If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States...........

If the members of USMB think this thread is untrue, why are so many viewing it?

The same reason people rubberneck at a car accident. The same reason people watch fake wrestling and scary-monster stories of "Muslim-dis, Muslim-dat" on Fearmonger news channels. It draws attention. And for the easily impressionable with no sense of discretion (or like yourself, with just plain no sense), they have an easy target of a hypnotized pair of eyeballs staring at the screen obediently ingesting everything it wants to feed you. That is after all how ratings are achieved.

Apparently you may have missed post 372. Else you'd have some sense of proportion.

Sorry but your pissant juvenile bigotry thread is the rhetorical equivalent of a train wreck. A messy one.
I think we've exhausted this round, Pogo... we've both jumped through a couple of hoops and laid-out our positions... and neither of us is making any progress... so... 'til the next time we find ourselves tangling over Equivalency between Christianity and Islam... ;-)

Just as a point of order, that's really not my quest.

My point is, IF we stipulate that "religion" is the sole catalyst of violence and thus lead ourselves to a comparison of this religion versus that one, THEN we must cite all the cases of Xian zealot violence that disprove that premise.

But that's not my premise in the first place; it's the OP's. I think it's a crock myself, but I'm willing to extend it to its logical conclusion just to show why it's a crock.
I just saw this a moment ago, and will contribute one last afterthought to the exchange...

I have not been stipulating that Religion is the SOLE catalyst of violence...

I have merely held that Islam is more INHERENTLY SUSCEPTIBLE to use as the catalyst for violence than are its peers in our present age...

Yeah I understand that. That's why I pointed out the OP as the source of illogic here, but that's the only reason for the comparison to Xianism at all: to carry out the illogic to its inevitable conclusion, i.e. that if 9/11 and bin Laden et al were driven by Islam, then Roeder and Rudolph et al were driven by Xianity.

If the OP does not accept that, then he cannot justify his own premise. If he does accept that, then he gets to ban Islam, but he's got to ban Xianity at the same time. And then he's got to ship them out too. Won't be many people left, but I'll still be here :D
If the members of USMB think this thread is untrue, why are so many viewing it?

The same reason people rubberneck at a car accident. The same reason people watch fake wrestling and scary-monster stories of "Muslim-dis, Muslim-dat" on Fearmonger news channels. It draws attention. And for the easily impressionable with no sense of discretion (or like yourself, with just plain no sense), they have an easy target of a hypnotized pair of eyeballs staring at the screen obediently ingesting everything it wants to feed you. That is after all how ratings are achieved.

Apparently you may have missed post 372. Else you'd have some sense of proportion.

Sorry but your pissant juvenile bigotry thread is the rhetorical equivalent of a train wreck. A messy one.

I have two degrees in mass media, and make my living in the entertainment industry. You are absolutely wasting my time repeating the same old failed name-calling. I have indulged you long enough. It is time to put you on "ignore." Your posts are taking you down the drain, and I enjoyed watching you slide down the crapper.

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christians are annoying, but they arent blowing themselves up, cutting off people's heads and committing the vast majority of terrorism worldwide.

now, calm down p.c. police dont get your panties in a wad i didnt say all but enough thats its a damn problem

when was the last time a christian said, the bible said verse and chapter thats jesus gave me permission to murder my daughter for sleeping with her bf, for honor (sarcasm)

or i can beat my wife cause the bible says so

or jesus said the abortion clinic was ok to bomb

even the bullshit about timothy mcveigh

i swear the p.c. drivel coming out of your some of your mouths convinces me you couldnt

rub two brains cells together if you tried

Westboro protest dead soldiers..

Christ soldiers kill abortion doctors..

KKK still burn crosses on lawn...

KKK is a terrorist group..

Christians have justified murder using the devil, hence the popularity of "the devil made me do it."

Want more examples?

We could definitely say the KKK and White Surpremiscists are Christian Terrorists, and they have been operating in recent times, and still do their dirty work. They have killed, tortured and terrorized people for well over a hundred years in America, in the name of the Bible which they claim states black people are the devil. And fundamentalist Christians think they have a right to kill OBGYNs who also perform abortions. Christians simply cannot claim they are all peaceful and it's the Other religion that is all bad.
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christians are annoying, but they arent blowing themselves up, cutting off people's heads and committing the vast majority of terrorism worldwide.

now, calm down p.c. police dont get your panties in a wad i didnt say all but enough thats its a damn problem

when was the last time a christian said, the bible said verse and chapter thats jesus gave me permission to murder my daughter for sleeping with her bf, for honor (sarcasm)

or i can beat my wife cause the bible says so

or jesus said the abortion clinic was ok to bomb

even the bullshit about timothy mcveigh

i swear the p.c. drivel coming out of your some of your mouths convinces me you couldnt

rub two brains cells together if you tried

What about the American soldiers in Iraq who raped and murdered an Iraqi girl, and murdered her whole family? Do you think that kind of thing is an isolated incident?
You want to go there eh, but I have actual marine vets who were in action in Iraq as friends, and they have some stories to tell about what they actually ran into over there, and it's gruesome what some of the Iraqi soldiers had done to their own people when they thought no one was looking.. My friend had to kill some of them because of catching them in some very bad ordeals. Remember now, many Iraqi's saw Sadams removal as a great day in Iraq, but due to the propaganda machine back here, where everything is in motion to make the Americans look like the enemy of the world, and shockingly it's coming from within this nation, in which empowers the enemy over seas and here (making them feel more bold and as if they have secret allies here and over there who will help them or back them up), it's so wonder we have a chance to help anyone anymore...

Then you have our very own President undermining us, with his political speeches that says to the world once again that we flout the law or we are seen as flouting the laws because of Gitmo and such.... That is undermining this nation to the world, and yet he is our President ? I wonder who he is working for, because with all these types of things that he does and says, it sure seems as if it isn't for America.
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christians are annoying, but they arent blowing themselves up, cutting off people's heads and committing the vast majority of terrorism worldwide.

now, calm down p.c. police dont get your panties in a wad i didnt say all but enough thats its a damn problem

when was the last time a christian said, the bible said verse and chapter thats jesus gave me permission to murder my daughter for sleeping with her bf, for honor (sarcasm)

or i can beat my wife cause the bible says so

or jesus said the abortion clinic was ok to bomb

even the bullshit about timothy mcveigh

i swear the p.c. drivel coming out of your some of your mouths convinces me you couldnt

rub two brains cells together if you tried

Westboro protest dead soldiers..

Christ soldiers kill abortion doctors..

KKK still burn crosses on lawn...

KKK is a terrorist group..

Christians have justified murder using the devil, hence the popularity of "the devil made me do it."

Want more examples?

We could definitely say the KKK and White Surpremiscists are Christian Terrorists, and they have been operating in recent times, and still do their dirty work. They have killed, tortured and terrorized people for well over a hundred years in America, in the name of the Bible which they claim states black people are the devil. And fundamentalist Christians think they have a right to kill OBGYNs who also perform abortions. Christians simply cannot claim they are all peaceful and it's the Other religion that is all bad.
Oh yeah, the KKK are in the news every day, committing murders and torturing people, aren't they? Is that the best you can come up with?
I can't remember the last time 19 members of the KKK hijacked four airliners and crashed all four killing over 3,000 innocent people in one day, but, I don't watch the news as often as I should, and I may have missed something...
I can't remember the last time 19 members of the KKK hijacked four airliners and crashed all four killing over 3,000 innocent people in one day, but, I don't watch the news as often as I should, and I may have missed something...
The KKK kills thousands of black people every year, it just gets covered up by the right wing media.
You love to put all Christians in one nice little box don't you, yet why is this, so you can hope to defeat them all in this way or in one fail swoop? As you see we have dealt with our own over time, but I can't say that for other groups to have actually done that, and I don't think that you can either.. Martin Luther King new that their was bad in his people, just like there is bad in all people who gather in a group based on many things, so this is why he made that famous speech in which said in part, that he longed for a day that a man would be judged not upon the color of his skin, but instead upon the content of his character". It was true and is still true to this day, so what are you trying to achieve with your blanketing attempt at singling out a group name, as if it isn't just like many groups or people that have many characters within such groups, so this is to achieve what again ? Why not take a look at the groups whom won't out their bad, when many of the others will ? You speak of the KKK, when the white people are the ones who actually defeated them by outing them, and even at the cost of their own lives at times. Problem today is we have groups whom want to call themselves Americans, but won't out those who are undermining this nation from behind their group's identity, and this is a problem in this nation now, and even all over the world maybe.
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I can't remember the last time 19 members of the KKK hijacked four airliners and crashed all four killing over 3,000 innocent people in one day, but, I don't watch the news as often as I should, and I may have missed something...
The KKK kills thousands of black people every year, it just gets covered up by the right wing media.
I ain't touchin' that one with an Eight Foot Hungarian... never mind a Ten Foot Pole...
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I can't remember the last time 19 members of the KKK hijacked four airliners and crashed all four killing over 3,000 innocent people in one day, but, I don't watch the news as often as I should, and I may have missed something...

I may be in the same boat, because I can't remember the last 19 members of a religious movement did that. Though I do remember a political one. And a couple of people more recently who can't seem to tell the difference... :eusa_whistle:
I can't remember the last time 19 members of the KKK hijacked four airliners and crashed all four killing over 3,000 innocent people in one day, but, I don't watch the news as often as I should, and I may have missed something...
The KKK kills thousands of black people every year, it just gets covered up by the right wing media.
I ain't touchin' that one with an Eight Foot Hungarian... never mind a Ten Foot Pole...

Czech, mate.
"...Well then you have the same assignment I gave yesterday's troll: show some numbers. Numbers of actual events, not what some book says. I've already provided a few; build on that..."
No problem, Pogo...

Read 'em and weep...

List of Islamic terrorist attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And here I thought that you were going to treat us to an example of US (Christian) soldiers in Iraq who raped and murdered in the name of their God or their Religion... my bad.

As to the list you've served-up, however... strip-out the simple homicides for us and focus upon Acts of Terror in the name of the Christian Vision of God, or in support or defense of fellow Christians, and then you'll have an apples-to-apples basis for comparison.

"...This is why I keep saying it's a distinction without a difference..."

I see that oh-so-differently... :eusa_angel:

1) I didn't mean a link to Wiki. I can do that myself (don't tell nobody but I often do). I meant a side-by-side comparison of comparable numbers. I've already posted about the proportion of Muslim terrorism (variously 2.5 and 6 percent, depending on the range); what we need is a comparison.

That is, we "need" it only if we're committed to wallowing in the idea that we're tallying scores in some kind of religion-versus-religion sports event, which is the OP's idea but not mine...

2) the solders in Iraq was somebody else's example, not mine. I'm sure there are worthy examples from various battlefields as well as domestic violence, but the names I tossed out were all perpetrators who by their own admission acted in the name of Xianity on some domestic religious principle.

.... Which again, see italics above, is not my point, it's just a comparison to disprove the fallacy. But there are no "simple homicides" in there; it's entirely made up of religion-based zealots who are confirmed as such, no Catholic pun intended. It's already apples to apples. I'm way ahead of you.

Why would I stack the deck? It's not like these people are hard to find, unfortunately.

3) Obviously we do see it differently. I see one religion pushing a primitive book of social mores of a way-bygone era with all kinds of weird ideas that some wacko fundamentalists take to heart and act out in extreme ways, and another religion pushing a primitive book of social mores of a way-bygone era with all kinds of weird ideas that some wacko fundamentalists take to heart and act out in extreme ways. See the difference? Me neither. The distinction is lost on me, but it's impossible to look at these two apples and not conclude they're both fountains of wacko.
This nation is full of Christians, and if you don't like that, or if you are afraid of them, well then leave... Something tells me that you aren't afraid of them, but are only trying to use them in some twisted way, in order to defend another, yet you are doing this by trashing the Christians in the process. What do you hope to gain by this putting a people who has been a part of the fabric of this nation since it's inception somehow in the same boat with those who are actually killing Americans (some Christians, some not), currently in which is a huge problem right now, and not years ago, but right now ?
"...And a couple of people more recently who can't seem to tell the difference..."
Not to mention the types that cannot discern hybrids (political warfare groups with a strong religious basis) which are nearly indistinguishable from purely religious fanatics in many respects...
No problem, Pogo...

Read 'em and weep...

List of Islamic terrorist attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And here I thought that you were going to treat us to an example of US (Christian) soldiers in Iraq who raped and murdered in the name of their God or their Religion... my bad.

As to the list you've served-up, however... strip-out the simple homicides for us and focus upon Acts of Terror in the name of the Christian Vision of God, or in support or defense of fellow Christians, and then you'll have an apples-to-apples basis for comparison.

I see that oh-so-differently... :eusa_angel:

1) I didn't mean a link to Wiki. I can do that myself (don't tell nobody but I often do). I meant a side-by-side comparison of comparable numbers. I've already posted about the proportion of Muslim terrorism (variously 2.5 and 6 percent, depending on the range); what we need is a comparison.

That is, we "need" it only if we're committed to wallowing in the idea that we're tallying scores in some kind of religion-versus-religion sports event, which is the OP's idea but not mine...

2) the solders in Iraq was somebody else's example, not mine. I'm sure there are worthy examples from various battlefields as well as domestic violence, but the names I tossed out were all perpetrators who by their own admission acted in the name of Xianity on some domestic religious principle.

.... Which again, see italics above, is not my point, it's just a comparison to disprove the fallacy. But there are no "simple homicides" in there; it's entirely made up of religion-based zealots who are confirmed as such, no Catholic pun intended. It's already apples to apples. I'm way ahead of you.

Why would I stack the deck? It's not like these people are hard to find, unfortunately.

3) Obviously we do see it differently. I see one religion pushing a primitive book of social mores of a way-bygone era with all kinds of weird ideas that some wacko fundamentalists take to heart and act out in extreme ways, and another religion pushing a primitive book of social mores of a way-bygone era with all kinds of weird ideas that some wacko fundamentalists take to heart and act out in extreme ways. See the difference? Me neither. The distinction is lost on me, but it's impossible to look at these two apples and not conclude they're both fountains of wacko.
This nation is full of Christians, and if you don't like that, or if you are afraid of them, well then leave... Something tells me that you aren't afraid of them, but are only trying to use them in some twisted way, in order to defend another, yet you are doing this by trashing the Christians in the process. What do you hope to gain by this putting a people who has been a part of the fabric of this nation since it's inception somehow in the same boat with those who are actually killing Americans (some Christians, some not), currently in which is a huge problem right now, and not years ago, but right now ?

Did you read any of the post you quoted at all, or are you just ignorant?

For the umpteenth time, the only reason Xian terrorism is brought up here is to take the OP's logic to its inevitable conclusion to demonstrate its absurdity -- and I'm just going to type the same thing over and over until it sinks in-- IF bin Laden and the 9/11 group did what they did on account of Islam, THEN Rudolph and Roeder and Salvi and Earl and Kopp and Jennings (etc etc etc) did what they did on account of Xiamism. Same thing. It's called applying the same standards consistently rather than selectively.

If on the other hand either one was not driven to do what they did based on religion, then neither was the other one.

You can't have it one way when it serves your argument and then another way when it contradicts it.

Hell, we could just take a list of all the national violence committed yesterday, or last week or last month, and count how many of the perps were Christian. Wanna go there?

Did I run that by too fast?
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"...And a couple of people more recently who can't seem to tell the difference..."
Not to mention the types that cannot discern hybrids (political warfare groups with a strong religious basis) which are nearly indistinguishable from purely religious fanatics in many respects...

And as we all know, guys who are about to hijack planes hanging out with strippers in Vegas are real religious fanatics... :rolleyes:
"...And a couple of people more recently who can't seem to tell the difference..."
Not to mention the types that cannot discern hybrids (political warfare groups with a strong religious basis) which are nearly indistinguishable from purely religious fanatics in many respects...

And as we all know, guys who are about to hijack planes hanging out with strippers in Vegas are real religious fanatics... :rolleyes:
Why not? Domestic wingnut-moralist-hypocrites hang out with strippers in Vegas all the time. So do some Dem bureaucrats for that matter. Next slide, please. :razz:
christians are annoying, but they arent blowing themselves up, cutting off people's heads and committing the vast majority of terrorism worldwide.

now, calm down p.c. police dont get your panties in a wad i didnt say all but enough thats its a damn problem

when was the last time a christian said, the bible said verse and chapter thats jesus gave me permission to murder my daughter for sleeping with her bf, for honor (sarcasm)

or i can beat my wife cause the bible says so

or jesus said the abortion clinic was ok to bomb

even the bullshit about timothy mcveigh

i swear the p.c. drivel coming out of your some of your mouths convinces me you couldnt

rub two brains cells together if you tried

What about the American soldiers in Iraq who raped and murdered an Iraqi girl, and murdered her whole family? Do you think that kind of thing is an isolated incident?
You want to go there eh, but I have actual marine vets who were in action in Iraq as friends, and they have some stories to tell about what they actually ran into over there, and it's gruesome what some of the Iraqi soldiers had done to their own people when they thought no one was looking.. My friend had to kill some of them because of catching them in some very bad ordeals. Remember now, many Iraqi's saw Sadams removal as a great day in Iraq, but due to the propaganda machine back here, where everything is in motion to make the Americans look like the enemy of the world, and shockingly it's coming from within this nation, in which empowers the enemy over seas and here (making them feel more bold and as if they have secret allies here and over there who will help them or back them up), it's so wonder we have a chance to help anyone anymore...

Then you have our very own President undermining us, with his political speeches that says to the world once again that we flout the law or we are seen as flouting the laws because of Gitmo and such.... That is undermining this nation to the world, and yet he is our President ? I wonder who he is working for, because with all these types of things that he does and says, it sure seems as if it isn't for America.

Blah, blah, blah, blah......what the hell are you talking about? How about providing some specific, credible and verifiable evidence for what you are saying instead of blathering endlessing about naught?
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1624 Views of this thread. America loves it when I say it for them.

Can you tell which picture does not fit in with America? Look real hard!

Yeah. Your avatar.

1624 views, he pants and gasps. And every one of them is laughing at you.


Do I detect a bit of hatred toward blond-haired, blue-eyed, native born Americans? Like I care.

One look and you can tell I belong in the United States or Europe. Eat your heart out. You are looking at the real thing, and you will never look this good!


Just the way we look intimidates Muslims sexually. :tank: :iagree: :tank:


Turkish men are the sexist most gorgeous men in the world, except for the Italians, and it is pretty much a tie. Just ask any Western woman who has been to Turkey. Turkey is 97% Muslim, btw.




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