If you could pick ANY career and start over, what would you choose?

I don't really care, actually, as long as my employer doesn't relocate without telling me their new address, like my last two have done.
What do you have? B.O.? :50: Bad breath? :uhh: Stinky feet? :disbelief:
I would either be an archaeologist or an astronomer.
A close second/third would be something in physics.

Archaeologist. That was my first love and then I realized this is what you do when your parents are rich and you can live off of them. I had wanted to transfer to a specific university (two actually) so I could spend a semester on an ethnographic study in Central America. They wanted 2 thousand for the course + airfare+lodging+food+all the other crap you need and you couldn't hold a job. Back then that was a big deal. I emailed the prof and he didn't respond for about a year........because he was in Central America. By that time I was either already in Chicago or on my way to Chicago.

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