If you could pick ANY career and start over, what would you choose?

I would have become a banker, that way I could either create money, or get it for free, without having to do a single day's worth of work.
Archeologist, chef or astronaut
No way I could just pick one
Head chef is an underpaid overwhelming job. I have a friend who has that job and he hates it
True. but cooking is about my favorite thing to do. I can also handle the environment. I managed a Pizza Hut once. No way that could be any more stressful than working with a bunch of stoned teenagers that eat all your thawed chicken chunks
Archeologist, chef or astronaut
No way I could just pick one
Head chef is an underpaid overwhelming job. I have a friend who has that job and he hates it
True. but cooking is about my favorite thing to do. I can also handle the environment. I managed a Pizza Hut once. No way that could be any more stressful than working with a bunch of stoned teenagers that eat all your thawed chicken chunks
I'm not sure you understand what a head chef does & what his duties entail
Indisputable and invulnerable Dictator of Planet Earth

Somebody already occupies that position.

Archeologist, chef or astronaut
No way I could just pick one
Head chef is an underpaid overwhelming job. I have a friend who has that job and he hates it
True. but cooking is about my favorite thing to do. I can also handle the environment. I managed a Pizza Hut once. No way that could be any more stressful than working with a bunch of stoned teenagers that eat all your thawed chicken chunks
I'm not sure you understand what a head chef does & what his duties entail
I know exactly what a head chef does. I was just trying to be funny
I don't really care, actually, as long as my employer doesn't relocate without telling me their new address, like my last two have done.

I look for doubloons everytime I go to the beach.

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