all see that you were making it up.

Don't come in here unarmed. That's the OP's job.

LOL! Your arrogance about your own intelligence is your weakness. Such a shame. No. I didn't like your stanky attitude, like I owe you something. That's why I didn't answer your question.

No, you're bailing out because you got busted. I didn't bring up anybody's intelligence; I asked you to back up your post, and you can't do it. And now you're running away.

As I said, don't be coming in here unarmed.

I love it. LOL! Your mind is so closed that you can't see how your attitude would be off-putting, but because I didn't give you what you wanted, I backed off off due to your "busting" skills, according to you. Far from it. I got a whiff of your attitude and folded my arms.

Never said you USED the word intelligence. C-O-M-P-R-E-H-E-N-S-I-O-N.
Just a quick note for those who think I am somehow generating all the action that is going on in this thread. I have not made a post here in 25 (twenty-five) posts! Clearly, this is subject of great concern to a lot of people. We should all be appreciative that we have USMB to freely express our views. I say thank you.

Yes, thank you to USMB.
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The American government has killed by far more Muslims than Muslims have killed Americans. In fact, you could put all the Westerners and non-Muslims together who have been killed by Muslim terrorists, and you would still have a very small number compared to the number of Muslims killed by the American government and their allies.

And why is this you suppose that the American government as you claim has killed more Muslims than Muslims have killed Americans ? Do you think the American government just kills people for no reason at all, and if so why are you here or are you here in this country ? If you think this, then you are a nutter according to some on this board, so are you a nutter who thinks the American government expends billions of it's treasure chasing down Muslims and killing them for nothing ? By allies do you mean specifcally the Jews ? Help me to understand this position you hold on our government. :cuckoo:

Let's see....what were the Muslims in Iraq doing to Americans when America went in and started a war against them? How many innocent civilians did America kill in that war? I know much of the violence was sectarian, Shia against Sunni, but before we went in there and started a war, they were not killing each other; in the end, directly and indirectly, the USA is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths of Muslims. How many innocent people has the US killed in Afghanistan as "collateral damage"? How many during the Gulf War? How man in Somalia? In Tripoli? The list goes on and on. What's the US got to do with any of these places? How it is our right to fight wars around the world, killing innocent civilians as "collateral damage"? Do you think these people thank us for that? And our ally, Israel: one or two Israelis die in a rocket attack from Palestine, and Israel responds by killing hundreds of Palestinians, most totally innocent children, women, and old men. Do you think these people overlook the fact that the US supports Israel?

Yes, in response to your question, our government and its allies kill thousands of innocent Muslim people every year for no good reason.

The Boston Marathon terrorist called the people who died 'collateral damage.' Do you think that's coming out of nowhere? Put two and two together. I am not saying, btw, he is justified in his actions, so don't go there. Try to be a bit more intelligent than that.
No, what you are saying is America & Israel is wrong, and Muslims are just innocents who are being slaughtered for no reason at all by these two. This opinion has actually now given the very reason that Muslims & Americans probably aren't compatible, I mean you just spelled it out quite nicely for us in this post did you not ?
LOL! Your arrogance about your own intelligence is your weakness. Such a shame. No. I didn't like your stanky attitude, like I owe you something. That's why I didn't answer your question.

No, you're bailing out because you got busted. I didn't bring up anybody's intelligence; I asked you to back up your post, and you can't do it. And now you're running away.

As I said, don't be coming in here unarmed.

I love it. LOL! Your mind is so closed that you can't see how your attitude would be off-putting, but because I didn't give you what you wanted, I backed off off due to your "busting" skills, according to you. Far from it. I got a whiff of your attitude and folded my arms.

Never said you USED the word intelligence. C-O-M-P-R-E-H-E-N-S-I-O-N.

Now you're just trolling. Fact is you made a claim and when it was challenged you bailed. You can't answer, because there isn't one. You painted yourself into a corner. I called your bluff and you lost.

See ya, loser.
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Islam is the scourge of mankind. There is nothing legitimate about a so-called religion that calls on it's followers to kill their fellow man. What kind of sick sonofabitch defends that kind of perversion?
Islam is the scourge of mankind. There is nothing legitimate about a so-called religion that calls on it's followers to kill their fellow man. What kind of sick sonofabitch defends that kind of perversion?

Really? Because there's an awful lot of Christians who are cherry picking the Bible (much like a lot of Muslims do to the Koran), and are justifying their murder of doctors, and bombings of abortion clinics.

Can you tell me exactly where in the Bible it says "thou shalt not have an abortion"?

And...............even if you could...................can you tell me where it says that it's okay to murder someone if you can prevent further deaths?

I bet you can't..................................
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.... there's an awful lot of Christians who are cherry picking the Bible ....

'Thou shalt not kill'....except for the exceptions..... :cool:

The commandments
I am the LORD thy God
Thou shalt have no other gods
No graven images or likenesses
Not take the LORD's name in vain
Remember the sabbath day
Honour thy father and thy mother
Thou shalt not kill
Thou shalt not commit adultery
Thou shalt not steal
Thou shalt not bear false witness
Thou shalt not covet
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