If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States...........

Pogo, when you are ready for my league? I'll let you know. Until then? Practice...........


Ah, another nolo contendre. That's what I expected.

[takes victory lap] :razz:

Calling upon you to quantity the number of times permission is given by the Founder to commit violence in both the New Testament and the Q'uran, and then you backing away from such an invitation to quantity - most likely because you know the outcome just as well as I do - and then having you call for numbers related to Islamic terrorism - and then rejecting the link to the website - and then me tiring of the exchange - is hardly a 'nolo contendre' result.

You looking at an Intermission - not a Conceding of Victory - so I wouldn't be too quick to lace-up those victory-lap sneakers just yet... :lol:

*****Breaking News*****

See the video from CBS Television Network.

Ibragim Todashev, a friend of the accused Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was shot dead by an FBI agent during questioning in Orlando. Todashev was being questioned about a grisly triple murder believed to be committed by the two men.


Good riddance you piece of human garbage!

Friend implicates Boston bombing suspect in triple homicide - CBS News Video

America will not tolerate the murderous Muslim "religion!"

Time to get tough, and take no prisoners!
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Pogo, when you are ready for my league? I'll let you know. Until then? Practice...........


Ah, another nolo contendre. That's what I expected.

[takes victory lap] :razz:

Calling upon you to quantity the number of times permission is given by the Founder to commit violence in both the New Testament and the Q'uran, and then you backing away from such an invitation to quantity - most likely because you know the outcome just as well as I do - and then having you call for numbers related to Islamic terrorism - and then rejecting the link to the website - and then me tiring of the exchange - is hardly a 'nolo contendre' result.

You looking at an Intermission - not a Conceding of Victory - so I wouldn't be too quick to lace-up those victory-lap sneakers just yet... :lol:

That was addressed to Jeremiah, not you. See the exchange just before it.

You'll notice she's got nothing whatsoever to add except "touché" and a pair of hands clapping. Now that's what I call nolo contendre. But I'm being kind.
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We don't even have to post about these Muslim animals, they have turned world opinion against themselves twice in one day. Here in London, and the FBI shooting of a Muslim in Orlando, Florida. Thanks for doing my work for me, your psycho barbarians.

Here is the video of this whack job from CBS News.

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"...That was addressed to Jeremiah, not you..."
Given that I was the 'exchange' just before that one...

And your use of the phrase 'another nolo contendre'...

I automatically deduced that I was the other one...

Perhaps I was wrong...
I wasn't referring to you.

I didn't say you were. I said 'where do you see this "praise" of Muslims?' From anybody?


You wrote:

Nobody's "praised" Muslims here; in fact nobody's said squat about Muslims or Islam except for the bigot in the OP and a couple of his peanut gallery, all wallowing in negative stereotypes.

It seems you have your answer, so why ask the question? Whistle away. All day

I am a bigot because I think Muslims should be punished for 9/11, the Boston Marathon bombings, attacking an FBI agent in Orlando yesterday, and killing a soldier in broad daylight in the streets of London.

You need to look up the word "bigot" in the dictionary because you don't understand it. While you are at it, look up the word "psycho," Yesterday Muslims proved that twice in Orlando and London.


Look into the eyes of this Muslim psycho.
It is easy to see the insanity.​
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"...That was addressed to Jeremiah, not you..."
Given that I was the 'exchange' just before that one...

And your use of the phrase 'another nolo contendre'...

I automatically deduced that I was the other one...

Perhaps I was wrong...

No no, "another" means both in the general population of message boarding NCs (such as that one-day wonder yesterday in this same thread) as well as "another" NC from Jeri (in others).

You though, I have faith in to follow up. You're in a higher uh, caste. :lol:
I didn't say you were. I said 'where do you see this "praise" of Muslims?' From anybody?


You wrote:

Nobody's "praised" Muslims here; in fact nobody's said squat about Muslims or Islam except for the bigot in the OP and a couple of his peanut gallery, all wallowing in negative stereotypes.

It seems you have your answer, so why ask the question? Whistle away. All day

Because you made the assertion. Now we all see that you were making it up.

Don't come in here unarmed. That's the OP's job.

Crap! You don't even know what a fact/link is, let alone how to post one. You are just noise. Name-calling is all you rag headed fanatics have!

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Islam is the scourge of mankind. There is nothing legitimate about a so-called religion that calls on it's followers to kill their fellow man. What kind of sick sonofabitch defends that kind of perversion?

Really? Because there's an awful lot of Christians who are cherry picking the Bible (much like a lot of Muslims do to the Koran), and are justifying their murder of doctors, and bombings of abortion clinics.

Can you tell me exactly where in the Bible it says "thou shalt not have an abortion"?

And...............even if you could...................can you tell me where it says that it's okay to murder someone if you can prevent further deaths?

I bet you can't..................................

What the hell does Christianity have to do with this thread?

We are talking about Muslims blowing up American cities, and killing our citizens. No one has seen Christians do that. Stop trying to distract viewers from the topic to sell your PRO-Muslim agenda!
I didn't say you were. I said 'where do you see this "praise" of Muslims?' From anybody?


You wrote:

Nobody's "praised" Muslims here; in fact nobody's said squat about Muslims or Islam except for the bigot in the OP and a couple of his peanut gallery, all wallowing in negative stereotypes.

It seems you have your answer, so why ask the question? Whistle away. All day

I am a bigot because I think Muslims should be punished for 9/11, the Boston Marathon bombings, attacking an FBI agent in Orlando yesterday, and killing a soldier in broad daylight in the streets of London.

No shit. That's what we've all been telling you. :banghead:

You need to look up the word "bigot" in the dictionary because you don't understand it. While you are at it, look up the word "psycho," Yesterday Muslims proved that twice in Orlando and London.

"I need" huh? You're going to presume to tell me what "I need"??

>> big·ot
noun \ˈbi-gət\
Definition of BIGOT
1: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance << - voilà.

Now read your own posts.

>> psy·cho
noun \&#712;s&#299;-(&#716;)k&#333;\ plural psychos
Definition of PSYCHO
: a deranged or psychopathic person &#8212;not used technically

Definition of PSYCHOPATHY
: mental disorder especially when marked by egocentric and antisocial activity << (Op. cit.)

I thought I had it with the term bigot but OK, have it your way-- you're a bigot and a psycho.

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It was a mistake. Here's another one for you, nice Christian that you are: "Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth." Looks like you ain't inheritin' nothin' Billy Bob.
Yeah, here's what you defend (being the "peace loving" muslim that you are).

UK emergency committee meets after Muslim terrorists hack soldier to death | Fox News

We do not want any USMB member in this thread to miss your link.

Excellent Link. Let's get it out here for all to see!

List of Islamic terrorist attacks

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The following is a partial list of acts of terrorism committed by Islamic extremists for the purpose of achieving varying political and/or religious ends. The total number of deaths as a result of the acts of terrorism listed on this page is 8969.



A smoke cloud rises from the 1983 bombed American barracks at Beirut International Airport, which killed 242.


Osama bin Laden (1957&#8211;2011) was the founder of Al-Qaeda, the jihadist organization responsible for many high profile attacks, including the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings and the September 11 attacks.

The 1996 Khobar Towers bombing by Hezbollah Al-Hejaz killed 19 Americans, one Saudi, and wounded 372.

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Excellent Link. Let's get it out here for all to see!

List of Islamic terrorist attacks

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The following is a partial list of acts of terrorism committed by Islamic extremists for the purpose of achieving varying political and/or religious ends. The total number of deaths as a result of the acts of terrorism listed on this page is 8969.


"Munich Massacre" in Germany by Islamic "Black September" militants, 1972.
Grand Mosque Seizure in Saudi Arabia, 1979. Approx. 250 Dead, 600 wounded.


A smoke cloud rises from the 1983 bombed American barracks at Beirut International Airport, which killed 242.

18 April 1983 &#8211; The April 1983 U.S. Embassy bombing, Beirut, Lebanon by the Islamic Jihad Organization, 63 dead, 120 injured[1]
14 June 1985 &#8211; TWA Flight 847 was an international Trans World Airlines flight, which was hijacked by members of Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad. 1 dead.
7 July 1989 &#8211; Tel Aviv Jerusalem bus 405 suicide attack, near Kiryat Yearim. 16 dead


Osama bin Laden (1957&#8211;2011) was the founder of Al-Qaeda, the jihadist organization responsible for many high profile attacks, including the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings and the September 11 attacks.

The 1996 Khobar Towers bombing by Hezbollah Al-Hejaz killed 19 Americans, one Saudi, and wounded 372.

26 February 1993 &#8211; World Trade Center bombing, in New York City. 6 killed.
13 March 1993 &#8211; 1993 Bombay bombings. Mumbai, India. 257 dead, 713 injured.
6 April 1994 &#8211; Afula Bus suicide bombing, Afula. 8 dead
13 April 1994 &#8211; Hadera bus station suicide bombing, Hadera. 5 dead
19 October 1994 &#8211; Dizengoff Street bus bombing, Tel Aviv. 22 dead
24 December 1994 &#8211; Air France Flight 8969 hijacking in Algiers by 3 members of Armed Islamic Group of Algeria and another terrorist. 7 killed including 4 hijackers.
24 July 1995 &#8211; Ramat Gan bus 20 bombing, Ramat Gan. 6 dead
21 August 1995 &#8211; Ramat Eshkol bus bombing, Jerusalem. 4 dead
25 February and 3 March 1996 &#8211; Jaffa Road bus bombings, Jerusalem. 45 dead, 55 injured
March 4, 1996 &#8211; Dizengoff Center suicide bombing, Tel Aviv. 13 dead
25 June 1996 &#8211; Khobar Towers bombing, 20 killed, 372 wounded.
21 March 1997 &#8211; Café Apropo bombing, Tel Aviv. 3 dead
30 July 1997 &#8211; 1997 Mahane Yehuda Market Bombings, Jerusalem. 16 dead
4 September 1997 &#8211; Ben Yehuda Street Bombing, Jerusalem. 5 dead
17 November 1997 &#8211; Luxor attack, 6 armed Islamic terrorists attack tourists at Egypts famous Luxor Ruins. 62 killed, 26 injured.
14 February 1998 &#8211; Bombing in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. 13 bombs explode within a 12 km radius. 46 killed and over 200 injured.
7 August 1998 &#8211; 1998 United States embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya. 224 dead. 4000+ injured.
4&#8211;16 September 1999 &#8211; The Russian apartment bombings were a series of explosions that hit four apartment blocks in the Russian cities of Buynaksk, Moscow, and Volgodonsk. The explosions occurred in Buynaksk on 4 September, Moscow on 9 and 13 September, and Volgodonsk on 16 September. 293 dead, 1000+ injured. Several other bombs were defused in Moscow at the time.[2]

Apparently you don't even bother to read your own links, let alone others'. See the word "political" up there? Because a legitimate poster (Kondor) put this link up I took the liberty of looking into all of the incidents cited here. How many were religious based? Two-- the 1979 incident in Saudi Arabia and Coimbatore in India (1998)

Of the remaining political acts, committed over either territorial disputes or occupancy by a foreign military, a number (the ones carried out in Israel) were arguably more cultural than political attacks, i.e. based on bigotry, the objective likely being to kill Jews. In other words persecuting people because of their religion.

This is why bigotry doesn't play real well here. Duh.

And before you go off on that "this is exclusive to Islam" bullshit, one word:
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Excellent Link. Let's get it out here for all to see!

List of Islamic terrorist attacks

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The following is a partial list of acts of terrorism committed by Islamic extremists for the purpose of achieving varying political and/or religious ends. The total number of deaths as a result of the acts of terrorism listed on this page is 8969.


"Munich Massacre" in Germany by Islamic "Black September" militants, 1972.
Grand Mosque Seizure in Saudi Arabia, 1979. Approx. 250 Dead, 600 wounded.


A smoke cloud rises from the 1983 bombed American barracks at Beirut International Airport, which killed 242.

18 April 1983 – The April 1983 U.S. Embassy bombing, Beirut, Lebanon by the Islamic Jihad Organization, 63 dead, 120 injured[1]
14 June 1985 – TWA Flight 847 was an international Trans World Airlines flight, which was hijacked by members of Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad. 1 dead.
7 July 1989 – Tel Aviv Jerusalem bus 405 suicide attack, near Kiryat Yearim. 16 dead


Osama bin Laden (1957–2011) was the founder of Al-Qaeda, the jihadist organization responsible for many high profile attacks, including the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings and the September 11 attacks.

The 1996 Khobar Towers bombing by Hezbollah Al-Hejaz killed 19 Americans, one Saudi, and wounded 372.

26 February 1993 – World Trade Center bombing, in New York City. 6 killed.
13 March 1993 – 1993 Bombay bombings. Mumbai, India. 257 dead, 713 injured.
6 April 1994 – Afula Bus suicide bombing, Afula. 8 dead
13 April 1994 – Hadera bus station suicide bombing, Hadera. 5 dead
19 October 1994 – Dizengoff Street bus bombing, Tel Aviv. 22 dead
24 December 1994 – Air France Flight 8969 hijacking in Algiers by 3 members of Armed Islamic Group of Algeria and another terrorist. 7 killed including 4 hijackers.
24 July 1995 – Ramat Gan bus 20 bombing, Ramat Gan. 6 dead
21 August 1995 – Ramat Eshkol bus bombing, Jerusalem. 4 dead
25 February and 3 March 1996 – Jaffa Road bus bombings, Jerusalem. 45 dead, 55 injured
March 4, 1996 – Dizengoff Center suicide bombing, Tel Aviv. 13 dead
25 June 1996 – Khobar Towers bombing, 20 killed, 372 wounded.
21 March 1997 – Café Apropo bombing, Tel Aviv. 3 dead
30 July 1997 – 1997 Mahane Yehuda Market Bombings, Jerusalem. 16 dead
4 September 1997 – Ben Yehuda Street Bombing, Jerusalem. 5 dead
17 November 1997 – Luxor attack, 6 armed Islamic terrorists attack tourists at Egypts famous Luxor Ruins. 62 killed, 26 injured.
14 February 1998 – Bombing in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. 13 bombs explode within a 12 km radius. 46 killed and over 200 injured.
7 August 1998 – 1998 United States embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya. 224 dead. 4000+ injured.
4–16 September 1999 – The Russian apartment bombings were a series of explosions that hit four apartment blocks in the Russian cities of Buynaksk, Moscow, and Volgodonsk. The explosions occurred in Buynaksk on 4 September, Moscow on 9 and 13 September, and Volgodonsk on 16 September. 293 dead, 1000+ injured. Several other bombs were defused in Moscow at the time.[2]

Apparently you don't even bother to read your own links, let alone others'. See the word "political" up there? Because a legitimate poster (Kondor) put this link up I took the liberty of looking into all of the incidents cited here. How many were religious based? Two-- the 1979 incident in Saudi Arabia and Coimbatore in India (1998)

Of the remaining political acts, committed over either territorial disputes or occupancy by a foreign military, a number (the ones carried out in Israel) were arguably more cultural than political attacks, i.e. based on bigotry, the objective likely being to kill Jews. In other words persecuting people because of their religion.

This is why bigotry doesn't play real well here. Duh.

And before you go off on that "this is exclusive to Islam" bullshit, one word:

You can try to twist the facts all you want. Muslims are murderers, and you try to call it disguise it as "bigotry" to justify your violent murders. If you have a problem with Wiki reporting the murderous acts of Muslims by splitting hairs, then write them not me. You are not fooling anyone, the facts nail Muslims for the evil low-lifes they are.

The evidence against Muslims as barbarians, murderers, and third world incompetents is overwhelming. Two incidents just yesterday. You already lost this discussion, and you do not even know it

The world sees through through your bull shit. And, television is just beginning to turn up the heat. Muslims will lose jobs. Muslims will be the targets of hate crimes. And, you did it all to yourselves.

It would be funny if all this had not cost American lives, at the hands of heathens.

Whose word do you think members will take? A fanatic who has never donated at dime to support USMB while making over 4,000 posts while selling a third world agenda, or CBS News, the most respected News Organization on the planet?

Your Muslim public relations agenda has failed!

But, I like having you around to bump my thread and keep it hot, and your incompetence proves my point to others in USMB.

I have a lot more ANTI-Muslim graphics to post. You idiots made your bed, and now you can lie in it.


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Excellent Link. Let's get it out here for all to see!

List of Islamic terrorist attacks

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The following is a partial list of acts of terrorism committed by Islamic extremists for the purpose of achieving varying political and/or religious ends. The total number of deaths as a result of the acts of terrorism listed on this page is 8969.


"Munich Massacre" in Germany by Islamic "Black September" militants, 1972.
Grand Mosque Seizure in Saudi Arabia, 1979. Approx. 250 Dead, 600 wounded.


A smoke cloud rises from the 1983 bombed American barracks at Beirut International Airport, which killed 242.

18 April 1983 – The April 1983 U.S. Embassy bombing, Beirut, Lebanon by the Islamic Jihad Organization, 63 dead, 120 injured[1]
14 June 1985 – TWA Flight 847 was an international Trans World Airlines flight, which was hijacked by members of Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad. 1 dead.
7 July 1989 – Tel Aviv Jerusalem bus 405 suicide attack, near Kiryat Yearim. 16 dead


Osama bin Laden (1957–2011) was the founder of Al-Qaeda, the jihadist organization responsible for many high profile attacks, including the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings and the September 11 attacks.

The 1996 Khobar Towers bombing by Hezbollah Al-Hejaz killed 19 Americans, one Saudi, and wounded 372.

26 February 1993 – World Trade Center bombing, in New York City. 6 killed.
13 March 1993 – 1993 Bombay bombings. Mumbai, India. 257 dead, 713 injured.
6 April 1994 – Afula Bus suicide bombing, Afula. 8 dead
13 April 1994 – Hadera bus station suicide bombing, Hadera. 5 dead
19 October 1994 – Dizengoff Street bus bombing, Tel Aviv. 22 dead
24 December 1994 – Air France Flight 8969 hijacking in Algiers by 3 members of Armed Islamic Group of Algeria and another terrorist. 7 killed including 4 hijackers.
24 July 1995 – Ramat Gan bus 20 bombing, Ramat Gan. 6 dead
21 August 1995 – Ramat Eshkol bus bombing, Jerusalem. 4 dead
25 February and 3 March 1996 – Jaffa Road bus bombings, Jerusalem. 45 dead, 55 injured
March 4, 1996 – Dizengoff Center suicide bombing, Tel Aviv. 13 dead
25 June 1996 – Khobar Towers bombing, 20 killed, 372 wounded.
21 March 1997 – Café Apropo bombing, Tel Aviv. 3 dead
30 July 1997 – 1997 Mahane Yehuda Market Bombings, Jerusalem. 16 dead
4 September 1997 – Ben Yehuda Street Bombing, Jerusalem. 5 dead
17 November 1997 – Luxor attack, 6 armed Islamic terrorists attack tourists at Egypts famous Luxor Ruins. 62 killed, 26 injured.
14 February 1998 – Bombing in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. 13 bombs explode within a 12 km radius. 46 killed and over 200 injured.
7 August 1998 – 1998 United States embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya. 224 dead. 4000+ injured.
4–16 September 1999 – The Russian apartment bombings were a series of explosions that hit four apartment blocks in the Russian cities of Buynaksk, Moscow, and Volgodonsk. The explosions occurred in Buynaksk on 4 September, Moscow on 9 and 13 September, and Volgodonsk on 16 September. 293 dead, 1000+ injured. Several other bombs were defused in Moscow at the time.[2]

Apparently you don't even bother to read your own links, let alone others'. See the word "political" up there? Because a legitimate poster (Kondor) put this link up I took the liberty of looking into all of the incidents cited here. How many were religious based? Two-- the 1979 incident in Saudi Arabia and Coimbatore in India (1998)

Of the remaining political acts, committed over either territorial disputes or occupancy by a foreign military, a number (the ones carried out in Israel) were arguably more cultural than political attacks, i.e. based on bigotry, the objective likely being to kill Jews. In other words persecuting people because of their religion.

This is why bigotry doesn't play real well here. Duh.

And before you go off on that "this is exclusive to Islam" bullshit, one word:

You can try to message this thing all you want. Muslims are murderers, and you try to call it bigotry to attack murderers. Try to twist the facts all you want. If you have a problem with Wiki reporting the murderous acts of Muslims by splitting hairs, write them not me.

The evidence against Muslims as barbarians, murderers, and third world incompetents is overwhelming. You are losing this discussion, because the world sees through your bull shit.

No, what I did was deconstruct your entire basis for this sorry-ass thread, that of religion. As just noted a grand total of two of all those incidents had anything to do with Islam, and one of them in Saudi Arabia. So your moronic mantra "Muslims do dis, Muslims do dat" just sounds as ridiculous as ever.

Whose word do you think members will take. A fanatic who has never donated at dime to support USMB while making over 4,000 name calling posts, or CBS News, the most competent News Organization on the planet.

:rofl: Yeah right. Corporate media has quite the reputation, doesn't it.

Television sells fear to the gullible. That's how it draws ratings. That's why the infamous maxim "if it bleeds it leads". And gullibles like you are exactly what they milk. Don't worry, most of the population of this site already knows this. That's why you're a laughingstock.
.... there's an awful lot of Christians who are cherry picking the Bible ....

'Thou shalt not kill'....except for the exceptions..... :cool:

The commandments
I am the LORD thy God
Thou shalt have no other gods
No graven images or likenesses
Not take the LORD's name in vain
Remember the sabbath day
Honour thy father and thy mother
Thou shalt not kill
Thou shalt not commit adultery
Thou shalt not steal
Thou shalt not bear false witness
Thou shalt not covet

-- and directly plagiarized from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, Chapter 125

Just sayin' :D
Yeah right. Corporate media has quite the reputation, doesn't it. Television sells fear to the gullible. That's how it draws ratings. That's why the infamous maxim "if it bleeds it leads". And gullibles like you are exactly what they milk. Don't worry, most of the population of this site already knows this. That's why you're a laughingstock.

You really are out of touch. But, then you apparently have a third world education.

I doubt if you know who Joe Kennedy was. He was the brains behind the family of President John F. Kennedy. Joe made a very adept observation. "The facts are not as important as the PUBLIC PERCEPTION of those facts."

You do not understand the power of the media on this planet. And to attack CBS, the most trusted, independently owned, news organization on the planet, just adds to your stupidity.

You come in with your name-calling and are not bright enough to realize viewers of this thread are laughing "at" you, not "with" you.

If the members of USMB think this thread is untrue, why are so many viewing it? Other than a couple other well-known USMB whack jobs, no one is posting with you. You have no support. You are all alone. THE PERCEPTION is that you are a desperate psycho Muslim who will post anything to cover your murderous Muslim bull shit, but please keep bumping my thread.


Truth hurts, huh?
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I think we've exhausted this round, Pogo... we've both jumped through a couple of hoops and laid-out our positions... and neither of us is making any progress... so... 'til the next time we find ourselves tangling over Equivalency between Christianity and Islam... ;-)

Just as a point of order, that's really not my quest.

My point is, IF we stipulate that "religion" is the sole catalyst of violence and thus lead ourselves to a comparison of this religion versus that one, THEN we must cite all the cases of Xian zealot violence that disprove that premise.

But that's not my premise in the first place; it's the OP's. I think it's a crock myself, but I'm willing to extend it to its logical conclusion just to show why it's a crock.
I just saw this a moment ago, and will contribute one last afterthought to the exchange...

I have not been stipulating that Religion is the SOLE catalyst of violence...

I have merely held that Islam is more INHERENTLY SUSCEPTIBLE to use as the catalyst for violence than are its peers in our present age...
*****Breaking News*****

See the video from CBS Television Network.

Ibragim Todashev, a friend of the accused Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was shot dead by an FBI agent during questioning in Orlando. Todashev was being questioned about a grisly triple murder believed to be committed by the two men.


Good riddance you piece of human garbage!

Friend implicates Boston bombing suspect in triple homicide - CBS News Video

America will not tolerate the murderous Muslim "religion!"

Time to get tough, and take no prisoners!

The PRO-Muslim types tried to bury this utube. You defintely do not want to miss this. It will make my fellow Americans feel good! Payback is a M*ther F*cker!

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