If you are a sexual predator...better be a democrat....it helps cover things up....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is joe morrisey.....he slept with his teenage receptionist and had nude photos of her on his cell phone....he just happens to be a member of the political party that allows things like this....as long as you vote the right way on abortion.....except this guy was caught and convicted....of course.....he ran for reelection and won.....he did change his party affiliation to "independent" but really, did his district not know he was a democrat when he got caught....and now this little bit of info.......

Remember convicted sex fiend Del. Joe Morrissey D VA Guess what they didn t tell you RedState

I was going along, minding my own business: just trying to get my coffee in on an up-too-early Saturday morning. Then I hit this sentence about the problems the Democratic caucus in the Virginia legislature is having with one of its members having been convicted of sleeping with his 17 year old receptionist (bolding mine): “There was a racial undercurrent to some of the arguments made at the meeting, the participants said, given that [Joe] Morrissey and a majority of the General Assembly are white, and the 17-year-old at the heart of his conviction is black, as is a majority of his Richmond-area legislative district.”

Whoa, whoa, whoa. She was what? Are you telling me that a white guy with a history of predating on women got convicted of a sex crime involving his underage, African-American receptionist, and nobody in the media thought to mention that minor fact? Despite the fact that this is practicallytextbook behavior for sexual predators in positions of authority? Feminists should be out there, marching and screaming for this man’s head; Del. Morrissey is perilously close to being their collective nightmare when it comes to sex and power imbalances.

But apparently the ‘D’ after Joe Morrissey’s name washes away sins. Or at least, it buys a heck of a lot of forbearance from certain activist groups. It certainly helps when you need to obscure key details on a scandal for as long as humanly possible. Seriously: the fact that this is first I – somebody who actually has been following the story – have heard of this demonstrates, point-blank, that the media fell down on the job. Again. “And again and again and again and again.”
There are Members of both parties ate guilty of sexual misconduct.

Governor Appalchian Trail to Brazil Mark Sanford got elected to congress.

Anthony Wiener resigned in scandal and his political career is over.

Partisan bullshit.

Thread fail.

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