If you bet 21 days you won

If you bet 21 days, you are a winner! That's the number of days that the T lasted before a call for his impeachment was published.
This, first call for the T's impeachment, was an editorial in Time magazine.
I haven't seen Time magazine in ages. Do they still publish anything?
Why does anything they say, matter? :confused-84:
You are right about one thing, your opinion does indicate that you have no brains!

People's sex lives are their own personal business, if there is any right to privacy it's privacy in their sex and romantic life.

Your assumption that Clinton exploited Monica is bullshit. No one has ever indicated that her involvement with him was anything other than voluntary.

The tax returns of public servants are public business -especially when they've had an extensive business career that includes dealing in foreign countries.

People like you are plain sick - you consider money to be more sacred and personal that romantic relationships...sick..sick..sick..
but you think what someone else earns is your business? excuse me while I....
EVERY president for years back showed theirs to prove there was no bs going on With dump the bs is unending
So it's not a law. But rather your feelings on it. Nobody but you gives a shit dude.
Nobody??? WRONG dude,,,,anyone who cares whether the pos you put in the WH is an honest guy does give a shit
Tax returns prove honesty how exactly? The entire existence of the field of tax law is based upon finding ways to get out of paying taxes. That's literally all they are there for. Nobody higher's a tax lawyer to pay more taxes you moron.
Since you AH called me a moron, hires is the word you're looking for
One thing is clear, Democrats can never again get on their high horse about accepting the results of the election and the will of the voters.
I think it's kind of a no brainer that abusing power to sexually exploit interns is much more relevant to public knowledge than how much money he made last year.

Which is why I was much more concerned with trumps statements and actions toward women than I was with his tax returns. Much like I was concerned with Clintons sexcapades more than his tax returns.

How much you make doesn't reveal anything about your character. How you treat women and those who work for you do

You are right about one thing, your opinion does indicate that you have no brains!

People's sex lives are their own personal business, if there is any right to privacy it's privacy in their sex and romantic life.

Your assumption that Clinton exploited Monica is bullshit. No one has ever indicated that her involvement with him was anything other than voluntary.

The tax returns of public servants are public business -especially when they've had an extensive business career that includes dealing in foreign countries.

People like you are plain sick - you consider money to be more sacred and personal that romantic relationships...sick..sick..sick..
but you think what someone else earns is your business? excuse me while I....
EVERY president for years back showed theirs to prove there was no bs going on With dump the bs is unending
So it's not a law. But rather your feelings on it. Nobody but you gives a shit dude.
Nobody??? WRONG dude,,,,anyone who cares whether the pos you put in the WH is an honest guy does give a shit
Try to calm down, Edward. lol
Take some time to look at the benefits of a Trump presidency.
Unless you're an illegal who committed crimes, you'll benefit. :)
You are right about one thing, your opinion does indicate that you have no brains!

People's sex lives are their own personal business, if there is any right to privacy it's privacy in their sex and romantic life.

Your assumption that Clinton exploited Monica is bullshit. No one has ever indicated that her involvement with him was anything other than voluntary.

The tax returns of public servants are public business -especially when they've had an extensive business career that includes dealing in foreign countries.

People like you are plain sick - you consider money to be more sacred and personal that romantic relationships...sick..sick..sick..
but you think what someone else earns is your business? excuse me while I....
EVERY president for years back showed theirs to prove there was no bs going on With dump the bs is unending
So it's not a law. But rather your feelings on it. Nobody but you gives a shit dude.
Nobody??? WRONG dude,,,,anyone who cares whether the pos you put in the WH is an honest guy does give a shit
Try to calm down, Edward. Take some time to look at the benefits of a Trump presidency.
Unless you're an illegal who committed crimes, you'll benefit. :)
exactly. so anyone out there illegal whose committed identity theft better watch the fk out!!!!
You don't mind that an American President perjured himself. Alrighty then.
Lying about a BJ??? Didn't stop Bill from becoming the best president of your lifetime Maybe GWB should have done the same??? Couldn't have hurt

He lied in a Court of Law, it is interesting that you can't make the distinction.
So, as long as the Trumpster doesn't lie in a court of law, he is free to lie as much as he wants?

LOL, if lies bothered that bad you wouldn't have voted for your Hillary ;)
Spare me, Trump has lied more in one week than all of the pretend lies you accuse Hillary of.

Keep drinking the kool aid
You are right about one thing, your opinion does indicate that you have no brains!

People's sex lives are their own personal business, if there is any right to privacy it's privacy in their sex and romantic life.

Your assumption that Clinton exploited Monica is bullshit. No one has ever indicated that her involvement with him was anything other than voluntary.

The tax returns of public servants are public business -especially when they've had an extensive business career that includes dealing in foreign countries.

People like you are plain sick - you consider money to be more sacred and personal that romantic relationships...sick..sick..sick..
but you think what someone else earns is your business? excuse me while I....
EVERY president for years back showed theirs to prove there was no bs going on With dump the bs is unending
So it's not a law. But rather your feelings on it. Nobody but you gives a shit dude.
Nobody??? WRONG dude,,,,anyone who cares whether the pos you put in the WH is an honest guy does give a shit
Try to calm down, Edward. lol
Take some time to look at the benefits of a Trump presidency.
Unless you're an illegal who committed crimes, you'll benefit. :)
Tycho Thank you for a post that seems to come from some one with a brain Yes I have had benefits from trumps influence on the markets BUT I hate the mans guts ,,,imo he's a pig a liar and will do anything to increase his wealth as president
but you think what someone else earns is your business? excuse me while I....
EVERY president for years back showed theirs to prove there was no bs going on With dump the bs is unending
So it's not a law. But rather your feelings on it. Nobody but you gives a shit dude.
Nobody??? WRONG dude,,,,anyone who cares whether the pos you put in the WH is an honest guy does give a shit
Try to calm down, Edward. Take some time to look at the benefits of a Trump presidency.
Unless you're an illegal who committed crimes, you'll benefit. :)
exactly. so anyone out there illegal whose committed identity theft better watch the fk out!!!!
The deportations we're hearing about now started with Obama. I can't give Trump credit for that.
but you think what someone else earns is your business? excuse me while I....
EVERY president for years back showed theirs to prove there was no bs going on With dump the bs is unending
So it's not a law. But rather your feelings on it. Nobody but you gives a shit dude.
Nobody??? WRONG dude,,,,anyone who cares whether the pos you put in the WH is an honest guy does give a shit
Try to calm down, Edward. lol
Take some time to look at the benefits of a Trump presidency.
Unless you're an illegal who committed crimes, you'll benefit. :)
Tycho Thank you for a post that seems to come from some one with a brain Yes I have had benefits from trumps influence on the markets BUT I hate the mans guts ,,,imo he's a pig a liar and will do anything to increase his wealth as president
You don't judge a person by the size of his wallet, it's what's in their heart that matters.

Trump has a long history of helping others. The same can't be said for obama or Hillary.
One thing is clear, Democrats can never again get on their high horse about accepting the results of the election and the will of the voters.
dump outvoted by 3 million and idiots say he has a mandate

Are you an idiot? Trump won 30 states and was sworn in as President. Trump even charged into Hillary's blue states and squashed her like a bug in PA, MI, and WI. 30 states including 3 blue states, the House and the Senate that's a mandate.

You libs are funny, you wake up on canvas, broken nose, beat to shit, ambulance on the way, Trump is dancing around the ring hands in the air enjoying the win and you fools claim Hillary won. :laugh::laugh::laugh:
EVERY president for years back showed theirs to prove there was no bs going on With dump the bs is unending
So it's not a law. But rather your feelings on it. Nobody but you gives a shit dude.
Nobody??? WRONG dude,,,,anyone who cares whether the pos you put in the WH is an honest guy does give a shit
Try to calm down, Edward. lol
Take some time to look at the benefits of a Trump presidency.
Unless you're an illegal who committed crimes, you'll benefit. :)
Tycho Thank you for a post that seems to come from some one with a brain Yes I have had benefits from trumps influence on the markets BUT I hate the mans guts ,,,imo he's a pig a liar and will do anything to increase his wealth as president
You don't judge a person by the size of his wallet, but what's in their heart that matters.

Trump has a long history of helping others. The same can't be said for obama or Hillary.
Please tycho He doesn't have 100's of law suits against him for helping anyone,,,,,,the man has screwed more people than Wilt The Stilt
One thing is clear, Democrats can never again get on their high horse about accepting the results of the election and the will of the voters.
dump outvoted by 3 million and idiots say he has a mandate

Are you an idiot? Trump won 30 states and was sworn in as President. Trump even charged into Hillary's blue states and squashed her like a bug in PA, MI, and WI. 30 states including 3 blue states, the House and the Senate that's a mandate.

You libs are funny, you wake up on canvas, broken nose, beat to shit, ambulance on the way, Trump is dancing around the ring hands in the air enjoying the win and you fools claim Hillary won. :laugh::laugh::laugh:
yes he won those 3 states barely,,,,think he'll get a repeat?
EVERY president for years back showed theirs to prove there was no bs going on With dump the bs is unending
So it's not a law. But rather your feelings on it. Nobody but you gives a shit dude.
Nobody??? WRONG dude,,,,anyone who cares whether the pos you put in the WH is an honest guy does give a shit
Try to calm down, Edward. lol
Take some time to look at the benefits of a Trump presidency.
Unless you're an illegal who committed crimes, you'll benefit. :)
Tycho Thank you for a post that seems to come from some one with a brain Yes I have had benefits from trumps influence on the markets BUT I hate the mans guts ,,,imo he's a pig a liar and will do anything to increase his wealth as president
You don't judge a person by the size of his wallet, it's what's in their heart that matters.

Trump has a long history of helping others. The same can't be said for obama or Hillary.
He does do well with other peoples money
So it's not a law. But rather your feelings on it. Nobody but you gives a shit dude.
Nobody??? WRONG dude,,,,anyone who cares whether the pos you put in the WH is an honest guy does give a shit
Try to calm down, Edward. lol
Take some time to look at the benefits of a Trump presidency.
Unless you're an illegal who committed crimes, you'll benefit. :)
Tycho Thank you for a post that seems to come from some one with a brain Yes I have had benefits from trumps influence on the markets BUT I hate the mans guts ,,,imo he's a pig a liar and will do anything to increase his wealth as president
You don't judge a person by the size of his wallet, but what's in their heart that matters.

Trump has a long history of helping others. The same can't be said for obama or Hillary.
Please tycho He doesn't have 100's of law suits against him for helping anyone,,,,,,the man has screwed more people than Wilt The Stilt
You'd know more about owning a business if you had one.
Nobody??? WRONG dude,,,,anyone who cares whether the pos you put in the WH is an honest guy does give a shit
Try to calm down, Edward. lol
Take some time to look at the benefits of a Trump presidency.
Unless you're an illegal who committed crimes, you'll benefit. :)
Tycho Thank you for a post that seems to come from some one with a brain Yes I have had benefits from trumps influence on the markets BUT I hate the mans guts ,,,imo he's a pig a liar and will do anything to increase his wealth as president
You don't judge a person by the size of his wallet, but what's in their heart that matters.

Trump has a long history of helping others. The same can't be said for obama or Hillary.
Please tycho He doesn't have 100's of law suits against him for helping anyone,,,,,,the man has screwed more people than Wilt The Stilt
You'd know more about owning a business if you had one.
He has no interest in owning one or even trying to understand what it takes to own one. All these people have is their stupid talking points. Rich people, horrible, hate women, racists... duh dur, dah dur, dah dur.
So it's not a law. But rather your feelings on it. Nobody but you gives a shit dude.
Nobody??? WRONG dude,,,,anyone who cares whether the pos you put in the WH is an honest guy does give a shit
Try to calm down, Edward. lol
Take some time to look at the benefits of a Trump presidency.
Unless you're an illegal who committed crimes, you'll benefit. :)
Tycho Thank you for a post that seems to come from some one with a brain Yes I have had benefits from trumps influence on the markets BUT I hate the mans guts ,,,imo he's a pig a liar and will do anything to increase his wealth as president
You don't judge a person by the size of his wallet, it's what's in their heart that matters.

Trump has a long history of helping others. The same can't be said for obama or Hillary.
He does do well with other peoples money
He's done well with $ earned.
So it's not a law. But rather your feelings on it. Nobody but you gives a shit dude.
Nobody??? WRONG dude,,,,anyone who cares whether the pos you put in the WH is an honest guy does give a shit
Try to calm down, Edward. lol
Take some time to look at the benefits of a Trump presidency.
Unless you're an illegal who committed crimes, you'll benefit. :)
Tycho Thank you for a post that seems to come from some one with a brain Yes I have had benefits from trumps influence on the markets BUT I hate the mans guts ,,,imo he's a pig a liar and will do anything to increase his wealth as president
You don't judge a person by the size of his wallet, it's what's in their heart that matters.

Trump has a long history of helping others. The same can't be said for obama or Hillary.
He does do well with other peoples money
Who's money? Who's money does he have?
I didn't say what you just implied. I said his personal tax returns are NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS.


You don't think that a President's tax returns are our business, but I'm sure you think that a president getting a hummer from an intern is.

Not too partisan now are we?
Since you don't know the answer to that question you can kindly fuck off too. You stupid liberal faggots seem to think you can read minds.
Why did Trump lie about his tax returns?
So you nosy cocksuckers would shut up about them. Kinda like when your fatass wife says "does my butt look big in these jeans" and you LIE & say no.

Typical wingnut asshole...you know your dead wrong but instead of admitting it you just get nasty. Do you seriously think that your going to intimidate liberals into giving up on Trumps Tax returns by getting nasty? Seriously?



And if they are why is there no law compelling candidates to produce?

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