if we have boots on the ground in ukraine, doesn't the American public have a right to know

You only hear about it when it suits those politicians private agendas, who started the war.

Once it gets infused with American military, then the news sources are turned off.

They don't want you hearing that AMERICANS are being forced to fight a war that THEY created........especially when the dead bodies come back, and Biden has to stand there gawking at his watch, wondering when the ice cream parlor opens.

Why is Biden trying to get us into WWIII???????

Its part of the worlds oligarchy plans to destroy the middle class all over this planet.

It's all an elaborate, pre-constructed play for us peons to squabble over while they keep the lunatics of the world armed with murderous intents, civil riots, burning cities, and shooting up schools to help them do their evil.

Instead of looking at what THIS government is doing........look at what ALL world governments are doing. Start putting the puzzle pieces together.
You only hear about it when it suits those politicians private agendas, who started the war.

Once it gets infused with American military, then the news sources are turned off.
They don't want you hearing that AMERICANS are being forced to fight a war that THEY created........especially when the dead bodies come back, and Biden has to stand there gawking at his watch, wondering when the ice cream parlor opens.

Why was old Joe not impeached for blowing Nordstrom? Why is he not impeached for provoking this dumb war? Why is he not impeached for sending billions to Ukraine, while ignoring Americans living in squalor? Why is he not impeached for secretly placing American troops in Ukraine?
Why is Biden trying to get us into WWIII???????

Because it's what his handlers want. To push their agendas, launder money, try to destroy a country and a leader (Russia/Putin) that won't play ball with them, to make them money, to give them power, to be a distraction away from other things and so on. There are a lot of people who have a lot to gain from going after Russia.

Anybody not believing that the war is Russia versus NATO is simple and dangerously so.
And anybody not knowing how much of NATO is owned and directed by the US is ill informed .
And if you do not know that most of the mercenaries are ex NATO who are operating on freshly issued private company contracts you are willfully ignorant .
You sign up to play the game, don't act surprised when shit happens.

This is treason.

The Zionist 911 W "Biden Republicans" and the Democrats are waging an ILLEGAL WAR not authorized by Congress.
Why was old Joe not impeached for blowing Nordstrom? Why is he not impeached for provoking this dumb war? Why is he not impeached for sending billions to Ukraine, while ignoring Americans living in squalor? Why is he not impeached for secretly placing American troops in Ukraine?

Yep, the Rs just set around and doodle. Worthless.
When has that ever stopped any of them?

It is past time. It really started with Nam. Nam was of no interest to LBJ. All LBJ cared about was Israel, and he proved it....

All of the Dems and the W crowd still LOVE LBJ....
Meh, why are you surprised? We have all those wonderful toys and you think we are going to let the Ukes play with them by themselves?

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