If you are a Democrat, are you having 2nd thoughts about Hillary?

And all those facts don't mean as much to the American people as infrastructure, science, r&d, education, minimum wage and health care.

When people are forced on election day to choose between living in a first world country or voting for someone that wants to turn us into niggerland...Well.
Yeah more spending and high min wage have done wonders for Greece. Racial slur noted.
And all those facts don't mean as much to the American people as infrastructure, science, r&d, education, minimum wage and health care.

When people are forced on election day to choose between living in a first world country or voting for someone that wants to turn us into niggerland...Well.
Yeah more spending and high min wage have done wonders for Greece. Racial slur noted.

So China building infrastructure and supporting science = a road to failure?
The Roman empires building of roads, infrastructure and science = a road to failure?
The british and french empires doing the same = a road to failure???
America doing the same during the 20th century = a road to failure??

When will you wake up to the reality that building and educating our children is the right road to walk on??? Greece(21st century) didn't invest wisely in themselves and failed...Heck, me and you agree that giving out hand outs for nothing is a bad idea.

Name a single nation that built infrastructure, invested in science and education that was worse off. I dare you!

Hillary and Bernie aint wrong here.
And believe me,,,I'd rather have 10.10 per hour minimum wage then our workers being treated as they're in south Asia...Pennies on the dollar.

Like I said,,,between choosing stonewalljackass above and hillary below. What does 90% of the people really want??? Don't tell me that they don't like being treated right on the job, clean air and at the end of the day siding with Hillary clinton! This is why all this doesn't stick.
If you are a Democrat, are you having 2nd thoughts about Hillary?

Do you think she may be in trouble?

There are investigations surrounding her about email on her private server.

There are investigations surrounding her top aide, Huma Abedin.

There's questions about foreign countries donating to the "Clinton Foundation" while she was SOS.

Do you believe she NEVER sent or received a classified document via email?

If they don't have second thoughts, they should.

The woman has so much baggage she can't even see the door to being POTUS.

Anyone with half a brain has figured out she won't get the nomination and if she doesn't show for the debates then everyone should know her campaign is toast and so is her run for POTUS.
If you are a Democrat, are you having 2nd thoughts about Hillary?

Do you think she may be in trouble?

There are investigations surrounding her about email on her private server.

There are investigations surrounding her top aide, Huma Abedin.

There's questions about foreign countries donating to the "Clinton Foundation" while she was SOS.

Do you believe she NEVER sent or received a classified document via email?

Since you say you don't believe she NEVER sent or received a classified document via email, do you think she should have used a secure server provided for her by the government?

When it was found out that the public and the government wanted to see her emails, you don't find it strange she started erasing them?
If you are a Democrat, are you having 2nd thoughts about Hillary?

Do you think she may be in trouble?

There are investigations surrounding her about email on her private server.

There are investigations surrounding her top aide, Huma Abedin.

There's questions about foreign countries donating to the "Clinton Foundation" while she was SOS.

Do you believe she NEVER sent or received a classified document via email?

Thank you.
No, the left will not have second thoughts about Hillary. Hillary represents the mainstream commies of the new Democratic party. As such she is immune to questions any sane voter would ask. Like "is she honest enough to be president?" and "Will she simply use her office for personal enrichment and sell this country down the river?" Or "Does she have the requisite experience to be president?" Nope, those questions cannot be asked because the answers are obvious. So the Left cannot ask them. Instead they deny any reality behind what are proven facts. They deny their significance. They claim "they all do it" without any evidence of course.
Yes unthinking unquestioning drones. This is the Democratic Party base.

No, that's not the reason why.

The right has sought to find a way to make controversy about Huma Abedin, who is a muslim, for years now, to no avail. Every time, their accusations have fallen apart.

The Right has been screaming about Benghazi for 2 years straight now and those accusations have also fallen completely apart.

As for donations to the Clinton Foundation, all foundations must lay their books open, if something is there, it will be found. Hillary does not head that foundation. Those accusations will also fall apart.

The FEDS have had two years to check out Hillary Clinton's private server. This is only news right now because frothing Righties want desperately to make it news. This too will fall apart, like so many other things that the Right attempts.

This is why smart Lefties say NOPE.

Because we know the Right is full of shit to begin with. And you are a perfect example of this.

Huma Abedin is a muslim? Didn't know that.

Clinton has taken the responsibility for Benghazi.

The Clinton Foundation was found to be derelict in tax issues. The fact that she erased all of the incriminating emails is one of the reasons it has been difficult to prove she had been accepting donations from foreign countries which is not allowed.

Smart lefties say NOPE? Read the last question of my post. Nope was not the smart answer.
Out of the endless shitstorm of accusations about her, the one that has bothered me is the email thing, and it looks like it's the one that may stick.

But assuming she gets the nomination, the GOP still has to run a candidate who can beat her.

And all those facts don't mean as much to the American people as infrastructure, science, r&d, education, minimum wage and health care.

When people are forced on election day to choose between living in a first world country or voting for someone that wants to turn us into niggerland...Well.
Yeah more spending and high min wage have done wonders for Greece. Racial slur noted.
You avatar is a racial slur, buddy boy.

Hillary may have shown poor judgement in the e-mail use. However, that does not even compare to the lack of judgement shown by most of the GOP candidates in denial of science, and pushing of policies that continue to increase the wealth disparity in this nation. And when the leading candidate for the GOP is making statements that offend 75% of the registered voters, you can bet that Hillary will have a cakewalk in 2016.
And all those facts don't mean as much to the American people as infrastructure, science, r&d, education, minimum wage and health care.

When people are forced on election day to choose between living in a first world country or voting for someone that wants to turn us into niggerland...Well.
Yeah more spending and high min wage have done wonders for Greece. Racial slur noted.
You avatar is a racial slur, buddy boy.

Hillary may have shown poor judgement in the e-mail use. However, that does not even compare to the lack of judgement shown by most of the GOP candidates in denial of science, and pushing of policies that continue to increase the wealth disparity in this nation. And when the leading candidate for the GOP is making statements that offend 75% of the registered voters, you can bet that Hillary will have a cakewalk in 2016.

morons like you never have an answer when confronted with the fact that wealth disparity has increased on DEMOCRAT'S WATCH. your idiotic, child-like excuses run along the lines of how a bunch of people you consider stupid and backward keep foiling the best-laid plans of "brilliant" Progressives like obama and hillary

ur a joke
there is no way in the world that Biden would be considering jumping in the race (which you losers were still denying not that long ago) if hillary was doing as well as you lemmings say she is
And all those facts don't mean as much to the American people as infrastructure, science, r&d, education, minimum wage and health care.

When people are forced on election day to choose between living in a first world country or voting for someone that wants to turn us into niggerland...Well.
Yeah more spending and high min wage have done wonders for Greece. Racial slur noted.

So China building infrastructure and supporting science = a road to failure?
The Roman empires building of roads, infrastructure and science = a road to failure?
The british and french empires doing the same = a road to failure???
America doing the same during the 20th century = a road to failure??

When will you wake up to the reality that building and educating our children is the right road to walk on??? Greece(21st century) didn't invest wisely in themselves and failed...Heck, me and you agree that giving out hand outs for nothing is a bad idea.

Name a single nation that built infrastructure, invested in science and education that was worse off. I dare you!

Hillary and Bernie aint wrong here.
The soviet union.
Japan since the 1990s.
You arent hard to defeat because your simplistic chant isnt based on facts.
Out of the endless shitstorm of accusations about her, the one that has bothered me is the email thing, and it looks like it's the one that may stick.

But assuming she gets the nomination, the GOP still has to run a candidate who can beat her.

You arent bothered by the apparent bribery? One of the Swiss banks, which had never contributed to the Clinton Foundation, found itself between US disclosure laws and Swiss secrecy laws. They appealed to Clinton as SecState and she got them a waiver on US laws. Immediately after that the Foundation received millions of dollars in contributions from this same bank.
Coincidence? No, I dont think so.
Out of the endless shitstorm of accusations about her, the one that has bothered me is the email thing, and it looks like it's the one that may stick.

But assuming she gets the nomination, the GOP still has to run a candidate who can beat her.

You arent bothered by the apparent bribery? One of the Swiss banks, which had never contributed to the Clinton Foundation, found itself between US disclosure laws and Swiss secrecy laws. They appealed to Clinton as SecState and she got them a waiver on US laws. Immediately after that the Foundation received millions of dollars in contributions from this same bank.
Coincidence? No, I dont think so.
And Bill got lots of speaking engagements at $1.5 million a piece organized by the Swiss. They played the game well. The question is will they get caught?
Out of the endless shitstorm of accusations about her, the one that has bothered me is the email thing, and it looks like it's the one that may stick.

But assuming she gets the nomination, the GOP still has to run a candidate who can beat her.

You arent bothered by the apparent bribery? One of the Swiss banks, which had never contributed to the Clinton Foundation, found itself between US disclosure laws and Swiss secrecy laws. They appealed to Clinton as SecState and she got them a waiver on US laws. Immediately after that the Foundation received millions of dollars in contributions from this same bank.
Coincidence? No, I dont think so.
Hillary Helps a Bank—and Then It Funnels Millions to the Clintons

The Swiss bank UBS is one of the biggest, most powerful financial institutions in the world. As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton intervened to help it out with the IRS. And after that, the Swiss bank paid Bill Clinton $1.5 million for speaking gigs.TheWall Street Journalreported all that and more Thursday in an article that highlights huge conflicts of interest that the Clintons have created in the recent past.

The piece begins by detailing how Clinton helped the global bank.

“A few weeks after Hillary Clinton was sworn in as secretary of state in early 2009, she was summoned to Geneva by her Swiss counterpart to discuss an urgent matter. The Internal Revenue Service was suing UBS AG to get the identities of Americans with secret accounts,” the newspaper reports. “If the case proceeded, Switzerland’s largest bank would face an impossible choice: Violate Swiss secrecy laws by handing over the names, or refuse and face criminal charges in U.S. federal court. Within months, Mrs. Clinton announced a tentative legal settlement—an unusual intervention by the top U.S. diplomat. UBS ultimately turned over information on 4,450 accounts, a fraction of the 52,000 sought by the IRS.”

The article adds that “there is no evidence of any link between Mrs. Clinton’s involvement in the case and the bank’s donations to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, or its hiring of Mr. Clinton.” Maybe it’s all a mere coincidence, and when UBS agreed to pay Bill Clinton $1.5 million the relevant decision-maker wasn’t even aware of the vast sum his wife may have saved the bank or the power that she will potentially wield after the 2016 presidential
So to sum up so far, the Republicans are still 100% against Hillary, but The Democrats don't seem to have a problem with her even with all the decades of silly claims made against her. Looks like after all the years of false accusations, she has become invulnerable to Republican crap, and any more silly claims just bounce off her like bullets off superman's chest.
So to sum up so far, the Republicans are still 100% against Hillary, but The Democrats don't seem to have a problem with her even with all the decades of silly claims made against her. Looks like after all the years of false accusations, she has become invulnerable to Republican crap, and any more silly claims just bounce off her like bullets off superman's chest.


if Dems "dont seem to have a problem with her" then why is Sanders leading her in several polls? and why is Biden considering jumping in the race genius?
So to sum up so far, the Republicans are still 100% against Hillary, but The Democrats don't seem to have a problem with her even with all the decades of silly claims made against her. Looks like after all the years of false accusations, she has become invulnerable to Republican crap, and any more silly claims just bounce off her like bullets off superman's chest.
Lol... I'm sure she is feeling fancy free right now. Not a worry in the world. :)
So to sum up so far, the Republicans are still 100% against Hillary, but The Democrats don't seem to have a problem with her even with all the decades of silly claims made against her. Looks like after all the years of false accusations, she has become invulnerable to Republican crap, and any more silly claims just bounce off her like bullets off superman's chest.


if Dems "dont seem to have a problem with her" then why is Sanders leading her in several polls? and why is Biden considering jumping in the race genius?

I welcome all qualified contestants. That doesn't mean I have found a single reason to oppose Hillary. It just means there could be someone better. It's still too early to make a final decision.

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