If we tax the millionaires

Here is the way it works when negotiating "tax increases for spending cuts". The tax increases start immediately. The spending cuts never materialize.
Most of the politicians have no interest in reducing spending and cutting the debt... whether they be REP or DEM.... a mass purging is needed.. and those who understand the need for small government, MASSIVE government cuts, a balanced budget amendment, and returning to Constitutional limits need to be voted in...
Do you think those extra dollars will be used to pay down the debt or will DC find a way to just spend it??

I don't think this administration has any desire to pay down the debt, they just want more to spend. On vacations, parties, paying off they're supporters with tax payer dollars, golfing, traveling the world, and don't forget supporting Union cronies. :eusa_whistle:

Those tax dollars wont pay down the debt, but will be funneled into other crap.
The last time we did it we balanced the budget in 5 or 6 years,

so if history is a guide, there's your answer.

Same with the 40's, 50's and 60's. High taxes, great times.

Call it socialism if middle class workers make good wages and the rich pay more in taxes. It worked. Republicans are extreme. If it isn't Ron Paul's idea of constitutional, then it isn't constitutional. If there are any regulations, even good, it isn't a free market. Well America shouldn't be a free market. It should be a fair one.

Today wages keep getting lower, people don`t get salaries that they can live on, public services are cut, property rights are more important than labor rights and with globalization lots of american companies and industries went overseas searching cheap labor.

Of course the people not hurt by this or benefitting from this want to defend the status quo. The rich are right. This is class warfare. Since Nixon they have been attacking us and too many of us didn't realize it. Divide and conquer. Did I spell that right?
Do you think those extra dollars will be used to pay down the debt or will DC find a way to just spend it??

I don't think this administration has any desire to pay down the debt, they just want more to spend. On vacations, parties, paying off they're supporters with tax payer dollars, golfing, traveling the world, and don't forget supporting Union cronies. :eusa_whistle:

Those tax dollars wont pay down the debt, but will be funneled into other crap.

Exactly. The tax increases are immediate, the "spending cuts" never appear. In DC, spending cuts are like Unicorns...mythical, wonderful things that nobody has ever seen.....
The problem is...

... historically when there are just tax increases...

... a spending spree follows...

... and wipes out any effect the tax increases might have had...

... it is going to take both tax increases...

... and spending cuts if we are ever going to solve the problem.
They were offering the Reps 3-4 $ in cuts for every $ in taxes. Think you should pay attention to the news. You won't look so foolish in the future. :cool:

Imaginary cuts in the far off future for real immediate tax increases.

That's a deal only a sucker could love.

That's like a crack whore promising to suck your cock tomorrow if you pay her today.
The more money government gets the more money government spends.

There has not been an administration or a congress that has spent less than the previous one since the 1950s
The last time we did it we balanced the budget in 5 or 6 years,

so if history is a guide, there's your answer.

The last time we did what, increase taxes? The tech boom is what balanced the budget, not Slick Willies tax increase.
The last time we did it we balanced the budget in 5 or 6 years,

so if history is a guide, there's your answer.

The last time we did what, increase taxes? The tech boom is what balanced the budget, not Slick Willies tax increase.

WillowTree thinks Newt Gingrich balanced the budget. I think you're right. The tech boom balanced the budget..... BUT taxes were increased because of the tech boom in order to control inflation.
The last time we did it we balanced the budget in 5 or 6 years,

so if history is a guide, there's your answer.

The last time we did what, increase taxes? The tech boom is what balanced the budget, not Slick Willies tax increase.

carbumkle believes in the liberal accounting myths but he forgets clintool restarted CRA which force banks to make overleveraged home loans, which means the probability to pay off those loans decreased significantly. numbers don't lie well. obumer said it's just math.
and carbumkle forgets obumer sued citibank to force them to make bad loans.
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The last time we did it we balanced the budget in 5 or 6 years,

so if history is a guide, there's your answer.

The last time we did what, increase taxes? The tech boom is what balanced the budget, not Slick Willies tax increase.

And the tech bubble burst right after the blow job president left office.

And if Bush was half the POTUS as Clinton I would have ordered up a DOZEN blowjobs for Bush. (But rumor has it he had no dick.) :eusa_shhh:
Democrats have no intention of ever paying down the debt or deficit.

What crap!!! Are we conveniently forgetting Clinton's balanced budget?!?! :cool:

Oh crap, you must really be talking about the Republican controlled congress (house and senate) balanced budget that Bill Clinton signed??

The supporters of this Campaigner-in-Chief really don't understand who controls the purse strings, but then again, he doesn't want you to. Confusion and untruths make for a great speech, and you continue to believe the lies. :lol:

So now you're saying Obama has nothing to do with the deficit spending? :confused:
Democrats have no intention of ever paying down the debt or deficit.

What crap!!! Are we conveniently forgetting Clinton's balanced budget?!?! :cool:

Oh crap, you must really be talking about the Republican controlled congress (house and senate) balanced budget that Bill Clinton signed??

The supporters of this Campaigner-in-Chief really don't understand who controls the purse strings, but then again, he doesn't want you to. Confusion and untruths make for a great speech, and you continue to believe the lies. :lol:

so when it's a democratic president all good things emanate from congress but all bad things come from the president.

and when it's a repub prsident, all bad things come from congress and all good things come from the president.

obama derangement syndrome is so funny.

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