If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States...........

christians are annoying, but they arent blowing themselves up, cutting off people's heads and committing the vast majority of terrorism worldwide.

now, calm down p.c. police dont get your panties in a wad i didnt say all but enough thats its a damn problem

when was the last time a christian said, the bible said verse and chapter thats jesus gave me permission to murder my daughter for sleeping with her bf, for honor (sarcasm)

or i can beat my wife cause the bible says so

or jesus said the abortion clinic was ok to bomb

even the bullshit about timothy mcveigh

i swear the p.c. drivel coming out of your some of your mouths convinces me you couldnt

rub two brains cells together if you tried

Westboro protest dead soldiers..

Christ soldiers kill abortion doctors..

KKK still burn crosses on lawn...

KKK is a terrorist group..

Christians have justified murder using the devil, hence the popularity of "the devil made me do it."

Want more examples?

We could definitely say the KKK and White Surpremiscists are Christian Terrorists, and they have been operating in recent times, and still do their dirty work. They have killed, tortured and terrorized people for well over a hundred years in America, in the name of the Bible which they claim states black people are the devil. And fundamentalist Christians think they have a right to kill OBGYNs who also perform abortions. Christians simply cannot claim they are all peaceful and it's the Other religion that is all bad.

First of all the question is not about "Terrorists of yesteryear." And far be it from me to defend the KKK or White Supremacists. You are overstating the situation. The KKK, White Supremacists, nor Christians have not blown up Muslim cities to kill innocent people. President Obama restated his "War on Terrorism" in a new conference yesterday. Obama: America at a "crossroads" in fighting terrorism - CBS News

Unlike in years past, Mr. Obama argued, the core of al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan is no longer the greatest terrorist risk confronting the U.S. Instead, he said, the U.S. has seen the emergence of threats from localized al Qaeda affiliates around the world, as well as from
"radicalized individuals here in the United States."

There you have it directly from the President of the United States.

American drones do NOT target civilians. The civilians that have been killed are collateral damage, in a war zone. These were people that were around Al Qaeda leaders, and frankly got what they deserved. Play with shit, and you are going to get it on you.

Has ANY Muslim country declared war on the United States? No. So, the United States is not a war zone, making the 9-11 perpetrators and Boston Marathon bombers terrorists, not soldiers. The only thing Muslims understand is violence, and America has a whole lot of hurt going their way.


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*****Breaking News*****

See the video from CBS Television Network.

Ibragim Todashev, a friend of the accused Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was shot dead by an FBI agent during questioning in Orlando. Todashev was being questioned about a grisly triple murder believed to be committed by the two men.


Good riddance you piece of human garbage!

Friend implicates Boston bombing suspect in triple homicide - CBS News Video

America will not tolerate the murderous Muslim "religion!"

Time to get tough, and take no prisoners!

And, you did not want to miss the, The FBI, shoot to kill Muslim in Orlando. Yep, time to get tough with Muslims, and take no prisoners. The purge has begun! Jerk those Muslim green cards!

We don't even have to post about these Muslim animals, they have turned world opinion against themselves twice in one day. Here in London, and the FBI shooting of a Muslim in Orlando, Florida. Thanks for doing my work for me, your psycho barbarians.

Here is the video of this whack job from CBS News.

And, let's not forget about this whack job Muslim in London yesterday.

We don't even have to post about these Muslim animals, they have turned world opinion against themselves twice in one day. Here in London, and the FBI shooting of a Muslim in Orlando, Florida. Thanks for doing my work for me, your psycho barbarians.

Here is the video of this whack job from CBS News.

And, let's not forget about this whack job Muslim in London yesterday.
I was shocked at the woman they had interviewed in the video, who made statements for the terrorist in this effect "these guy's were just pissed off that WHITE men were killing their people, and that means Americans and Brittish she explained". I first thought she was someone courageous, but when I saw where here leanings went (sympothy for the Devil of war himself in such a statement as that), I quickly turned on her as found within my opinion of her. I mean how many people are out there thinking that it is America's and Brittians fault that we are at war with these sorts of people ? It sounds to me that the American and Brittish Government had best get their houses in order, because the war on terror is being won mainly on the streets through influencing citizen by citizen right beneath their very own noses (undermining the very foundations these two nations sit upon). This woman was a sympothizer, and that is why these murderors did not mis-treat her.
Yeah. Your avatar.
1624 views, he pants and gasps. And every one of them is laughing at you.:lmao:

Do I detect a bit of hatred toward blond-haired, blue-eyed, native born Americans? Like I care.

One look and you can tell I belong in the United States or Europe. Eat your heart out. You are looking at the real thing, and you will never look this good!


Just the way we look intimidates Muslims sexually. :tank: :iagree: :tank:


Turkish men are the sexist most gorgeous men in the world, except for the Italians, and it is pretty much a tie. Just ask any Western woman who has been to Turkey. Turkey is 97% Muslim, btw.




Yes, I must confess I threw that red meat out there as bait. This was posted days ago. It is no surprise that Pogo would be the one to take on this ridiculous post. And his response priceless!

Just for fun I Googled the question. "What race is the most attractive?" The response is that people respond with their own race. Guess the shrinks are right, there is racial prejudice in all of us.

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Westboro protest dead soldiers..

Christ soldiers kill abortion doctors..

KKK still burn crosses on lawn...

KKK is a terrorist group..

Christians have justified murder using the devil, hence the popularity of "the devil made me do it."

Want more examples?

We could definitely say the KKK and White Surpremiscists are Christian Terrorists, and they have been operating in recent times, and still do their dirty work. They have killed, tortured and terrorized people for well over a hundred years in America, in the name of the Bible which they claim states black people are the devil. And fundamentalist Christians think they have a right to kill OBGYNs who also perform abortions. Christians simply cannot claim they are all peaceful and it's the Other religion that is all bad.

First of all the question is not about "Terrorists of yesteryear." And far be it from me to defend the KKK or White Supremacists. You are overstating the situation. The KKK, White Supremacists, nor Christians have not blown up Muslim cities to kill innocent people. President Obama restated his "War on Terrorism" in a new conference yesterday. Obama: America at a "crossroads" in fighting terrorism - CBS News

Unlike in years past, Mr. Obama argued, the core of al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan is no longer the greatest terrorist risk confronting the U.S. Instead, he said, the U.S. has seen the emergence of threats from localized al Qaeda affiliates around the world, as well as from
"radicalized individuals here in the United States."

There you have it directly from the President of the United States.

American drones do NOT target civilians. The civilians that have been killed are collateral damage, in a war zone. These were people that were around Al Qaeda leaders, and frankly got what they deserved. Play with shit, and you are going to get it on you.

Has ANY Muslim country declared war on the United States? No. So, the United States is not a war zone, making the 9-11 perpetrators and Boston Marathon bombers terrorists, not soldiers. The only thing Muslims understand is violence, and America has a whole lot of hurt going their way.


Suddenly, the Muslims in this thread shut up when the President of the United States calls them liars.

Domestic Muslim terrorism has been raised as a national priority!

All I can say is "I told you so!"
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Since it would appear that this thread has been buried by those afraid of the truth about murdering Muslims in the United States,

I wanted to find a graphic that would sum up the hatred of the third world toward American freedom, and demonstrate the ignorance of these hateful Jihadists.


549 Posts, 7,004 views. Looks like a USMB record.
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Hey BitchyBoi...................what about all the murdering Christians who blew up abortion clinics and shot doctors in their own churches?
Hey BitchyBoi...................what about all the murdering Christians who blew up abortion clinics and shot doctors in their own churches?
That's all been handled on a case by case basis (closed & completed cases now), and this will be also, so what are you trying to say really with these comparisons? Is it maybe that we should ignore the hate and killings (according to you), that these people are showing and doing, just because we have had some problems in the past that are similar ? Hey this is now, and that was then, so what date are you currently living in ?
Hey BitchyBoi...................what about all the murdering Christians who blew up abortion clinics and shot doctors in their own churches?
That's all been handled on a case by case basis (closed & completed cases now), and this will be also, so what are you trying to say really with these comparisons? Is it maybe that we should ignore the hate and killings (according to you), that these people are showing and doing, just because we have had some problems in the past that are similar ? Hey this is now, and that was then, so what date are you currently living in ?

It means you need to put things into perspective and admit that it isn't only Muslims who do violence, who hate, who hijack a religion and do heinous things in the name of God. Things like this, for example. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/16th_Street_Baptist_Church_bombing This isn't ancient history. Just because this wasn't done yesterday does not mean it is irrelevant. Christians did this. Christians have done and still do violent things.
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Hey BitchyBoi...................what about all the murdering Christians who blew up abortion clinics and shot doctors in their own churches?
That's all been handled on a case by case basis (closed & completed cases now), and this will be also, so what are you trying to say really with these comparisons? Is it maybe that we should ignore the hate and killings (according to you), that these people are showing and doing, just because we have had some problems in the past that are similar ? Hey this is now, and that was then, so what date are you currently living in ?

It means you need to put things into perspective and admit that it isn't only Muslims who do violence, who hate, who hijack a religion and do heinous things in the name of God. It means get a fucking brain.
The only perspective I know, is what is happening right now, and not what has happened in the past in which has already been dealt with, nor what had happened in the stone ages either, but what has been happening recently or right now. Got it ?
That's all been handled on a case by case basis (closed & completed cases now), and this will be also, so what are you trying to say really with these comparisons? Is it maybe that we should ignore the hate and killings (according to you), that these people are showing and doing, just because we have had some problems in the past that are similar ? Hey this is now, and that was then, so what date are you currently living in ?

It means you need to put things into perspective and admit that it isn't only Muslims who do violence, who hate, who hijack a religion and do heinous things in the name of God. It means get a fucking brain.
The only perspective I know, is what is happening right now, and not what has happened in the past in which has already been dealt with, nor what had happened in the stone ages either, but what has been happening recently or right now. Got it ?

“If the Party could thrust its hand into the past and say of this or that event, it never happened-that, surely, was more terrifying than mere torture and death?...But where did that knowledge exist? Only in his consciousness, which in any case must soon be annihilated...'Who controls the past,' ran the Party slogan,'controls the future:who controls the present controls the past.'...All that was needed was a series of victories over your own memory.”
― George Orwell, 1984

What Orwell means is that the 'party,' the totalitarian government in the novel 1984, controls knowledge and awareness of past events, eliminating from the collective memory any events they don't want the current populace to think about. That way, they can control people better. Fortunately, neither you nor your sort have control over the past. We must remember the past so we can live in the present with clarity of mind, with knowledge, with wisdom and vison, so we can understand the present and put events in the here and now into perspective. Shutting out from memory or meaning events of the past allows YOU to control how you see the present, but others who are wiser and more circumspect realize that past events influence and shape the present and the future as well as giving us a broader vision of the human experience and the human condition.

Those of us who accept the past as a part of ourselves and our human commonality realize that the terrorism we see today is the same type of behavior that has been visited upon others by those we consider our people, our antecedents. We realize that all of humanity has done heinous things, that such things are not limited to any one culture, ethnic group, religion, nationality , gender, etc. You can pretend all you want that the past does not matter, but it does. Fortunately, not all people believe as you do, hopefully, not most.
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Those of us who accept the past as a part of ourselves and our human commonality realize that the terrorism we see today is the same type of behavior that has been visited upon others by those we consider our people, our antecedents. We realize that all of humanity has done heinous things, that such things are not limited to any one culture, ethnic group, religion, nationality , gender, etc. You can pretend all you want that the past does not matter, but it does. Fortunately, not all people believe as you do, hopefully, not most.
Sounds very much like a weak justification for terrorism. Of course the past matters, but most cultures and peoples are able to move on. I don't see the Vietnamese flying planes into US skyscrapers although they certainly would have far more justification than the Islamist swamp you champion.
Those of us who accept the past as a part of ourselves and our human commonality realize that the terrorism we see today is the same type of behavior that has been visited upon others by those we consider our people, our antecedents. We realize that all of humanity has done heinous things, that such things are not limited to any one culture, ethnic group, religion, nationality , gender, etc. You can pretend all you want that the past does not matter, but it does. Fortunately, not all people believe as you do, hopefully, not most.
Sounds very much like a weak justification for terrorism. Of course the past matters, but most cultures and peoples are able to move on. I don't see the Vietnamese flying planes into US skyscrapers although they certainly would have far more justification than the Islamist swamp you champion.

You have completely missed the point of my post.

However, if you want to suggest that the Vietnamese could have a grievance against the US for bombing them and killing thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians, let's take that point and look at it in regards to Muslims. America has done that to Muslims and continues to do that now, in the present. They are called, as they were in Vietnam, "collateral damage." The Boston Marathon bomber called those killed "collateral damage." I am IN NO WAY justifying or excusing that act of terrorism, or any act of terrorism. My intent and my heart is not about justifying, condoning, or accepting terrorism, quite the contrary. But we have to admit that people we drop bombs on are going to have a grievance, and as they are essentially powerless to fight back in a traditional way, to fight against us on the battlefield with any hope of success, they use terrorism. It is like guerilla warfare. These are people who don't have the ability to fight with us on our level, so they use guerilla warfare or terrorism. Also, as such a strong ally of Israel, we are seen as supporting the excessively brutal responses to Palestinian attacks that Israel uses: one or two Israelis are killed by a Hezbolla rocket, and Israel responds by killing hundreds of people, civilians, and leveling homes and businesses that have nothing to do with the rocket attack. As heinous as it is, terrorism is their only way of fighting back, and yes, it kills civilians, but so do we, pretty much every day. Again, I am not justifying, I am trying to explain the causal chain here.
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You have completely missed the point of my post.

However, if you want to suggest that the Vietnamese have a grievance against the US for bombing them and killing thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians, let's take that point and look at it in regards to Muslims. American has done that and continues to do that now, in the present. They are called, as they were in Vietnam, "collateral damage." The Boston Marathon bomber called those killed "collateral damage." I am IN NO WAY
Your point was rationalizing the deliberate targeting of people by medieval people with medieval minds not as collateral damage, but brought about as a result of perceived historical injustices. My point was that those who seek to improve their lives and not dwell on perverse interpretations of history may do so successfully as the Vietnamese are doing today.

The damage done to the Muslim world is largely self-inflicted and it will continue to be so until they can come to terms with their own role in the catastrophe of so much of their own religion and culture. Wherever Islam borders with other religions in today's world, spanning from the Philippines to Nigeria and Central Asia to Kenya, violence and intolerance are the order of the day.

If it were confined to that huge swath, that would not be of immediate concern to the rest of the world. However, in the name of multiculturalism, significant Muslim population now find themselves embedded in the west and with them have brought a disturbing and suicidal mindset. They should not be given to chance to parasitically infect the far more progressed civilizations in which they have settled. Sweden is an excellent example.

The damage in their case, and I suspect yours, is not "collateral"; rather pathological.
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You have completely missed the point of my post.

However, if you want to suggest that the Vietnamese have a grievance against the US for bombing them and killing thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians, let's take that point and look at it in regards to Muslims. American has done that and continues to do that now, in the present. They are called, as they were in Vietnam, "collateral damage." The Boston Marathon bomber called those killed "collateral damage." I am IN NO WAY
Your point was rationalizing the deliberate targeting of people by medieval people with medieval minds not as collateral damage, but brought about as a result of perceived historical injustices. My point was that those who seek to improve their lives and not dwell on perverse interpretations of history may do so successfully as the Vietnamese are doing today.

The damage done to the Muslim world is largely self-inflicted and it will continue to be so until they can come to terms with their own role in the catastrophe of so much of their own religion and culture. Wherever Islam borders with other religions in today's world, spanning from the Philippines to Nigeria and Central Asia to Kenya, violence and intolerance are the order of the day.

If it were confined to that huge swath, that would not be of immediate concern to the rest of the world. However, in the name of multiculturalism, significant Muslim population now find themselves embedded in the west and with them have brought a disturbing and suicidal mindset. They should not be given to chance to parasitically infect the far more progressed civilizations in which they have settled. Sweden is an excellent example.

The damage in their case, and I suspect yours, is not "collateral"; rather pathological.
You are the one who is pathological. Pathologically so full of hatred you cannot see reason.

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