If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States...........

Islam is the scourge of mankind. There is nothing legitimate about a so-called religion that calls on it's followers to kill their fellow man. What kind of sick sonofabitch defends that kind of perversion?

Really? Because there's an awful lot of Christians who are cherry picking the Bible (much like a lot of Muslims do to the Koran), and are justifying their murder of doctors, and bombings of abortion clinics.

Can you tell me exactly where in the Bible it says "thou shalt not have an abortion"?

And...............even if you could...................can you tell me where it says that it's okay to murder someone if you can prevent further deaths?

I bet you can't..................................
Are you defending the practice of muslims killing their fellow man, or are you just trying to change the subject?
Islam is the scourge of mankind. There is nothing legitimate about a so-called religion that calls on it's followers to kill their fellow man. What kind of sick sonofabitch defends that kind of perversion?

Really? Because there's an awful lot of Christians who are cherry picking the Bible (much like a lot of Muslims do to the Koran), and are justifying their murder of doctors, and bombings of abortion clinics.

Can you tell me exactly where in the Bible it says "thou shalt not have an abortion"?

And...............even if you could...................can you tell me where it says that it's okay to murder someone if you can prevent further deaths?

I bet you can't..................................
Are you defending the practice of muslims killing their fellow man, or are you just trying to change the subject?
Are you defending the practice of Christians killing their fellow men?
'Thou shalt not kill'....except for the exceptions..... :cool:
You assigned a quote to me that isn't mine. Fix it, or I'll have to report it.

It was a mistake. Here's another one for you, nice Christian that you are: "Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth." Looks like you ain't inheritin' nothin' Billy Bob.
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You assigned a quote to me that isn't mine. Fix it, or I'll have to report it.

It was a mistake. Here's another one for you, nice Christian that you are: "Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth." Looks like you ain't inheritin' nothin' Billy Bob.
Yeah, here's what you defend (being the "peace loving" muslim that you are).

UK emergency committee meets after Muslim terrorists hack soldier to death | Fox News
christians are annoying, but they arent blowing themselves up, cutting off people's heads and committing the vast majority of terrorism worldwide.

now, calm down p.c. police dont get your panties in a wad i didnt say all but enough thats its a damn problem

when was the last time a christian said, the bible said verse and chapter thats jesus gave me permission to murder my daughter for sleeping with her bf, for honor (sarcasm)

or i can beat my wife cause the bible says so

or jesus said the abortion clinic was ok to bomb

even the bullshit about timothy mcveigh

i swear the p.c. drivel coming out of your some of your mouths convinces me you couldnt

rub two brains cells together if you tried
Islam is the scourge of mankind. There is nothing legitimate about a so-called religion that calls on it's followers to kill their fellow man. What kind of sick sonofabitch defends that kind of perversion?


I've heard it said that Islam now is where Christianity was during Inquisition.

It was a mistake. Here's another one for you, nice Christian that you are: "Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth." Looks like you ain't inheritin' nothin' Billy Bob.
Yeah, here's what you defend (being the "peace loving" muslim that you are).

UK emergency committee meets after Muslim terrorists hack soldier to death | Fox News

I don't defend anything like that whatsoever. Thats slander. Change it or I will report you.
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christians are annoying, but they arent blowing themselves up, cutting off people's heads and committing the vast majority of terrorism worldwide.

now, calm down p.c. police dont get your panties in a wad i didnt say all but enough thats its a damn problem

when was the last time a christian said, the bible said verse and chapter thats jesus gave me permission to murder my daughter for sleeping with her bf, for honor (sarcasm)

or i can beat my wife cause the bible says so

or jesus said the abortion clinic was ok to bomb

even the bullshit about timothy mcveigh

i swear the p.c. drivel coming out of your some of your mouths convinces me you couldnt

rub two brains cells together if you tried

What about the American soldiers in Iraq who raped and murdered an Iraqi girl, and murdered her whole family? Do you think that kind of thing is an isolated incident?
It all goes back to the liberal opinion that muslims have an absolute right to kill, blow things up and behead people walking down the street because they are fighting Christians, a common enemy of liberals. Americans, British, Swedish, French, the whole of the west should accept being murdered by muslims (who are really liberal footsoldiers, lacking the fortitude to do it themselves), as pennance for alleged crimes done 1,000 years ago.

If that's not good enough, western nations are also trying to stop muslims from killing people TODAY, that that, to liberals might be a greater crime.
"...Muslims are not our enemy. Terrorists are. Period."
There is one complication with such a simplistic and starry-eyed outlook...

Islam encourages its adherents to wage Holy War and to come to the defense of all their co-religionists under a variety of conditions and circumstances, including simple criticism of its precepts and practices and its founder.

No other surviving mainstream religion contains such enjoinders which remain operative on a broad-spectrum basis across their domains.

This difference renders Islam far more susceptible to use as a Spiritual Rationalization to wage war and to kill and to commit violence than its counterparts across the globe.

This, in turn, serves to present Islam as a Poison Pill and Warrior's Creed and Political System to the rest of the world, in the guise of a so-called Religion of Peace.

Your words are seductively attractive, and all people of goodwill are likely to wish that this was true, but the Realists of the world realize that there is something not-quite-right with that blanket statement.

Or so it seems to this observer...
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Okay Maroons, What about THIS Muslin? We know he is anti-America and we know he feeds you rw nutters a steady diet of shit. But, I'll be that not one of you will admit that you suck up ever word he puts in front of you.

Stupid fools.


I notice that none of the fux lovers have commented on this.

Pretty hard to defend hating Muslims while getting your news from one.


What is there to comment about? Like any of us give a flying fuck what some rich Arab does with his money. This somehow makes him our "master"? Pretty stupid fucking premise, even for you.
"...Muslims are not our enemy. Terrorists are. Period."
There is one complication with such a simplistic and starry-eyed outlook...

Islam encourages its adherents to wage Holy War and to come to the defense of all their co-religionists under a variety of conditions and circumstances, including simple criticism of its precepts and practices and its founder.

No other surviving mainstream religion contains such enjoinders which remain operative on a broad-spectrum basis across their domains.

This difference renders Islam far more susceptible to use as a Spiritual Rationalization to wage war and to kill and to commit violence than its counterparts across the globe.

This, in turn, serves to present Islam as a Poison Pill and Warrior's Creed and Political System to the rest of the world, in the guise of a so-called Religion of Peace.

Your words are seductively attractive, and all people of goodwill are likely to wish that this was true, but the Realists of the world realize that there is something not-quite-right with that blanket statement.

Or so it seems to this observer...

This is the same tired BS argument over and over and over and over and over. We've heard it for years: "when they do it they're following their book; when we do it it's some wackaloon not following the book". You guys want it both ways: we collectively aren't responsible for a few deviants but they collectively are. That argument has never been valid, and doesn't fix itself by getting repeating it over and over.

You can run the same bad play out on the field again and again; it's still a bad play and it's still going to fail. What is it they say about doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results?

It's the same argument as "well, my religion is 'the one true faith'" (pronounced by each one). Sure it is. Mine is too.
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Islam is the scourge of mankind. There is nothing legitimate about a so-called religion that calls on it's followers to kill their fellow man. What kind of sick sonofabitch defends that kind of perversion?


I've heard it said that Islam now is where Christianity was during Inquisition.


Yea, I'm sure you "heard" that from your liberal friends or some other Christian hater on TV. Obviously you don't even have the slightest fucking clue yourself.
christians are annoying, but they arent blowing themselves up, cutting off people's heads and committing the vast majority of terrorism worldwide.

now, calm down p.c. police dont get your panties in a wad i didnt say all but enough thats its a damn problem

when was the last time a christian said, the bible said verse and chapter thats jesus gave me permission to murder my daughter for sleeping with her bf, for honor (sarcasm)

or i can beat my wife cause the bible says so

or jesus said the abortion clinic was ok to bomb

even the bullshit about timothy mcveigh

i swear the p.c. drivel coming out of your some of your mouths convinces me you couldnt

rub two brains cells together if you tried

Westboro protest dead soldiers..

Christ soldiers kill abortion doctors..

KKK still burn crosses on lawn...

KKK is a terrorist group..

Christians have justified murder using the devil, hence the popularity of "the devil made me do it."

Want more examples?
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I know your type. You have about as much respect for this country as our current president, zero.

What is my "type?"

You are making assumptions and can't even explain what the fuck your assuming about. I want to know what is my type CHRISTIAN. A basic rule when conversing with someone is to substantiate your claim if you make a statement as fact.
Let's get something straight, homie. You don't dictate anything to me, including how I converse. You want an answer to your question, read your own posts, you arrogant prick.

Let's get something clear you stupid fuck. I'm not your "homie." Second, judging by how you write, I must be arrogant because you look more stupid by every post. You have yet to describe my type
"...Muslims are not our enemy. Terrorists are. Period."
There is one complication with such a simplistic and starry-eyed outlook...

Islam encourages its adherents to wage Holy War and to come to the defense of all their co-religionists under a variety of conditions and circumstances, including simple criticism of its precepts and practices and its founder.

No other surviving mainstream religion contains such enjoinders which remain operative on a broad-spectrum basis across their domains.

This difference renders Islam far more susceptible to use as a Spiritual Rationalization to wage war and to kill and to commit violence than its counterparts across the globe.

This, in turn, serves to present Islam as a Poison Pill and Warrior's Creed and Political System to the rest of the world, in the guise of a so-called Religion of Peace.

Your words are seductively attractive, and all people of goodwill are likely to wish that this was true, but the Realists of the world realize that there is something not-quite-right with that blanket statement.

Or so it seems to this observer...

This is the same tired BS argument over and over and over and over and over. We've heard it for years: "when they do it they're following their book; when we do it it's some wackaloon not following the book". You guys want it both ways: we collectively aren't responsible for a few deviants but they collectively are. That argument has never been valid, and doesn't fix itself by getting repeating it over and over.

You can run the same bad play out on the field again and again; it's still a bad play and it's still going to fail. What is it they say about doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results?

It's the same argument as "well, my religion is 'the one true faith'" (pronounced by each one). Sure it is. Mine is too.
No, Pogo, it's true I'm afraid.

When Christendom goes to war, it does so in violation of the precepts taught by its Founder.

When Islam goes to war, it does in in accordance with the precepts taught by its Founder.

Big difference.

There exist a fair number of people of goodwill who are so deeply committed to Religious Tolerance across the board and in treating all belief systems equally that they are blinded to the differences and the resultant risks and dangers and susceptibilities.

We perceive this differently and I will have to be content with that.

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