If You Could Have Anything In The World

Right now? A decent Italian beef sammich. These cheeseheads up here in 'sconsin don't know how to make one and I'll be damned if I'm going to Chicago.
I think I got what I want, but would like to see the electric chair come back as the death penalty (Just think what a modern death chair would look like.). First and foremost, it would take countermeasures between countries. For example, the hackers have gotten deadly...

'“The attack on the Oldsmar water treatment facility shows that security attacks on operational technology are not just made up in Hollywood anymore,” Voster wrote in an accompanying article.

Another example, Voster wrote, was the Triton malware that was first identified in December 2017 on the operational technology systems of a petrochemical facility. It was designed to disable the safety systems put in place to shut down the plant in case of a hazardous event.

“If the malware had been effective, then loss of life was highly likely,” Voster wrote. “It is not unreasonable to assume that this was an intended result. Hence ‘malware’ has now entered the realm of ‘killware.’”'

Living long enough to attend trumps funeral Something I need to do there
Tick Tock Tick Tock so little time left on eddiew37 clock.....

Azog have no fear I'm planning on being around for many more years

Americans are now expected to live an average of 77.3 years, down from 78.8 years in 2019, according the report released Wednesday by the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics. Hispanics saw the biggest drop in life expectancy last year, followed by Black Americans.

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