If you disbelieve all "conspiracy theories," you then believe . . .

You’ve taken the thread far afield.

Let me ask you to answer the question implied in the OP, since you may have missed it.

Do you believe that the official versions that we hear about controversial events is always true and complete?

I really haven't. I've addressed the issues you've raised, from Ray Epps to the Russian Collusion.

And demonstrated the profound irrationality of the conspiracy mindset. And its horrid record on accuracy.

The mistake you've made in assessing the utility of conspiracy reasoning is in accepting only the hits of conspiracy theorists. And ignoring the misses, despite orders of magnitude separating them in quantity. That's a classic fallacy of logic.

Conspiracy reasoning almost always results in failure.

I can point to a dozen REAL posters, REAL conspiracy theorists......and we can test their accuracy. All of it, on all their conspiracy claims, all their accusations, all their assertions. It does not go well for you.

While you have to imagine a hypothetical conspiracy theorist that just happened to be right.
And wasn't wrong on almost everything else. Your argument requires a sanitized and imaginary hypothetical that embraces logical fallacies while slipping it the tongue.

Mine does not.

Our sources are not equal.
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I really haven't. I've addressed the issues you've raised, from Ray Epps to the Russian Collusion.

And demonstrated the profound irrationality of the conspiracy mindset. And its horrid record on accuracy.

The mistake you've made in assessing the utility of conspiracy reasoning is in accepting only the hits of conspiracy theorists. And ignoring the misses, despite orders of magnitude separating them in quantity. That's a classic fallacy of logic.

Conspiracy reasoning almost always results in failure.

I can point to a dozen REAL posters, REAL conspiracy theorists......and we can test their accuracy. All of it, on all their conspiracy claims, all their accusations, all their assertions. It does not go well for you.

While you have to imagine a hypothetical conspiracy theorist that just happened to be right.
And wasn't wrong on almost everything else. Your argument requires a sanitized and imaginary hypothetical that embraces logical fallacies while slipping it the tongue.

Mine does not.

Our sources are not equal.
Is that a yes?
What part of "I really haven't" makes you think that's a 'yes'?
I was just asking. It was a simple question that should have been a simple "yes" or "no." Here is, again:

Do you believe that the official versions that we hear about controversial events is always true and complete?
. . . that our government has consistently told us the truth about important events in our history, that there is nothing further to be learned about them than the official story, and that there are no secret programs or missions other than those against legitimate enemies we would want to see kept an eye on and criminals that we would want law enforcement to infiltrate and imprison.

It would be an incredible act of faith to continue to believe that in light of recent revelations.

View attachment 786471
Is that a TR3B "Black Triangle" flying silently over her yard just over the rim of her coffee cup? 😁
I was just asking. It was a simple question that should have been a simple "yes" or "no." Here is, again:

Do you believe that the official versions that we hear about controversial events is always true and complete?

It depends on the topic. And the question isn't if I believe the 'official version'. The question is "do I believe the official version MORE than I do the batshit insanity and rampant speculation backed by nothing of conspiracy theorists?"

And the answer to that would be, absolutely.

Conspiracy reasoning almost always results in failure.

Your argument ignores almost every conspiracy that's been cited in this thread. Demonstrating that you clearly recognize the horrendous record of accuracy among conspiracy theorists.

You can't ignore the legion of misses by conspiracy theorists without embracing the Cherry Picking fallacy. And you do.
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Demonstrating that you clearly recognize the horrendous record of accuracy among conspiracy theorists.
sure......almost on par with our governments horrendous record of clarity , transparency , collusion, nepotism, gross incompetence, shill agenda's , and constitutionally challenging legislations......~S~
sure......almost on par with our governments horrendous record of clarity , transparency , collusion, nepotism, gross incompetence, shill agenda's , and constitutionally challenging legislations......~S~

I'll put the FBI up against Alex Jones anyday. And certainly against the blithering gibberish of our board's conspiracy theorists.

I had one idiot literally make up imaginary passages from the constitution to try to change the definition of treason.....so Obama could be killed.

I had another insist that Chuck Schumer had Tucker Carlson fired.

And another that the term 'enemy' in 'aid and comfort the enemy' was 'fraud'. If you have no idea what that means, neither did I.
Or.....can conclude that any bomb powerful enough to cut massive steel support beams would be powerful enough to make a noise.

You've been apeing the conspiracy for years.

And I dismanlted it in a sentence.

Traitor you are.... a Zionist Fascist Traitor, and the only people who agree with you are fellow traitors and morons who understand nothing....
Traitor you are.... a Zionist Fascist Traitor, and the only people who agree with you are fellow traitors and morons who understand nothing....

Blah, blah, blah.

You've been spewing this silly conspiracy for years.

And I dismantled it in one sentence.
It depends on the topic. And the question isn't if I believe the 'official version'. The question is "do I believe the official version MORE than I do the batshit insanity and rampant speculation backed by nothing of conspiracy theorists?"

And the answer to that would be, absolutely.
so you "absolutely" believe the official version, but not fully, just more than the CT?

Do you still believe the Russian collusion narrative, for example?

Or do you undertand that it was a conspiracy theory backed by nothing but rampant speculation, and lies by public officials?
Yeah, you "proved" this is not controlled demolition.... LOL!!!

Watch again...

Again, silent controlled demolition doesn't exist.

If a charge is powerful enough to cut a massive steel support beam, its powerful enough to make a noise.
so you "absolutely" believe the official version, but not fully, just more than the CT?

You don't need to paraphrase me to try and change what I said. My quote is right there:

Do I believe the official version MORE than I do the batshit insanity and rampant speculation backed by nothing of conspiracy theorists?


I don't have to believe everything in the official version to believe the official version MORE than I do conspiracy theorists.

Conspiracy theorists are wildly unreliable as they literally just make up stories backed with nothing....and ignore evidence that contradicts them.

And you know this....as demonstrated by your stark refusal to discuss almost any of the litany of conspiracies cited in this thread. You know how batshit, how unhinged, how unreliable, how speculative, how fraught with pseudo-legal gibberish they are.

Do you still believe the Russian collusion narrative, for example?

What's the 'official version' of the Russian Collusion narrative now?
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I'll put the FBI up against Alex Jones anyday.
how do you know they're not one and the same Sky?

Declassified 1949 CIA manual gives warning to disinformation on social media


What's the 'official version' of the Russian Collusion narrative now?
That is a good question, actually. I would think you would know that better than I, since you tend to accept the official versions of things with little question. I'm sure you have all along accepted the official version of "Russia Collusion!"

The official version has been that Trump colluded with the Russians to get them to help him in the 2016 election, and that the Steele Dossier is a legitimate piece of verified intelligence.

Everyone knows that is not true by now, even you it seems. The Democrats are saying little about it. I guess the official version is now "somebody did something," or "it's yesterday's news."
I guess they were smart enough not to listen to Fauci:

Anthony Fauci, chief medical adviser to President Biden, said during a discussion on Sunday about the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) decision to drop mask recommendations for fully vaccinated individuals that vaccinated people become “dead ends” for COVID-19

No, that’s why I didn’t believe Fauci, either.
You're not making sense.

I asked you "who told you the vaccine would prevent you from getting and spreading COVID" and you posted the link to Fauci's statement which tells me that Fauci basically told you.

Below you say "you fell for it" and got the vaccine. Yet in the post above you say you didn't believe Fauci. Which is it? Did you fall for Fauci's supposed lies or not?
Then why were we told that we could neither get COVID nor spread COVID if we got the vaccine?

I got the vaccine specifically because we were told that once we got it, we would no longer be required to wear masks. That hoax only lasted a few weeks, and then I was forced to wear one as a condition of employment, though fully "vaccinated."

I fell for it, I have to admit. But I'm not going to fall for your gaslighting. You cannot erase my memories.
You're not making sense.

I asked you "who told you the vaccine would prevent you from getting and spreading COVID" and you posted the link to Fauci's statement which tells me that Fauci basically told you.
Below you say "you fell for it" and got the vaccine. Yet in the post above you say you didn't believe Fauci. Which is it? Did you fall for Fauci's supposed lies or not?
Ah, thanks for asking for clarification.

No, of course I did not believe Fauchi's lie that such a hastily produced vaccine would be affective. What I fell for was the statement that if you get vaccinated you no longer have to wear a mask in public or indoors or outdoors. It took about a day after I got the vaccine for them to renege on that.

They got me, I have to admit.

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