If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States...........

It isn't the government's role to keep the public informed; it's the media's. And the pitfalls of that are both self-evident and worthy of their own thread.

This goes right back to the points in post 372. Please read it. It's addressed to you.

But yes, threads like this would exist even if the media were evenhanded and the public were evenly informed. Because as long as bigots like Bleach Boy exist, they'll try to stir up the shit by demonizing a race or a religion or whatever they can come up with, to spread their own ignorance.
372 ? How about a page number, that would help me better, then I can get there from there..

Cheeses Christ, lift a finger and help yourself already. You're as bad as Pontiac-boy whining that he doesn't get links and then we give him six pages of links and he complains they're not videos. You guys that need somebody to hold your hand... smh

Post 372, just get off your lazy ass and do it. What page it's on depends on how you have your format set up. Stop this running away from points you're afraid to see.


Sorry - I have a short fuse for intellectual sloth.
lol, I must have the wrong format, cuz it only shows page numbers, not post numbers..
I would think you would be more concerned about drive-by's if you live in Compton.

I am more worried about stupid ass Christians who bomb abortion clinics
Why, is that where you hang out?

Nope. Its what is demonstrated through modern Christianity.

The problem with you Christians is you spend so much time slandering a people who like yourselves, believe in One God. You spend so much time fear mongering that your actions turn people away from the true message of Christ.

The true essence of Christ which you seem to lack is a coming together of all humans, forgiving those humans who transgress universal morals, and to right the wrongs of society by being cognizant of the higher authority.
Ok, but who strikes out or draws blood first among these different sects in which you have labeled in some of these instances (a lot of history to cover) ? Did the Americans draw first blood on Islam or was it the other way around ? Are we defenders or aggressors in the war on terror ? I would like to think that we are the defenders of our allies and this nation in any war we engage in, but the history has to be looked at in detail and with eyes wide open in order to know the situations and the history that has brought us to where we are right now. Can the scrutiny of Islam and it's radical wing with stand the test if we are to try and get to the bottom of it all ? Is there a partner in these crimes that has gone unseen so far ? You know I have found that these Indians from India seem to be a peaceful people who are here now, and that is good. I have seemingly good friends with these folks, although they are different in their ways, but so far not a hateful group it seems.

The American government has killed by far more Muslims than Muslims have killed Americans. In fact, you could put all the Westerners and non-Muslims together who have been killed by Muslim terrorists, and you would still have a very small number compared to the number of Muslims killed by the American government and their allies.

And why is this you suppose that the American government as you claim has killed more Muslims than Muslims have killed Americans ? Do you think the American government just kills people for no reason at all, and if so why are you here or are you here in this country ? If you think this, then you are a nutter according to some on this board, so are you a nutter who thinks the American government expends billions of it's treasure chasing down Muslims and killing them for nothing ? By allies do you mean specifcally the Jews ? Help me to understand this position you hold on our government. :cuckoo:

Let's see....what were the Muslims in Iraq doing to Americans when America went in and started a war against them? How many innocent civilians did America kill in that war? I know much of the violence was sectarian, Shia against Sunni, but before we went in there and started a war, they were not killing each other; in the end, directly and indirectly, the USA is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths of Muslims. How many innocent people has the US killed in Afghanistan as "collateral damage"? How many during the Gulf War? How man in Somalia? In Tripoli? The list goes on and on. What's the US got to do with any of these places? How it is our right to fight wars around the world, killing innocent civilians as "collateral damage"? Do you think these people thank us for that? And our ally, Israel: one or two Israelis die in a rocket attack from Palestine, and Israel responds by killing hundreds of Palestinians, most totally innocent children, women, and old men. Do you think these people overlook the fact that the US supports Israel?

Yes, in response to your question, our government and its allies kill thousands of innocent Muslim people every year for no good reason.

The Boston Marathon terrorist called the people who died 'collateral damage.' Do you think that's coming out of nowhere? Put two and two together. I am not saying, btw, he is justified in his actions, so don't go there. Try to be a bit more intelligent than that.
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I am more worried about stupid ass Christians who bomb abortion clinics
Why, is that where you hang out?

Nope. Its what is demonstrated through modern Christianity.

The problem with you Christians is you spend so much time slandering a people who like yourselves, believe in One God. You spend so much time fear mongering that your actions turn people away from the true message of Christ.

The true essence of Christ which you seem to lack is a coming together of all humans, forgiving those humans who transgress universal morals, and to right the wrongs of society by being cognizant of the higher authority.
I hardly would call it slander to not want to invite people into our country who are notorious for murdering us. But I guess you feel safe, since they don't usually target the ghettos.
Why, is that where you hang out?

Nope. Its what is demonstrated through modern Christianity.

The problem with you Christians is you spend so much time slandering a people who like yourselves, believe in One God. You spend so much time fear mongering that your actions turn people away from the true message of Christ.

The true essence of Christ which you seem to lack is a coming together of all humans, forgiving those humans who transgress universal morals, and to right the wrongs of society by being cognizant of the higher authority.
I hardly would call it slander to not want to invite people into our country who are notorious for murdering us. But I guess you feel safe, since they don't usually target the ghettos.

I don't know why you make stupid remarks about where I live. I hardly live in the ghetto.

It may not be slander to you, but your views is a representation of the lack of intelligence along with compassion. I have many Muslim friends who share the same love and respect for this country as I.
I have many Muslim friends who share the same love and respect for this country as I.
That's what bothers me.

What bothers you?

That I believe every human being deserves life, liberty and to pursue what makes them happy. To have faith in our impartial judicial system. To defend the helpless. To accept all people regardless of race, religion, sex. Yeah S.J you're Red Neck philosophical thinking is showing...
I have many Muslim friends who share the same love and respect for this country as I.
That's what bothers me.

What bothers you?

That I believe every human being deserves life, liberty and to pursue what makes them happy. To have faith in our impartial judicial system. To defend the helpless. To accept all people regardless of race, religion, sex. Yeah S.J you're Red Neck philosophical thinking is showing...
What bothers me is that your muslim friends share the same love and respect for this country as you, which is none.
That's what bothers me.

What bothers you?

That I believe every human being deserves life, liberty and to pursue what makes them happy. To have faith in our impartial judicial system. To defend the helpless. To accept all people regardless of race, religion, sex. Yeah S.J you're Red Neck philosophical thinking is showing...
What bothers me is that your muslim friends share the same love and respect for this country as you, which is none.

How do you know I have no respect for this country? Please quote me anywhere in this thread or elsewhere where I have demonstrated my lack of love, respect, or whatever for this country. Please enlighten me. You apparently know me outside this board.
What bothers you?

That I believe every human being deserves life, liberty and to pursue what makes them happy. To have faith in our impartial judicial system. To defend the helpless. To accept all people regardless of race, religion, sex. Yeah S.J you're Red Neck philosophical thinking is showing...
What bothers me is that your muslim friends share the same love and respect for this country as you, which is none.

How do you know I have no respect for this country? Please quote me anywhere in this thread or elsewhere where I have demonstrated my lack of love, respect, or whatever for this country. Please enlighten me. You apparently know me outside this board.
I know your type. You have about as much respect for this country as our current president, zero.
What bothers me is that your muslim friends share the same love and respect for this country as you, which is none.

How do you know I have no respect for this country? Please quote me anywhere in this thread or elsewhere where I have demonstrated my lack of love, respect, or whatever for this country. Please enlighten me. You apparently know me outside this board.
I know your type. You have about as much respect for this country as our current president, zero.

What is my "type?"

You are making assumptions and can't even explain what the fuck your assuming about. I want to know what is my type CHRISTIAN. A basic rule when conversing with someone is to substantiate your claim if you make a statement as fact.
How do you know I have no respect for this country? Please quote me anywhere in this thread or elsewhere where I have demonstrated my lack of love, respect, or whatever for this country. Please enlighten me. You apparently know me outside this board.
I know your type. You have about as much respect for this country as our current president, zero.

What is my "type?"

You are making assumptions and can't even explain what the fuck your assuming about. I want to know what is my type CHRISTIAN. A basic rule when conversing with someone is to substantiate your claim if you make a statement as fact.
Let's get something straight, homie. You don't dictate anything to me, including how I converse. You want an answer to your question, read your own posts, you arrogant prick.
Muslims are the ones who shoot up Sikh temples, numskull.

Really? Are you sure of that?

Because the temple shooting was actually done by a former Army person who was also a white supremacist.....................

On August 5, 2012, Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people and wounded four others in a mass shooting at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin.[3][4] Page committed suicide by shooting himself in the head after he was shot in the stomach by a responding police officer.

Page was an American white supremacist and United States Army veteran from Cudahy, Wisconsin. All of the dead were members of the Sikh faith. The incident drew notable reactions from President Barack Obama and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Dignitaries attended candlelight vigils in countries such as the U.S., Canada, and India.[3][5][6] The First Lady Michelle Obama visited the temple on August 23, 2012.[7]
Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If it is not about the foreign Muslims it is about the uninformed ultra leftists. ABikerSailor goes on and on and on about Hindus, Sikhs, and Muslims. Have I said anything about Hindus or Sikhs? NO.

Have I said anything about the Oak Creek Temple shootings? NO

The reason is simple. It is off-topic. Now how much dumber could a poster be than to bring up a subject that no one is talking about, which makes all his own pro-Muslim arguments look ridiculous. Please keep it up, I love having you post information that supports my point of view.

Bottom line; If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States there would not have been a Boston Marathon bombing.

Yes it brings a chuckle because it is simple, but remember foreign Muslims are UNREPENTANT murderers and traitors of your fellow American citizens.


So the actual photo is of about 20 people and you photoshop it to repeat over and over to look like a hundred. That's honest.....not. Typical propaganda.:talk2hand:
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Okay Maroons, What about THIS Muslin? We know he is anti-America and we know he feeds you rw nutters a steady diet of shit. But, I'll be that not one of you will admit that you suck up ever word he puts in front of you.

Stupid fools.

Really? Are you sure of that?

Because the temple shooting was actually done by a former Army person who was also a white supremacist.....................

Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If it is not about the foreign Muslims it is about the uninformed ultra leftists. ABikerSailor goes on and on and on about Hindus, Sikhs, and Muslims. Have I said anything about Hindus or Sikhs? NO.

Have I said anything about the Oak Creek Temple shootings? NO

The reason is simple. It is off-topic. Now how much dumber could a poster be than to bring up a subject that no one is talking about, which makes all his own pro-Muslim arguments look ridiculous. Please keep it up, I love having you post information that supports my point of view.

Bottom line; If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States there would not have been a Boston Marathon bombing.

Yes it brings a chuckle because it is simple, but remember foreign Muslims are UNREPENTANT murderers and traitors of your fellow American citizens.


So the actual photo is of about 20 people and you photoshop it to repeat over and over to look like a hundred. That's honest.....not. Typical propaganda.:talk2hand:

We have 419 posts in this thread. The photoshop dodge was already tried. Too bad, but I don't have photo shop. I got it in Google images, and here is a link, there are many more just like it. https://www.google.com/search?q=Mas...LzyAHlvYGQDA&ved=0CAoQ_AUoAQ&biw=1920&bih=992

And, another Muslim propagandist bites the dust!

Why do I get the feeling that YOU have been photo shopping pics from 9-11 and the Boston Marathon Bombings

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