If you DON’T think armed teachers is the solution to school shootings then you are ignorant


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
While progressives certainly prefer their propaganda, the facts are indisputable. Schools with armed teachers aren’t experiencing horrific mass shootings. Or any shootings for that matter.
At least eight states already have programs allowing school faculty and other staff to carry concealed weapons on K-12 campuses, according to the Education Commission of the States.
The left builds their entire doctrine off ignorance and emotion. We must, as a nation, reject their absurdity favor of facts, data, reason, logic, common sense, etc.

Why This Superintendent Has Concealed Carry at School
We’ve done it the failed left-wing way for almost 3 decades now. It’s time we ignore the ignorant and immature idealists and instead start listening to the experts...
The Crime Prevention Research Center found that from the 1950s through July 10, 2016, 98.4% of mass shootings have happened in gun-free zones, The Blaze reported.
When you create victim zones, you will get victims. The left has caused the unnecessary death of hundreds of children. This is an easy problem to solve that doesn’t require tyranny or the shredding of the U.S. Constitution. It just requires us to do what all successful solutions do - ignore the left.

Lawmaker Says Repealing Gun-Free Zone Act Would Make Schools Safer
We’ve done it the failed left-wing way for almost 3 decades now. It’s time we ignore the ignorant and immature idealists and instead start listening to the experts...
The Crime Prevention Research Center found that from the 1950s through July 10, 2016, 98.4% of mass shootings have happened in gun-free zones, The Blaze reported.
When you create victim zones, you will get victims. The left has caused the unnecessary death of hundreds of children. This is an easy problem to solve that doesn’t require tyranny or the shredding of the U.S. Constitution. It just requires us to do what all successful solutions do - ignore the left.

Lawmaker Says Repealing Gun-Free Zone Act Would Make Schools Safer
indeed it would

the criminals have never obeyed the gun free zones
The Florida school had an armed cop!

Specious reasoning by the way. Just because a school has a teacher wh a gun doesn’t mean that’s the reason they haven’t had a shooting . 99.9% of schools haven’t had a shooting .
While progressives certainly prefer their propaganda, the facts are indisputable. Schools with armed teachers aren’t experiencing horrific mass shootings. Or any shootings for that matter.
At least eight states already have programs allowing school faculty and other staff to carry concealed weapons on K-12 campuses, according to the Education Commission of the States.
The left builds their entire doctrine off ignorance and emotion. We must, as a nation, reject their absurdity favor of facts, data, reason, logic, common sense, etc.

Why This Superintendent Has Concealed Carry at School
then i am ignorant.

what are teachers trained to do?

would you hire someone who hit the range a few weekends a year or even monthly to guard your family? esp if their job was say accounting? you're asking teachers who while may be gun buffs at the school, have they ever had to actually shoot someone, much less someone who may have been or may be a student of theirs?

and where do they keep the gun, with them at all times?

so while you're rounding up your reason and logic, tell me again what these teachers are trained to do again and what qualifies them to shoot someone or have to make that decision. no emotions here, just digging up your "facts"
The Florida school had an armed cop!

Specious reasoning by the way. Just because a school has a teacher wh a gun doesn’t mean that’s the reason they haven’t had a shooting . 99.9% of schools haven’t had a shooting .

But 100% of school shooting have taken place in schools. So clearly the answer is to get rid of schools. :113:
so while you're rounding up your reason and logic, tell me again what these teachers are trained to do again and what qualifies them to shoot someone or have to make that decision. no emotions here, just digging up your "facts"
A. They don’t have to shoot someone. The firearm is the ultimate deterrent.

B. Given the choice between sending my family out unarmed and sending them out with an armed account - I’ll choose the armed accountant every time.

98.4% of all mass shootings occur where firearms are banned. Case closed.
99.9% of schools haven’t had a shooting .
So you admit that the left’s irrational, emotional, knee-jerk reaction to ban firearms is irrational and unnecessary. Thank you!
so while you're rounding up your reason and logic, tell me again what these teachers are trained to do again and what qualifies them to shoot someone or have to make that decision. no emotions here, just digging up your "facts"
A. They don’t have to shoot someone. The firearm is the ultimate deterrent.

B. Given the choice between sending my family out unarmed and sending them out with an armed account - I’ll choose the armed accountant every time.

98.4% of all mass shootings occur where firearms are banned. Case closed.

guess not but as usual there's no talking to an extreme mindset on either side. you want your way, stomp foot and declare victory.

and we wonder why we never get things done.
We’ve done it the failed left-wing way for almost 3 decades now. It’s time we ignore the ignorant and immature idealists and instead start listening to the experts...
The Crime Prevention Research Center found that from the 1950s through July 10, 2016, 98.4% of mass shootings have happened in gun-free zones, The Blaze reported.
When you create victim zones, you will get victims. The left has caused the unnecessary death of hundreds of children. This is an easy problem to solve that doesn’t require tyranny or the shredding of the U.S. Constitution. It just requires us to do what all successful solutions do - ignore the left.

Lawmaker Says Repealing Gun-Free Zone Act Would Make Schools Safer
So Bush was a progressive liberal, my you are dumb to what the history is on gun free zones in schools...
guess not but as usual there's no talking to an extreme mindset on either side.
Well chief...98.4% is pretty extreme. The data more than warrants an “extreme mindset”.
you're equating simply putting a gun in there and removing "gun free" as the solution.

List of school shootings in the United States - Wikipedia

the gun free zone act came to be in 1990. take a look at all the school shootings pre-1990 and maybe, it's because of what a school represents in our lives it becomes a target moreso than whether or not there's a ghostbuster symbol on a gun on the front door.

but hey - you must be right you you got mad percentages to rely on and when no one does any digging, you're right. when they do, you look like...well...this.
and we wonder why we never get things done.
Please explain to the class what exactly needs to “get done”? I’m serious. Back when this nation was founded, farmers would meet once a year in Congress. Now we have “professional” legislators who do nothing but create legislation for living because they think that’s what they are supposed to be doing.

We had 40,000 new laws in 2016 alone. Forty-thousand. Tell me chief, who could read each and everyone of those to be compliant with them? Even if someone paid you full-time to read legislation, you couldn’t possibly read 40,000 new laws in a year. That comes out to almost 110 new laws per day.

The absolute best thing that could happen to the American people and liberty would be to “never get things done”.
take a look at all the school shootings pre-1990 and maybe, it's because of what a school represents in our lives it becomes a target moreso than whether or not there's a ghostbuster symbol on a gun on the front door.
That’s another great point. Data has shown that just having a sign in one’s yard that they have an alarm system reduces break-in’s. It’s just a fact. So simply removing the ban of firearms on school grounds and putting up a sign indicating the staff is armed (even if they really weren’t) is proven to be a major deterrent. Criminals don’t want a fair fight and they don’t like the unknown. They won’t risk it if they don’t know.
take a look at all the school shootings pre-1990 and maybe, it's because of what a school represents in our lives it becomes a target moreso than whether or not there's a ghostbuster symbol on a gun on the front door.
That’s another great point. Data has shown that just having a sign in one’s yard that they have an alarm system reduces break-in’s. It’s just a fact. So simply removing the ban of firearms on school grounds and putting up a sign indicating the staff is armed (even if they really weren’t) is proven to be a major deterrent. Criminals don’t want a fair fight and they don’t like the unknown. They won’t risk it if they don’t know.
but they never knew before. the whole "gun free" zone was reactionary and while i agree it didn't work, it also doesn't make it *substantially* more of a target. they target schools because that's where they go every day. that is who they know. if kids still hung out at the food court in shopping malls that would be next.

they target fellow students due to their "treatment" in life and that makes schools and clubs and so forth targets.

i'm fine with adding police substations and or retired vets into schools and arming them but not the teachers. i just don't think that's right to ask of a teacher to have to potentially kill a student they care a lot about.
and we wonder why we never get things done.
Please explain to the class what exactly needs to “get done”? I’m serious. Back when this nation was founded, farmers would meet once a year in Congress. Now we have “professional” legislators who do nothing but create legislation for living because they think that’s what they are supposed to be doing.

We had 40,000 new laws in 2016 alone. Forty-thousand. Tell me chief, who could read each and everyone of those to be compliant with them? Even if someone paid you full-time to read legislation, you couldn’t possibly read 40,000 new laws in a year. That comes out to almost 110 new laws per day.

The absolute best thing that could happen to the American people and liberty would be to “never get things done”.
Ron Paul says 40,000 new laws were

40k is a bullshit # done for extremes like obama does with illegal guns bought. if it's wrong for obama to intentionally cite the extremes for an inflated number in the end, this is just as wrong.

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