If You Could Genetically Engineer Your Unborn Child, What Would You Do?

What would you be willing to do in terms of genetically engineering your children?

  • Nothing. It is wrong for various reasons

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • Correction of DNA defects that might cause bad mutations

    Votes: 7 46.7%
  • Minor enhancements of the childs appearance

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Make the child larger, taller, bigger

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Make the child smarter

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • Make the child into an Olympic athlete

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Make the child into a genius

    Votes: 6 40.0%
  • Make the child into one of the first members of the X-Men - a super mutant

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • Max it out bro, let the kid be a monster among mankind!

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • I dunno, does it come with a good side of fries?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Clean up the bad genes and we need more geniuses.
Why cant we use genetic engineering to perfect the human DNA?

Why cant we all be as fast as Usain Bolt, strong as Schwatzenegger in his prime, smart as Farnsworth, and as durable as Cal Ripken?

We can, and no doubt some will. I choose not to.
Clean up the bad genes and we need more geniuses.
Why cant we use genetic engineering to perfect the human DNA?

Why cant we all be as fast as Usain Bolt, strong as Schwatzenegger in his prime, smart as Farnsworth, and as durable as Cal Ripken?

We can, and no doubt some will. I choose not to.
And you have every right not to.

But the impacts of chosing to not genetically engineer yourself is one thing, choosing to not do that for your kids could be a different matter.

Will the #NeverAlter parents of the future become the anti-vaccination parents of our time?
This service will exaggerate the divide between the rich and the poor, making the rich genetically superior, and the poor, well, disposable.

. . . and for them, the rich elite, they will take upon them the violent right to lord over all the others. . . .

The time is getting closer when human beings will be able to genetically alter their child in vitro.

But many think some things are going too far and others want to do the whole shebang and have Superbabies.
What would you be willing to do in terms of genetically engineering your children?

"I would be willing to do...."

Other than eliminating genetically cause birth defects- nothing.
Right now, the correction of DNA is leading and only one vote for #neveralter

Why would you do or not do genetic engineering?

10 Things You Didn't Know About "Gattaca"
10 Things You Didn't Know About "Gattaca" ~ The Geek Twins

Very interesting link there.

I think the strongest argument AGAINST a dichotomy between rich and poor with genetic engineering lies along three lines:
1. Many people will have moral objections and so the dividing lines will be much more fuzzy than strictly along income levels.
2. The government will finance much of the engineering to lessen its load for health care.
3. The types of treatment will probably come in a variety of packages where you can choose to give the kid varying traits and not have just two, the best only affordable by the rich, and the worst for everyone else. There will be a finer granular gray scale than that and different parents will be willing to take on more debt than others to finance the genetic engineering of their children.

It will also be interesting to see which Olympic competitions will be affected as well as some competitions are less dependent on natural qualities than the pure mental endurance and will to triumph.
Other than eliminating genetically cause birth defects- nothing.
If you have a child and only correct his defects and he goes into a society where 99% of the other kids have had genetic enhancements, would you be guilty of not giving your kid a competitive equality? Would that be child abuse?

Why no enhancements?
Right now, the correction of DNA is leading and only one vote for #neveralter

Why would you do or not do genetic engineering?

10 Things You Didn't Know About "Gattaca"
10 Things You Didn't Know About "Gattaca" ~ The Geek Twins

Very interesting link there.

I think the strongest argument AGAINST a dichotomy between rich and poor with genetic engineering lies along three lines:
1. Many people will have moral objections and so the dividing lines will be much more fuzzy than strictly along income levels.
2. The government will finance much of the engineering to lessen its load for health care.
3. The types of treatment will probably come in a variety of packages where you can choose to give the kid varying traits and not have just two, the best only affordable by the rich, and the worst for everyone else. There will be a finer granular gray scale than that and different parents will be willing to take on more debt than others to finance the genetic engineering of their children.

It will also be interesting to see which Olympic competitions will be affected as well as some competitions are less dependent on natural qualities than the pure mental endurance and will to triumph.

Sounds like a fucking nightmare.

The government can't do anything right as it is. The current healthcare systems, are, in effect, deathcare systems, managing people's declines, not promoting health at all.

Everything the government touches turns to shit and corruption, I wouldn't let them near engineering people. The fact is, if such a regime were passed, it would lead to tyranny.

Genetic engineering will come anyway, whether we like it or not, unless the fourth age dawns first. Seems humanity has forgotten the lessons of the second and first ages, hopefully we won't forget the lessons of this one. It doesn't seem, collectively at least, we have learned them yet though. :uhoh3:
The time is getting closer when human beings will be able to genetically alter their child in vitro.

But many think some things are going too far and others want to do the whole shebang and have Superbabies.
What would you be willing to do in terms of genetically engineering your children?

"I would be willing to do...."

I would fix genetic disorders...other than that....not much.......
I would genetically engineer, because the welfare state has removed selective pressures of evolution
The time is getting closer when human beings will be able to genetically alter their child in vitro.

But many think some things are going too far and others want to do the whole shebang and have Superbabies.
What would you be willing to do in terms of genetically engineering your children?

"I would be willing to do...."

Probably just weed out any major genetic illnesses, propensity for addiction, ADHD and shit.......and let nature and nurture decide on everything else.
You must be watching Ancient Aliens today.
He's watching Contemporary Aliens.
Not sure why so many are so afraid of using proven medical science to improve their lives.
They're too busy trying to prove we come from monkeys.
No scientist says that, only undereducated cons.
Dude, he was joking. I was joking when I corrected him.

Would a few shots of Petrone help? Does for me.

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