If we're so certain our idea(s) about God(s) are correct...


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
If we're so certain our idea(s) about God(s) are correct, why do we do some of the things we do?

-why live healthily if dying means we go to a paradisical existence for the rest of time? If suicide is sinful and we can't do that ok, but surely we can avoid vitamins, and medical procedures to extend our lives. If we all die anyway, why put it off?

-why intervene militarily around the world if when people are threatened and murdered they just go to heaven?

-why obey civil laws if obeying God's laws are the only ones that actually matter?

-why get a secular job for some corporation solely to make money exploiting other people instead ofbecomming a farmer like the people in the Bible so you can live a simpler life serving God? You do realize don't you that most profit-driven endeavors are pretty well antithetical to God's laws dontcha?

It's always been easy for me to spot people with real faith. They're not the uber wealthy power elite types trying to be comfortable and powerful in this world because they know this world doesn't matter. They're not the ones on tv making movies about killing people and glorifying violence and hate and fear. They're not the ones saying illegal immigrants should be tossed out bodily of our country if not thrown in clink.

People of true faith who live their lives for God instead of themselves probably don't talk a lot for starters. Talk too much and something against the rules might slip out from time to time. They're the ones in our communities others all know as the 'simply good' ones. They're not soliciting for donations for their new mo-fancy church building or to send missionaries somewhere to hardsell others about their faith, they're the ones with a smile and a polite "hello" when you pass them, the oens who hold open a door for you, or offer to help you bring in your groceries.

People with real faith are all around us and easy to spot. If you know what to look for.
If we're so certain our idea(s) about God(s) are correct, why do we do some of the things we do? because we're human...

-why live healthily if dying means we go to a paradisical existence for the rest of time? who says this isn't heaven? or said another way why do you insist this world we live in be lived unhealthily? And what does your inability to live healthily have to do with god? You appear to be defining some particular version of god so you can attack it. Maybe if you explained which particular set of religious belief you are attacking, we could then address your questions. If suicide is sinful and we can't do that ok, but surely we can avoid vitamins, and medical procedures to extend our lives. If we all die anyway, why put it off?Why not put off death? Your kidding right?

-why intervene militarily around the world if when people are threatened and murdered they just go to heaven? This is our world to make it hell or heaven, is our choice.

-why obey civil laws if obeying God's laws are the only ones that actually matter? They are the same thing for the most part. For example, thou shall not murder. Clearly people don't obey any laws, see our POTUS for an example of how to get away with murder.

-why get a secular job for some corporation solely to make money exploiting other people instead ofbecomming a farmer like the people in the Bible so you can live a simpler life serving God? yeah cause all corporate jobs exploit people and all farmers don't :eusa_liar::cuckoo:You do realize don't you that most profit-driven endeavors are pretty well antithetical to God's laws dontcha? Yeah cause jesus said unto them don't teach them to fish, give them fish to shut them up. FYI jesus was a carpenter by trade, then a fisher of men. You think he didn't charge for his carpentry work? Are you mentally handicapped when it comes to religion?

It's always been easy for me to spot people with real faith. They're not the uber wealthy power elite types trying to be comfortable and powerful in this world because they know this world doesn't matter. They're not the ones on tv making movies about killing people and glorifying violence and hate and fear. They're not the ones saying illegal immigrants should be tossed out bodily of our country if not thrown in clink. So you see yourself as the arbiter of real faith do ya? :eusa_hand:

People of true faith who live their lives for God instead of themselves probably don't talk a lot for starters. Talk too much and something against the rules might slip out from time to time. There's no such thing as the perfect human, unless you want to count Jesus that is. Being silent may also be a sin. I think the right amount of discussion might be different for different people in different circumstances. Broad brushstrokes like yours are just trying to demagogue certain people, no? They're the ones in our communities others all know as the 'simply good' ones. They're not soliciting for donations for their new mo-fancy church building or to send missionaries somewhere to hardsell others about their faith, they're the ones with a smile and a polite "hello" when you pass them, the oens who hold open a door for you, or offer to help you bring in your groceries. WOW so you have no clue what missions are about do you?

People with real faith are all around us and easy to spot. If you know what to look for.

So because we would go to paradise if we die, we should desecrate the Temple of God to get there? How would that qualify us for paradise?

Those who obey the laws of God have no need to disobey the laws of the land.

Why on earth do you presume that a corporation exists to exploit people? The corporation exists to provide goods and services to people for a fair price and if they fail to deliver, they wont be around long enough to exploit people.
The Spaniards in Mexico and Peru used to baptize Indian infants and then immediately dash their brains out: by this means they secured these infants went to Heaven

This was written by Bertrand Russell and I have no idea if it's true or not or if it was widespread. The point seems to be that devout Christians wanted to ensure infants made it to heaven, something unlikely with heathen parents. Eternity in heaven was so much better than eternity in hell that these Christians were willing to risk their own souls.
If we're so certain our idea(s) about God(s) are correct, why do we do some of the things we do?

-why live healthily if dying means we go to a paradisical existence for the rest of time? If suicide is sinful and we can't do that ok, but surely we can avoid vitamins, and medical procedures to extend our lives. If we all die anyway, why put it off?

-why intervene militarily around the world if when people are threatened and murdered they just go to heaven?

-why obey civil laws if obeying God's laws are the only ones that actually matter?

-why get a secular job for some corporation solely to make money exploiting other people instead ofbecomming a farmer like the people in the Bible so you can live a simpler life serving God? You do realize don't you that most profit-driven endeavors are pretty well antithetical to God's laws dontcha?

It's always been easy for me to spot people with real faith. They're not the uber wealthy power elite types trying to be comfortable and powerful in this world because they know this world doesn't matter. They're not the ones on tv making movies about killing people and glorifying violence and hate and fear. They're not the ones saying illegal immigrants should be tossed out bodily of our country if not thrown in clink.

People of true faith who live their lives for God instead of themselves probably don't talk a lot for starters. Talk too much and something against the rules might slip out from time to time. They're the ones in our communities others all know as the 'simply good' ones. They're not soliciting for donations for their new mo-fancy church building or to send missionaries somewhere to hardsell others about their faith, they're the ones with a smile and a polite "hello" when you pass them, the oens who hold open a door for you, or offer to help you bring in your groceries.

People with real faith are all around us and easy to spot. If you know what to look for.

doing good deeds has nothing to do with whether you are a Christian- what I mean is we are supposed to do them, but unbelievers do good deeds too. Good deeds don't get you to Heaven. Only a relationship with Jesus does.
If we're so certain our idea(s) about God(s) are correct, why do we do some of the things we do?

-why live healthily if dying means we go to a paradisical existence for the rest of time? If suicide is sinful and we can't do that ok, but surely we can avoid vitamins, and medical procedures to extend our lives. If we all die anyway, why put it off?

-why intervene militarily around the world if when people are threatened and murdered they just go to heaven?

-why obey civil laws if obeying God's laws are the only ones that actually matter?

-why get a secular job for some corporation solely to make money exploiting other people instead ofbecomming a farmer like the people in the Bible so you can live a simpler life serving God? You do realize don't you that most profit-driven endeavors are pretty well antithetical to God's laws dontcha?

It's always been easy for me to spot people with real faith. They're not the uber wealthy power elite types trying to be comfortable and powerful in this world because they know this world doesn't matter. They're not the ones on tv making movies about killing people and glorifying violence and hate and fear. They're not the ones saying illegal immigrants should be tossed out bodily of our country if not thrown in clink.

People of true faith who live their lives for God instead of themselves probably don't talk a lot for starters. Talk too much and something against the rules might slip out from time to time. They're the ones in our communities others all know as the 'simply good' ones. They're not soliciting for donations for their new mo-fancy church building or to send missionaries somewhere to hardsell others about their faith, they're the ones with a smile and a polite "hello" when you pass them, the oens who hold open a door for you, or offer to help you bring in your groceries.

People with real faith are all around us and easy to spot. If you know what to look for.

Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. We are commanded to take care of it. God has our life times measured and we are to trust Him. When our work is done for us here, He will take us home- some young, some old. I believe many Christians will not taste death because we will be raptured soon.
So because we would go to paradise if we die, we should desecrate the Temple of God to get there? How would that qualify us for paradise?

Those who obey the laws of God have no need to disobey the laws of the land.

Why on earth do you presume that a corporation exists to exploit people? The corporation exists to provide goods and services to people for a fair price and if they fail to deliver, they wont be around long enough to exploit people.

As with suicide, if it's sinful and forbidden ya don't do it. So your example about desecration doesn't hold any water.

Civil and religious laws clash completely with one another, if you don't recognize that you're totally ignorant of religious laws.

Corporations exist solely to make profit. There's no 'religiously-nice' way to do that that isn't screwing somebody.

Your's, and others' responses were as expected. You rationalize and moderate your faith within a framework of 'I believe in God, but only to a point.' Point being the line where beyond it you'd get in legal trouble. It's why militants in any given faith are so threatening, they're not compromising on their faith, or drawing a line separating it from obeyance of the law. If their religion says kill infidels, they kill infidels. Whereas most everyone else rationalizes that away with phrases like, "That was a different time, and we don't do that anymore." Yet there it is in your Bibles.

7 When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations—the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites, seven nations larger and stronger than you— 2 and when the Lord your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally.[a] Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy.
- Deuteronomy 7

20 “Whoever sacrifices to any god other than the Lord must be destroyed.
- Exodus 22 (NIV)
The Spaniards in Mexico and Peru used to baptize Indian infants and then immediately dash their brains out: by this means they secured these infants went to Heaven

This was written by Bertrand Russell and I have no idea if it's true or not or if it was widespread. The point seems to be that devout Christians wanted to ensure infants made it to heaven, something unlikely with heathen parents. Eternity in heaven was so much better than eternity in hell that these Christians were willing to risk their own souls.

Sounds like Catholicism. In Catholicism, even infants can be 'guilty of sin' if not baptized and go to hell.

And for those whose heads just exploded and you're about to say something silly like "nuh-uh!" from the horse's mouth as it were:

"Hell (infernus) in theological usage is a place of punishment after death. Theologians distinguish four meanings of the term hell:

* hell in the strict sense, or the place of punishment for the damned, be they demons or men;
* the limbo of infants (limbus parvulorum), where those who die in original sin alone, and without personal mortal sin, are confined and undergo some kind of punishment;
* the limbo of the Fathers (limbus patrum), in which the souls of the just who died before Christ awaited their admission to heaven; for in the meantime heaven was closed against them in punishment for the sin of Adam;
* purgatory, where the just, who die in venial sin or who still owe a debt of temporal punishment for sin, are cleansed by suffering before their admission to heaven."

Great religion isn't it Christianity when even babies can be guilty of a hellworthy sin.
The Spaniards in Mexico and Peru used to baptize Indian infants and then immediately dash their brains out: by this means they secured these infants went to Heaven

This was written by Bertrand Russell and I have no idea if it's true or not or if it was widespread. The point seems to be that devout Christians wanted to ensure infants made it to heaven, something unlikely with heathen parents. Eternity in heaven was so much better than eternity in hell that these Christians were willing to risk their own souls.

Sounds like Catholicism. In Catholicism, even infants can be 'guilty of sin' if not baptized and go to hell.

And for those whose heads just exploded and you're about to say something silly like "nuh-uh!" from the horse's mouth as it were:

"Hell (infernus) in theological usage is a place of punishment after death. Theologians distinguish four meanings of the term hell:

* hell in the strict sense, or the place of punishment for the damned, be they demons or men;
* the limbo of infants (limbus parvulorum), where those who die in original sin alone, and without personal mortal sin, are confined and undergo some kind of punishment;
* the limbo of the Fathers (limbus patrum), in which the souls of the just who died before Christ awaited their admission to heaven; for in the meantime heaven was closed against them in punishment for the sin of Adam;
* purgatory, where the just, who die in venial sin or who still owe a debt of temporal punishment for sin, are cleansed by suffering before their admission to heaven."

Great religion isn't it Christianity when even babies can be guilty of a hellworthy sin.

Do not confuse Catholicism with Christianity. That is akin to me saying that Jews and Muslims are the same because they both count Abraham as their father.

Protestant Christians rose up to denounce the Catholic teachings Delta, you know this, yet you wish to group all Christians together with Catholic teachings. A great majority of Protestants believe that all innocents are not held accountable for their sins, and all innocents include more than just children, but those that have never had the mental capacity to make decisions on their own.

There will be many who practiced as Catholics that will be numbered among believers. However, it won't be due to following all of the Catholic Churches teachings.
So because we would go to paradise if we die, we should desecrate the Temple of God to get there? How would that qualify us for paradise?

Those who obey the laws of God have no need to disobey the laws of the land.

Why on earth do you presume that a corporation exists to exploit people? The corporation exists to provide goods and services to people for a fair price and if they fail to deliver, they wont be around long enough to exploit people.

As with suicide, if it's sinful and forbidden ya don't do it. So your example about desecration doesn't hold any water.

Civil and religious laws clash completely with one another, if you don't recognize that you're totally ignorant of religious laws.

Corporations exist solely to make profit. There's no 'religiously-nice' way to do that that isn't screwing somebody.

Your's, and others' responses were as expected. You rationalize and moderate your faith within a framework of 'I believe in God, but only to a point.' Point being the line where beyond it you'd get in legal trouble. It's why militants in any given faith are so threatening, they're not compromising on their faith, or drawing a line separating it from obeyance of the law. If their religion says kill infidels, they kill infidels. Whereas most everyone else rationalizes that away with phrases like, "That was a different time, and we don't do that anymore." Yet there it is in your Bibles.

7 When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations—the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites, seven nations larger and stronger than you— 2 and when the Lord your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally.[a] Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy.
- Deuteronomy 7

20 “Whoever sacrifices to any god other than the Lord must be destroyed.
- Exodus 22 (NIV)

How am i believing God to a point by obeying him?

He says obey the laws of the land. He says our bodies are Temples to the Holy Spirit. He says "Thou shalt not murder"

He says do good continually.

I may live for many years or I may die tonight. I will trust the Lord and strive to do as he says.

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