If you are agaianst gay marriage, you're a BIGOT!

You’re a paranoid loon.

There’s nothing ‘radical’ or ‘divisive’ about supporting the Constitution and its case law concerning equal protection. From a judicial standpoint it’s a conservative position on the issue.

Equal protection like hate crime legislation?


So are you saying that motives should not be used to determine the punihsment of crimes? Meaning you think killing someone in self defense should be punished just like murdering someone would

Unk was right.

You really ARE retarded.
Equal protection like hate crime legislation?


So are you saying that motives should not be used to determine the punihsment of crimes? Meaning you think killing someone in self defense should be punished just like murdering someone would

Unk was right.

You really ARE retarded.

So me thinking that self defense shouldn't have the same punishment as murder means I am retarded. Perhaps if you could say something of intellectual value we could have a discussion but that seems impossible
As if all the troubles our country is having are suddenly solved and the most important matter now is our president's stance in gay marriage. I personally don't care what a man likes to do with his his ass, and whether they should be allowed to legally marry or not. It's not even worth my time, I've know many gays and they seem to be just like straights, there's good and bad in them. But to suddenly make this issue center stage of what is happening to our country? This is obviously another head fake, a distraction and a diversion from the disastrous epic fail this president has been both domestically and internationally since he took office. And the media is doing a great job of assisting him.

It does however, highlight who this man is, and what his views generally are. As predicted before he got elected, he's a radical blame America socialist anti capitalist who's done nothing but divide the people of this country. And boy has he come through with flying colors. The sooner we vote this deceptive traitor out of office the better.

You are absolutely way off base. The Democrats are doing a much better job running the country than the GOP was. How can you look at what is happening on Wallstreet and how can you know they want to undo Frank/Dodd and gamble more and lose 2 trillion and continue to be too big to fail! And they want to continue raising gas prices through speculation and gouge us through Healthcare. Are you an insane dummy?

Republicans liked using women and gays as wedge issues, well enjoy being on the losing end of this social issue. The Democrats are playing you guys like fiddles. Obama sets the trap and you guys expose your evil ALEC Kock brother Heritage Foundation Illuminati stripes. I love it. Occupy Wallstreet Bitches!!!:lol:
If a person believes that a group of American citizens should not be afforded the same rights and privileges as all other citizens, then that person is a bigot. Plain and simple.

Now repeat this sentence: "That is my opinion".
You don't get to create your own set of facts and foist them upon others.
I used to read a lot about this when I lived near Tucson. Its not happening in anywhere near the numbers the R's want us to believe. If any of these racist bigots met the Mexicans who come here to work and then WALK for weeks to get back home, they would see that they are not the problem.

There are so few coming across and those who do simply do not have the skills to pull this off. Believe me, I've met many of them and they are the true victims in this mess.

The real problem is in drugs and guns and the United States is complicit in it. NO, not the very few guns involved in Fast and Furious. Cripes, that was a tiny drop in the bucket of ILLEGAL gun running and dope smuggling.

Legalize marijuana and the illegal "problem" would disappear over night.

Then, American families would go bankrupt and Mitten's cronies would buy up the land at a much faster rate.

Remember when NAFTA was going to solve the illegal problem? ROFL oh how that makes me laugh.

It actually made it worse because we sent cheap corn to Mexico which caused the bottom to drop out of their own market and put many many small businesses into bankruptcy. In turn, that made the men and boys of those small villages come to the US for work.

That had not happened for two generations, not since the days when we sent airplanes to fly the workers here and home.

Just like what is happening right now to small American farmers. We deport the people who work for them and then cannot get Americans to work those labor jobs at any wage. Right or wrong, the small businesses cannot pay US wages and the big corporations (...are people too, my behind) are swooping down to buy them up at pennies on the dollar.

We need real immigration reform and we need a workable guest worker program. Hell, even KKK Russell Pearce believed in that.

While the farming industry certainly has an issue getting people to work in the fields, the idea that illegals are only doing jobs Americans won't do is a myth. I've posted about my IRS run in because an illegal was using my SSN before so I'm not going to repost the whole story again, but it was hell on a stick for both myself and my family.
If a person believes that a group of American citizens should not be afforded the same rights and privileges as all other citizens, then that person is a bigot. Plain and simple.

Now repeat this sentence: "That is my opinion".
You don't get to create your own set of facts and foist them upon others.

Sorry but no. Words have meanings. We have large books filled with the meanings of those words.

Bigot - a person who is intolerant of any ideas other than his or her own, esp on religion, politics, or race
You’re a paranoid loon.

There’s nothing ‘radical’ or ‘divisive’ about supporting the Constitution and its case law concerning equal protection. From a judicial standpoint it’s a conservative position on the issue.

Equal protection like hate crime legislation?


So are you saying that motives should not be used to determine the punihsment of crimes? Meaning you think killing someone in self defense should be punished just like murdering someone would

I said don't get me started on hate crime legislation. But noooooooo......

Motive is already taken into account in the various degrees of murder. Hate crime legislation increases punishments for any crime based on bigotry. But bigotry itself is not a crime.

So hate crime legislation makes it a crime to THINK differently. While bigotry is certainly detestable, we can't and shouldnt even try to legislate thought.
Got to love it, you know with the gay marriage thing...


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Seems that the ones calling people bigots on this thread are running from the idea of siblings marrying each other, or parents marrying their children, any of you liberals wanting to chime in? One thinks that because it may cause birth defects, it should not be allowed, but then you'd be all for fathers marrying sons or brother marrying brother?

Where is your idea on equal rights for all?

No. It wasn't ignored. It was answered. Perfectly. By Lone. You've chosen to ignore that answer and spam the thread with the same already answered question over and over.

Additionally, any answer given could be construed as insulting family members and I'd rather not try to walk that razor blade.

The only thing worse than a hypocrite is a stupid and cowardly hypocrite.
But you are okay with government paying welfare payments to support those kids, right? Just saying, in the end, abortion cuts down on unwanted children that become a burden to the system and taxpayers. I'm not using it as an argument supporting abortion but just pointing out the fact of the situation.

As for allowing gays to marry, your other examples really are not the same thing. Polygamy involves multiple people marrying or one person marrying more than one person. Gays are not asking for this. Gays are also not wanting or asking for the right to marry their pets. What they want, is the right to marry the one person they love, which happens to be someone of the same sex, and the reason they are of the same sex is because that is how they were made. The Church may not like it, but here is the fact; with some people, God fucked up. God made these people gay, so we ought to let them marry.

Now I know everyone of the religious nutjobs is going to tell me I'm full of shit, that gays choose their lifestyle. Bottom line is if you know many gay people, then you will know that they did not choose that lifestyle; it was chosen for them.

Bottom line about gay marriage is that I do not support gay marriage. I support the right of gay people to marry. The difference being that not everyone should be forced to marry a gay person.
Polygamists want to marry the ones they love too, so do those who want to marry their pets, and those gays that love more than one person, etc. You see how your argument is filled with indefensible holes any good lawyer can exploit? Besides, the science in being gay is far from being conclusive. Some gays are born that way, while for some it is learned behavior, yet others suddenly realize they are gay after 30 years of being straight, and some even turn straight after being gay. Even more confusing, some are bisexuals who enjoy both sexes equally. Should we let a trio of bisexuals marry? There has not been a "gay gene" identified yet. Where does this insanity end after the genie is let out of the bottle? It's endless in my opinion.

Your entire argument is based on hyperbole to which the only rebuttal to your entire ridiculous post is two words:

Consenting adults.
So then four or five more consenting adults who want to enter into a polygamist marriage should not treated with bigotry and be allowed to marry. So should a bisexual trio who are consenting adults and really really love each other, as well as brother and sister who are over 18, or first cousins.
If you feel homosexuality or gay marriage is wrong, you are not a bigot and it's not homophobia.....it is an opinion.

However people who call other people names because they don't like their opinions are just plain asses.

When you call people 'asses' like you did above, you're an ass by your own definition.
Polygamists want to marry the ones they love too, so do those who want to marry their pets, and those gays that love more than one person, etc. You see how your argument is filled with indefensible holes any good lawyer can exploit? Besides, the science in being gay is far from being conclusive. Some gays are born that way, while for some it is learned behavior, yet others suddenly realize they are gay after 30 years of being straight, and some even turn straight after being gay. Even more confusing, some are bisexuals who enjoy both sexes equally. Should we let a trio of bisexuals marry? There has not been a "gay gene" identified yet. Where does this insanity end after the genie is let out of the bottle? It's endless in my opinion.

Your entire argument is based on hyperbole to which the only rebuttal to your entire ridiculous post is two words:

Consenting adults.
So then four or five more consenting adults who want to enter into a polygamist marriage should not treated with bigotry and be allowed to marry. So should a bisexual trio who are consenting adults and really really love each other, as well as brother and sister who are over 18, or first cousins.

Monogamous and polygamous marriages are two different entities. If you legalize monogamy, it does not require that you legalize polygamy.

But if you legalize monogamy, you can't then deny it to same sex couples without discriminating against a minority.
Your entire argument is based on hyperbole to which the only rebuttal to your entire ridiculous post is two words:

Consenting adults.
So then four or five more consenting adults who want to enter into a polygamist marriage should not treated with bigotry and be allowed to marry. So should a bisexual trio who are consenting adults and really really love each other, as well as brother and sister who are over 18, or first cousins.

Monogamous and polygamous marriages are two different entities. If you legalize monogamy, it does not require that you legalize polygamy.

But if you legalize monogamy, you can't then deny it to same sex couples without discriminating against a minority.

What a cop out. Well marriage between a man and a woman is in nothing the same as a so-called marriage between two gay people. One distinction is in no way more of a discrimination than the other.
Your entire argument is based on hyperbole to which the only rebuttal to your entire ridiculous post is two words:

Consenting adults.
So then four or five more consenting adults who want to enter into a polygamist marriage should not treated with bigotry and be allowed to marry. So should a bisexual trio who are consenting adults and really really love each other, as well as brother and sister who are over 18, or first cousins.

Monogamous and polygamous marriages are two different entities. If you legalize monogamy, it does not require that you legalize polygamy.

But if you legalize monogamy, you can't then deny it to same sex couples without discriminating against a minority.
There are no rights protecting illegal acts.
If you let people have guns, they will shoot people. It's the slippery slope!!! :eek:

if you allow people in the driver seat of a car they will kill someone. Damn that slippery slope.

Exactly! Isn't the slippery slope ridiculous? Allowing gay and lesbian consenting adults equal access to legal, civil marriage does not mean that next week you will be able to marry that sheep you love so much. :D
If you let people have guns, they will shoot people. It's the slippery slope!!! :eek:

if you allow people in the driver seat of a car they will kill someone. Damn that slippery slope.

Exactly! Isn't the slippery slope ridiculous? Allowing gay and lesbian consenting adults equal access to legal, civil marriage does not mean that next week you will be able to marry that sheep you love so much. :D

It's not a slippery slope argument. The argument is that the reasoning of those who claim that the constitution automatically gives all consenting adults the right to marry obviously logically implies that adult children and parents and brothers and sisters can marry.
Polygamists want to marry the ones they love too, so do those who want to marry their pets, and those gays that love more than one person, etc. You see how your argument is filled with indefensible holes any good lawyer can exploit? Besides, the science in being gay is far from being conclusive. Some gays are born that way, while for some it is learned behavior, yet others suddenly realize they are gay after 30 years of being straight, and some even turn straight after being gay. Even more confusing, some are bisexuals who enjoy both sexes equally. Should we let a trio of bisexuals marry? There has not been a "gay gene" identified yet. Where does this insanity end after the genie is let out of the bottle? It's endless in my opinion.

Your entire argument is based on hyperbole to which the only rebuttal to your entire ridiculous post is two words:

Consenting adults.
So then four or five more consenting adults who want to enter into a polygamist marriage should not treated with bigotry and be allowed to marry. So should a bisexual trio who are consenting adults and really really love each other, as well as brother and sister who are over 18, or first cousins.

See, we are not allowed to think that way, we are to deal with gay marriage, all else is wrong. Only certain people can redefine marriage, and all other avenues are closed because people don't want to deal with reality.

Funny how some want to change the legal definition of marriage but only the way they want. Seems that some bigotry is involved.

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