If you disbelieve all "conspiracy theories," you then believe . . .

The 'Russian Collusion' thing was resolved in the Muller report approaching half a decade ago.

So what exactly are you referring to?
Then you answer your own question about what the official version of the Russia collusion hoax is.

Question: do you totally discount the Durham report? Is that not part of the official narrative?
Then you answer your own question about what the official version of the Russia collusion hoax is.

Question: do you totally discount the Durham report? Is that not part of the official narrative?

You're the one comparing things to the 'official version'.

Now you're telling me you don't have an 'official version'? Then what have you been comparing to?
You're the one comparing things to the 'official version'.

Now you're telling me you don't have an 'official version'? Then what have you been comparing to?
I agree that the Mueller report was the official version. The conspiracy theory has been that extreme partisan Democrats and Never Trumpets colluded to gin up the scandal as a hoax.

With the Durham report, we now know that CT was the truth, and that the CT believers were right.
I agree that the Mueller report was the official version. The conspiracy theory has been that extreme partisan Democrats and Never Trumpets colluded to gin up the scandal as a hoax.

With the Durham report, we now know that CT was the truth, and that the CT believers were right.

Then what is the 'official version' in the Mueller report related to Russian Collusion? You've got all the tools to answer your own question.

Its coming up on a half a decade old. So I'm hardly springing this on you.
Then what is the 'official version' in the Mueller report related to Russian Collusion? You've got all the tools to answer your own question.

Its coming up on a half a decade old. So I'm hardly springing this on you.
I'm just pointing out that the Durham report clarifies that the Russian Collusion scandal was a deliberate hoax by senior Democrats and Never Trumpets.

It's recently released, so you may not have studied that part of the official version yet.
I'm just pointing out that the Durham report clarifies that the Russian Collusion scandal was a deliberate hoax by senior Democrats and Never Trumpets.

It's recently released, so you may not have studied that part of the official version yet.

So what is the 'official version' of Russian Collusion? Your entire argument is prefaced on comparing conspiracy theories with the 'official version'.

Surely you know what you're comparing against?

Your answer has no relevance to what I have or haven't studied. You're stalling.
So what is the 'official version' of Russian Collusion? Your entire argument is prefaced on comparing conspiracy theories with the 'official version'.

Surely you know what you're comparing against?

Your answer has no relevance to what I have or haven't studied. You're stalling.
I already explained that the Mueller Report was the official version and the idea that Russia collusion was a hoax was the CT.

Now, the CT is verified.
I already explained that the Mueller Report was the official version and the idea that Russia collusion was a hoax was the CT.

And what was the 'official version' of Russian Collusion per the Mueller report?

You're comparing the 'official version of Russian Collusion' in the Mueller report to the Conspiracy Theory.

But you can't tell us what the official version of Russia Collusion in the Mueller report is?

Then *what* are you comparing to? And why do I have to ask you this simple, fundamental question over and over?
Seymour Flops

Here, I'll help:

In case you need a refresh of the 'official version', given that this came out coming up on half a decade ago.

For the third time, What was the 'official version' of Russian Collusion per the Mueller report?
. . . that our government has consistently told us the truth about important events in our history, that there is nothing further to be learned about them than the official story, and that there are no secret programs or missions other than those against legitimate enemies we would want to see kept an eye on and criminals that we would want law enforcement to infiltrate and imprison.

It would be an incredible act of faith to continue to believe that in light of recent revelations.

View attachment 786471

The left still thinks all of these are "conspiracy theories"...

And what was the 'official version' of Russian Collusion per the Mueller report?

You're comparing the 'official version of Russian Collusion' in the Mueller report to the Conspiracy Theory.

But you can't tell us what the official version of Russia Collusion in the Mueller report is?

Then *what* are you comparing to? And why do I have to ask you this simple, fundamental question over and over?
I'm not going to recite the whole thing for you. You brought up the Mueller report, but I don't ask you to recite it to me.

Do you have specific questions?

You seem to be unwilling to talk about the CT that turned out to be true, as laid out in the Durham Report.

Here it is for you, since I'm guessing you haven't had a chance to study it:

Dude....you're still stuck on the same conspiracy shattering hole in your claims.

You can't have silent controlled demolition. Its physically impossible. If an explosion can cut a steel beam, it can move air molecules and make a noise.

You've literally presented us with a conspiracy that requires IMAGINARY physics to be plausible.

Nobody needs noise. Anyone with an IQ over 5 can tell from those videos that was controlled demolition, but your job as a Zionist Fascist is to shout that down by any means necessary, because you are part of the team that did 911.
I'm not going to recite the whole thing for you. You brought up the Mueller report, but I don't ask you to recite it to me.
Dramatic much? Who is asking you to recite the ENTIRE Mueller report. Paraphrase for us. Give us a page number and a good quote on what it says about Russian Collusion.

Russian collusion was YOUR topic. Not mine. You brought up the 'official version'. Not me. And when pressed, this is what you agreed the official version was:

Seymour Flops: "I agree that the Mueller report was the official version."

So, for the fourth time, what was the 'official version' of Russian Collusion per the Mueller report? You're clearly unable to answer.

If you can't define what the 'official version' was, then what are comparing the conspiracy theories to?
Nobody needs noise. Anyone with an IQ over 5 can tell from those videos that was controlled demolition, but your job as a Zionist Fascist is to shout that down by any means necessary, because you are part of the team that did 911.

Wrong again.

Any explosive strong enough to sheer massive multi-ton steel girders by the thousands.....is strong enough to make a noise.

There is no such thing as silent controlled demolition.

You can't get around that.
I already explained that the Mueller Report was the official version and the idea that Russia collusion was a hoax was the CT.

Now, the CT is verified.
What are you not getting?
Example 1
“Official” story: WTC7 collapsed due to due to fire weakening the structure
CT version: WTC7 was brought down by controlled demolition

Example 2
“Official” story: The COVID vaccine prevented people from getting/spreading the virus
CT version: The vaccine wasn’t effective and was created for the sole purpose of making money for big pharma and government officials involved

Russia collusion
“Official” story:?????
CT version: ?????

See how that works?
Leftists and the endgame of THEIR conspiracy theories. With images like this, that they never, EVER want us to remember, we win. They know this, and are trying to run away.

Never let them forget.


Dramatic much? Who is asking you to recite the ENTIRE Mueller report. Paraphrase for us. Give us a page number and a good quote on what it says about Russian Collusion.

Russian collusion was YOUR topic. Not mine. You brought up the 'official version'. Not me. And when pressed, this is what you agreed the official version was:

Seymour Flops: "I agree that the Mueller report was the official version."

So, for the fourth time, what was the 'official version' of Russian Collusion per the Mueller report? You're clearly unable to answer.

If you can't define what the 'official version' was, then what are comparing the conspiracy theories to?
I will very briefly paraphrase it. I'm sure you think that you are cleverly dodging a losing argument by giving me a lengthy typing assignment.

The Mueller report claimed that Russia made numerous efforts to influence the 2016 election in Trump's favor, through social media posts. It claimed that several Trump associates lied to investigators looking into election interference.

As I said, that was the official version. Now that version has been significantly amended and there is a new official version.

With the Durham Report released by the same DOJ that released the Mueller Report, the official version now states that Candidate Trump and his supporters were given disparate treatment compared to Candidate Clinton in the investigations of each of their campaigns.

The speed and manner in which the FBI opened and investigated Crossfire Hurricane during the presidential election season based on raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligence also reflected a noticeable departure from how it approached prior matters involving possible attempted foreign election interference plans aimed at the Clinton campaign

It also states something that should shock any American interested in honest elections: That the claims of "Russia collusion" that led to the Meuller investigation were invented out of whole cloth by the Clinton campaign and propped up and spread by tax-funded efforts of U.S. intelligence, with the knowledge of then President Obama.

The Steele Dossier In the spring of 2016, Perkins Coie, a U.S.-based international law firm, acting as counsel to the Clinton campaign, retained Fusion GPS, a U.S.-based investigative firm, to conduct . . . opposition research on Trump and his associates. In mid-May 2016, Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS met with Steele in the United Kingdom and subsequently retained Steele and his firm, Orbis Business Intelligence ("Orbis"), to investigate Trump's ties to Russia. 33

According to his handwritten notes, CIA Director Brennan subsequently briefed President Obama and other senior national security officials on the intelligence, including the "alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016 of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services."

Those ideas were considered pure conspiracy theory according to the left, the Democrats and the MSM. Like many conspiracy theories, the reasoning often amounted to "sounds like something they'd do." People with knowledge of the corruptness of the Clintons and the willingness of the Obama administration to weaponize government were not willing to immediately accept the government generated and media approved version of Evil Trump The Russian Puppet.

Instead they used their common sense and existing knowledge to make assumptions about the veracity of what the news was presenting to them. As so often, common sense proved to be a very good guide.

Once again, a CT proves to be the truth.
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What are you not getting?
Example 1
“Official” story: WTC7 collapsed due to due to fire weakening the structure
CT version: WTC7 was brought down by controlled demolition

Example 2
“Official” story: The COVID vaccine prevented people from getting/spreading the virus
CT version: The vaccine wasn’t effective and was created for the sole purpose of making money for big pharma and government officials involved

Russia collusion
“Official” story:?????
CT version: ?????

See how that works?
See the post above.

I guess I mistakenly thought that there was at least some existing knowledge of the subject on the part of you and Skylar. CNN and MSNBC really do keep you insulated, don't they?

Actually, I just did a simple google search "CNN Durham Report," and CNN is reporting it. Where do you get your information? Just from here?

I just looked at MSNBC and there is no factual reporting of the Durham Report, just editorials about how wrong it is. Oh, well. Rachel Maddow notwithstanding, The Durham Report is now the official version.
I will very briefly paraphrase it. I'm sure you think that you are cleverly dodging a losing argument by giving me a lengthy typing assignment.

The Mueller report claimed that Russia made numerous efforts to influence the 2016 election in Trump's favor, through social media posts. It claimed that several Trump associates lied to investigators looking into election interference.

As I said, that was the official version. Now that version has been significantly amended and there is a new official version.

With the Durham Report released by the same DOJ that released the Mueller Report, the official version now states that Candidate Trump and his supporters were given disparate treatment compared to Candidate Clinton in the investigations of each of their campaigns.

The speed and manner in which the FBI opened and investigated Crossfire Hurricane during the presidential election season based on raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligence also reflected a noticeable departure from how it approached prior matters involving possible attempted foreign election interference plans aimed at the Clinton campaign

It also states something that should shock any American interested in honest elections: That the claims of "Russia collusion" that led to the Meuller investigation were invented out of whole cloth by the Clinton campaign and propped up and spread by tax-funded efforts of U.S. intelligence, with the knowledge of then President Obama.

The Steele Dossier In the spring of 2016, Perkins Coie, a U.S.-based international law firm, acting as counsel to the Clinton campaign, retained Fusion GPS, a U.S.-based investigative firm, to conduct . . . opposition research on Trump and his associates. In mid-May 2016, Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS met with Steele in the United Kingdom and subsequently retained Steele and his firm, Orbis Business Intelligence ("Orbis"), to investigate Trump's ties to Russia. 33

According to his handwritten notes, CIA Director Brennan subsequently briefed President Obama and other senior national security officials on the intelligence, including the "alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016 of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services."

Those ideas were considered pure conspiracy theory according to the left, the Democrats and the MSM. Like many conspiracy theories, the reasoning often amounted to "sounds like something they'd do." People with knowledge of the corruptness of the Clintons and the willingness of the Obama administration to weaponize government were not willing to immediately accept the government generated and media approved version of Evil Trump The Russian Puppet.

Instead they used their common sense and existing knowledge to make assumptions about the veracity of what the news was presenting to them. As so often, common sense proved to be a very good guide.

Once again, a CT proves to be the truth.
To clarify what you are stating:

Russia collusion
“Official” story: Russia made numerous efforts to influence the 2016 election in Trump's favor, through social media posts. It claimed that several Trump associates lied to investigators looking into election interference.
CT version: That the claims of "Russia collusion" that led to the Meuller investigation were invented out of whole cloth by the Clinton campaign and propped up and spread by tax-funded efforts of U.S. intelligence, with the knowledge of then President Obama.

Is that correct?

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